Becoming His

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Becoming His Page 2

by Albany Walker

  “I don’t think so. To be honest, I haven’t met many of our kind.” The last part of the sentence comes out barely a whisper.

  Both men look at me with shocked expression. Sniffer can’t seem to form a word; his mouth just keeps opening and closing. Finally he inquires, “What? You mean as in our kind from our pack?” He points to himself and his friend.

  Darn, I should have kept my mouth closed. Well shit, no use in lying now. “No, I mean...I guess other than my parents; I really haven’t met many other shifters.”

  Crickets, that’s what I get, not a sound from either of them. “Wow Sophia, how is that even possible?” Casper, who I will forever call Sniffer, finally asks shaking his head.

  “It just is,” I reply. Not wanting this awkward encounter to continue, I start to clean up my stuff quickly. “Look guys, I’m real sorry. I don’t really know the rules. Do I need to go? Find another school?” Please say no, I silently plead.

  “What? Of course not. Normally, you just have to petition the Alpha when you enter a new territory. He’s within his rights to deny you if he so chooses, but no worries, the Alpha happens to be my brother.” He smiles smugly. “I can help you through the whole thing,” he adds sweetly while biting his bottom lip.

  “Where are your parents, Sophia? What are you like seventeen?” Michael asks.

  I quickly run through my options but settle on the truth. “No, I’m nineteen, today actually, and they’re dead,” I say looking at him right in the eyes. This feels important. I can’t let them see how broken and alone I am.

  He sucks a breath through his teeth while a soft growl comes from Sniffer. Stepping back, I look for my escape routes. Why is that bad? Can I not be here without them? If I run will they come after me?

  “Shit, no. No, it’s fine. We won’t hurt you. You’re okay, calm down.” Sniffer lowers his hands slowly.

  With wide eyes, I point and say, “why’d you do that? Growl at me. Are you going to try and take me? I didn’t hurt them.”

  “God no! Where would that even come from? We won’t take you anywhere you don’t want to go. Okay Sophia, I promise we won’t hurt you,” Michael says looking at me sadly.

  I need to get out of here. I need space. They keep coming closer, especially Sniffer. “Okay, well, I need to get going now so...How do I petition your Alpha? Is there an office I can go to or paperwork I can send in?” I ask while gathering the rest of my stuff to make my escape.

  “An office,” Sniffer chuckles, “not so much. A Den or Pack hall, yeah. We don’t need to be so formal though. I’ll take you there. You’ll meet him, and it’ll be all good. When did you want to go? Now?”

  No, no, not now. “Erm, I’ve got stuff ya know today, Monday, so can I just set up a meeting like on Tuesday or something?”

  “Yeah, sure, no problem. I’ve school Monday, too. Let’s exchange numbers, and I’ll text you with the details. Sound good?”

  Pulling my phone from the back pocket of my shorts to add his number, I hear. “Lucky phone.” I can’t help the snort that comes outs.

  My long hair is full of sand and tangles when I look down to add his info. “Ready,” I say after typing his name.

  “Here just let me. I’ll put the address so you can find it Tuesday.” He grabs my phone before I realize what’s happened. “Sniffer?” He scoffs. “Who the hell is Sniffer?”

  My face is as red as a stop sign when I point to him. “You were sniffing me.”

  Michael finally breaks his silence with a loud laugh. “Did you say Sniffer? Oh God, wait until I tell everybody that. Priceless. Sniffer,” He laughs out.

  I watch as Sniffer rubs the back of his neck mumbling. “Yeah, okay funny guy, we heard you. Shut it.” To me he says, “so, I put in my number and the pack address; then, sent a text from your phone to mine so I’d have your number. I’ll text you later with a time, okay?”

  Grabbing my phone back, I nod my head. “Thank you both so much. Sorry to hold up your afternoon. I’ll see you soon.” In my haste to flee, I didn’t even pick up my blanket.

  Getting into bed that night, I wonder if Sniffer will help me learn more about our kind, if he could be my first real friend?


