Razor: Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club, Book 11

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Razor: Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club, Book 11 Page 5

by Candace Blevins

  “You understand you’ll be in chastity without the device with me, yes? I’ll know if you lie, so you’ll be forced to leave your cock alone even though it isn’t locked up.”

  He opened his eyes and met my gaze. “That’s different. Hot, kinda. Or, it is now. I may change my mind once I’m living it.”

  “Some days I’ll require you get yourself off at specific times throughout the day, possibly so frequently it’s hard to follow through. Other times, you may go weeks when you only get the orgasms I give you.”

  “If I’m yours, that’ll be your right, Sir.”

  “And it wouldn’t be my right to lock your dick up?”

  “Yes.” He sighed. “I don’t know how to answer you, but the device makes it different.”

  “Lucky for both of us, I prefer my way — but you will experience periods of chastity if you’re my boy, and I’m not promising to never lock a device on you if I think it’s what you need.”

  He nodded. “Yes, Sir. I understand.”

  I’d used two fingers to play in his precum, and I held them in front of his lips. He leaned up, sucked them into his mouth, and used his tongue in ways that made me need my dick in his mouth.

  “Time for me to see your room, boy.”

  Micca hadn’t been joking about it being over the top. It looked like something out of a Renaissance King’s castle — complete with walls painted to look like castle walls. Not like a dungeon though. Like royalty.

  “Tell me about the furniture.” He was right at home being naked while I was clothed, and I loved how uninhibited he was with his movements.

  “Most of it’s reproduction. Two pieces are antiques, and they were in terrible shape when I bought them, which is why I could afford them. I restored them.”

  “The bed?”


  It was a canopy bed with tons of fabric, huge columns holding the metal scrollwork at the top, and netting pulled back at the corners so you could pretend to be in a tent if you wanted.

  The patterns were loud, but they worked. Ravens like fancy and shiny, and the bird in me loved this room despite the fact the man was nearly dumbstruck.

  I pulled my belt through the loops and nodded to the bench below the bed. “Lean over and brace your hands on the bench. I’ll give you one strike with my belt to let you know what consequences will feel like.” I paused a beat and clarified. “Consequences, not punishment. If we decide on weekly maintenance, you’ll get twenty to fifty of these — or more if that’s what it takes to get you where I need you. One strike right now so you’ll know I mean business.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  I didn’t have to ask why he was thanking me. He needed me to show him so he didn’t have to brat in order to find out the hard way.

  I grasped the buckle and wrapped the belt around until only two feet of the leather hung loose.

  No warning other than the sound of the belt whooshing through the air, and then the sharp crack of leather against flesh. My raven’s sight let me see it as a human would in slow motion — the waves of skin and muscle displaced by the impact. The blood flowing under the skin, broken capillaries, blood finding other routes. Muscles twitching and jerking, and finally, the skin of his entire body primed and waiting for another assault.

  He froze in place and didn’t breathe. Didn’t scream. I counted to ten before telling him, “Permission to rub, since this wasn’t an actual consequence.”

  He stood and reached back to touch and then rub. “Thank you, Sir.”

  I nodded and sat on the bench. “Take care of my boots, boy.”

  He unlaced them and took them off, then removed my socks and draped them over my boots instead of stuffing them inside.

  I pulled my shirt off, stood, and unfastened my pants. His eyes went wide when he saw I’d gone commando, and I suppressed a smile. His eyes grew even wider when he saw my dick, and I noted a hint of trepidation. Ravens have a cloaca instead of a penis. I have human equipment in this form, but it’s much fatter than a normal human dick. Not terribly long, only six or seven inches depending on who’s measuring, but about as big around as a cola can at the base. Narrower at the tip, but I’m still a lot to take.

  “On your knees, hands behind your back.” I took a seat on the bench again. “Let’s see what your tongue and lips can do, boy.”

  I lasted maybe ten minutes before I had to have his ass. Damn, but the boy had skills.

