Silver and Bold

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Silver and Bold Page 30

by Amber Burns

  He kept stepping closer to her. Looking around, Anna positioned herself so that she was near the table next to her couch. It had a heavy lamp on it. If he tried to lay a hand on her, she was ready to wield it as a weapon.

  “Max, you know I can’t.”

  “You haven’t been spending a whole lot of time here in the last week. Where have you been going?” he asked with suspicion. He tilted his head and smiled in the most terrifying way. She blinked, caught off guard. It was completely horrifying that he would show up at her house out of the blue, know where her apartment was. But to know that he had been following her, watching her house and God knows what else? That was a whole new level.

  “Why would you know that?” she said, her voice shaking.

  “I’ve been watching you,” he said, “Isn’t that sweet?”

  “What else did you see?” she asked.

  Thoughts rushed through her head. “Has he been following me to work? Has he seen Redd? Does he know where Redd lives? He must, he must know that Redd was at his fight, unable to respond to me if I needed his help.”

  “That piece of scum that you’re dating. You go from,” he paused, laughing, “You go from dating me, a nice guy with a solid job-- I make good money. I can take care of you. And you go from that to dating some… poor ass scum bag covered with fucking… tattoos? You’re not that person, Annabelle, you’ve never been that person,” he said, slowly creeping towards her as she braced herself.

  “He’s a fucking boxer for christsake. What the hell is that? What kind of a job is that? That’s not the kind of job, or fucking salary even, that you can raise a family on,” he continued, “You know he’s using you, a good girl like you. How could he ever like you? And why would you like him?”

  “God, what if he’s right. What am I even doing with Redd?” She thought, her mind all muddled from fear. Anna shook her head, shaking off her momentary self doubt.

  “He loves me. And I love him, too, because he’s good to me. Because he’s treated me better than you ever have. Because he’s actually a good guy, unlike you,” she said boldly, her voice raising, taking as many stabs at his heart as she muster.

  She didn’t care about the consequences; she had to stand up for herself and she couldn’t be weak like she was months ago before she met Redd. She couldn’t make excuses for Max anymore. She couldn’t defend him and she knew that now. She wasn’t the weak girl she was back in Georgia anymore. She was strong now. Perhaps she got some of her strength from Redd, who pushed her to be more assertive than she normally was. She was sick of being that good girl that would take whatever abuse came at her, and Redd’s strength and resolve inspired her. If Redd hadn’t been in her life, she doubted that she would have been able stand up to Max the way that she was.

  “What was that?” Max said, turning his head, “You think he loves you?” He was laughing manically. “You really think that?”

  “You heard me. He’s a good guy, and I like him. I don’t care what you think. You lost your privilege to say what you think of my life when you hit me. This is absolutely none of your business and you need to stop,” she said.

  Anna was no longer afraid. She was embracing her anger, ready to pounce. Max began stepping closer to her again and Anna readied herself.

  “It is my business,” he said scarily, “I’m your boyfriend.”

  “No, it’s fucking not. You are not my boyfriend!” she screamed, “You need to leave right now.”

  “Or what? You’ll call your ‘tough’ boyfriend? Yeah, well… I know where he is. I know that he’s busy getting pummeled by some guy in a luchadora mask or whatever it is that they wear. He’s not going to be able to answer your calls,” he said smugly.

  He stepped closer to her once more. She braced herself, ready for an attack. Suddenly, he grabbed her wrist, just like he had done months ago in Georgia. With her other hand, Anna slammed her fist into Max’s crotch. He doubled over in pain, but didn’t relent his grip. Anna continued acting in defense, grabbing the lamp next to her without hesitation, and swiftly smashing it over his head. The blow from the lamp released Max’s grip and sent him reeling to the ground. She kicked him in the stomach to make sure he would stay down before rushing to the bathroom. She locked the door and took her cell phone out of her pocket and dialed 911.

  “Hi, I’d like to report a home invasion,” she said quietly into the receiver so he wouldn’t hear her, “I need someone to come right away. He’s been stalking me and he just came into my house and tried to attack me.”

  Once the operator assured her help was on the way, Anna quickly texted Redd, letting him know what happened. Through the door, Anna could hear Max groaning as he rolled around on the floor, trying to recover. After a few moments, he began banging on the bathroom door, pleading for her to let him in. But there was absolutely no way she was going to do that.

  The police soon arrived. The whole exchange was a blur to her, but they told her that she would be able to file a restraining order which she was glad about. Once the commotion was over and the police had left, she curled up on her couch with a blanket wrapped around her. She began sobbing uncontrollably. She had been strong, and she was proud of herself for standing up for herself and handing the situation.

