Becoming His

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Becoming His Page 19

by Albany Walker

  “Come on blondie. You’re due an ass kickin!”

  I walk outside; Masen follows. The entire bar empties out behind him. I’m not worried about her coming out. If she didn’t, the entire pack would know she’s a coward; she’ll be out.

  I feel a little silly, since I’m about to throw down in a dress. I don’t think she’ll make it more than one minute without a wardrobe malfunction; her dress looks like it’s barely held up. I will not let all these people see me in my panties. I’ll just have to drop her quick. I have a lot of experience fighting to defend, but I’ve never been the aggressor. Good thing I’ll get more and more pissed off every time I look at her or she looks at Masen.

  There is no way I’m risking my boots and dress, not to mention leather soled cowboys boots won’t do me much good on the grass and soil out here. I hand my boots to Sam. “I love these boots, Sam. Take care of them.” He nods and salutes.

  She finally emerges looking like she’s ready for a photo shoot. I swear she put on more makeup. Quickly, I throw my long hair in a thick braid and wait. It’s not long before she saunters over in her five inch spiked heels, giving her a huge height advantage. Oh well, with one good body shot, she’ll be bent over anyway. She purposely brushes past Masen, letting her body linger as she passes and looking up at him. I yell an, “uh uh,” before shit gets real. I grab her by the back of her head and snatch her back enough she almost falls. My intention isn’t to pull her hair it’s to get her moving. I let her recover before sneering, “come get some.” That’s all it takes. She flies at me with her arms outstretched. I think she trying to claw my face up. She’s fast; I’ll give her that, but she has no fighting experience. Standing still, I lift my arm and bring it down hard on the top of hers. Her momentum carries her forward almost falling into me when she teeters on her heels. She’s going to break her ankle.

  Now, she’s pissed. She screeches loud enough I think a dog two counties over bays. She runs at me again, and I strike out with my out turned palm hard slamming in the middle of her chest just below her breast. Her arms are longer, so I get a slap or punch. I’m not sure; it might even be her nails to my cheek.

  She pulls back, gasping like a fish out of water; a solid hit to the solar plexus will take the wind out of a grown man let alone a hundred and twenty pound amazon. I stand ready and wait. I can hear people talking; no one person stands out, jeers and cheers surround us.

  Smarting up, she goes on the defensive, this time waiting for me to attack. Her height advantage really limits my offensive tactics. She starts running her mouth trying to fluster me. “Did Masen ever tell you about the week he took me to aspen? He fucked me so much I couldn’t walk for a day. We never left the room, seven days of him fucking me,” she sneers. “How about when he tells you to swallow? That’s one of his favorites.” That one hits close to home. Deciding to end this quickly and knowing she’ll be able to shift to heal, I know my plan.

  Lowering my center mass, I move closer, always looking at her face and letting her assume that’s where my attack will fall. When I’m close enough, I turn slightly and snap the side of my foot out and down on her knee. She howls and falls immediately grabbing ahold of her now broken knee. I stand back and watch as a few shifters move to aide her. When her eyes find mine, I know she’ll never give up. I haven’t seen the last of Roxanne. I nod acknowledging her threat.

  Masen’s hot breath is at my neck as he bends and scents just behind my ear, letting his mouth graze my throat with small kisses. “You may shift to heal,” he orders to Roxanne. His voice gruff. With him still behind me, he reaches up to the cheek she damaged and palms it. His hand pulls back, and I see small traces of blood. She must have used her nails. His face leans next to mine; he runs his nose along my cheek then licks. It’s primal, and it ignites me. My wolf approves. She wasn’t happy she didn’t get to play but Masen tending us makes her purr. The noise rumbles from my chest. My head falls back, and he latches on to his Mark. I hear someone saying something repeatedly. It doesn’t register. The burn on my cheek is gone; the adrenaline and anger have turned to heated desire.

  I feel Masen hard and thick behind me. His hands grip my hips and rove my soft belly inching up towards my breasts. My back arches, and a small groan sounds. His answering growl excites me more. I can hear his heavy pants and feel his heart speeding.

  The persistent noise breaks through again, and Masen roars, “WHAT!”

