Razor: Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club, Book 11

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Razor: Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club, Book 11 Page 10

by Candace Blevins

  I lost track of what was going on around us, but a sound caught my attention and I looked to my left to see Daddy taking a girl from behind while Knife fucked her mouth. It looked like Daddy was probably in the girl’s ass, but I couldn’t be sure.

  “You okay?”

  I looked at Angelica. “Yeah. It just caught me off guard. He can do girls here. We talked about it. It’s just sex. I’m the one going home with him.”

  “Okay then. Mind if I help Dawg set his bike up to race you?”

  I smiled. No one had beat me yet. “No problem.”

  Honestly, I wasn’t upset about him fucking the girl, but I was pissed he could fuck her in front of his brothers but couldn’t fuck me in front of them. It wasn’t worth bringing up and arguing over though. I might not like it, but I understood.

  “Well,” Angelica said as she went through the menu to set Dawg’s bike up, “if I looked over and saw Bash fucking a sweetbutt, there’s a good chance he’d lose at least one of his nuts.”

  “I’m not upset about him fucking her.”

  “But you’re upset about something?”

  “We’re family,” Dawg told me, “but the ol’ladies are gonna get in your business as much as you’ll let them. It’s okay to tell her to back off.”

  I shrugged. “He can fuck her in front of everyone, but not me. Right? Stings a little. I get it – ya’ll don’t want to see that. Still, it’s kind of a bitch.”

  “Oh, well I can help you out there,” said Angelica. “You’re kind of like one of us – an ol’lady. We’re never fucked in front of people. Or, maybe we are late, late, late at night when everyone’s trashed and we’re in a dark corner, but never like the sweetbutts, out in front of everyone and double-teamed.”

  “Razor said ya’ll don’t really know how to classify me yet. I guess everyone’s still figuring it out.”

  “Yeah, but you’re way closer to being an ol’lady than a sweetbutt,” Harmony said from behind me. “Chigger’s not a person to them. She’s just holes to fuck. You aren’t in the same… don’t compare yourself to her, okay?”

  “Yeah. Okay. Thanks.”

  “I’m with Angelica, though,” Harmony added, “If I looked over and saw Brain doing one of them, I’d hurt him. Bad.”

  I laughed and set my game controller down. “If I want to do someone besides him, I’ll tell him, and he’ll either give permission or he won’t. If he wants to do another guy, we’ll talk about it and he’ll take my feelings into account. But women?” I shuddered. “He can do any female he wants. It’s more about bonding with his brothers than about the girl.”

  “Pick yours back up,” Dawg told me as he took the game controller from Angelica. “One of us has to be able to beat you at this.”

  I lapped Dawg before I beat him, but he lost good-naturedly.

  “Dude, you kicked my ass. You still riding with us to the falls tomorrow?”

  “Yeah. Razor says I have to ride the Street Rod he bought me, and not my Ninja.”

  Brain chuckled. “Wise decision. The Atlanta chapter’s meeting us there. You’ll get to meet Angelica’s dad.”

  “You’re from Atlanta?” I asked Angelica.

  “Yeah. My dad’s president — has been for most of my life.” She shrugged. “This is where I’m jealous of you, because Bash wants me on the back of his bike instead of riding my own.”

  I shrugged. “Razor’s given me a million rules for tomorrow.”

  “And they’re all about keeping you safe,” said Bash. “You’re Razor’s, which means you’re one of ours. Along with that comes an obligation not to be stupid.”

  “He’ll be fine,” Razor said from behind me. “Has anyone managed to beat him?”

  “Not even close,” said Angelica. “I was sure it was because of the way he was setting everything up, and that’s part of it, but he’s damned aggressive on the track.”

  “I watched him sparring with Cam during the Krav Maga class last week,” said Horse. “He’s pretty aggressive on the mat, too.”

  I shrugged and felt my face go hot. I’d gotten too rough with Cam, and Daddy had sent me to my apartment instead of letting me go home with him. The next day, he’d taken me to Cam’s Masters’ house and made me apologize — and he’d offered to let Isaac spank me if they felt it necessary. Isaac had said as long as Daddy had handled it and was sure it wouldn’t happen again, they were good.

