Becoming His

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Becoming His Page 21

by Albany Walker

  I quite enjoy Masen’s attentive behavior. He steals kisses often and only let’s go of me when I try something on. Even then, he stands within touching range the entire time. Never once does he complain that I’ve dragged him through half the stores. I also love watching his reaction to what I try on. Indulgent smiles and heated stares tell me exactly what he’s thinking. I pick up a few stray thoughts here and there. He’s perfectly content, not faking that he’s happy to be here with me.

  The last store I visit is a lingerie shop. I know being a size fourteen I won’t have much luck finding panties let alone bras in my size, but I was hoping to get a few until my on-line purchases arrive. The store attendants watch Masen as he enters with me. They don’t notice or care about the hand he has on my lower back grazing my bottom. I’m assessed and dismissed as a threat almost immediately.

  A model thin brunette with blonde highlights sashays over. The movement is practiced, and I’m sure very effective. I wonder how many men have come here looking to buy something for someone special and have left with this shark instead. A small snarl leaves my lips before she reaches us.

  She walks directly to Masen and looks up at him through her long fake lashes and purrs. “Mr. Black, how can I help you?”

  Instantly, my back stiffens. She knows him? Having felt my reaction, Masen pulls me in closer and replies, “whatever she needs.”

  The woman, whose name tag reads Bambi, looks over to me like she’s seeing me for the first time. She tsks then leans down to me and says, “I’m not sure we’ll have anything in your...size,” she mock whispers while giving me a fake sad smile. “There’s a plus size clothing store a few shops down. Mandy would be happy to show you where while I help Mr. Black with any of his other needs.” She motions for a woman who looks eerily similar to Bambi, but her hair is a bit lighter to come over.

  Masen’s hand fists the fabric of my shirt at my back. “Are you fucking kidding me!” He explodes. “There is nothing in this piece of shit store good enough for her anyway.” He leans down closer to her shocked face. “DO NOT act like you know me. I have never had the displeasure of meeting you before, for which I’m grateful,” He sneers; his eyes are black with outrage as he stares her down. His shouting has drawn attention from everyone in the store and a few that pass by outside.

  “Hey, Big Guy,” I say affectionately as I bring my palm up to his face, turning him to look at me. His eyes soften immediately as he searches my face. “I knew it was a long shot. I don’t care.” I’m much more relaxed knowing she doesn’t know Masen, just of him. He reaches down with both hands a grabs my butt and lifts me up. I wrap my legs around him as he kisses my head tenderly.

  “I don’t like this fucking store! Let’s go, Baby.”

  I return his embrace briefly before trying to get down. “Masen, put me down. We cannot walk through the mall like this,” I say exasperated when he won’t let go.

  Finally, he sets me down and looks back at a silenced Bambi. “You’re fired.” He looks to the other woman who has kept her distance and been quiet the entire time we’ve been here. What the hell; he owns this store?

  “I’ll have someone here within the hour to close the store for remodeling. Someone will contact you about interviewing for a position in the new store as long as you don’t treat customers like she does.” He points an accusing finger at the now withered Bambi.

  “Yes sir, Mr. Black. I’d like to keep my job,” comes a soft reply from the look-a-like. Are they sisters I wonder?

  Masen pulls out his phone before we have even stepped out the door. “Sid, I need someone with retail experience to shut down a store in the mall. Do you think you or Red could come here within the hour?” He’s quiet for a few seconds before saying, “thanks, I’ll explain later. It’s the Kitty’s Kloset. Thanks again, Sid.”

  He hangs up, and I tug him to an alcove for the restrooms. “Masen, she was a bitch, but that wasn’t necessary.”

  His face is hard when he leans down closer to me. “Yes, it was,” he grates. “I’ll be damned if a store I own will treat you or anyone for that matter like that. She’s just a jealous bitch who wishes she could be half as beautiful as you.” His voice is gruff as he grabs me around the back of my neck and smashes his mouth to mine. All the questions I was going to ask about him owning the store evaporate as his tongue licks across my bottom lip gently. I gasp as his teeth nibble; he takes advantage and deepens the kiss. One of my hands fist the hem of his tee shirt allowing my knuckles to brush his hard stomach. He groans into my mouth at the contact. My other hand runs up his chest and around his neck; my fingers seek his soft short dark hair pulling him down lower to me as I rise up on my toes trying to get closer. Masen wraps an arm around my lower back crushing me to him as he moves my head with his other hand angling me to control the kiss. It started sweet, but now we are both panting.

