Becoming His

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Becoming His Page 9

by Albany Walker

  I don’t know how to answer or what I need but, “please,” falls from my mouth.

  “Oh yes, that sounded so nice, Little One. Say it again.” His hand is still wrapped around the hair at my nape tugging. The tiny pricks of pain make me rock against him harder.

  “Please, Masen,” I whisper.

  “Good girl” His tongue slips under my top lip, and he runs it from right to left. Pulling back, he plants an open mouth kiss on my top lip fitting it between his and sucking lightly. He gives my bottom lip the same attention only sucking just a little harder. When he lets go, I open my eyes to look down at him and lick my lips. I can still taste him.

  This time, I lean forward. I place a small kiss on the middle of his bottom lip; then I slip my tongue under his top lip to repeat what he’s shown me. When my tongue touches his gums, he groans and pulls me tighter.

  He walks to the island and sets my bottom down. Bringing his mouth back to mine, he bites my bottom lip. Slowly he kisses my top lip again. Tired of waiting, I rub my tongue along the underside of his. He grabs my hips and slams me forward into him, lining our bodies up. His mouth seals to mine, and he’s kissing me, really kissing me. It’s my first real kiss, and I can’t seem to get enough. He tastes so good. My thin yoga pants offer little barrier so when I rock against his erection I can feel his heat.

  “Oh!” My head falls back, and he kisses my throat. He rolls his hips up, and I purr. Masen pushes me down on the counter with his palm just below my breast. He grabs both of my hips and jerks me even closer. My back arches. “Please,” I beg again. He rolls his hips up again hitting just the right spot. I lock my ankles around his back and lift my butt from the counter. His palm cups the side of my breast, and his thumb rubs my nipple. “Yes, ah yes,” My head tossing back and forth. He lifts my shirt with his nose; then he pulls my bra down. When his fingers pinch my bare nipple, I almost scream.

  Leaning forward, he rasps against my breast, “you want more baby? You want me to make you come?” His mouth closes over my hard nipple and sucks.

  “Masen, please, please,” I whine. I feel a sharp sting on my nipple; then he slams forward and grinds onto me. I shatter making noises that should embarrass me but don’t.

  Opening my eyes, I see Masen staring down at me with the biggest smile on his face. I start to fidget, getting self conscious. He reaches down and purposely brushes my nipple as he fixes my bra. I’m still so sensitive my back arches again. He pulls my shirt down and lifts me to sit up. Wrapping his arms around me, he says, “you are exquisite, Baby. I can’t wait to feel you come undone around me.” Whoa, why does that sound so good?

  Most of the dough on my hands has fallen off from me clenching my fists. What’s left has dried into clumps. “Masen, I need to wash my hands please.”

  When he pulls back and looks at my hands, he starts chuckling. “I can’t believe how easily you make me forget everything.” He says while pointing to my hands. “I just wanted a little taste, and you have me laying you out on the kitchen counter. What would have happened if my men showed up to fix your door while you were begging for more,” he says in mock outrage.

  My shock however is real. “Masen are you kidding me? Someone is coming here, and you were doing me.”

  His smirk is huge “I just wish they would have showed up when you were screaming my name.”

  He helps me down, and I walk to the sink to wash up. I scrap the dry dough and start again. After I put the biscuits in the oven, I fry some bacon and use the grease to make gravy. “Biscuits and gravy for dinner?” He ask with one eyebrow raised.

  “I eat breakfast for dinner at least once a week. I don’t usually make big breakfasts for myself, and it’s one of my favorite meals,” I shrug my shoulders, “so I make it for dinner.” I defend.

  “I’m not complaining it smells delicious. I can’t wait to eat it.” He winks.


  I make us both a plate, and we sit to eat. When most of his plate is empty, I finally get the nerve to ask, “what you were saying earlier, about me smelling good. Maybe, it’s just you. I smell like that to.” I shrug. “You smell real yummy to me, too.” My face heats. “Ya know, the whole Mate thing,” I stammer.

  “I quite like that I smell yummy to you,” he smiles, “but no, this is different. There’s something else. Your wolf has challenged me twice.” He looks at me curiously “I’ve never had a female, friend or enemy, question my dominance.”