  My eyes snap open, and every shifter is staring at us, some touching themselves or others sexually. “Oh my, God,” I say horrified at what I was just doing with a captive audience. When I look down, Roxanne is gone, only her shoes remain. “Ding dong, Bitch,” flies from my mouth before I slap my hand over it, mortified I spoke that out loud. Holy shit, I need to get out of here. Masen moves in front of me and snarls at the group in front of us. I grab his shirt and hide my face.

  Oh my, God; oh my, God. I chant over and over in my head. They will always think of me a exhibitionist slut puppy. Hysterical laughter tries to escape my closed mouth, but that would be better than the sobs threatening to follow. “I want to go now,” I say quietly to anyone that will listen.

  Masen turns and lifts me up. I wrap my legs around him, and he reaches down with one hand to make sure I’m covered. His sweet gesture makes me love him even more. “Love you, too, Baby,” he coos softly. My head is on his shoulder, my arms wrap around his, and my legs cling to his waist. He leaves the clearing and walks us to a SUV. Sniffer, Sam, Red, and Sid follow.

  Sniffer gets in the driver’s seat while Masen tries to get in the passenger seat. Together we are to big. I kiss his lips tenderly and slide in the back seat. He comes in behind me, barely fitting. We need a tank or a full-size hummer. Sam gets in the passenger seat. Sniffer starts the car then slams his hand on the wheel.

  I jump at the sudden sound. “God damn! You were like a little ninja. Where the hell did you learn that shit? You didn’t even move. One second, she was coming at you; then the next, she was getting her ass kicked. Holy shit, that was awesome,” he pants excitedly. Sam’s shoulders shake as he tries to hide his laughter. The doors are still open, so I hear Red when she starts to giggle.

  Sid’s next to speak, “how’d you make her stop breathing? I was watching the whole thing from five feet away, and I couldn’t tell what the hell happened.” I can handle these questions. It’s what happened after that freaks me out.

  “I struck her solar plexus, knocked the wind out of her. And, I’m not a ninja, Goofball. I’ve just learned to take care of myself.”

  The humor evaporates instantly. “Take us home, Cass,” Masen snaps.

  I climb in bed after my shower, wearing Masen’s tee shirt from earlier. I’m so tired I don’t bother shutting the lights off. Masen crawls in behind me and hugs me close. “You okay, Baby?” Concern colors his voice.

  I blow out a breath. “I’m embarrassed that we were...ya know, and everybody was watching and doing stuff.”

  “It’s my fault little one. I tend to get carried away when I’m with you. I should have known to wait until we were alone to touch you. I’m glad Cass was able to stop us.”

  I shudder thinking about what would have happened. “Is that normal? For them to react that way?”

  “That was both of us, Baby. Neither of us were masking our emotions, and we were both pretty amped up,” he chuckles.

  “Great! Now, they’ll think I’m a violent tramp,” I huff. What the hell was I thinking?

  “Nah, they’ll respect you for handling her. You’ve never been in a pack, but this kind of this isn’t even all that unusual. I mean fighting anyway, not the reason behind it. There’s always an understanding that if someone finds their Mate the other backs off. I’m not sure why she hasn’t.” His voice is lowering, and I’m so close to sleep, being a hussy must not bother me as much as I think it should.

  “The lust, Baby, that’s not unusual either. That’s the way some Alphas run their packs.”

  That gets a rea
ction from me. “Uh uh, Masen. I’m not ever doing that!”

  He squeezes me close. “Baby, I wouldn’t share your pleasure with anyone; it’s all mine. Today, I just got carried away. Like I said, I knew I should have waited, but I scented blood on your cheek and had to take care of you.”

  Talking about it reminds him; he uses his nose to caress my now healed cheek. His tender touch reminds me of his earlier animalistic behavior. That’s all it takes, and I’m no longer tired. I don’t care his pack almost watched us make love. The only thing that matters is us. Masen, who’s always needy, senses my mood, rolls me over on my back, and positions himself between my legs. Dropping his body to mine, I feel him everywhere, and I love it. I smell our combined arousal, and it delights me. My hands rub his wide back as he begins kissing me reverently. “Loved watching you take care of yourself, Baby. Don’t want to have to see it again, but you made me so hard. I need you so bad,” he mutters in a low voice as he moves to kissing my neck. I arch into his kisses and touches. My hands meet no resistance as they run down to his tight rounded butt. I push him deeper into me. Unsatisfied with just my hands, I wrap my legs around him.

