Becoming His

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Becoming His Page 14

by Albany Walker

“My new camera is in there if they didn’t take it. If you guys leave my Jeep, will you break the lock and bring my stuff home with you please?”

  He runs over the where Masen is about to load me in the car. “I’ll get you stuff, Sophie. Don’t worry. Masen will take care of the rest, okay?” I nod my head and smile so he feels better if nothing else.

  On the way to my house, I finish telling Masen the rest of the story. When I tell him how I got away, he looks at me in awe. “You punched him in the throat,” pride clear in his tone.

  “No, I didn’t throat punch him. I jabbed him like this.” I show him the move in the throat.

  His head kicks back, and he belly laughs so hard I see tears in his eyes. When he settles down, he says, “It’s not funny that you had to deal with those fuckers, but only you could jab someone in the throat to get away.” He starts laughing all over again.

  “Masen, I was really scared, and they have all my stuff. They could be in my house right now waiting for me. If I hadn’t meet you and Sniffer, what would happen to me?”

  That sobers him up immediately. He grabs my hand. “You’re right, Sophia. I’m sorry.” He squeezes my hand. I still need to talk to him about Roxanne, but it’ll wait until later.

  When we get to my condo, Michael is already there waiting. Unfortunately, the shifters have already came and gone. I know they were here because my drivers license sits on the kitchen counter, effectively telling me they don’t need it anymore. They know where I live and can come back anytime they want. I don’t take the time to see if anything is missing. I grab what I can’t live without, and I get back in the SUV and wait for Masen and Michael to finish up. I don’t think I ever want to come back here. Everything feels tainted. I don’t know what they touched, where they went, or why they even came to my house. What’s the big deal? So, I didn’t fall for their come ons. What would they been willing to do to me because I rejected them. In one afternoon, they have taken the only real home I had in five years before I found Masen. I won’t even think about what I’d do if I didn’t have him.

  Back at Masen’s, I’m in his huge walk-in closet that’s the size of my whole living room. There’s a washer and dryer, a large island like counter full of drawers, even a few chairs. The walls are covered with built-in closet organizers; almost one whole wall is made to not only hold shoes but display them. It like the holy grail of closets.

  I’m sitting in a leather chair holding a small box of what’s left of my parents looking around fighting back tears when Masen finds me. He kneels in front of me as I set the box on the floor. Dropping his head on my lap, he wraps his arms around me. “I’ll find them, Little One. Please don’t be so sad.”

  I am having a bit of a pity party. “I’m fine Masen. I know it could have been much worse. That what happened wasn’t even that big of a deal. I think what bothers me most is knowing they were in my house touching my things, and that they could go back anytime and let themselves right in the front door. They could take my jeep. It’s just a yucky feeling, ya know? And I can’t stop thinking why they made such a big deal about being rejected. What were they planning to do?” I stroke my finger through his soft dark hair.

  I’m ready for a subject change, so I tell him, “I really love this closet. It’s so smart to put the washer and dryer in here.”

  He runs his hands up and down my back “I thought you’d like it. That way when you wash all my clothes, you can iron fold and hang all in one room. I’ll find you a closet in one of the upstairs rooms.”

  I lightly smack his back “Oh shut up, if anything, you’ll have to move your stuff. You think I’m giving up that shoe rack; it’s a thing of beauty.”

  He laughs softly. “Like that do ya”

  “Why don’t you get comfy, and I’ll go make us some dinner.”

  He sits up and brings his face close to mine. “I’m not really hungry for dinner yet.” He runs his nose along mine, igniting my need for him.

  My hands reach up to his white dress shirt. The first button is open so I start on the second and continue my way down. He places an opened-mouth kiss on his mark then kisses his way up to my ear. He nips in places and uses his tongue in others, always leaving me guessing what’s coming next. After unbuttoning the fourth button, I reach my hands in and feel the dark hair lightly covering his chest. Pushing the shirt off his shoulders, I continue unbuttoning his shirt, and my mouth goes to my mark on his shoulder. I lick and tease him just like he’s done to me. His hand holds my neck showing me how much he likes what I’m doing. “Love the way your mouth feels on me baby.” When I use my teeth, he groans. He stands and tugs me up from the chair backing me up to the counter and lifts me. “I had this island built special. You want to know why it’s special?” He asks playfully. Masen pulls my butt so I’m just barely sitting on the ledge and grinds into me. “Ahh,” I moan. He moves back and takes off his shirt. When he moves down to the closure of his slacks, I remove my shirt. When his pants hit the floor, I slide down and take my jeans off.

