La Famiglia

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La Famiglia Page 64

by Sienna Mynx

  “Why is your shirt in the crib?” Giovanni frowned.

  “Zia,” Mira whispered. “She told me to lay my shirt down for the twins to sleep on. She said my scent would soothe them. Make them sleep longer. It works.”

  Giovanni nodded. He glanced over to Mira and she looked at him. “What is it, Bella? Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “A shave, you need one. I hate when you grow the beard.” She touched his cheek.

  “Will you shave me?” he asked.

  “Yes. Go in our room. Wait for me.”

  He kissed her brow and did as she told him. He entered the quiet hall. He had sent Leo away from his post. The days of him fearing Bella couldn’t take care of herself were now over. His wife proved to be quite resourceful.

  In his room he inhaled and exhaled. True to her word she came in shortly after. “Are the men in trouble?” she asked.

  “For what?” he frowned.

  She took his hand and walked him into the bathroom. “For me getting out of here against your orders. I feel really bad about Renaldo. And the gun, I hate I pulled it on the men. I’m embarrassed.”

  “You apologized to them. It made all the difference,” Giovanni chuckled. “We all learned a lesson from your great escape, Bella. No, they aren’t in trouble. But I admit I’ve underestimated my wife one too many times. I won’t make that mistake again.”

  “Sit.” She gestured to the closed toilette lid. He sat down obediently.

  “Your father doesn’t have much longer. You do realize that, Bella? Don’t you?”

  “Yes,” she answered softly.

  “He told me he put you in his will.” Giovanni said.

  “I know. He told me too,” Mira said. She tilted his chin and began to lather his jaw with the shaving cream brush. He picked up the straight razor and ran it under a cool tap.

  “And what did you tell him?” Giovanni asked. He peeked at her with one eye closed. She avoided looking into his eyes. Instead she focused on running the blade smoothly up his jawline.

  “That I don’t want his money. I told him my children are Battaglia. They have their legacy.” She looked over at him. “I do want to pay my respects, when… he dies. Can you arrange it?”


  She smoothly slid the razor up over his jaw and dropped globs of suds and hair into the sink. Giovanni loved her touch.

  “Can I ask you a question?” Giovanni opened his eyes. Mira looked down at him with her wide expressive brown orbs glistening. He smiled up at her.

  “Yes?” she said.

  “How long before we can have sex?” he ran his left hand along her thigh.

  She chuckled. “Six weeks, and I’m not ready. My body… I need to lose some weight.”

  “Nonsense. I like your weight,” he grinned.

  “Well say what you want but I plan to start working out immediately.” She informed him. “And then I’ll feel sexy enough to spread my legs.”

  “I can’t wait.” He pulled her down to his lap. “I have been so afraid, for you, Bella. You had a stroke, like your mother when she gave birth to you,” Giovanni said. “I didn’t know if you would wake up. And then… I had to wonder if I could ever get my wife back. Get us back on track.”

  “So you closed my company? Nice.” She half-joked.

  “Your love keeps me grounded and the doors to your company open,” he teased.

  She brushed her nose over his. “Dominic said I needed to learn my purpose, my place in this family. To keep us all safe. I know what my mother went through, what your mother went through. I won’t suffer their fate. Because we won’t ever be them.”

  “I agree.” Giovanni said.

  “Then you agree to open my company back up?” she asked.

  “Our company,” he grinned.

  She shook her head smiling. She rose from his lap and he smacked her on the ass. She went to the sink and washed her hands. He found that curious since she hadn’t finished his shave. When she looked at him he saw something in her eyes, something akin to desire. And then she returned to him on her knees.

  Mira ran his zipper down. From that action alone his cock bulked. She looked up at him and smiled. She eased it out into her hand and fisted it at the root. She stroked and brought his erection forth with a tightening grip. Giovanni’s head dropped back.

  Mira took him down her throat, and in response his fingers dug into her scalp, relaxed, scraped, and threaded through her hair to get a good grip. She sank forward on his cock and drew back sucking him hard with her tongue flat and rolling up and down on the thick center vein of his dick. Over and over she stroked her tongue along his dick and she loved the hard yet satiny feel of raw muscle in her mouth.

