Becoming His

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Becoming His Page 28

by Albany Walker

  When I get to the house, I can’t see anything wrong, but I know that there is. Right before I shift back to sneak into the house, I scent her blood, lots of it. God please, let her be okay. My wolf is furious that his Mate may be hurt. I’m barely able to keep from snarling my warning to whoever is harming her.

  I can’t scent another wolf in the house, but it feels wrong. I’m not able to reach her at all. Her mind is closed to me, and I won’t think about what that could mean.

  As I creep through the kitchen, I see my mother with her head lying on the counter. I know she’s not dead. My father would be here now if he felt that. I move to her quickly and find a steady pulse. Rushing past her towards our room, my chest aches when I see a blood trail across the floor. The wall where my hand is braced cracks under the pressure. Unable to control my rage further, I throw myself down the hall following the path of blood closer to the garage. I bellow, enraged as I see her broken body lying in a pool of her own blood. The figure near her backs away slowly. Her mouth moves rapidly, but the only sound I hear is my heart beating as it breaks for the beautiful creature crumpled at my feet. I don’t dare touch her for fear of hurting her further. When the figure moves, I reach out grabbing her neck. It snaps like a twig in my crushing hand. Her eyes plead with me as she dies. I wish I could make her suffer more; I wish she could feel the pain searing my insides right now.

  I throw the body far from my beloved and fall to my knees and roar before I put my ear to her lips, hoping to hear a breath. “Why didn’t you shift?” I cry as I feel one small puff of air hit my neck. That’s the only sign I need.

  I push every ounce of my strength through our bond. I will not let her die. No one will take her from me!

  “Mase!” I hear Cass yell in a panicked voice down the hall. “What the fuck is going on? Oh God, how?”

  “Doctor, I need a doctor and dad. Please, help me, Casper. I need to fix her.” My face is wet with tears; my eyes are blurry as I look at my brother’s stricken face.

  The first sound I hear is Masen’s deep voice begging me not to leave him. Does he think I’ve left? Did she somehow convince him I’ve left him? “Masen,” I croak, my voice sounding broken and rough.

  “Shh, I’m here, Baby. Don’t try to talk. You’re safe now.” His voice is strangled.

  “Alpha, I need you to back up so I can get a closer look,” says an unfamiliar voice. A snarl followed by growling splits the air.

  “Son, he needs to get closer to help her. She needs help. You want her pain to stop right, Mase? Let him help her.” I moan when he says pain like the word triggers the response in my body. I’m still face down on the floor. Masen’s rough hand clasps over mine.

  “Alpha, can you tell her to shift? I think a lot of her injuries would heal, and you’d feel better about me being closer to her”

  “She’s pregnant,” Masen says hoarsely. A pain fueled whimper sounds from my throat. “It’s okay, Baby. You’re going to be okay,” he coos at me. “Careful, if you cause her anymore pain, you die!” He grates through his clinched teeth.

  “Mase, he’s here to help. Let go of him!” Caleb says, and I hear a rustling.

  What starts as a whispered confession ends in a pain filled roar when he says, “this is my fault. How could I let this happen?”

  I cry when I hear the agony in his words. “You’re upsetting her, Mase. She needs you.” This time, it’s Sniffer who’s speaks.

  I can feel a gentle prodding on to my head, and a voice comes closer asking me if I can open my eyes. My left eye is swollen shut, but I manage to narrowly open the right, getting my first look at an older male. He has gray hair and dark, kind eyes that look at me with sympathy. “I hurt,” I offer lamely as he touches my neck and back.

  “I know, Sweet Girl. We’re gonna make it better soon.” He tries to smile “Can you move your fingers and toes, Luna? That’s good, real good. What hurts the most?” I hear a low groan from Masen as I take stock of my aching body.

  “My belly is cramping, and that’s scares me. I don’t want to lose our baby,” I sob my body jerking from the force.

  “Okay, okay, shh. Is that what hurts the most, your belly?”

  “I don’t know. My knee is broken, and she hit my head and back the most. I’m just really scared.” I hear a loud thump; then, I see Masen’s determined face right next to mine.