  I’m so close to him that when his phone vibrates in his front pocket I feel it. I drop my head back from the his and moan lowly as he continues to pepper kisses along my throat and collar bones. When it buzzes again, I realize what’s happening. Opening my eyes, I see two men standing about fifteen feet away watching. My cheeks burn red as I clear my throat. Masen hasn’t stopped his hand runs down my back cups my butt. I try backing away and whispering his name, but he’s lost in his task.

  “Masen, people are watching,” I say a little louder. He growls but still doesn’t stop; I don’t think he’s even listening to me. I grab what I can of his hair and tug it back, pulling him from my neck.

  He hisses but not in pain as his eyes pop open. “I need you,” he rumbles turning and pushing me against the wall.

  “Masen! There are people watching.” I nod my head to the two men standing even closer than they were. He straightens to his full height before turning his body, seeming to have grown. His protective, possessive nature causes him to growl viciously.

  Now that I’m no longer in a fog of lust, it’s clear they’re both shifters. His big body backs me even closer to the wall, shielding me from their curious stares. “What are you doing?” His voice is quiet and grim.

  Both of the men look at Masen in obvious fear but stand their ground. “The Alpha is looking for his Mate. He’s not going to be happy you have her.”

  Masen’s head tilts. “ Alpha? His Mate?” He questions like he can’t understand what they’re saying. “I AM THE ALPHA! She is MINE!” He booms; his voice holds an air of authority I’ve never heard. They step back clearly caught off guard by his aggression. “Where is he, your alpha,” he spits.

  Both men are slowly backing away. Their hands held up in a placating manner. I can feel their fear. “Don’t take another step if you want to keep breathing.” They freeze. “Little One, pull my phone out of my pocket and call Michael. Tell him to bring a car we have some...guests returning with us.” Both men pale and shake visibly. “I really only need one of you. I’m being very generous allowing you both to live. If you move, I will kill you where you stand. If you cooperate, I will more than likely let you live.”

  The violence in the air is palpable; we all know he is capable of what he says. I bring my hand around to his front left pocket and retrieve his phone. I hit the button to dial Michael, and he answers on the second ring. “Alpha”

  “Michael, it’s me. We are at the mall in Marshall. Masen wants you to bring a car around; we have guests returning with us”

  “Are you safe, Luna?” I can hear noise in the background as he rushes around.

  “Yes Michael, I’m fine. I think you should hurry though. I think he’s trying very hard not to kill them.” A satisfied hum comes from Masen like just the thought makes him happy.

  “Shit, try not to kill them, Mase. Can you hear me? We need information,” Michael says through the phone. Masen’s chest rumbles, but he doesn’t respond.

  “Ah you better hurry, they look like they might try to bolt, and if they run, they will die.”

  “Luna, I’m coming. No matter what happens, st
ay safe and near Mase.” The line clicks as he hangs up. I keep the phone in my hand and rub Masen’s wide back with my other.

  I send him soothing thoughts. “It’s okay, Big Guy. I’m here. I’m safe”

  Masen’s phone vibrates in my hand. When I look down, Sid’s name pops up. I totally forgot he was on his way. I tag the green icon and answer, “Sid, it’s Sophie. Are you here?”

  “Yup, is Mase busy?”

  “Yes, ah no, we are right around the corner from the shop by the restrooms. Could you come over here, please?”

  “I’ll be right there,” he answers darkly

  Moments later, I hear Sid, “just what I was hoping you’d found.” He says almost happily as he slams them both on the back so hard they stumble forward a few paces. Masen snarls as they near us. “Ah better not get too close to our Luna there. He’s been real jumpy lately. Luna, you want to come out he...”

  “NO!” Masen barks and pushes me back further.