  He chuckles. My body responds; wetness seeps as I moan. “Ah, my baby’s greedy. I love how much you need me. How wet you get for me. I love when I can feel your belly dip, and your insides clench like they do when I’m inside you.” His words ratchet me up further. He leans back on his heels, pulls me forward, then removes his shirt I stole.

  When I’m naked, his eyes devour my body. He bites his bottom lip before licking it. “Need to taste you, Baby.” He pushes me back down and does what he said, tasting every inch of me. With his face buried between my legs, I’ve moan around my second orgasm. He sits back on his heels, looking down at me like a man proud of his work. His hand reaches down, and he strokes himself from root to tip. My inner muscles convulse; watching Masen touch his cock is so erotic I don’t think I’d need him to even touch me, and I’d explode from the sight. “On your belly,” he demands. I roll over, and he spreads my legs. I can feel him behind me, but he’s not touching me. I look over my shoulder and see him running his hand up and down his cock slowly, while looking at me. I lift up on my elbows and turn a little to get a better view. When my shoulders rise, he looks up to my face.

  “I like watching you touch yourself, Masen.”

  When his name leaves my lips, his eyes close, and he groans. I can see a small drop of liquid escape when he squeezes. He reaches forward with the hand not on his cock and wraps it around the front of my thigh. I’m jerked back quickly. The leg he tugged going straight back while the other spreads even further with my knee bent. His impressive erection is nestled above my butt; I can feel his balls when he grinds forward. His tip rubs the small of my back. I arch my bottom rising higher. “This is how much I fill you up. My baby takes me so deep. She loves my big cock.” He pulls back enough to rub his tip through my wetness then down to my clit. With my legs spread so far, I can’t do much but squirm. He holds my one leg firmly keeping my trapped at his mercy. He lifts his tip from my clit then drops it down lightly. Holy shit, I think I see stars. The next time he lifts, he lets his cock smack down a little harder, and I buck up against him.

  “Ah, next time you’re going to come. You understand, Little One?” He says darkly, not giving me an option. He lifts, and when he slaps down, his fingers fill me at the same time. I scream his name and push back against him hard, making his fingers go deeper. He strokes his cock over my clitoris gently as my orgasm rolls over me. “Love it when you come undone for me.” He enters me slowly, then lifts my body. My legs are on the outside of his kneeling ones, my back to his front. He caresses my breasts and stomach. He thrusts gently, making love to me slowly. He let’s go of my body, lowering my chest down while my butt is still lifted.

  “Oh Masen, so deep,” I cry as he continues his slow assault.

  “One more, Baby. I need one more, yeah?” He reaches forward and pinches my clitoris while his movement becomes feverish. “Now, Baby, squeeze me.”

  At his command, I come again as he grunts and keeps rocking into my leisurely. Masen rolls us over on to our sides. “I love you, Masen,” I say as I fall asleep with him still buried inside me and the lights still on.

  Sunday morning, Masen wakes me with strawberries and cream in bed. “We have lots to do today, Little One. We need to get anything from your old place you want to keep and decide what you want to do with the property. I have a few rentals that do well in that area.” I’m about to lick the cream off my thumb when he grabs my hand and sticks my thumb in his mouth, sucking the cream off before I can. When I look up, he smiles sweetly.

  I clear my throat. “There’s just a few more thing I need: my cloths, shoes, and a few smaller items. I bought most of that stuff to move in so nothing really means to much to me there. I actually like the idea of renting it. I could even rent it furnished, well after we figure out what those guys are up to and change the locks.” He’s nodding his head and snatches a berry from my plate.