  “Bed, Matty. On your back, ass over the edge, legs in the air.”

  He followed orders, and I ran my hands over the backs of his legs, tracing his wiry muscles. “I have lube packets, but if you have something you prefer, I can use it.”

  “Top drawer, Sir. Can’t use the coconut oil with a condom, so you’ll have to use the other stuff.”

  I looked, found a pump bottle of organic something or other, safe to use with latex condoms. I donned a condom, slicked it, and then stuck a single lubed finger in his ass.

  “Not going to warm you up with my fingers. Want to watch you fight to take my dick. We’ll go slow, but this is part of me claiming you.”

  “I know I asked for the safeword, but can you take it away for this? I want all of you inside me, and I’m afraid I’ll stop you, Sir.”

  I looked him over from nuts to the top of his head, and finally met his gaze again. “I can safely do away with it for the same reason I know when you’re lying or not. Use the safeword if you want, and I’ll decide if you truly can’t take anymore, or if it just hurts really bad and you don’t think you can. Agreed?”

  “Yes, Sir. But only for this.”

  “I’ll still respect it the rest of the time.”

  His ass clamped down onto the head right away, and his gasp let me know the stretch was already a lot for him. I fiddled with his nipples, squeezed and twisted until he squirmed, and eased some more of my dick into him. More gasps, and his entire body blushed. So sweet, so accepting, and a masochist to boot. Yeah, he could give me a reason to settle down.

  “Open your eyes and look at me, boy.”

  I stroked his dick as a reward, and he had to fight to keep from closing them again. “Good, boy. Relax for me. Just a little more for now. Stay relaxed and I’ll keep playing with your dick. Tense and I’ll put the squeeze on your balls.”

  I spent thirty minutes getting into him. I hadn’t asked how long since he’d been fisted because I feared Steve had been the last. I should’ve checked before I started, but I made it work. His nipples were bright red though, and his balls were damned tender by the time I was all the way in.

  I grabbed his ankles and pressed them to the bed beside his head. I was holding onto my control by a thread, but he wasn’t ready for me to pound him yet. Another couple of minutes and he’d be ready. I focused on my breathing and found my center. “Put your wrists in my fingers, so I can hold them too.”

  Fear and excitement reflected in his face, but he never even considered not following my orders.

  “You know what happens next?”

  “Please, Sir. I need it, too.”

  “I know you do, boy. You’ve been trained not to scream?”

  He nodded, and I pulled out and slammed back in. Matty’s mouth opened in a silent scream. His body registered the shock, but his arousal was still there.

  I did it again. Looked him over again — a quicker check.

  He was fine. He didn’t know it, but he was. I fucked him in earnest, my hips rocketing in and out, in and out, slamming hard. Taking him. Penetrating. Owning.

  Eventually, he’d have to learn to handle me until I’d thoroughly spent myself, but I knew he couldn’t handle more than four or five minutes today, so I let my balls loose and slammed in a final time to empty myself into him.

  Damn, I couldn’t wait until we could get rid of the condom.

  The night was only beginning though, so I cleaned him up, took care of myself, and ordered him to get me a beer and him a bottle of wate
r. I used the coaster he provided and didn’t roll my eyes. A mere point to the rug, and he was on his knees.

  “Drink the water. At least half the bottle, and more only if your body wants it.”

  He drank half, replaced the cap, set it beside him, and laced his hands behind his head.

  “Resting position. Feet together and knees apart. Hands behind your back — however is most comfortable as long as I don’t see them. Back arched. You know how to make it pretty.”

  He grasped his elbows behind his back and hit just the right pose.

  “Good boy. Cock soft.”


  “You heard me. I want it soft.”

  He gave the tiniest of nods, closed his eyes, and three minutes later it was mostly deflated. More of a semi than soft, but it was good enough.

  “Good boy. Pushups to failure.”

  His gaze met mine in confusion and I asked, “You know what that means?”