  Fuck me! Can this day get any longer? It’s only one o’clock on Saturday I have at least four more hours of this bullshit before I can get out of here. I can’t even remember the name of the mutt in front of me begging to be let in my pack. Being the Alpha of one of the largest packs in North America has perks, don’t get me wrong, but right now, I’d like nothing more than to kick the simpering animal in the face. Yeah, I’m an asshole. You don’t become Alpha of the Northern Territories being sweet and cuddly.

  Tuning into what he’s saying, I hear, “would be so grateful for the chance to serve y...”

  Interrupting loudly before he can finish, I question, “why did you leave your last pack? Did they make you leave?” My questions throws him off; he still has his word formed on his lips while staring at me. “WELL?” I ask again in my Alpha tone that no one can ignore.

  “I left after they suggested I do so...they thought I was to cl...close to the younger pups,” he stammers while lowering his head.

  “Leave! You have thirty minutes to be out of my territory before I send one of the newly shifted to find you and return with your pelt.” I sneer knowing the weakest of my pack could rip his head off without a problem. I also know it will take at least an hour to reach the edges of my land. Maybe, he’ll make it; maybe, he won’t. I smile the smile that makes even the people who know me shutter.

  He’s gone before another word is spoken. “How did he even make it here to waste my time? Aren’t you supposed to screen these hearings?”

  I look to Roxanne who just bats her eyelashes at me and pouts, “I’m sorry, Mase. I won’t let Star screen again.” I know damn well Star didn’t let this slip through. Roxanne is just trying to place the blame elsewhere.

  She licks her lips and whispers loud enough for everyone in the room to hear, “I didn’t have time to go through the files this morning after you left my bed; I was running late.”

  Therein, lies the problem; she thinks because I fuck her she has some pull over me or my pack, also implying I was with her all night, which was not the case. I knew I should have stopped this years ago, but I’ve become lazy. She is always near and always ready. I used to care for her, but I haven’t cared for a woman in almost five years. Fuck me, has it really been that long since I’ve seen her?

  The day progresses slowly with pack disputes petitions and blessing requests. I’m glad this is only once a month. I think I’d crop my own ears if I had to deal with this shit more often. My Luna should be here; she would make this bearable. Lost In thought, which seems to be happening more and more often, I return to that night.

  I was on my way home from an Alpha challenge out of town with Michael, my Beta; Sid, and Travis. Both are close friends and enforcers in my pack. We’d all brought a piece of ass to help pass the time. Roxanne was it for me back then. I’d stopped in Kentucky to get a drink and hotel for the night. We were having a good time laughing and drinking when I started to feel unsettled. I kept looking for more shifters to come in or a fight to breakout among the humans, but nothing happened. I knew something was off; I just didn’t know what. Roxanne was having a fit about a woman at the bar staring, but I couldn’t deal with her shit. Usually, I like to watch her dominate a room, but even then, it just felt wrong.

  I walked out before the rest hoping to find a fight outside that would help me rid myself of the tension riding my back. I wasn’t prepared for what I found.

  My Mate stood less than six feet from me smelling like warm vanilla and fresh water. I took one step forward before my mind processed that there was a problem. She was a child, a tiny thing no more than thirteen years old. Her large amber eyes seemed too big for her beautiful face; her lips were parted on an inhale. I wasn’t sure if she knew me for what I was, but I knew what she was
to me. My Mate, my Luna.

  The door to the pub opened behind me as my pack mates walked out. They could feel the tension rolling off of me, but none understood why I stood frozen on the sidewalk.

  She recoiled when Roxanne attached herself to me. I didn’t move to push her away. I can’t. If I did, I didn’t think I’ll be able to stop myself from picking my Mate up and dragging her back to Michigan.

  Someone asks who she is. When I respond, she moved the hand that was over her lower belly to rub right above her heart. I heard Roxanne ask her name. As she opens up to answer, I smell a male and female shifter approaching and hear him call out, “Sophia.” She turns to the sound, and I do the only thing possible; I turn and leave.

  If I stayed, I would take her whole family. She’s just a child; I can’t do it. We round the corner, and I stop, tell my friends to go on. No one questioned me; they know I’m in no mood to explain.

