Razor: Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club, Book 11

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Razor: Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club, Book 11 Page 16

by Candace Blevins

  “Okay. Tomorrow evening.”

  He didn’t have to be anywhere for several hours, so he stayed in bed and watched me dress. The look in his eyes told me he wanted to take my clothes back off, which let my heart relax a little. We’d figure it out. I wasn’t sure what had possessed me to insist the way I had, but it still felt important. It needed to be our house, not Daddy’s house. I needed to put down roots.

  A client called in a panic an hour before closing time, and I volunteered to go with Dana to help calm them down. She agreed, and I texted Daddy to let him know I’d be late. He told me to come to the clubhouse when I finished.

  The parking lot wasn’t full when I pulled in, and there weren’t too many bikers in the front room when I entered. Daddy was playing a video game with a few of his brothers, and he motioned for me to come to him. I prefer to sit on the floor at his feet, but he wants me sitting beside him at the clubhouse, so I sat between Daddy and Brain on a sofa, and leaned into Daddy a little. They were playing a first-person shooter game I didn’t recognize, but I didn’t ask what it was.

  “I’m assuming you didn’t get a chance to eat dinner?”

  “No. A client visited her house and freaked because it isn’t finished and she has no vision for how it’ll look. Dana and I had to show her the mock-ups we made and assure her everything will end up looking like the pictures she approved. The carpet’s been delivered but not installed, the rooms have been painted but the molding isn’t up in every room yet, and without curtains and…” I stopped. “No. I didn’t eat.”

  “Do you want to walk across the street or go somewhere else?”

  “Across the street’s fine.” I watched the game a few seconds and my eyes went wide when I realized what they were playing.

  “How do you have this? It isn’t out yet!”

  “Eric brought it by over the weekend. He’ll pop in this weekend and get our feedback. We’re beta testers.”

  “I keep it locked up when I’m not out here to babysit it,” said Brain. “You can play when you come back from eating if you want, but you’ll either have to write up what you liked and didn’t like about it, or promise to be here Sunday before church when he comes to get our feedback.”

  “I’ll do both. Damn, this is sweet.”

  Dozer was working the door when we went across the street, and I looked at the ground to keep from meeting his gaze. Daddy hadn’t told me to, but it seemed a bad idea to get into a staring contest with a werewolf who hated me on principle.

  Daddy seated us at a small table in the regular section instead of taking us to the VIP area, but I didn’t ask why. I was kind of happy to have him to myself. I mean, I enjoy my time with his friends, but I was tired, and it took effort not to call him Daddy, or to just say yes instead of yes, Sir.

  “What’d you have for lunch?”

  I shook my head and looked at the table. “I worked through lunch, but I wasn’t hungry.”

  “You need more than a salad for dinner.”

  “It’ll have chicken on it. It isn’t just a salad.”

  He sighed. “You’ll weigh when you wake up tomorrow. If you’ve lost weight, you’ll sleep in the cage until it’s back to an acceptable level.”

  Daddy had weighed me for weeks to get an idea of how much my weight fluctuates. He has a bottom number I’m not allowed to go under for a single weighing, and a slightly higher number he wants me to hit as an average. He doesn’t weigh me every day anymore, but he puts me on the scales at least once or twice a week to be sure I’m not losing. He’s never threatened punishment before, but I couldn’t accuse him of being wrong.

  “I’m worried about our conversation tomorrow. It’s hard to eat. Please give me a little leeway?”

  I looked at my plate when I spoke, but Daddy wasn’t going to let me get away with that. “Look up, boy.”

  I met his gaze and his tiny nod let me know he approved. “Order something else to go with your salad. You’ll still weigh in the morning, but no consequences other than extra food as long as I see you’re trying.” He touched my hand on the table a brief second before pulling his arm back. “I’d like you to trust me to find a solution that works for both of us. It’s going to be okay, Matty.”

  “I trust you. I’m just not good when things are up in the air.”

  “You’ve been okay staying at my house the past couple of months, and your name isn’t on the lease.”