  Watching Masen undress is heady. Every move is almost graceful. His body is honed to perfection; thick neck and wide shoulders make his stature intimidating. His broad chest gives way to his clearly defined abdomen; the vee leading down to his groin highlights his narrow hips. His arms and legs display his powerful physique. He’s devastatingly attractive. My wolf knows we’ve marked the apex predator as ours, and she is as ecstatic as I am.

  I look up to his ruggedly, beautiful face and know he’s enjoying my appraisal. His white blue eyes hood with desire; his full lips are barely parted to pull in deeper breaths. Nostrils flare as he scents my arousal. The low growl coming from his chest should be a warning, but it sounds like a sweet promise to me.

  I’m still wearing my bra and panties when he steps back to me. His warm body just grazes mine. Long fingers encircle my upper arms as he turns me so my back isn’t to the island. He walks around to me and unclasps my bra, letting it slide down my arms. He runs the tip of his finger all the way around the inside of my panties, starting with his left arm crossed in front of my body. Slowly, he drags his finger around, lowering them just a tiny bit. He stops close to where he started. I’m almost shaking with need when he places both hands at my hips, using one foot he nudges my ankle out, widening my legs. Masen pulls my panties down inch by inch until they are just below my butt. “Bend over,” he orders. I do, and he squats down behind me, removing my panties the rest of the way.

  I should be embarrassed my butt is right in his face, but he drags his nose up from my knee to my inner thigh inhaling. I nearly fall over when he makes a purr like noise in the back of his throat. I’m so wet; if I squeezed my legs together, it would coat my inner thighs. He delivers one slow lick from my opening up to my clit before standing up behind me. “Ah, you look so beautiful, Baby, so wet and swollen for me.” He runs one finger along my slit, starting at my clitoris; when he reaches my opening, he dips in slowly. Pulling back out, he continues all the way back to my bottom, spreading the moisture he collected. “I can’t wait to fuck you here, Baby.” I writhe against him, nervous and excited. “Look at you, already eager. You’ll love how it feels when my cock is buried deep in your ass.” He turns me back around, and I look down at his jutting cock, wondering if he’ll let me taste him. “I know what you’re thinking, Baby. Later, yeah. I need to show you what’s so special about this.” He rubs the counter top. Grabbing my waist, he lifts me again so I’m perched on the ledge, spreading my legs to step up between them. He pulls out two draws, but there not draws at all. I wonder what other surprises this thing holds? He places one foot on each platform. When my foots hits the soft material, it drops down an inch, locking the platform in place so it can no longer slide in or out. He widens my legs out as far as they can go. My heals are close to my butt, and they sink a little deeper in the fabric, letting my legs butterfly out. “It’s even better than I imagined,” he muses.

  He drops down on his knees, and his face is level with my pussy. He sm
irks up at me then licks me once again from bottom to top. “You like your closet baby?” He asks smug, while looking right at me.

  “Yes Masen, I love my closet,” I rasp.

  Masen does things with his mouth that should be illegal. First, he shoves his tongue inside me and hums, in and out, shallow thrusts all the while making noises that make his tongue almost vibrate. When I come, he moves up to my clitoris; licking, sucking, and eventually biting. Coming again, I plead for him to stop, then beg him for more. When he shoves his finger inside me and says “again,” he fucks me with his fingers and licks me. Masen stops his movements and tells me, “watch, watch me give you what no one else has gotten from me since the night I meet you,” He purrs. “I couldn’t wait to taste you. Now watch me make you come.” I do. It’s only seconds after he’s done talking I scream out his name.