  “No matter what happens, Little One, you’ll be okay.” He promises. I sag in relief just from seeing his lovely face. The hand with the plastic band reaches up and strokes his jaw. His eyes close like it too much but open quickly staring back at me.

  “How far along is she? When was her cycle? She may still be able to shift with minimal threat to the fetus.”

  I shake my head. “I can’t. She said this would stop me from shifting.” The band around my wrist is pulled tight; the ends hang limply from arm.

  “What the fuck!” Sniffer spews.

  “Cass, go get some snips. There’s metal running through the plastic,” Masen says as he holds my hand with tender care. His lips feather over my pulse; his eyes never leave mine. “She never went through her heat cycle, but she can’t be more than a week along. I noticed the change in her scent Thursday night. The last time she shifted was Monday,” he says solemnly.

  “How is she pregnant without having had a cycle? Are you sure?”

  Masen’s eyes leave mine and the doctor rushes to explain. “I’m sorry, Alpha. Yes, yes, you’d know,” he agrees quickly, and I hear him blow out a loud whoosh of air when Masen’s eyes leave him for mine again.

  “We didn’t know she was carrying, but she’s a white wolf,” Caleb states, and I finally remember Mickey is somewhere in the house. “Caleb, Mickey. I’m sorry I didn’t protect her. Rox, she said she was okay, just sleeping. Is she okay?” I question growing frantic.

  “She’s okay, Sweets. She’s right here. She’s been drugged, but she’ll be okay. She’ll be madder than a wet cat when she wakes up but don’t you worry about that now.” The pain in my body is lifting gradually, leaving the ache in my knee as the worst of my hurt. I’m still distressed about the baby, but the cramping has lessened. The doctor doesn’t acknowledge Caleb’s confession about me being a white wolf.

  “Unless we find internal injuries, I don’t think we should risk her shifting then unless the fetus is compromised.”

  “What did you just say?” Masen’s eyes are fully black as he stares at the doctor. “Oh fuck, aren’t you a doctor? Are you that fucking stupid, or do you want to die?” Caleb inches in front of the man and lowers so he’s in front of Masen.

  “Son, look at your little Mate. She’s already getting better. I’ve never seen anything like it.” He’s right. The swelling in my face is already going down; I can move my arms with no pain. I’m still really sore and my knee is killing me, but my body is healing very quickly.

  “Can you help me turn to my side?” I use my arms to push myself over, but I’m not willing to move my lower half. The memory of the pain when I tried to walk is still too fresh. Masen’s hands guide me over; my hips turn, leaving my bad leg almost completely still.

  “I think we should brace her leg before she moves anymore.” the doctor says quietly.

  “Then get what we fucking need. I don’t what her on the floor,” Masen yells at the nervous man.

  “It’s not his fault, Masen. I’m okay. I feel so much better with you here. Calm down, okay?” I know him being here is helping me heal. I’ve never healed this fast before. “Did she get away?” I ask hesitant to hear the answer

  “No, she didn’t,” Masen replies darkly, looking over to the corner of the room where her body lies at an odd angle. I shudder remembering the crazed look in her eyes.

  My heart gives a painful throb when I think about all the torment she caused us. Silent tears fall down my cheeks as I mourn my parents’ death all over again. “What can I do?” Masen asks ruefully.

  “Where’s the doctor? Is our baby, okay? I’m so tired.” My
voice sounds pitiful even to my own ears.

  “He’s coming. I’m sure he’s fine.”

  A tall woman enters the room with the doctor. She carries a leg board. “We’ll get this on then take her over to my office for an ultrasound. Alpha, you’ll need to be with her, depending on the baby’s position, the ultrasound may need to be internal,” he says not making eye contact.

  “What the fuck does that mean?” Masen barks.

  I understand what he means so I squeeze Masen’s hand. “It’ll be fine. Help me get ready to go,” I tell him firmly.

  He jumps up and takes the board from the woman then pushes it in the doctor’s hands. “Fix it,” he orders.

  Laying on the firm bed, paper crinkles beneath me as I wait for the doctor to enter. Masen cut the pants and panties I was wearing off. The doctor tells him to check for blood; thankfully, there is none.