  “Do them until my arms give out?”

  “Is there a problem with following orders?’

  “No, Sir.”

  “Then why the fuck are you still sitting there?” Orders aren’t always sexual. The sooner he learned that, the better.

  He stretched out and began, his body in perfect form.

  Forty pushups later, his butt was a little too high, but I didn’t correct him. He managed eighty-four pushups before he hit the ground. Eventually, I’d insist on perfect form for every pushup, but we needed to get to know each other better. I needed to learn the kind of encouragement he needed, and how best to reprimand him. I was going to have so much fun learning how to teach my boy.

  “Excellent. Now get me hard with your hands.”

  His arms were exhausted, but he managed a decent enough hand job. He leaned forward a couple of times like he was going to use his mouth, but thought better of it and didn’t.

  I waited until his arms were in enough pain he was considering using his safeword before I ordered him onto his stomach on the bed.

  “Legs spread wide. Arrange your dick however you want and grasp the edge of the mattress above your head.”

  I lubed the condom but not him this time, and slid into his oh-so-sore ass all at once.

  He screamed, jerked, and then tried his hardest to relax but didn’t manage a good job of it.

  “Gonna fuck you hard and fast, boy. You’re welcome to come anytime you want, if you can. If you don’t get off before me, you won’t get an orgasm tonight. Can you be quiet?”

  “Yes, Sir. I apologize for the scream.”

  I kissed the back of his head. “You’re good, boy. So fucking tight around my dick. Arch your back for me — show me you want to be fucked by my fat cock.”

  His ass tilted up and I groaned. So sweet. So well behaved. So eager to please. I should probably guard my heart around him, but damned if the boy didn’t make me want to be his Daddy.

  I pulled out and slid in. He gasped and then held his breath, and I waited for him to breathe. Four deep breaths and I did it again. He handled it better, so I went out and back in faster and harder.

  “Fuck, Sir.”

  His voice told me he wanted more, so I gave it to him and didn’t slow or stop. My hips picked up pace, I pounded harder, and his hands clutched the mattress edge with an iron grip while I hammered his ass into the mattress. I could tell he was close, and I lowered my mouth to his ear to growl, “Come, boy. Make a mess you’ll have to clean. Show me you like it when I fuck you hard and spread that ass. You like me inside you, fucking you, taking you, owning you.”

  He wailed and tightened around me, and his entire body shuddered. It’s a wonder his toenails didn’t come out his dick, he came so hard. I held off until I was sure he was nearly finished before I pulled out, yanked the condom off, and came all over his back.

  “Mine,” I told him as I rubbed it in. “You’re mine.”

  Fuck the two-week trial, I wanted him and I wasn’t going to let him go. After insisting on a it though, I couldn’t very well trash the contract we’d just signed.

  Chapter 6


  * * *

  I awoke in my Daddy’s arms. He said I had to wait to call him Daddy, but that didn’t mean he didn’t deserve the title.

  He pushed me under the covers and I knew what he wanted. I went straight to his cock and worked him with my tongue and lips until he took over and fucked my face.

  He isn’t terribly long, but I’ve never been with someone so thick. He’d hurt my ass getting into it, but I didn’t regret a moment. He owned me now, and I hoped to hell he understood I’d given him my very soul the night before.

  My jaw had to stretch painfully wide to take all of him, but he didn’t last too long. I kept my hands off my cock without making him tell me it wasn’t allowed. I’d figured him out well enough by then, I knew he’d tell me if he wanted me touching myself.

  “Swallow me down, boy.” It was the only warning I got, but there’s no way I’d have disrespected my new Sir enough to spit his gift out.

  He pulled me to him, wrapped his arms around me, and rolled us until his thigh pressed over the top of my granite-hard cock.

  “Want you to stay hard for a while. I haven’t decided if you’ll get to come or not this morning, so you’ll want to be on your best behavior.” He rolled off and sat up. “Into the shower, boy.”