  She sat there, sinking into the couch, waiting for Redd to show up. She didn’t know what else to do after an event like that. She was beyond exhausted and didn’t even want to look at the mess of blood and shattered ceramics behind the couch. She looked at her phone, hoping to see a message from Redd, although there was none. She sent him another text, letting him know that the police had come and that she was safe. She waited on the couch for him, hoping he would arrive soon, that she would hear back from him.


  Redd had finished with his fight. He sat down disappointed with himself in the locker room. He unwrapped his hands from the pressure tape, and tenderly touched his black eye to see how swollen it would be. He winced at the pain.

  Slowly, he undressed himself, taking care not to touch the various parts of his body that were sore. He sat down again for a moment, catching his breath before attempting to dress himself again. He reached for his phone, to find some distraction from the pain, when he saw multiple messages from Annabelle. He smiled as he saw her name on his phone, but his face fell when he saw the messages. Anna had briefly mentioned that she had a boyfriend back in Georgia that had treated her badly, but he had no idea it might come to this. He knew he needed to get over there as soon as possible. He got up and dressed quickly while still taking care not to touch his wounds as much as possible, but still wincing at the movements. He rushed to his car and started the ignition, skidding out of the parking lot quickly.

  As he drove, he saw a coffee shop with the lights on. Despite the time pressure that he felt, he decided to stop for a moment to get Anna some tea. He was sure she could use some after something like this to calm her down. She always said that a cup of tea could fix anything. He ordered a steaming hot cup of herbal tea and a chocolate pastry for her. He rushed back to his car, taking care not to spill any tea or burn his hand on the hot paper cup. He drove somewhat faster than he normally did, trying to make up for the time he spent in the coffee shop.

  He was worried about her. His head was buzzing with thoughts about this Max and what he would have done if he were there, how he would’ve defended her, what he would say to him if he ever came back. He was glad to hear that she had stood up for herself and knocked him over the head with a lamp. He smiled at the thought, proud that perhaps he had made an impression on her.

  He practically ran from his car to her door, despite his pain, and knocked on it. Anna got up from the couch, blanket still wrapped around her. The second she opened the door, he took her into his arms.

  “Are you okay?” he whispered in her ear.

  “Yeah, I’m okay,” she said, tears still falling from her eyes.

  Her sobbing had stopped when she heard him knocking on the door, comforted that Redd was here
for her, but the tears were still in her. He rubbed her back for a moment, holding the cup of hot tea away from her body so that he wouldn’t burn her.

  “Jesus, though, what about you?” she said, pulling away and reaching her hand out towards his pummeled face, but drawing it back at the last second.

  “Oh, this?” he said, half-grinning, “This is nothing.” She smiled, but was still concerned for him.

  “How did you do?”

  “It’s not important right now,” he said, brushing it off. “Tell me everything that happened.”

  He handed the tea to her before they sat down close together, his arms around her, on the couch.

  “I got some tea for you,” he said.

  “Thank you,” she squeaked, tears brimming up again in her eyes as she leaned her head into his chest, “I really needed that.”

  “I thought it might help,” he said, glad that she was touched by the gesture. “So what happened?” he said softly, care in his voice.

  “He just showed up at my door,” she said, sounding confused between sobbing gasps, “He just showed up and he pushed his way in. He was saying how it was time for us to get back together, and… I don’t know. Just… stuff like that.”

  “I’m so sorry that happened,” Redd said, seriously, “How did he even know where you lived?”

  “He told my dad that we were back together and he wanted to come up to surprise me. He had been stalking me for a week, just… following me around,” she said, beginning to sob again, “He knew about you… and he grabbed my arm.”

  “Oh, god…” Redd said, his face falling, wondering what Max knew about him… he was sure that Max hadn’t said anything good about him.

  She was sobbing hard at this point. Redd wrapped his arms around her and hugged her close to his body, his anger rising about how Max had tried to hurt her.

  “I… I took the lamp and I hit him over the head with it,” she sobbed between gasps, her head buried in his chest, “Then I called the police and they came and took him away, but I’m still so scared.”

  “I know, I know,” he said, comforting her, rubbing her back and holding her close, “I’m proud of you for defending yourself, though.”

  “Thanks. Thanks for coming over,” she said, looking up at him. He leaned down and kissed her on the mouth. Her skin tasted salty with tears and he wanted to kiss all the tears away.

  “Listen, you know if he ever comes back here, I’ll beat him up for you,” he said, smiling at her.

  “Seriously, how did you do on that match? It looks like you’re pretty beat up yourself.”

  He looked down, not particularly wanting to talk about it, “I feel pretty beat up. I took a lot of damage… I’m not as good as I used to be. I barely won the match.”

  “Well, that’s good that you won,” she said, trying to cheer him up. She could see that he was upset, that he had reserved his feelings until she had expressed hers, which she appreciated. He was tough, but she could tell he was crushed.

  “It’s alright, I guess,” he said, disappointed. After a moment, he added, “I just wanted to impress you.”