  To be sure it didn’t happen again, I’d had to sleep in the cage a few nights, and he’d made me write a damned research paper on anger management and how it pertains to martial arts. I had to rewrite it three times before he was satisfied, and this was a week after I’d had to cram so hard for final exams. Most sadistic Daddy ever. It’d worked, though. I’d be sure I didn’t get rough with Cam again when we sparred. Martial arts are about control, not about losing your temper.

  “He’s apologized to Cam for getting too rough,” Daddy said, his hand on my shoulder to let me know we’d resolved it and we were good. “Abbott’s given him permission to fight Spence without holding back, and I’m afraid my boy tried the same with Cam. Thankfully, he didn’t seriously hurt him.”

  “Bring him downstairs before breakfast in the morning,” Bash told Razor. “I’d like to spar with him. See what he’s got.”

  Bash scares me. Even now that I know he’s the one in charge of keeping the club safe, I want to curl up in a ball on the floor whenever he looks at me. I didn’t want to spar with him and I hoped Daddy would turn him down, but he said, “I’ll have him there at nine.”

  Bash looked to me and I had to focus to hold his gaze. It was like staring at a wild animal and it didn’t feel smart, but I couldn’t figure out how to look away.

  “Three men who are considered a friend of the club will be riding with us tomorrow,” Bash said. “You, Eric, and Zeke. You’ll be with us without being one of us, and it’ll make you a target if you go off on your own. Don’t go off on your own.”

  “He’ll be fine,” Razor said again. “He’ll stay glued to my side or he’ll be belted in front of everyone who wants to watch when we return to the clubhouse tomorrow night. My rules are even stricter than yours, Bash.”

  Bash glanced at me and looked back to Razor. “Don’t swing your way, but now I’m kinda hopin’ he tries to go to the john without permission. Do you do cornertime, too?”

  Angelica punched his arm and he grinned at her. “I’m thinking we need to set up some of the sweetbutts in a competition — unless you want to volunteer your ass for my amusement?”

  Angelica shook her head and turned to leave. “You’re an asshole. I’m gonna find someone to do shots with.”

  Dawg chuckled and stood. “Chigger, Backdoor, Chiquita, Cinderella, Genie — and anyone I missed. How about a little healthy competition?”

  A girl in clear plastic heels so tall they were practically stilts, walked up to Dawg and was still shorter than him. She looked up and batted her lashes, her face pointed down to exaggerate the effect. “If you’re the prize, I’ll do whatever you want.”

  “Bubbles took Hot Pocket downstairs,” said Duke. “She’ll want in on it. I think everyone else is still up here. “Whatcha have in mind?”

  “Line’em up,” said Dawg. “Brothers take a belt to their ass. First one out has to run a train downstairs. Last one gets me for the night, and possibly the morning if I’m so inclined.”

  “Could make it more interesting,” said Bash. “More incentive for them to stay in. No orgasms while we run a train on the loser?”

  “And weighted nipple clamps for fifteen minutes if she gets caught having one,” said Gonzo. “Otherwise, Hot Pocket’ll lose on purpose.”

  Razor looked at me with a smile, and I grinned back at him. “You know I love to watch you with a belt.”

  Brain and Harmony stood and left, but they took a detour to collect Tippy on their way. Gen joined them at the back of the room, and they all went through the door together.

  There was some discussion
when Chigger said she didn’t want to play, but Viper ended it by saying she could blow him while he watched, since he wasn’t interesting in beating anyone’s ass at the moment.

  Backdoor, Chiquita, Cinderella, Genie, Freckles, and Hot Pocket were lined up on either side of a pool table, bent over and holding the hands of the girl across from them.

  Razor, Gonzo, Dawg, Bash, Duke, and McGyver each stood behind one of the girls and took off their belts. My cock went granite hard despite my best effort to stay soft. Razor had given me orders not to get hard in the clubhouse without specific permission to do so, but he’d said there might be exceptions when someone was using a sweetbutt. I hoped this was one of those exceptions.