  “My stuff’s in my apartment. My name’s on the apartment. If we get in a fight, I’m not homeless. I have a room with my furniture and things I can go back to. My mail goes there. I have a place, I’m just not staying there. It’s different.”

  Daddy motioned a waitress as she went by, and asked me, “You want cheese sticks? And maybe some bacon and extra salad dressing for your salad?”

  “Bring a few pieces of bacon on the side, please, and swap out the vinaigrette dressing for blue cheese.” I looked at Daddy. “Will you help with the cheese sticks?” I wanted a few, but not the whole order.

  “A double order of cheese sticks, some fried mushrooms, and don’t let me run out of beer.”

  I rolled my eyes and grinned at Daddy. He knew I’d eat a few of the mushrooms if they were on the table.

  “Thanks for taking care of me.”

  “No thanks necessary, but you have to take care of yourself, too.”

  I was a pound lighter than I should’ve been the next morning, but Daddy noted it on the spreadsheet without comment. Honestly, I was four pounds lighter than I think is my ideal weight. He wasn’t wrong to fuss.

  “We’re going for a ride this evening,” Daddy told me while I dressed. “You’ll be on my bike, ridin’ bitch. Try not to have to work late.”

  Thankfully, nothing came up and I got away a little early. I went to my apartment and took my time in the shower. I wasn’t sure where we were going, so after I’d lubed myself, I put on some of my tightest jeans with a mélange charcoal and black tee and my black riding boots. A thick black belt through the beltloops of my jeans topped the outfit off, but I hoped Daddy forgot to ask me what I ate for lunch. I’d taken egg salad and a pickle, but had only eaten a few bites.

  I still made it to Daddy’s house twenty minutes before he expected me, and I smiled when I saw his bike in the garage with our helmets on the seat.

  Daddy frowned when I walked in the door. “You didn’t wear that to work.”

  “I went home and showered. Wanted to look like I know you like.”

  Daddy looked at his feet a few seconds before meeting my gaze. “You didn’t do anything wrong under our current rules, but I don’t like it.”

  My heart rose into my throat. “I don’t understand?”

  “I planned our evening, and it started with me stripping you and telling you what to wear, but you’re already wearing something pretty close to what I’d have changed you into.”

  “I was trying to please you, Daddy.”

  He pulled me into his arms. “I know. It’s okay. I just need to adjust my plans.” He sighed. “Pull your pants down to your knees and stay put. I’ll be back in a second, and I expect you to keep yourself soft.”

  I tried to take a step back when Daddy returned with the jailbird, and I almost fell because my pants held my knees together.

  “I’m sorry, Daddy! I thought you’d be pleased!”

  “This isn’t punishment, boy. Want you to remember what it can mean to belong to me.” He worked my cock and balls into the device and stepped behind me. “Touch your toes.”

  He didn’t let me see which plug he put in, but it was one of our largest, and it took him at least two or three minutes to get it in. I had to focus on relaxing and allowing it to invade my ass.

  I breathed in relief when it finally slid all the way in, and yelped when Daddy slapped my left butt cheek. Fuck, he intended that handprint to still be showing tomorrow, apparently.

  “Stand up and fix your pants.”

  Riding bitch behind Daddy was both heaven and hell �
�� the road passing under us, trees whipping past us, my arms around my daddy. However, I felt every vibration and every bump, right against my prostate. The jailbird was like a gates-of-hell on steroids, and before long my cock ached with the need to get hard.

  Thankfully, we didn’t have a terribly long drive up Lookout Mountain. He parked his bike at one of the houses near Pointe Park, and we walked to the park, through it, and onto a trail. Eventually, he stopped at a boulder where a girl handed him a picnic basket and left without a word.

  “Who was that?”

  “Explanations later. I hope you’re hungry.”

  The picnic basket contained pulled pork, barbecue sauce, slaw, fries, baked beans, and huge slabs of buttered toast. It also had two six-packs of my favorite craft root beer.

  The boulder was flat, and daddy spread an insulated blanket on it, but didn’t start pulling the food out yet. He motioned for me to sit, and I did, but he didn’t.