  I furrow my brow. “I know yesterday when you put your hand on my neck and pushed me forward, she didn’t like that, but was that a challenge?”

  He nods his head. “If you weren’t my Mate, my wolf would have made you submit to me right then,” he laughs, “but it just got us both really excited. I’m sure you could tell.”

  Is he trying to embarrass me? Changing the subject, I ask, “when was the second time?”

  He’s up getting seconds. “That’s a little trickier. Today after the phone call, you wouldn’t let me touch you or speak. That’s unusual, but even more unusual, my wolf let you. I’m not sure how much of that is because you’re my Mate, because you’re not used to being around an Alpha, or how much of it is your wolf running the show.”

  Confused, I ask, “do you know someone you can ask?”

  He sighs. “I have, Little One. Michael has been Mated for a few years. I asked him how his Mate’s wolf responds to his...”

  He’s so quiet I don’t think I’m going to like this. “And,” I prompt.

  “She has always been naturally submissive to him. He’s my Beta so he’s very powerful, but his wolf has never once challenged mine. It’s not because he’s my friend. His wolf just recognizes me as Alpha.” Well damn.

  “That’s not all. Today when you were angry with me, Michael stood with you, like he was your Beta.”

  Placing my hand over my rolling tummy, I ask, “what does any of that mean, Masen?”

  He grabs my hand and looks into my eyes. “What I suspect, and what I think your parents somehow knew, too, is you are a female Alpha...”

  A female Alpha? That’s not possible. “If you knew me better, you’d know that’s far from true. I got my butt kicked all the time when I was younger, sometimes on purpose. So I know I can’t be an Alpha,” I state.

  “When have you gotten your ass kicked, and more importantly, why the hell would you get it kicked on purpose?” He snarls.

  I throw my hands in the air. “That’s what you’re worried about right now?” I’m so aggravated. “Some of the places I lived sucked, okay? I, at least, healed fast! I can’t say the same for the others. I did what needed done.”

  He’s appalled. “You got fucking beat! Those animals beat a tiny girl?” He yells.

  “Masen calm down. One of my neighbors will call the police with you roaring like that.” I admonish. “It’s over! The only time it happened after I shifted is when I let it. No matter how small I am to you Masen, I’m a big girl. Please calm down. I’m fine.” I rub his shoulders trying to relax him. It’s definitely not working. He looks like he’s ready to kill someone, and that’s exactly when someone bangs on the useless door frame.

  “What!” He barks.

  “Just one second please,” I call out. I climb onto his lap and stroke his face. His eyes soften, and I say, “Masen, I’m fine. Really, truly fine. That was along time ago. Don’t kill whoever is at the door, okay? You have to relax, or they’ll think I can’t keep my Mate happy.” I give him my best pout.

  “Stop that right now,” he says and stands, still holding me. “Wrap your legs, Little One. I’m taking you to go.” He laughs at his own ridiculous joke. I roll my eye by comply. I know it’s shifters at the door so it doesn’t matter if they see him carrying me around.

  Seeming to change his mind and surprising me, Masen sets me down right before reaching the door. He turns me around, back toward the kitchen. “I’ll take care of this, Little One,” he says and gives a pat on the butt, pushing me forward. Curious,
I look back over my shoulder. He’s still watching me, waiting before letting the two men at the door in.

  While Masen greets his men and tells them he would like the door fixed tonight, I clean up the mess from dinner and make two plates from the leftovers. I offer the plates to the two shifters that are here to fix the door, but Masen growls before they can answer.

  “Masen, these guys are probably missing dinner right now to come fix this,” I gesture to the door, “there’s plenty. Stop grumbling and let them eat if they want to. If you share, I’ll make you dessert.” I singsong with a big smile. “I know how much you like dessert.”

  He’s looks at me but speaks to the men, “eat the food after you fix the door.” He crosses his arms over his chest. “Pack a bag. I want my dessert at home.” He commands.

  I pack without a fight. I know things are moving fast, but I also know that had yesterday been our first meeting, without the history of him leaving me, we’d both be Marked by now. I grab enough clothes to last a few days. I also pack a small bag of toiletries, my kindle, and my school bag to do my homework. “I think I’m good,” I say when I walk back to the kitchen.