  Now that Sid is here, I relax a little knowing he’ll probably be able to keep Masen from killing them. “Hey, we didn’t know he was lying. He told us she was his Mate.” Masen’s ugly growl cuts him off from speaking.

  “Please, be quiet. He really is trying very hard,” I say quietly. I nuzzle my face into his back and bring my hands around front. I drop his phone back in his front pocket then run my hands under his shirt, touching his too hot skin. His muscles contract as I graze my fingertips over his belly and sides trying to comfort him. I continue touching him and stay as close as possible. His breathing is deep and even, but he hasn’t spoken. I know he’s trying to remain calm; I can feel his emotions warring. He wants to rip them to shreds for what they’ve said, and he knows they’re working with the rouge. He also knows this could be the chance to find them and end this so he shouldn’t hurt them. Masen also struggles with the fact that they were so near us, and he didn’t realize it. Masen, I know you will always take care of me. I wasn’t scared; I just didn’t want them watching us. I send my thoughts to him. “I love you,” I say out loud. His hands cover mine over his shirt, holding me to him.

  Michael and three other men round the hallway, and I’m that no one else needed this hallway while we were down here. “Alpha,” Michael speaks, “may I escort your guest to the hall while you finish up with your Luna?” I’m so grateful for their friendship Michael knows exactly how to address Masen and not be confrontational.

  I blow out a long breath when Masen’s head nods. “I’ll be there soon. Don’t question them without me,” he commands.

  Michael nears the men who don’t know if they should be happy to be away from Masen or terrified that they will see him again soon. I don’t know why they even stood by watching. It seems they would know just by the size of him to turn the other way. I’ll have to ask Masen later. For now, I just want to get the hell out of this mall that I’m beginning to hate.

  Once the men leave quietly between Michael, Sid, and the three others, Masen finally turns to me and gathers me up in a bruising hug. His hands run from the top of my head down to the backs of my thighs, assuring him I’m okay. “It’ll be over soon now, Baby. I’ll find the rest of those fuckers,” he promises. He kisses me softly before we head to customer care to pick up my packages so we can head home.

  When I see the fence surrounding his property, he says “I’m going to drop you off at the house. I’ll send Cass and maybe Sam over. How does that sound?” He continues before I can answer “I’m not sure how long I’ll be, but I need to go to the hall and find out what they know.”

  He’s not going to be happy when I say what I’m thinking. “Masen, I’d like to be with you, please.”

  His head snaps over to look at me. “You don’t want to be there for this, trust me. If they don’t talk, I’ll have to make them. I don’t want you seeing me like that.” I feel his hesitance. He worries I won’t feel the same about him if I see him hurt one of those men. I know he’s not cruel. He doesn’t want to hurt them, but I also know he’ll do what needs done to protect me and his pack. “I don’t need to watch if this thing goes south if that makes you feel better. I know this isn’t what you want to do, but I know you are strong enough to do what needs done. I trust you to handle it. Now, trust that I’m strong enough to stand by your side.”

  He pulls into the pack gate and stops as soon as the gate closes behind us. Masen jumps out of the driver’s seat and is pulling my door open before I understand what’s happening. “What’s wrong?” I look around slightly panicked at his behavior.

  “No, nothing’s wrong, Baby.” He envelops me in a tight hug. He scents behind my ear and runs his nose down my neck to gently nip his mark. “I don’t know how I survived without you. I can’t imagine a day without you now that I know what it feels like to have you. I’m so sorry I’ve been such a fuck up. Please, please, forgive me. I’ve been so worried about losing you; I think I was pushing you away so I wouldn’t crumble if you disappeared.”

  My heart aches with his sincerity. I reach up and place both of my palms on his face pulling back so he looks right at me. “Masen, I promise I’m not going anywhere. Please understand, I want to be here; I want to be with you. I don’t just need it because you’re my Mate. I want it because I love you.” I search his eyes and try to listen to his thoughts while he stares at me.