  I wear one of Masen’s long tee shirts and a paper blanket over my lap. My leg is still bound to the board. I’ll need an x-ray later to determine the damage.

  The door opens, and a very pale doctor walks in alone. “Alpha, I’ll need to touch her lower belly with this wand to get a picture of the baby.” He clears his throat. “If I can’t find the baby, I can insert this wand into her vagina to get a closer look.” He holds up another thin stick.

  “Not happening,” he growls.

  “Do whatever you need, please,” I say and grab Masen’s hand. The doctor doesn’t look sure, but he picks up a bottle of gel and covers the wand. We hear a loud rustling noise followed by silence.

  “Can you raise the shirt and lower the blanket.” I do using my free hand, keeping my pubic hair covered. Masen leans over me further, getting closer to the doctor.

  More gel is squirted onto my belly, and he places the wand firmly just above the blanket. Moments later, he exhales a loud breath. “There it is.” He sighs in relief. “Let me see if I can find the heartbeat…ah there, we go, a strong one hundred and thirty six beats.” I’m in awe of the little white dot blinking rapidly.

  “Masen, do you see that?” I whisper.

  “Yeah, Baby, I see him.” His voice is full of emotion.

  “Wait, what...ah.”

  “What? What’s wrong?” I ask panicked. Masen rumbles out a warning.

  “Nothing’s wrong. I found another heartbeat. You’re having twins!”

  Masen whoops in glee. “Super sperm, Baby,” and smacks a loud kiss on my mouth that hangs open in shock.

  “Twins? Are you sure?”

  The doctor finally smiles and looks relaxed. “Yup, I’d say in about twenty seven weeks you’ll be the proud parents of the first set of shifter twins.”

  After a quick x-ray, he sends us home with a stiff leg brace and instructions to return Monday morning for a follow up. With the way I’m healing, he suspects I will be fully functional by then. He also asks if I’d be willing to let him do blood work to chart any difference between my blood and a normal female shifter. I agree to give him a sample Monday after the check-up.

  Sniffer meets us outside as we exit the office. He looks confused by the happy grin covering Masen’s face. I’m sure mine still reads shocked. Twins? I still can’t believe it.

  As Masen pushes me in the wheelchair I tell him wasn’t necessary, he smacks a large hand onto Sniffer’s back, causing him to stumble forward. “Twins!” He beams.

  Sniffer’s eyes dart to mine. “No shit, twins?”

  I nod my head slowly. “Twins.”

  When we finally get in bed, my mind replays the events of the evening, focusing on her viscous words. No longer able to keep it to myself, I say, “she did all this.” I clear my throat as my voice cracks.

  “I know. I’m so sorry I didn’t listen to you about her. I should have never left you alone.” He’s trying to take the blame for everything again.

  “That’s not what I meant. I mean she did all of this. She killed my parents, trying to kill me, and when that didn’t work, she wanted me with humans. She wanted me violated by humans so you wouldn’t want me,” I say angrily almost yelling at him. “She kept us apart all those years. She’s also the one who was feeding William information.”

  Masen looks like he wants to throw up. “I didn’t know. I’m so sorry,” he pleads regrettably.

  “I was so scared I couldn’t even get mad. I want to kill her again. I want to make her suffer.” I cry.

  “Shh, she’s gone. It’s over,” he coos, wrapping his body behind me holding me up. I calm instantly. The fire burns through me quickly, leaving exhaustion in its wake. The sorrow I feel for the loss of my parents is tempered by the joy I feel knowing my babies will be okay. I fall asleep with Masen holding me as I dream of a blue eyed little boy holding the hand of a dark haired little girl.

  Today, I watch as the Alpha of the Northern Territories calls a Pack meeting and exiles an entire family. Today, I watch as the Alpha throws the dead, limp body of the woman who tried to ruin us at her mother and sister’s feet. Today, I watch as Masen gleefully tells his mother and father that their first grandchildren will be born in early April. Today, I watch as my Mate stands in front of his Pack and celebrates our union.