  He’s standing staring down the guys trying to fix the door. They seem to be working as fast as possible, not even looking up. What did I miss? Now, just his body language is saying danger. His face is set in a hard unreadable mask as he stands back watching them.

  “Masen?” I say the question clear in my voice. “Everything okay?”

  His body is coiled tight; I think if either shifter were to look up he would attack. Something is very wrong here. He hasn’t answered yet. I reach over and stroke his inner arm, and his elbows bends automatically to hold up my hand. He seems to relax infinitesimally, but his voice comes out a low growl, “get it done, and get out!” The men seem to cower at his tone. Turning us, he gathers my things and walks out.

  Masen walks to a black SUV and opens the passenger side door waiting for me to get in. After I sit, he reaches out with his free hand to grab the seatbelt. “I can do that.” I try as he snaps it into place then closes my door without a word. Opening the rear door, he puts my bags in and slams the hatch closed. By the time he’s in and started the truck, he still hasn’t spoken; his heavy hands clench the steering wheel as he pulls out.

  We drive for about ten minutes when I finally ask, “are you mad at me?”

  He stares ahead, and when he does answer, I’m a little surprised. “Yes, I’m very angry. I told you I’m struggling with you being around other men when you are unmarked, and you keep feeding them. I wanted to rip out their throats because you didn’t want them to miss dinner.” His voice raising with every word. He’s breathing heavy, knuckles white on the wheel.

  “Then, you tell me to let them eat, and I listen! If they think about it and realize how strange that is, they might talk to others. I don’t want people looking too closely at you right now or me for that matter. If I’m seen as weak, even when it comes to you, it could threaten my pack. If I were to be challenged now, they could try and take everything that’s mine; you included. I’m still not sure what we’re dealing with as far as your differences go.” His voice is much calmer now, relaxing as he gets further from them or closer to home I’m not sure. “When we are with others, Little One, try and remember I am the Alpha,” He adds finally looking over at me. His strong jaw still tense, but his eyes are much softer.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t think the food was a big deal. it would have just gone to waste.” I understand where he’s coming from. I don’t want his people to think I undermined him. “I think I’m just not used to being in a pack environment. I’ll try harder Masen.”

  He sighs. “You’re aren’t doing anything on purpose. I like that you stand up to me. We just need to figure out why you do it before someone else does.” He grabs my hand holding tight he lays them on top of my thigh. “Now, what do I get for dessert?” He smirks while pulling up to his personal gate.

  It’s almost nine o’clock by the time I’m done baking brownies for Masen. He’s been in his office working and researching. Navigating this huge house is much easier when I’m not panicking. I find his office quickly and knock on the open door. He’s on the phone while staring at his computer screen, so I quietly place the plate of brownies down I brought him and look around. The office is very masculine. The walls are a dark wood. There’s a massive desk facing the door. Large windows behind him frame the pond, now barely visible in the twilight. There are two chairs angled opposite the desk and a large leather chesterfield sofa in a deep brown shade against a side wall. I can see one door into what I assume is a bathroom or closet. Books line the same wall making a beautiful backdrop for a small bar.

  When I finish studying the room, I turn to find Masen done with his phone call, watching me and taking in my reactions to what I’m sure is a very important room to him. He needn’t worry. “It’s lovely. Do you spend much time in here?”

  He tilts his head. “Yes. It’s mostly my personal business I run from here, but sometimes, I will see to pack issues here.”

  Curious, I ask, “what business do you run?”

  He smiles sweetly. “A few. Would you like a brownie?” He asks, changing the subject. I roll my eyes letting him know I see exactly what he’s up to.

  Walking around the room, I take a seat on the sofa. It’s a little stiff, but the leather is buttery soft. “No thanks. I might just go get in bed. I’m beat.”

  Standing, he comes to join me, picking up my feet and dropping them into his lap. I sigh it’s wonderful when he touches me. “Unfortunately, I have a few more things that need my attention tonight since I played college guide today.” He smiles while rubbing my ankles and legs; my head falls back as I relax from his touch.