  She released his cock from her mouth and he gasped. But she was far from done. Determined to take him to the brink and force him over she jacked her hands up and down with hard strokes. Her husband groaned and the veins thickened in his neck as his jaw went rigid tight. She kept going with an increase and decrease in pressure with every long pull. And soon his will collapsed. He ejaculated a long stream of essence that created their babies and filled her happiness.

  Mira smiled.

  Mira didn’t stop. She worked her hand and loved him down until he lost the battle and was hers.


  Lorenzo closed he door on a sleeping Marietta. He buttoned his shirt as he made his way down the hall. The only noise he heard was from the direction of the kitchen. He turned down the opposite hall. He opened the door to Giovanni’s office. His cousin was seated behind the desk. Eve was on the floor in her night jumper. She blinked up at him and then continued to play with her bear. He recognized the kid had been without her pacifier lately.

  “Morning,” Lorenzo said.

  Giovanni gestured for him to enter. Lorenzo picked up Eve and came over to the chair. He sat with her on his lap. Eve looked at him with a curious stare. He couldn’t wait to have a baby of his own. He tickled her and kissed her until she giggled with delight. Eve scooted off of Lorenzo’s lap and walked around the desk to her father. Lorenzo watched as he put her on his desk and kissed her face. He looked like a father now, not the ferocious madman he unleashed last night.

  “I take it you and the Donna are well?” Lorenzo asked.

  “We’re getting there,” Giovanni smiled.

  “About last night. I had a long talk with Marietta. She understands that it can’t happen again,” Lorenzo said. “She apologized. Did you notice?”

  “I noticed. My wife and I understand each other. Let’s drop it. The secret is exposed and so is Mancini. There is nothing to worry about any longer.” Giovanni blew kisses against Eve’s neck and the toddler kicked her feet with celebration. The phone rang. Giovanni switched it to speakerphone. “Pronto?” he answered.

  “It’s Armando,” a voice replied.

  “What is it?” Giovanni asked. He glanced up to Lorenzo.

  “You should tell your wife that my… our father died last night,” Armando said. Giovanni’s brows lowered. He looked to the phone.

  “Condolences.” Giovanni said.

  “We will bury him tomorrow. The family doesn’t know about the women. I want my father buried in peace with respect.”

  “Of course. We can be discreet when we pay ours. My wife has told me she wants to attend,” Giovanni said. “May I suggest she and her sister be witness to the burial without disturbing your family.”

  Armando sighed. “Papa would want them there, if they wish it. Yes. That will work instead.”

  “My wife tells me that your father wanted… decided to include her in his will?”

  Armando didn’t respond.

  “There is no good blood between us. I am not sure how I feel we can settle the matter of you attempting to poison my wife.”

  “I never gave that order,” Armando replied.

  “Of course you didn’t. Needless to say I see no reason for us to do anything to undue the truce we’ve shared for the past thirty years. I hav
e a proposal.”

  “I’m listening,” Armando said.

  “We sever ties. I will have Mira sign over whatever has been willed to her. In return you will stay away from my wife and we will continue to respect boundaries. Far as you are concerned she is not your sister, blood, famiglia.”

  “And Marietta? Will she do the same?” Armando asked.

  Giovanni looked at Lorenzo.

  “No,” Lorenzo spoke up.

  Giovanni frowned.

  “Marietta is owed, what she is owed. And I intend to make sure she has it,” Lorenzo told them both.

  “Then that changes everything,” Armando replied. He hung up.

  “Why are you refusing?” Giovanni asked.

  “Why did you agree to surrender what is possibly a fortune?” Lorenzo asked. “My wife has gotten the shit end of this from the beginning. I mean no disrespect, Gio, but this is her legacy. And that slimy bastard owes her this and more.”

  “Her legacy is the one you and she create, Lorenzo.” Giovanni reminded him.

  “Whatever is left to Marietta she will claim. And Armando Mancini better be wise to stay out of my way.”

  “But that’s the point, Lorenzo. He isn’t going to stay out of your way or mine if we are in bed with his business affiars.”