  Masen stands and looks down at me puddled on the counter and smiles; he’s so satisfied with himself. As he should be, that was unbelievable. When he enters me in one long, slow thrust, my back arches. “Fuck,” he hisses. “Can’t be too gentle, Baby. Need you to bad,” he growls. His next thrust is hard and deep. I try to sit up, but he holds my shoulder down not, letting me gain an inch. It was like a warning strike. His hips slam into me making his tip nudge my womb. “Ah, my baby can take me full,” he croons, which is at odds with his hard shoves into me. The hair around his temples is damp from sweat; his cheekbones stand out in hard contrast as he clinches his jaw, grinding his teeth. Masen’s pace becomes erratic; his neck tenses as he throws his head back and roars through his release. My muscles tighten around him, taking me to another orgasm. He shivers once and looks back down at me. His cock still inside me. He says, “you really were made just for me.” There’s awe in his tone as he studies my face.

  Leaning down to kiss me, he slips out, and I hiss. Masen’s face softens. “Oh shit. Was I too rough, Little One? I’m sorry. I got so carried away,” he says sweetly.

  I turn my head slightly; it’s about all I can manage. “No Masen. I love it, love you” I croak, my voice just as weak as my body from use.

  He kisses my lips gently to make up for the indelicate treatment of my body. Masen lifts me up, and I curl around him, laying my head on his shoulder and sigh. I could sleep for a week. “I’m so glad it’s Friday. It’s been a long week.”

  “You want to go grab dinner, or I could get a pizza?” Masen asks.

  “Pizza sounds good. Do they deliver?” I ask, hopeful.

  “I’d just have to meet them at the gate, so it’s a waste.” He shrugs his shoulders.

  “I’m just being lazy. We can go out. You have to pick though.”

  He sets me down and pats my butt. “Get dressed, Little One,” he bosses.

  “Aren’t you going to shower or wash up?” I say pointing to his face.

  He chuckles. “No.”


  “No, Little One. I don’t care who knows I had my face buried in your pussy.”

  I roll my eyes. “Freak.”

  He smirks.

  Masen pulls on a pair of jeans, just jeans no boxers. Why is that so hot? He leaves the top button undone and slowly walks over to me. He lifts my chin with his fingers and says, “if you keep looking at me like that, we won’t be going anywhere.”

  Still looking in his eyes, I reach my hand in his pants and grasp him. “I really love that you’re not wearing boxers, Masen. It’s so sexy.” I lick my lips and fall to my knees. I’ve never done this before. I want him to enjoy it. I look up at him. “You’ll tell what you like, Masen” I command.

  He swallows and nods his head once.

  I open the three remaining buttons and pull his pants down. I use my right hand to circle him as much as I can and my left to cup his balls. Being an avid reader helps me get the basics. I plant an open mouth kiss right over his slit; he shutters. I lap at his opening, and he curses. I tease his tip, licking and kissing until he grates, “more, Baby. Take more of my cock in your sweet mouth.” I comply, taking him as deep as I can, but he’s so large it’s not much past his tip. I flatten my tongue, and he hits the back of my throat. When he’s as far as he can go, I hum loud and long, pulling back and pushing forward covering my teeth with my lips.

  “Ah, Baby, so good. Now suck and swallow for me, Baby.” I suck, hollowing out my cheeks. I try to swallow, but I’m having a hard time. Finally, I relax my throat enough to do it. He rewards me with a sound I’d do just about anything to hear again. So when I take him deep again, I swallow. “Yes, just like that, Baby.” His hips pump, but he doesn’t push any farther. I pull back, licking his tip and just under it sucking harder. Masen slams his hands on the wall behind me, leaning forward. I look up at him and squeeze his balls a tiny bit harder. “Ahhh yeah, Baby, look at me while you suck my cock.” I open my jaw and take him even deeper, still looking up at him. I swallow three time quickly. His hips rock forward, and his head falls forward even more. He looks back down and groans out his release. Masen’s so deep that I barely taste his come, just feel it sliding down my throat. His head is against the wall between his hands. I kiss his tip once more before pulling his pants back up his thighs. “I almost fell over.” His voice is hoarse and deep.

  I’m high off the power of pleasing Masen. I strut over to my bag grab a clean bra and panties and a white summer dress. I make a show of dressing, knowing he enjoys watching. He buttons his pants up and grabs a white tee shirt. “Masen?” I ask sweetly.