  Duke lifted his arm and the other five were only a second behind him. A few girls screamed, but most held their breath and managed to be quiet. I had a nice view of three asses and all had a harsh red line. The bikers weren’t taking it easy on them.

  The men moved to the next girl in line, and took aim at a different butt. I’d wondered how it would be fair, since some likely hit harder and had better aim, but the bikers rotated around the table so each girl was hit by each man.

  I tried to rearrange so my hard-on wouldn’t be so obvious, but I’m not sure I managed.

  Chigger gagged on Viper’s cock a few times during the noisy blow-job she gave him — on her knees between his legs while he lounged on a chair with his bare ass on the edge of the cushion, his face slack as he watched the show.

  The girl they called Freckles screamed, “Uncle! Red! No more!” after the seventh strike. Tears flowed down her face, and McGyver stepped to her and pulled her into his arms. “Paco will take you downstairs and get you installed and ready for us. Stop at the bar and get a few shots, if you think it’ll help. Probably want to stop at the bathroom, too. You know the rules.”

  Razor had told me the girls were rarely released for anything — not even to pee. Someone held a bucket for them to piss into if they needed to go. Sometimes, they were told to just pee on the concrete, since the room they used for this was bare bones with a drain in the sloped floor so they could hose it down.

  McGyver seemed really sweet to Freckles, holding her and comforting her, and Paco put his arm around her to help her walk to the bar. I knew they didn’t really care about the sweetbutts, but I was glad to see they took care of them when they needed it.

  Three more girls went out during the next eight strikes, and only Cinderella and Back Door were left. Back Door seemed to have found her head space, but Cinderella was crying and in agony. The girls were side by side while McGyver and Knife held their hands from across the pool table. Dawg and Bash swapped back and forth, and it was easy to see Bash hit a lot harder than Dawg — though neither took it easy on them.

  I’d lost track of how many times the belts had swung when Dawg said, “I’m calling it. They can’t take any more damage. Cinderella gets my bed tonight, Back Door gets it tomorrow night, or whenever her next night off is. Cindy has to work Monday, so tonight’s hers.”

  Dozer stepped out of the shadows and I jumped at his voice. He’d worked the bar and I hadn’t realized it was so late. “Freckles is set up. I got first dibs at her and she’s primed. I’ll take Back Door to my room for the night. Anyone else wants a piece of her, feel free to join us.”

  Razor waited until Dozer was gone to ask the room, “Anyone have a problem with Matty gettin’ a blowjob from Freckles while I take her ass?”

  “Fine with me,” said Bash. “Paco’s running the show down there, he’ll get the final say.”

  “Does he know he’ll have to fuck her face? With Paco setting things up, Freckles won’t be in a position to give a blowjob,” Chigger was still working Viper with her mouth, but he seemed more alert than he had earlier.

  Razor fucked around with his brothers for nearly an hour before we went down. And down. And then down some more. When we were finally in line, Bobcat and Slick were in front of us. I hadn’t seen them upstairs, and it got me to thinking. I knew there had to be other businesses, and I was willing to bet these two had been working at one of them. It was nearly three in the morning by then, what could they’ve been doing until two in the morning?

  One of Razor’s many rules was that I wasn’t supposed to ask anyone what they did for the club, so I kept my mouth shut.

  Razor touched my chin and tilted my face up until I had no choice but to meet his gaze. “You have permission to vigorously fuck her face. You don’t have permission for anything else. Understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  It slipped out and he glared at me, but the men around us all chuckled like it wasn’t a big deal.

  “Also, Paco’s making sure she’s safe, which means if you restrict her breathing too much he’ll step in. Don’t make him have to step in.”


  Slick stepped forward and took her ass while someone I didn’t recognize fucked her face. They finished about the same time, and Bobcat waved us in front of him. “You two go on, so you can take her together.”

  The other men had just released their jeans and lowered them enough to free their cock, so I did the same. I wanted to talk to her and make sure she was okay, but the look Razor gave me told me to stop screwing around and get to work, so I crammed my mostly-hard cock in her mouth and jacked my hips. I hadn’t thought it would be good, but her mouth sealed around me and she sucked while I pistoned in and out. My eyes rolled closed and I imagined myself in her position, with men fucking me one after another. Too late, I realized how close I was to an orgasm, and I opened my eyes and slowed.