  Lorenzo shrugged. He didn’t give a shit about having to deal with the Mancinis. What he cared about was Marietta and getting her justice.

  “If I insist you will sign it over. To sever the tie between our families?” Giovanni asked.

  “The last time I did as you wished against my wife’s interests it ended badly. Do we travel this road again, Gio? You have it all. Mottola’s men now bow at your feet. The clan bosses are celebrating your victory of stopping the investigation into our business deals. The entire region is yours. The blow we strike against the `Ndrangheta will be felt through the triangle. And I will do whatever it takes to make sure you remain the capo di tutti capi. Give me this. For my wife. For my family. For my own legacy.”

  “You think Armando will step aside and hand over three hundred years of wealth to you?” Giovanni chuckled.

  “Who knows what the future brings. And who says he has to step aside. I can step on him to get what is owed to Marietta.” Lorenzo sighed. “I have another request.”

  “I’m listening,” Giovanni said. He brought Eve down from the desk to his lap.

  “I want to send Renaldo to Chicago. America.”

  “Why?” Giovanni frowned.

  “Marietta. The man who raised her was as evil as Micheli Esposito, Dominic’s father. I owe her a wedding present,” Lorenzo said. “I’d go personally but…”

  “No. I need you here. Send Renaldo. Keep it clean.”

  Lorenzo smirked. “Grazie.”

  “I am confused about one thing,” Givoanni said. “Bella says that Patri never gave the okay to put a contract out on her mother. Why did Rocco tell us he did?”

  “We should ask him. Rocco has been out of the family for years. Maybe he misunderstood the facts.”

  Giovanni pondered it bit. “I want it clarified.”

  * B *

  Marietta knocked lightly on the door. She eased the door open. Cecilia was in with Mira. She fed one of the babies and Mira fed the other. “Come in.”

  “Morning,” Marietta said.

  “How did you sleep?” Mira asked with concern.

  Marietta knew how she looked. Her eyes were nearly swollen shut. She hadn’t even bothered to brush her teeth or comb her hair. She rolled out of bed and came to the nursery first. To her surprise Mira looked fresh and lovely. She wore a housedress for the tropics that outlined her full figure and deflating belly.

  “Marietta?” Mira said.

  “Huh? Oh… yeah, I just wanted to check in with you. Some night huh?” she asked.

  Mira stood and put her baby on her shoulder. She soothed his back encouraging him to burp. “Why don’t you shower, and after I get the boys fed we share a cup of coffee together?”

  “Yeah, yeah okay.” she smiled. She turned and Catalina appeared in the door. She walked in the room.

  “What happened last night? My God it was chaos in here. We were damn near jailed. And then you and Giovanni walk in the door holding hands? Kissing?”

  “I’ll explain it to you. I promise.” Mira smiled. “It’s a long story. Right?” she said to Marietta.

  “Yeah. A long story.”

  “Where is Rosetta?” Mira asked.

  “In her room I suppose.” Catalina replied.

  Mira nodded. “I need to pay her a visit.”

  * B *

  Lorenzo found Marietta in the room changing. She had freshly showered. Her hair was combed back into a single braid. When she turned she looked up at him and smiled. “Hi, baby.”

  “Sorry I left so early.” He walked over and stopped her from fastening her pants. “Come here. I want to talk to you.”

  “Hey, stop pulling on me.” She laughed. “Seriously, Lo, I can’t. I told Mira I would meet her downstairs for coffee.”

  Lorenzo chuckled. He picked her up and carried her to bed. And he understood why she misread his intentions. Typically he seized any moment or reason to undress her and make love to her. He never tired of her physically.

  “I only want to talk,” he said. He sat her down on the bed. He sat next to her. “Your brother called.”

  “Brother?” Marietta frowned. “I don’t want to see him or that—”

  “Your father’s dead,” Lorenzo said. “I’m sorry, cara. Truly sorry. He’s dead.”

  “But we just saw him,” Marietta said.