  I can hear as her mother asks, “Sophie, why didn’t you come back? Are you okay, sweetheart?” I know I’ll be able to track her now that I’ve scented her so I wait. I wait until they leave and get home before I follow.

  I learn everything there is to know about Sophia Brair and her parents before leaving and meeting up with Michael. He’s the only one who knows I’ve met my Mate and neither of us understand how or why I knew it’s her before her first shift.

  I have him checking our history to see if this has ever happened before. I learned that the Brairs have lived in the same house for the past thirteen years. Her father was a local doctor, and her mother works at his small practice while Sophia is in school. They seem like a close family. I had no reason to make them come with me.

  When I returned to Michigan, I had to make myself not go back for her. Three years, I would give her and her family three years before I return for her.

  But I was a fool because when the time is up and I go to find my Luna, she’s gone. Gone for so long not a trace of her beautiful scent remains.

  I’ve been searching every pack in the northern continent for her for the past two years. She seems to have vanished along with her parents. When I visited the only pack in Kentucky, they denied knowledge of the Brair family. Did she tell her parents of me? Why run? What are they hiding? I would find her, and no one would stop me from claiming her!

  Casper struts into my house like he owns it with Michael, my Beta, behind him. Casper is so excited I can feel it rolling off of him. “Mase, I can’t wait for you to meet her. Ahh God. I think I’m already in love. Wait until you see her; no forget that, wait until you scent her. I have never smelled anything like her.”

  Looking at my crazy, love sick brother, who this happens to at least once a month, I state dryly, “didn’t you just fall in love with Vanessa last week?”

  “No, no, this is different, way different. Ask Michael, he was there.”

  I raise my eyebrow at Michael questionably. He shrugs his wide shoulders. “She is beautiful. There’s no doubt about that. Something about her seems familiar though; I just don’t know what.” Michael walks over to the bar and makes himself a drink. He’s shaking his head. “You should have seen this guy,” gesturing to Casper, “he wouldn’t stop smelling her. She even called him Sniffer when she put his info into her phone.” He chuckles.

  “Thanks Mikey, I don’t think everyone knows the story yet. You want me to have Mase call a pack meeting?” Cass snaps.

  “Wait, Casper, do you think she’s your Mate? That could be why she smelled so good to you,” I question.

  “I don’t know man, but I hope so, damn I hope so.”

  “What did your wolf say?”

  Casper shakes his head. “Nothing man, just sat there. I could feel him smile, but that’s it.”

  “You would know. Your wolf would make sure you knew. So, I don’t think she’s the one, sorry Brother.” I say, truly sorry for him. Michael still seems deep in thought when I ask, “what’s up?”

  “Just thinking. She said she never met any other shifters. I can’t figure out how that’s even possible. She was asleep when Casper here woke her up. She moved so fast I could barely track her, and she was terrified; I mean terrified.”

  Tilting my head I ask, “where’d she come from?”

  “That’s even weirder. Her parents are gone. By gone, I mean dead, and this asshole growls at her. She thought we would hurt her, take her, like abduct her. She’s a little strange, Mase, beautiful but strange.” He says while putting his feet on my table to watch the game.

  “I told her she could come by Tuesday to petition to stay in the territory. She starts school on Monday. That okay, man? I tried to get her to come with us today, but she was just so scared. I know meetings are only once a month, but I didn’t want to wait that long to get her here and hopefully in my bed.” He says with the same smirk that has gotten him in trouble more times than I can count.

  “Yeah, yeah, it’s fine. Bring her by the house Tuesday.”

  Casper looks down at his phone with a smile. “Maybe, she’ll come over tomorrow and stay until Tuesday. I’m gonna ask her to lunch,” he laughs.

  Sunday morning, I wake to bright sunshine coming through my curtains. When I picked up my phone to check the time, I have two surprises: the first being the time, I’d slept in much later than usual since it is almost noon, and the second, I have a message waiting for me. Opening the screen, I read the text that came through at 10:45am.