  She smiled, “You don’t have to do anything to impress me. You impress me every day.” She leaned in and kissed him, making him feel better.

  “I’m just glad you’re okay,” he said, caringly.

  “Let’s go into the bedroom and get you comfortable,” she said.

  He laid down on her soft bed, cringing with the movements as she helped him undress. She laid next to him on her side so that she was facing him and cuddled with him the best she could. His arm was in a sling and he had bad bruising all over his body. Annabelle frowned, wishing she could take the pain away for him. She began lightly kissing each and every bruise. He smiled, moaning softly. Despite the pain his body was in, the pleasure that her kisses gave him were overpowering.

  She crawled in between his legs, now kissing any part of his body she could get her lips on. She kissed the insides of his thighs, making her way towards his cock. She wanted to give him some sort of pleasure to distract from the pain. He wouldn’t really be able to have sex, but she could at least do something for him. She slipped his underwear off and brushed her hand along his shaft, tickling his cock. He moaned; her skin felt soft on his cock and her fingers were nimble as she massaged his shaft, rolling his cock between her palm and thumb. Unable to resist her or a distraction from the pain, he couldn’t help but groan again at her touch. Despite the pain he was in, he was already hard for her. She was so incredibly sexy to him, even when she had been crying.

  She licked from his inner thigh up the base of his cock, landing on the tip. Before she took it into her mouth, she admired it for a moment, licking the shaft up and down. Just the sight of his hard cock turned her on. She wrapped her hand around his shaft, moving it up and down, watching as his foreskin rolled up and down the head of his cock. She kissed the tip, wrapping her lips shallowly around it before slowly moving her head down to engulf his whole cock into her mouth. She took it all the way into her mouth down to the base, and began slowly bobbing her head up and down.

  He could feel his cock getting even harder in her wet mouth. He could feel her sucking hard on the head of his cock, sucking it down to his base. Her lips were wrapped tightly around it, and her throat was even tighter as she allowed his thick cock to slip deep into it. This pleasure was certainly distracting him from his pain. It was as if all the pain that he had experienced in the fight had just dissipated. He looked down, fondly watching her head bobbing up and down on his cock with her red hair bouncing, her curls swaying back and forth. He slid his hand along her back and grasped her hips which were pushed up into the air for him to see.

  With his touch, she wanted to kiss him. She licked his base to tip as she moved her body to meet his face in one swift movement. She was careful not to make too much body contact, not wanting to hurt him. He leaned in to her kiss, which was tender and passionate. They were both feeling so much love from one another as they were recovering together from their separately difficult evenings. As they kissed, he pulled at her waistband, which prompted her to take off all of her clothes.

  She got back on top of him, straddling him, and rubbing his cock with her pussy. He moaned and, lifting up her hips, she took his cock into her hand before lowering down on it until it was completely inside of her. They both moaned as he entered her. They made love slowly, softly, tenderly. She lifted her hips and pressed them down into his cock gently over and over again. He began moving his hips into hers until they both began moving faster.

  She leaned down over him, her hands on either side of his head and kissed him as they made love. They were both so turned on by the moment, the tender love after such stress from both their days. She pulled her head back and caressed his face, careful not to touch near his black eyes. He leaned his cheek into her hand.

  “I love you,” he said gently, looking her in the eye with extraordinary love. He knew in this moment that he had her, that she really was his.

  “I love you, too,” she said, tears in her eyes as she leaned down and kissed him passionately, still careful to hover over him, rather than touch his badly bruised body. When she pulled back up, they both looked at each other fondly, smiling and laughing with joy.

  At that moment, aroused from the love between them, they both could feel the pressure building up, their climaxes about to come.

  They both moaned loudly at the same time. She felt herself coming, her pussy contracting with pleasure around his cock.

  At the first pulsation that her muscles made, he could feel his pleasure erupting. They were both cumming at the same time due to their love and passion for one another. They were pumping their hips into each other, savoring the sweet moment.

  Once she was sure that they had both orgasmed completely, she unstraddled him, lying next to him. He turned on his side so that he was facing her, and they held each other tightly.

  “I love you so much,” she said, her face cradled in h
is neck. He responded by holding her tighter.

  “I love you, I love you,” he moaned.

  “How are you feeling?” she asked, clearly referring to his bodily injuries.

  “Oh, I’m fine. It’s not anything I’m not totally used to, I’m just a little out of practice,” he said. She smiled, kissing him. “How are you doing, though?”

  “Feeling better.”

  “You know… I was thinking…” he said, unsure how she would react, “But… maybe we should move in together,” quickly adding, “You know, in case he comes back.”

  She smiled.

  “I want to move in with you, but not just because of Max,” she said, taking his face in her hand again. He smiled, glad to hear her say that because that wasn’t the only reason why he wanted to live his life with her.

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