  When Daddy started talking, he got right to the point, which scared me a little. He’d promised to find a solution, but I still worried.

  “Sometimes,” he began, “I have trouble figuring out what society’s told me is important, and what actually matters. I needed some time to be sure this is important to me because of my own beliefs, and not because of society’s brainwashing.”

  I wanted to ask what was so important to him, but I didn’t interrupt.

  “In my head, you don’t share certain things with someone unless you’re married to them. I know unmarried people have kids and own homes together, but it’s always seemed…” He shrugged. “Not wrong so much as awkward and irresponsible.” Another shrug, though this one was barely perceptible. “Wrong, but not morally wrong. Silly. Stupid. Either you design your life so you can split without it being a big deal, or you fix things so it’s a huge fucking deal to split up, and doing the latter without marrying them is asinine.”

  He pulled a jewelry box from his pocket, opened it, and showed me… something metal. Odd shaped. It took several long seconds for my mind to make sense of it, and my heart skipped a few beats when I realized it was a plug piercing for a Prince Albert.

  “Not a traditional engagement ring, but will you marry me? I have a seven o’clock appointment for us tomorrow, so you’ll have the weekend to take it easy before work on Monday. It’s with someone Viper recommends, and I’ve seen some of her work. She’s good.”

  My cock throbbed in the jailbird, and the plug moved around in my ass when I squirmed. I looked at my hands and tried to ignore the piercing part. I couldn’t handle everything at once.

  Razor wanted me to marry him.

  “Every year on our anniversary, you’ll get new jewelry in a slightly fatter gauge. The hole in your dick will be a reminder of how long we’ve been together, twenty years from now.”

  My cock throbbed again, but I shook my head. He knew I had mixed feelings about the kind of control a Top has over a male bottom with a Prince Albert piercing, so submitting to one was huge, but I’d have done it if he’d asked — marriage proposal or not. I trusted him that much.

  “It feels like you’re sidetracking the proposal with the piercing stuff. Can we stick to the proposal part? What are you saying? If we’re married, my name will be on the house?”

  “You told me your fantasy once, and it included being financially dependent upon me. You didn’t think it was possible, but you wished it was.”

  I nodded.

  “The house will be in both of our names, but we’ll renegotiate rules and protocols once we’re married.” He pulled a jewelry box from his other pocket, and lifted a chain from it. It looked like a thin necklace chain, but longer. A short length came off it and ended with a tiny clip. “You’ll wear this around your waist at all times, usually connected to a loose but heavy cock-ring, though I’ll reserve the right to put a tighter one on you if I want your mind on me.” He pulled on the circle and it didn’t budge. “It’s made of stainless steel, and a jeweler will set it around your hips. I realize it won’t be safe to race with it attached to a cock-ring, but there’s no reason you can’t race with the chain on. It will stay on, under your clothes, all the time. We’ll fix it so it can’t come off unless it’s cut off.”

  My dick pulsed and I groaned, but Daddy didn’t chuckle and I realized he was still waiting for my answer.

  I couldn’t bring myself to tell him yes, though. I had too many questions.

  “Doing it just to buy a house doesn’t seem right, and we’ll have to rush the wedding to fit it in before we close, and who knows whether—”

  Daddy put his hand over my mouth. “Next spring, not this year. Telling me yes and getting the PA will be enough for me to feel comfortable signing my name beside yours on a mortgage. You’ll wear the chain with a clasp while we’re engaged, and we’ll have the jeweler set it permanently in the days leading up to the wedding. I know you’re going to want to have fun planning our wedding, and you’ll have to get approval from me on everything, but once we’ve agreed on date, place, and theme, I’ll let you take the lead on planning it and making it happen.”

  He pulled his hand away. “We’ll put a contract together, outlining what happens if we split before we’re married. In a nutshell, if neither of us can buy out our half of the house and get the other person’s name off the mortgage then we’ll sell it at fair market value, as determined by a realtor, an appraiser, and one other professional should there be a discrepancy we can’t get beyond.”

  I breathed out in relief. He’d needed the time to work through every detail. I was certain there was more to all of this, but I didn’t need to hear it. I wasn’t promising to marry him this weekend, but next year. We’d have time to negotiate the details.