  “He was a sick man.” Lorenzo took her hand and kissed it. “They will bury him tomorrow. Armando has agreed to give you permission to pay respects as long as we keep our distance.”

  “I don’t need his permission!” Marietta stood. She crossed her arms. “He was my father too. I can go to the damn funeral and sit in the front row if I want!”

  “Marie… you can’t and you won’t,” Lorenzo said firmly.

  “I don’t care! I wished he was dead the moment I saw him. The moment I knew the truth. I hope he suffered. I… I don’t care!” She put her hands to her hips. “I don’t care.”

  Lorenzo stood and drew her into his arms. He held her. Protected her with his embrace while she cried. “We’ll pay our respects.”

  She hugged him. “He was a horrible man.”

  “We all are. Remember?”

  She looked up at him and he smiled.

  “No. You aren’t. Stop saying that. You would never do what he did to my mother.”

  “Agreed. I could never hurt anyone I love,” Lorenzo said.

  “Can we leave Sicily? I want to go and I want to stay gone. For good,” she said. “Maybe we can go back to Bellagio. Or find us a place in Milano?”

  “I promise. We’ll leave.” Lorenzo nodded.

  She hugged him once more. “I can’t wait.”

  * B *

  “Donna?” Cecilia said.

  Mira looked up from changing Eve’s diaper. “Yes?”

  “There’s something you should know.”

  The tone Cecilia used gave her pause. “What is it? Is it the boys?”

  “It’s Rosetta, ah, I wanted to tell you that I heard her,” Cecilia said.

  “Heard her do what?” Mira asked.

  “She called Dominic and told him that you and Signora Marietta brought Gemma here. That is how Giovanni knew to return home. I heard her tell him everything.”

  Mira figured it was Rosetta. She had intended to dig into the matter deeper. Now she had proof. “Thanks for telling me, Cecilia.”

  “There’s more. I am sorry, I don’t want to speak ill against any member of the Battaglia family.” Cecilia cast her gaze away. “The wedding, my fall? I was pushed. By Rosetta. She threatened me. She wanted to be the one to be close to you and Eve. To travel with you on your honeymoon to Capri. I let the incident go because I didn’t want trouble. But now I see her, s
he sneaks into Catalina’s room, tries on her dresses and things. She follows Dominic around the house and tells him the private conversations she eavesdrops on. I’ve seen all of this.”

  “Cecilia! You should have come to me.” Mira stepped to the young woman. She took her hands. “My God you could have been killed. I am so sorry you felt the need to hide this. But I promise you no one in this family will ever hurt you again.” She pulled her into her arms and hugged her. “I’m so sorry.”

  * B *

  Mira sat with Eve on her lap. She cradled her daughter to her breast. She couldn’t shed another tear for Marsuvio Mancini. To her the darkness was gone. She glanced over to Zia, and Catalina. They had joined because of her request. There was no need for any secrets. “When is the funeral?”

  “Tomorrow.” Giovanni said.

  Mira nodded. “We should send flowers. It’s what’s done? Right?”

  Giovanni stared at her. They all stared at her expecting something more. She shifted Eve on her lap. “After we pay respects I want to go home. Back to Sorrento.”

  “Agreed,” Giovanni smiled.

  “Mama?” Eve patted her breast. “Me too,” Eve said.

  Everyone laughed. She squeezed Eve. She looked to her husband who winked. The darkness was gone. She could see nothing but their future and it was full of promise ahead.

  * B *

  Mira knocked twice. The day was filled with packing. Everyone at Villa Mare Blu began to prepare for his or her return home. After the funeral they’d fly out. She was at Rosetta’s door. When she opened it the young girl was running around gathering her things. She glanced back. “Ciao, Donna! I’m so excited. I can’t wait to see Fabiana’s.”

  Mira closed the door. “You won’t be coming with us,” she said.

  Rosetta paused. “Huh? I don’t understand.”

  “I’ve called your father. He’s coming to pick you up and take you back to Palermo.”

  “Why?” Rosetta gasped.

  Mira walked in the room. She crossed her arms. “I know you called Dominic and told him to tell Giovanni about my plans. After I specifically told you how important it was to stand with me.”


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