  Daddy was fucking her nice and slow, but didn’t seem to be going deep. “Glad to have you back. Go in and hold a second.”

  I nodded, stuck my cock down her throat and held her head so she couldn’t move it, and then nearly spurted down her throat when she screamed in agony. Razor jammed his fat cock in her all at once, and she was probably loose as fuck but you never get loose enough for Razor’s dick. Especially if you’re already sore.

  “With me, boy. Match my tempo. Look at me, not her. Got it?”

  I nodded, mesmerized under his scrutiny as always. I matched his speed but was careful to go shallow a few times in a row so she could breathe before I went deep again.

  Also, going shallow helped me hold my orgasm off.

  Razor was damned close and I was holding on by my toenails when he surprised me with permission.

  “On her face while I go on her back, boy. Spray her good.”

  Chapter 14


  * * *

  Letting my brothers see Matty face-fuck a sweetbutt and jizz on her face seemed to relax some of them. Dawg and Bash had set it up, and they’d been absolutely right. I could sense the difference in the way some of the outliers treated him right away. They hadn’t objected to him, but still weren’t terribly comfortable with us. However, he was one of them now, not just my boyfriend. I didn’t know if it would last, but I appreciated it for the time being.

  We sat around and watched others use Freckles, and high-fived the ones who made her scream the loudest. McGyver managed to make her orgasm, and he got to put the nipple clamps on her.

  “Want to hang the weights, Matty?”

  My boy looked to me for permission, and I shrugged and motioned him towards her. No one told him how many to put on, but he’d been on the receiving end enough, he judged it about right — enough to hurt without yanking them off while she was fucked and jerked around.

  “And with that, I think it’s time for us to retire, since Matty has a sparring session with Bash at nine. See ya’ll at church!”

  I couldn’t do much to him with the wolves and cats on the floor who could hear everything, but I fucked his ass good before I sent him to my tiny shower. I got in as he got out, and he was crashed by the time I made it to bed.

  Bash didn’t put him through too tough of a workout the next morning, but enough he could get a feel for when to let Matty hold his own, and whe
n Bash should step in, should an issue arise.

  Breakfast was the usual — raucous for the shapeshifters while most of the humans grumped through their hangovers. I hadn’t let Matty have much to drink, so he was fine.

  I wasn’t too worried about leaving him with the ol’ladies while I was in church. I’d given him the rules and made him read over them again that morning before he sparred with Bash. He’d be fine.

  We rode through the North Georgia Mountains on our way to Amicalola Falls State Park, where we’d meet our Atlanta brethren. We’d rented a pavilion and arranged for dinner to be catered — fried chicken, barbecue pig, and several dozen side dishes.

  The first time someone rides with us they have to prove themselves, but my brothers had seen Matty hold his own on the MX-Cross track, so other than needing to see that he could ride in a group without being a danger to himself or others, he didn’t need to prove anything, thank goodness.

  Gossip is inevitable in any MC, so I fully expected the entire Atlanta chapter would know about Matty and be curious — and I wasn’t wrong. I was pleasantly surprised when Bud introduced himself to my boy in front of everyone, though.

  “You must be Matty,” Bud said, offering his hand. He pulled my boy into a semi-hug and slapped him on the back. “My Angel likes you. Says you’re good people. When the Chattanooga chapter figures out which race they’re all going to next year, I’ll be along for the ride.”

  Bud’s greeting set the tone for the day, and I appreciated it.

  Matty came to me a few hours later and stood quietly at my side until I finished my conversation and addressed him.

  “Are you having fun?”

  “I am. I’m glad you brought me. Angelica and Harmony want to do some trail running. I know you want me to stick close, but if they’re going, surely it’s safe for me to go with them?”

  The girls were safe because they were armed, and because Angelica’s a werewolf and Harmony’s a bad-ass. Matty was a target because he was a man who’d been seen with us. Matty wasn’t armed because I didn’t want to get into that with the club just yet. While I hesitated, Viper stood and said, “I’ll go with them. I could use a good run.”


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