  “You could stay here, but I’ll be on the phone quite a bit. Would you like me to take you to our room, Little One?” His voice is so soft.

  “I like hearing your voice. I’ll stay, if that’s okay? I don’t want to intrude,” I say sleepily.

  “Let me get you a blanket and pillow. I’ll be right back.” My eyes are closed, but I feel him take my feet from his lap and rise from the sofa. Seconds later, he’s back with a few soft throw pillows and the coziest gray blanket. He places the pillows under my head then covers me. I feel his lips at my temple then at the corner of my lips as he feathers gentle kisses there. Soon after, I hear his deep melodious voice speaking softly. I don’t listen to the words just the sounds as I’m lulled to sleep.

  “Let the blanket go, Baby. I taking you to bed.” I hear rumble from his chest that my ear rests against.

  “Love that blanket, so soft.” My hand drop the fabric to wrap around his thick neck, brushing the fine hairs along his nape. My forearms rest on his wide shoulders as he carries me to his room. Masen lays me on the mattress and starts to remove my pants. That wakes me up quickly. “What are you doing?”

  He shakes his head. “I’m not going to molest you, Baby. You’re half asleep, but I do want to feel your skin next to mine while we sleep. That’s all. I promise.”

  I lift my hips to assist; his hands go to the hem of my tee shirt next. Leaving me in a sleep bra and cheeky panties. I’m a little self conscious; this is the closest to nude I’ve ever been with anyone. The lights are dim, but I know he has excellent night vision. I pull the covers up quickly and turn on my side scooting to the far side of the bed.

  I hear the rustle of clothes, then the sound of a zipper. I squeeze my eyes closed; I’m nervous. Masen’s body is hard and chiseled. Every inch honed beautifully, while mine is soft and rounded. Earlier when he was seeing and touching me, I was so caught up in the moment there wasn’t room for doubt.

  His big body slides in behind mine pulling me from the edge of the bed. “Uh-uh baby,” he whispers close to my ear. “I need you close.” I can feel every inch of his body pressed to mine, his arm curving around my waist, his foot slides under my ankle. “Please relax, Little One. I just want to hold you. No pressure.” He rubs
his nose into my neck behind my ear and places a small kiss where my shoulder meets my neck. Taking a deep breath, I let myself relax and enjoy the comfort of his embrace. Masen’s breathing evens and deepens quickly, and I know he’s sleeping. Slowly, my body sinks into sleep.

  As I start to wake, Masen is my first thought. His scent surrounds me. I’m aroused; I can feel his hardness pressing against me. I roll my hips slowly enjoying the feel. The room is still dark telling me either he woke me, or I woke up needing him just from having him so close. By his even breaths, I think I’m the only one awake. I roll my hips again and my back arches trying to push onto him harder, create more friction. A small whine of frustration leaves my lips.

  Masen grabs my hips as if he’s trying to stop the movement, but his hand clenching my flesh just makes me grind harder. I feel a low rumble at my back; then, his hips push forward. My arm pushes into the mattress to keep the pressure between our bodies. I grind my behind into him, and this time, I hear his breathing accelerate. His body pushes over mine, turning me so my torso is flat to the mattress, but my hips are still sideways. His knee pushes forward making my top leg fall to the mattress and spread. He has one arm on either side of my shoulders almost like he’s doing a push up. When he rocks into me this time, I can feel his hardness grind just where I need it. His head lowers, and he draws in a deep breath. “Ahh baby, you need me.” His voice is deep, and I shiver at the sound. My mind is fogged with lust; need is all I feel. His large body curved over me is too much and not enough all at once.


  “Shh, I’ve got you. Let me make you feel good.” He grinds into me.

  Inching down my body, he turns me to my back and leans forward kissing me softly. I melt under his touch. My hands reach up and brush across his face, feeling the soft scruff on my palms as my fingers rub through his hair. His kiss deepens, his hand at my hip tugging me closer. When my back arches, Masen moves down, kissing my jaw and neck, stilling at my shoulder where he’ll bite me to Mark me as his. He trembles, then continues until he reaches my bra.


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