  Masen stands in front of his entire Pack with his face so happy and calm he doesn’t look like the same man that stood in the same spot this morning making decrees. His white blue eyes are clear and soft as he talks with his brother and Sam. The white, button up shirt he wears is closely fitted to his well-defined body. The sleeves are rolled up his forearms, and the platinum band around his finger twinkles as it catches the light when he pushes his black hair back from his stunning face. His well-worn dark jeans fit over his thick thighs but aren’t tight. The black boots he wears now will come off soon when we walk into the woods.

  He throws his head back and laughs uproariously at something Sam is saying. No one is unaffected by his charisma. The men closest to him laugh along, like they want to be part of what’s making him so happy, and the woman move closer, like they are drawn to him and can’t physically stay away.

  I’m seated near the front of the hall at Masen’s behest. There are tables littered through the large room; most are empty as everyone visits or stands near a long bar brought in for the occasion. The heavy disappointment and anger from earlier is absent as they all celebrate with one another. I’m glad no one blames Masen for his rulings or the harsh treatment of Roxanne’s family.

  Mickey and Caleb will soon join me at the table while we wait for Masen. The food won’t be brought out until he sits. I’m told typically the female’s family would serve the males, but I’ll only be serving them desert. The rest will be handled by the caterers. I never got to start my Masen’s cheesecake last night, so I threw a small one together this morning.

  I’m lost in thought when the chair next to me pulls out, and Sniffer sits beside me. I knock shoulders with him, happy to see a genuine smile on his face. “You seem much better today,” I tease.

  “I am, and all it took was watching my brother almost lose the love of his life before I realized I don’t want to lose mine either.” His cryptic statement only confuses me. His hand finds mine on top of the table “God, that was hard to witness, Sophie. Mase plays the tough guy, but I know it was ten times harder for him. When you wouldn’t wake up, I knew he was going to go with you, scariest shit I’ve ever seen. I love Sam. Hell, I might even be in love with Sam, but as sad as it makes me, he’s not my Mate. I know there’s a chance I’ll never find the person that was made for me but not to try would eventually kill me. I see the way you and Mase look at each other. I’ve seen it all my life watching my parents.” He shrugs his shoulders, his face oddly very serious. “I want that. I want to know I’d rather die than live without my other half and be at peace about it. That was one of the damnedest things. I knew Mase would be gone if you didn’t make it, and it didn’t seem to bother him a bit. No thoughts of what he was leaving behind his Pack, his family, and friends. He just knew he belonged with you.” I wipe away a tear
before anyone notices.

  “You’ll find them Sniffer! Whoever it may be will be almost the luckiest person out there.” I try and joke.

  He laughs a little and puts his arm over my shoulder. “I’m leaving you know.”

  I nod my head and a few more tears fall. “I do. Do you promise to come back?”

  He ruffles my hair. “Awe Love, you couldn’t keep me away.” When he calls me Love, it makes me remember the first time we met.

  Masen chooses that moment to walk up to the table. “Are you making her cry?” He asks irritated at his brother.

  “I’m just weepy. Leave him alone.” My voice is nasally from unshed tears.

  Masen opens his arms. “Come here, Baby.” I dash as quickly as my sore leg will take me into his chest. My hands curl up under my chin as he hugs me to him. I hide my face in his neck as the tears I was holding fall. The platform heels I wear give the extra height I need to nuzzle under his jaw.

  The fancy white dress hangs in my closet. It just didn’t feel right. Mickey helped me braid my hair this afternoon, weaving the blue silken strand I bought for a belt through. The black leatherette legging and sheer long sleeved white tunic hide my healing cuts and scrapes much better. The bruising on my face has almost disappeared.

  Masen gives me a few minutes to calm down before taking his seat at the table and pulling me onto his lap. I breathe a sigh of relief; touching him makes everything more bearable. The room quiets briefly as everyone else finds their seat. Food is delivered to our table first. The young women seem flustered by Masen’s, Caleb’s who looks more like an older brother rather than a father, and Sniffer’s presence. My being on Masen lap further stresses her; she can’t figure out where to place the plates. Finally, I take mercy on her and grab Masen’s plate, putting it right in front of him. He smirks and watches as I grab my own and drop it right next to his. The pink prime rib makes my stomach tumble, so I end up pushing it to the other side. “Blah, that looks gross.” I shudder.


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