  He froze. “Yes?”

  I nodded, but he looked afraid to celebrate, like he wasn’t sure I was saying yes to the proposal.

  “Yes, Daddy, Sir, Razor. Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  Daddy’s big arms swept me up in a hug, lifted me from the rock, and he turned in a circle with my feet far off the ground.

  “Want you to be mine forever. My boy. My Matty.”

  He set me back down, leaned me backwards, and his lips crashed into mine. His hand cradled my head, his other arm supported my back, and his mouth owned me until I gasped for air.

  I squealed when he pinched and twisted my nipple, and he pulled away with a chuckle. “Now, we celebrate with barbecue. Nothing else heavy, there’ll be time for that later. Get your ass back on the boulder.” He slapped my butt over my jeans when I turned to obey. “Do you have wedding dreams already, or will you need to think them up?”

  He followed me onto the boulder and started pulling food out of the basket.

  “When I was younger,” I answered, “I dreamed of a kinky wedding, with me naked and my daddy all decked out in leather, and all our kinky friends there to watch, but that’s changed in the past couple of years.” I figured he’d laugh at me, but I needed to tell him the naked truth. “Now, I want a fairy tale wedding, with tuxedos for the men and fancy dresses for the women, and men and women in both our parties if we want them there, and I want candles and flowers and live music. I know I’ll put a creative twist on it, but I really, really want it to be kind of traditional.”

  “Then you’ll get your fairy tale wedding.”

  Chapter 20


  * * *

  I pulled up to the remote cabin and shut my bike off. The RTMC was throwing us an engagement party in a few days, but Harmony and Brain wouldn’t be there and it felt important to check in with them in person.

  My body took a few seconds to reacclimate to a world without a loud, vibrating engine under it, and I sat and took in my surroundings.

  I heard them walking towards me the same instant I picked up motion perhaps a hundred yards into the forest, and I stood beside my bike while I waited for them to be between trees enough for me to make out who they were. Fifteen seconds later, I recognized Br
ain and two wolves, who I assumed were Harmony and Spence.

  One of the wolves headed towards the cabin when they neared, another stopped in the woods, and Brain walked into the little clearing to talk to me.

  “Harmony’s still not comfortable being nude after a change, so she went around back to get dressed. Spence can’t always handle changing back to human without help, but he wanted to try.”

  “I was told Abbott had borrowed Marcus from Bran and sent him to help?”

  Brain nodded. “He’s walking the property, making sure no one’s been around. He’s been a big help with both of them.”

  “How are they doing?”

  “Harmony’s getting it okay. She’s got this thing about always being in control, and I don’t think she’s had any missing time since her second week — she knows who she is even when she loses control and can’t keep the change from happening. There’s never a moment she doesn’t know she’s the wolf, but she can’t always stay human.” He sighed. “They fucked up Spence’s relationship with his wolf and I’m amazed he’s come as far as he has, but he has a long way to go.”

  “I do.”

  Spence stepped out of the woods naked, and I shook my head at him. “You need more food, boy.”

  He put his hand on his stomach and dropped it to his side. “I know. I’ll go in and eat now. How are you doing?”

  I walked to him and pulled him into a hug. “I’m good, Spence. I have news, but I’ll tell you and Harmony at the same time, while ya’ll eat.”

  “I can smell your joy,” Harmony said from the front porch. “It’s really good to see you.”

  “And it’s great to see you healthy and walking around without broken bones.”

  The three of us walked towards the cabin, and I noted Harmony’s dress, meaning she wasn’t sure she could stay human, so she was in something she could quickly take off.

  “We’d planned on changing me eventually,” Harmony said, “it just happened before our timetable. Aaron has one of his people working to rehome the horses who can’t handle being around wolves, though I’m close to two of them so we’ll hold off and see how they act around me. I’d hired people to help out, and they’re having to do everything now. My friend Heather has horses, and she’s stopped by to check on them without warning a few times. She says everything’s fine, and Brain installed cameras so I can keep an eye on them from here.”


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