  Sniffer: *any plans today*

  Wondering if I should respond, I place my phone back on my night stand and go shower. After going over my options while showering, I decide why not. Maybe, he can help me understand some of the things my parents never got around to telling me.

  Me: *no plans today, you?*

  The response comes fast, like he was waiting for it.

  Sniffer: *want to grab lunch*

  Me *sure, I was hoping I could ask you some questions? So is my place okay?*

  Even faster than the last time the text dings.

  Sniffer: *address time*

  I send my address and tell him two o’clock works for me.

  My dark, wavy hair is almost dry, so I add a little mascara and lip gloss and call it good. Skinny jeans and tee shirt round out my attire, and I’m ready to make lunch.

  I make a quick salad and a steak on the grill of my range. While letting the meat rest, I grill some sourdough bread and grab some condiments to place at the island bar so he can build his own sandwich. I slice the meat thinly, and as I’m washing up and making sweet tea, the doorbell rings.

  “Here goes nothing,” I say as I make my way to the door, praying that I’m not making a mistake.

  Sniffer holds true to the name I’ve given him as soon as he walks through the door he says, “it smells so good in here, did you cook?” Doubt clear in his voice.

  “Yes...” I say slowly. “Should I not have?”

  “No no, I mean yes you should have...can. If you want to,” he says with a small smile while rubbing the back of his neck. I think it’s a nervous habit, but what does he have to be nervous about?

  “Okay well I was just making some sweet tea. The kitchen’s through here.” He follows me through the hall and living room his eyes sparkle as he takes in my home like he likes what he sees.

  While he’s busy looking around, I take a few moments to really look at him. He’s tall, maybe six feet, lean with full shoulders. His navy blue tee is tight enough that his biceps strain the sleeves. I can tell his chest and stomach are firm with muscle. His eyes match the dark blue of his shirt. But, the most notable feature has to be his white blond hair that falls like fine silk just above his shoulders. He’s quite handsome. Not ours says my wolf with a sneer.

  “Can I get you anything to drink? I have soda, milk, water, or the sweet tea?”

  His eyes lift to me from the counter where I’ve laid the food out, and he says “YUM!” It’s said so lowly while looking right to my eyes that I can’t help but think he’s not only talking about the food. My cheek
s heat with a blush so red my ears might smoke. I quickly turn to the fridge hoping he didn’t see my reaction. “Sweet tea is good,” he chuckles letting me know has seen and finds it funny.

  He makes two sandwiches so large I’m not sure how he plans on biting into them. After I make a small salad he finishes the rest right from the bowl I prepared it in. He’s done by the time I start my sandwich. “Mmm so good, I think I ate too much, but you can invite me over anytime, Sophia.” He says while rubbing his hand over his flat tummy and smiling. If I ate like that, my butt wouldn’t fit through the door.

  “I guess you don’t want any cake then, huh?” I pick up our plates and take them to the sink.

  “Hey I didn’t say that; let’s not be hasty. There’s always room for dessert.” He’s smiling so big I can see all his teeth. “How about you ask me some of those question, yeah? Then, we’ll have cake”

  Now or never I guess. “Errr, okay, so umm, how does it all work? Are there packs all over? What are the rules? What happens if you don’t have a pack, do you have to leave? Will they let me leave?” My tone gets higher as I speak at the end of my word vomit I’m almost breathless.

  “Whoa, whoa, slow down Sophia.” He says while grabbing my hand from the table and brushing his thick thumb across my knuckles. It’s...nice. I haven’t been touched with kindness since my parents passed. “It’ll be fine; I promise. Where did you get these ideas? Packs are there to help not hurt you or rule over you like tyrants. I’m not sure what you mean by how does it all work, but I’ll answer the other questions and go from there, yeah?”

  I just nod my head while he continues to look at me like I’m about to run from the room. To be honest, I kind of want to; the only thing keeping me grounded is his hand over mine still rubbing in soothing circles.

  He starts again. “There are packs all over. Some are small; some aren’t. We are divided into territories. Some territories have several small packs; some have one large pack. We,” he gestures to himself, “are one of the largest packs in North America.”


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