  My morning was both heaven and hell. Daddy followed me into the shower and made me jack myself right to the edge of an orgasm, and I had to stand on tiptoe with my balls on the counter while I brushed my teeth with a hard-on.

  He ordered me onto the bed on all fours so he could inspect my asshole, and I was certain he’d order me soft again, but he took me back to the bathroom and ordered me to jack off.

  I worried he'd take me just to the edge and stop me — and he did. But when I obeyed, he called me a good boy and told me to keep going.

  I beat off all the time, but doing it in front of Razor made my orgasm so much more intense. He caught it in a towel, tossed it in the dirty clothes, and pulled me to him. “Good boy. You’ll only orgasm when you have permission, as long as you’re mine. Now, drop and give me pushups to failure. I’ll get started on breakfast — you’ll tell me how many you managed when you finish. I’ll expect you in jeans and a t-shirt to help cook, but do your pushups naked.”

  Knowing he’d ask how many I managed, and figuring he’d ask if I’d truly done all I could, I managed a few more pushups than I’d have struggled through without him. Still, it was less than I’d done the day before because my arms were fucking sore.

  Micca and Razor almost had breakfast ready when I made it into the kitchen, and we had a pleasant meal without Micca threatening Razor anymore — though I figured they got that out of the way while I was stuck in the room doing pushups.

  Chapter 7


  * * *

  Brain didn’t have much to tell me that I didn’t already know. My boy hadn’t been arrested, made excellent grades, and was financially stable. He spent what he made, but he’d only dipped into the funds from Steve to pay for tuition and books.

  I hadn’t however, understood he’d been a superstar on the Motorcross circuit. He hadn’t just raced, he’d won national titles. Brain saw where he’d participated in random local and state races in recent years, but hadn’t been on the national circuit since he’d moved out of his parents’ house and started college.

  I called Duke’s wife to tell her I was ready to buy a house.

  “We don’t have any houses available for sale in the MC’s neighborhood, but you can buy land and build.”

  “I’d like to move in the next couple of weeks if possible. I’m not opposed to renting a secluded house until I can have one built though.”

  She asked for my price range and must-haves, and said she’d get back to me.

  Next, I met with Cam to work on teacher and student uniforms, and then had lunch with Nix and Horse to discuss renovation plans for the new gym
/teaching facility, figure out when classes could start, and decide on a weekly schedule.

  I had dinner with Matty that evening, and took him to his room for our nightly interrogation. Besides the normal questions, I quizzed him about his homework and study requirements. He was carrying a heavy load for his final semester, and it sounded like he needed the next couple of nights without me around. He didn’t want to tell me, but he did, and I rewarded him by giving him permission to jack off at night just before he went to sleep, though he still had to edge himself in the shower.

  However, I made plans with Micca to let me into the apartment with a huge breakfast the next morning, so I still got to check in with him and make sure his day started right.

  Two weeks for our trial period. Fourteen days. I only spent five of those nights at his place, though I had breakfast with him all but three mornings. I didn’t fully admit it to myself at the time, but I fell a little more in love with him every time I saw him. His masochism and my sadism were a perfect match, but it was so much more. I liked him. Not just as a gay man, but as a person. He was exactly what I needed in a boy. Exactly.

  Gen found me several options so I could purchase or rent immediately, and showed me available land in the RTMC neighborhood. I noted she suggested land far from Dozer, which felt like a good idea.

  “I’m seeing someone and it’s new,” I told Gen, “but I have a feeling he’s going to be around a while. His best friend lives with him and I’m considering a mother-in-law apartment, so they can stay close to each other.”

  “Sounds like you should rent a while, until you’re sure of your housing needs.”

  She’d been right, and I moved into a three-bedroom house on the side of Missionary Ridge. Way more house than I needed for a rental, but the location put it minutes away from both the clubhouse and university. A trip to Memphis to rent a truck and get my furniture from storage, and I could have Matty and Micca over to dinner.


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