  “Yeah, Baby.” He looks over at me.

  “I was just wondering, do you think everyone will know you had you cock buried in my mouth?” Right before I run out of the closet cackling.

  “Sophia!” He shouts.

  I laugh all the way to the kitchen. Seconds later, there’s a knock at the door. Opening it, I find Sniffer and two men I’ve never met before. “Hey Sniffer, what’s up?” I ask stepping back so they can enter.

  “Hey Sophie. I got your camera, and Sid wants to talk to Mase.” He says smiling.

  “He should be right ou...” Before I finish, Masen is stomping down the hallway.

  “I should spank your ass red then fuck you till you beg me to stop for your naughty mouth!”

  I clear my throat and smile as demurely as possible. Masen is still rambling, not even realizing three people stand in the entryway. “Masen. Masen. MASEN!” He finally stops when I yell.

  “Cass, Sid, James.” He nods to each like it’s no big deal he was just threatening to spank and fuck me moments ago. They all try not to smile. Sniffer gives up the soonest and just starts laughing. “Oh, just shut up you.” Which, only makes him laugh harder. I push him and go to the living room. All four men follow.

  “Would y’all like something to drink?” I ask. My ingrained southern hospitality at work.

  “You got any sweet tea, Sophie? You make the best sweet tea.” Sniffer asks hopefully.

  “Let me see what I can do. How about you two? I’m Sophia, by the way. I didn’t get a chance to introduce myself earlier.” I give Masen the stink eye.

  One of the men says, “tea sounds good, Sophia. Thank you.”

  Masen moves to stand in front of me blocking the others from seeing me. “Stop taking care of them. I want tea,” he pouts. I lean around him and look at Sniffer making a big deal of rolling my eyes.

  I pat Masen back. “Okay, Big Guy, you get the first glass.” I offer. I just know he has a smug smile on his face.

  After I make tea and Masen introduces the men to me, they start discussing what happened at the mall. Sid tells Masen that neither of the scents were familiar to him either, and they were only able to track them through the mall to the other side where they must have parked. Masen fills them in on what we found at my house. “It’s a little strange. We’ve never had a report of such behavior. Do you think it’s someone from our pack?” Sid asks “Gavin reported that the rogues were closer than we last suspected. Maybe, they breached the territory lines, and Sophia was the first to spot them. She probably
wouldn’t know if they we rouges or not. No offense, Sophia,” Sid adds kindly.

  I wave him off. “None taken. You’re right. I wouldn’t know. Is there some way to tell the difference?”

  Masen’s hands haven’t left my body, finding someway to touch me. He rubs my back and answers, “well, apart from having to meet each of them a time or two, so their names or even faces become familiar, there’s a feeling like being connected when you’re both part of the pack. I know you sense it with me, maybe even Cass, but you, Little One, are kind of a hard sell.” He squeeze me. “You are quite guarded. Not many have felt you. Only the few you’ve met that you like.” He laughs a little.

  Oh shit, have I been giving the magical cold shoulder and not even knowing it? “Yeah okay, so that’s not weird or creepy or anything,” I say being sarcastic.

  “Ah, Little One, I think it’s fantastic. It’s like you have to let them become part of your own little pack.” He smiles, proud of my craziness.

  I shake my head. “Whatever you say, Big Guy.”

  His smile turns mischievous. “Oh, I know, Baby. That’s what you were screaming earlier.”

  My mouth falls open in horror.

  He leans in close to my ear. “Close your mouth, Baby. I know how well you use it. I might be tempted to fill it.”

  My face heats red from a blush and a little bit of anger. Even though he’s embarrassing me, I’m still turned on by his filthy mouth. Snapping my mouth closed, I say through clenched teeth, “Masen Black, you better stop announcing what I’ve done or what you plan on doing right, this minute.”

  He has the nerve to look incredulous. “Why?”

  I huff. “You realize yesterday I was a virgin, and today, you’re telling...”

  I get no further because I’m interrupted by two voices. “Holy fucking shit,” comes in awed tone.

  While Masen yells, “DON’T,” angrily.

  “Are you kidding me? That’s what you care about. That someone knows that?” I’m shocked. This is going downhill fast.


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