  “You also need to figure out what you want for our Mating ceremony. There’s a full moon next Sunday; that works perfectly. We need to have someone pick up your assignments when we’re gone. Unless, you feel like just scraping this semester. I still haven’t heard any news about those shifters, so school might be a no go anyway.” What? Our ceremony next Sunday? When we’re gone? Where are we going? “Oh, and shopping for anything you might need. Groceries are getting a little low. Do you want to start making a list for Molly? She usually does the shopping on Mondays. I think that’s about it. If I remember anything else, I’ll let you know.”

  “Wha...what?” He’s gotta be joking.

  “Did you what me to make the list? That’s fine, anything special you need?” He purrs innocently, glossing over the whole Mating ceremony.

  “Wait, wait. I will do the shopping and list making. I don’t need her to shop for us,” I scoff.

  “Baby, she needs the job. She won’t take the money for nothing”

  “I didn’t think of it that way. There’s some stuff I need to do on my own though, Masen. I enjoy grocery shopping and cooking. I would like to do those things for us. She can keep cleaning; I hate cleaning anyway. Except your room, I’d rather take care of the room,” I add quickly. I don’t want her changing our sheets. Just the thought skeeves me out.

  He chuckles sensing where my thoughts are headed. “Good then, it’s all settled,” he says rushing from the room after shoving a strawberry in my mouth.

  “Masen!” I shout, annoyance clear in my tone. “He thinks he can walk in here and tell me we’re having a ceremony in a week and run out the door,” I say out loud as I dress in my last pair of clean jeans and a tee shirt I steal from Masen’s closet. After some quick alterations to the shirt, I’m ready to go and in serious need of coffee.

  “Did you cut up my shirt?” His voice is laced with humor.

  “Yes, I wanted to be comfy, and this,” I pluck the shirt from my tummy, “is comfy.”

  He grins and shakes his head. “We need to get going. You are not off the hook for running out on me when you knew we had more to talk about. I just need coffee too bad to argue with you now.” His grin turns to a smile, and he dangles keys in front of me. I snatch them and rush out to the garage. When I hit the fob, the lights flash on one of his many vehicles. My jeep is parked next to his motorcycles further down. “Masen, why do you have so many cars?”

  “Some out of necessity, but most just because I liked them. My bikes are my favorite, but I like speed in any form. So, most are just for fun. Anything in particular you want to take?” He waves his arm motioning to his impressive collection.

  “There are a few I would like to drive, but I think we need something with some space today for groceries and the things from my place but next time,” I say hopeful. He leads me to the passenger side of the same SUV we’ve driven a couple times and opens the door for me. When we get on the road, he asks where I’d like
to get coffee.

  We don’t talk about anything important until I’ve finished half my large coffee. “I’ve had someone at your place since we were here last. They haven’t came back, but I still don’t want you there longer than needed. I’d actually rather just buy whatever you need than take anything from here. Do we even need to go in?”

  “Yeah I want my clothes, shoes, and my coffee maker, but that’s about it. We’ll be in and out. I don’t like being here anymore either.”

  When we get close, Masen takes my keys and unlocks the door. “I’ll go first, just in case, Little One. Wait until I come back out for you.” He leans down and kisses me warmly before opening the door.

  Masen’s been inside for about two minutes when I hear him shouting, “mother fucker!”

  My heart rate triples. I call his name three times before he walks out looking ready to kill someone. “Are you okay? I was just going to come in and check. What’s wrong?”

  He looks to the parking lot without answering me. “HEAR, NOW!” He bellows still staring to the parking lot. “That would have just pissed me off more. When I tell you to stay put, you stay put.” He’s so angry.

  Two male shifters run up from a late model sedan. “Can you tell me how the fuck they were here, and I didn’t know about it? What the fuck have you been doing?” Masen’s voice is deadly; the two men cower.

  “We’ve been here since six a.m., Alpha. I walked the perimeter at least once an hour. I haven’t seen anything unusual. I’m sorry, Alpha.” The poor guy sounds like he’s about to piss his pants, and Masen looks like he about to kill them both with his bare hands. His torso strains forward hands fisted at his sides. His massive body is frightening enough, but it’s his face locked in a sneer that truly shows how angry he really is. Masen’s breathing is harsh as he tries to calm down.

  “Masen,” I try. He doesn’t respond to my voice in the least. I give him a few moments and try again, “Masen, what’s happened?” I try using my calmest voice.


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