  Oh God, I don’t deserve her, but I love her more than I thought possible. I hear him think. He leans down to my lips and speaks into my mouth. “I love you. It doesn’t seem enough to say it, so I promise to show you how much I love you, every day. I promise to be the man you deserve.” When he stops talking, he presses his lips to mine so softly. His pillow soft lips caress mine with tender care. My heart melts as he loves my mouth.

  After a millennia passes in a matter of seconds, he places his forehead on mine and takes a deep breath. My hands are wrapped around his thick biceps; my nails score his skin because I clench so hard. I let go slowly, and I see a small crescent of red where my thumb dug too deep. “I’m sorry,” I say quickly as I lean down and kiss the gouge. My lips are wet with the tiniest amount of blood when I pull back. I lick my lips instinctively, and Masen’s eyes follow my tongue across my lips. He dips and kisses me again; this kiss is primal and deep. I can taste him on my tongue as he licks my lip, following the same path my tongue did. His chest vibrates with a rumble when I stroke my tongue with his, letting him taste himself on me. His hands fist my hair as he pulls back, exposing my neck to him. My back meets the warm hood of the car as he leans over, examining me laid out before him. He brushes his thumb across his bottom lip as if stroking where my tongue just was. My inner muscles clench with desire for him. A soft whimper sounds, and I realize it came from me.

  His mouth turns up on one side, and he gives me a pure masculine grin. His voice is deep when he asks, “you need something, Baby?” With me watching, he reaches down and cups himself over his pants. I know he knows this makes me crazy. My hands squeeze my breast as I watch. “Fuuuuck,” he groans, and I hear a car door close in the distance. My hands fall away from my body. My face heats with a blush as I realize we are yet again out in the open. Thankfully, no one is around to see my wanton behavior. I sit forward, and Masen enfolds me into his arms. “Don’t feel bad, Little One. I like you needy.” He chuckles into my hair. I try and pinch his flat hard tummy but can’t find an inch to squeeze. So I end up running my hand around to his back hugging him to me closer.

  “You need to stop touching me in public. Apparently, I’m a hussy,” I say sullenly.

  “Not gonna happen. I love touching you.” The last past is whispered hotly into my ear. My back arches as I bring myself closer to him. Masen’s hand strokes down my back to my bottom, pulling me closer and lining our bodies up. I can feel his thick erection on the inside if my thigh. I wiggle a bit trying to fit him where I need him.

  Just as my hands reach to his shadowed jaw, his phone vibrates, causing us both to groan from the interruption. I scoot back so he can grab his phone
from his pocket. His eyes bore into mine as he answers, “yeah.” He runs his free hand through his messy hair, and his body goes stiff as he listens to whatever is being said. “We’ll be right there.”

  He hangs up and kisses my temple before helping me down off the hood. His demeanor went from playful to angry in the few seconds he was on the phone “Is there something wrong?”

  He heaves a sigh. “A few of the men that witnessed us last night...after the fight seem to be in a bit of a frenzy.” He looks down at me; he seems nervous. He clears his throat. “Michael thinks you might be going into heat soon,” he says sheepishly.

  “I’m too young for that. Mom always said my first would be around twenty five.” My heart rate speeds up. I’m not sure I’m ready for a baby. I just turned nineteen. I don’t know if he’s ready or even wants children. I know I do but what if he doesn’t.

  Sensing my distress, Masen stops walking me around the car and looks into my eyes. “He could be wrong, Little One. It could be just because we are Alpha and Luna and not yet Mated fully.” Masen’s says tenderly, “I can’t wait to see you pregnant with my baby,” he growls, “I never really thought about children before now, but I have that big ole house. It might be fun filling it up,” he says cheekily and smacks my rear. Instantly, my nerves evaporate; I grin back at him.

  When we pull up to the meeting hall, all the sweet feelings disappear as I see five male shifters shoving each other aggressively. They don’t even seem to notice our arrival. Masen’s hand clamps over mine. “They aren’t going to bother you. They just feel a need that they can’t quench. It’s making some of them seek an alternative.” He gestures to the five men now throwing punches. “They just need an outlet. They aren’t going to hurt each other too bad. Though, I don’t know why they aren’t in the gym instead of the front lot,” he pats my hand, “come on, Baby. Let’s get this done.”


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