Razor: Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club, Book 11

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Razor: Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club, Book 11 Page 25

by Candace Blevins

  No one said anything, and Brain answered his own question. “Aaron has asked Harmony and me for our hacking skills a few times. Harmony did some white hat stuff because Aaron helped fill the stables with horses she otherwise wouldn’t have had access to purchase, but we’ve agreed not to do anything else for him.”

  “Pretty sure I know what’ll get Abbott’s attention, but Dozer’ll never do it.”

  They looked at me in question, and I said, “Dozer offering his ass for Abbott to fuck, and a blood meal to go with it.” It would probably take a lot more, but it would at least allow for negotiations to start.

  “Never happen,” said Bash.

  Brain, however, looked thoughtful. “Dozer is terrified about the prospect of losing his colors for good. We’re his family. His life. He knows he fucked up. If I finesse him right, he might agree to it, but he’d have to know it would mean the return of his center patch.” He looked at Duke. “If we lose our seat at the table, we’ll become dependent on your brother for everything political. Other chapters have to offer a member to the Pack every second or third year, but we’ve avoided having to pony up for favors because we have our own political clout. If we don’t fix this, we won’t have Abbott or his people available to help with the blood oath, so we’ll have to kill anyone who refuses. We got lucky by having an opportunity to gain political favor with Aaron before we made the move to Chattanooga, and we’re about to lose everything we’ve worked so hard for within the supernatural community.”

  “You’ll have Angelica or I — or both of us — here with Harmony anytime you need to be away,” said Bash. “We can either move into your guest room so we’re always around, or just come when you need us.”

  “It’ll be easier for me to keep in touch now that we’re home, but she still isn’t okay to be left alone. Yeah, if ya’ll can move in, I think it’ll be better. She needs someone besides me. I think I take care of her too much. Keeping control will be a matter of pride if the two of you are always around.”

  “My princess is on board with whatever you need from us,” said Bash. “We’ll pack tonight, and I’ll move our clothes and toiletries tomorrow while Angelica’s at work. We’ll plan on two weeks and see how things look from there.”

  Angelica had walked with Harmony to the barns while we handled club business. Apparently, Harmony had much better control around her horses, which probably led Brain to think she just needed better incentive the rest of the time too.

  I took my leave a short time later, and didn’t hear anything about how Brain’s negotiations were going for two weeks, when he made the announcement at church. Angelica and Connie were at his house. The other ol’ladies, including Matty, had spent the night at Cassie’s house after having a huge party the day before. I missed my boy.

  We all welcomed Brain back, but he got right to business. “Dozer’s actions nearly cost us a seat at the monthly, citywide supernaturals meeting. Duke got me involved, and I’ve spent two weeks playing politics and mending fences. Dozer’s agreed to help mend those fences, and since part of the deal involves everyone in town knowing what it took to make things right, I’ll let him tell ya’ll, so you’ll hear it from him and not someone else.”

  “I’ll be reporting to Abbott’s coterie house at six this evening. Abbott and three of his people are going to…” He looked at Duke, then Brain, and started again, his eyes focused on the table, not looking at anyone. “Abbott and three of his people will fuck me in the ass and feed from me. I’ll be allowed to change to heal when necessary. There’ll be an audience. Isaac will be in attendance, as will Spencer. Bethany was invited but declined. Viv, Cassie, and Cam don’t know about vampires and shifters, so they couldn’t be invited, though I understand they’ll be told the non-supernatural details of the evening. Aaron and Sophia Drake will attend, as will all of Bethany’s men, and Viv’s husband, Tyler. Also, any Strigorii or Lugat vampire who wishes to watch, which may mean Bran’s there. Oh, and the Amakhosi. Randall’s been invited; I don’t know if he’ll be there.”

  The room was silent, and Dozer finally looked around. “I fucked up, and this was the only way to fix it. They wanted more, and Brain negotiated it down to this. It won’t automatically put things back like they were, but it allows Brain to at least negotiate so Cassie and Bethany can come to the clubhouse like they used to.”

  “Most importantly, it keeps us our seat at the table,” said Brain. “Dozer’s only request to me was that once he’s done this, we open the vote up for him to get his center back. We’ll vote next week, and he understands there’s no promise he’ll get it back, only a promise we’ll vote on it.”

  It was on the tip of my tongue to point out we’d be able to call him a faggot now, but I didn’t. I kept my mouth shut and closed down my emotions, so no stray pheromones reached the wolves.

  Chapter 31


  * * *

  I had the most fabulous summer ever. I mean, sure, I had to work forty-plus hours, but I loved my job, plus I had tons of fun when I was away from it. Duke and Gen’s house became party central, and the ol’ladies, their friends, me, and Micca practically lived in their pool. The kids and babies were around, of course, but they just added to the fun. Sophia and her triplets joined us at least once a week, and I didn’t even mind having Cam around after a while. Oh, and Spence got to come during the day on the weekends some, too.

  Eventually, I got used to Dozer being around. He stopped being openly antagonistic to me after he got his ass fucked by a bunch of vampires. Spence said Dozer cried and begged when Abbott took his virginity, despite the fact he planned to ‘take it like a man’. He said Gavin made Dozer hold his cheeks open and beg for it.

  Abbott got him first, then Gavin, then another vampire Master from a neighboring city forced several orgasms from him while he fucked him. Next, they brought a horse-shifter in, with a nearly baseball-bat-sized cock. Apparently, there was a lot of screaming and crying, and blood when he was split open. They let him shift to wolf to heal after the horse-shifter finally came, and then Abbott took his ass for another turn once Dozer was in human form again, this time for several hours, and he made Dozer come a whole bunch, too. All three vampires drank from him, and then Abbott practically drained him when he fucked him the last time, so Dozer had to change again to heal from it. Most of the audience left long before Abbott finished the last time, but Isaac had stayed to watch the whole thing, and Spence had sat with him for moral support.

  And I didn’t feel the least bit sorry for Dozer. He’d brought it on himself.

  Meanwhile, the wedding plans were coming along just as I wanted them to. We had the venue, flowers, food, cake, dresses, tuxes, and music planned or booked. There wasn’t much more we could do until after the first of the year, but racing would start then, too.

  Race training started heavy in the fall, and I got to help design my uniform this time. The colors were my sponsor’s colors, of course, but I figured out how to put their logo on so it looked cool. They told me I pissed their ad people off by stepping on toes, but I didn’t care. If they’d made it look all stylish and shit in the first place, I wouldn’t have had to.

  The Chattanooga and Atlanta MC do things together a lot, and we went down there one weekend for a road rally. My sponsor paid for me to ride my green street bike and wear their jacket, so Daddy kind of had to let me. There was no racing, it was just a ride from Atlanta north into the mountains and back, all for a charitable cause.

  That evening, the MC manned booths and took people’s money to go to the charity. Nickie was at a booth to sign her books for fans, and I was at a booth right beside her, signing posters and pictures my sponsor provided while Gen dealt with the money. One of the Atlanta ol’ladies handled the cash and credit card part of selling Nickie’s books, so she only had to sign. I’d walked my bike to the booth so people could see it, so when we finished, I had to walk it through the crowds to get back to Bud and Razor. We were fine — Nickie, Gen, and I had guns, and th
e four of us stayed together. No problem. We followed the crowd out of the booth area to a sidewalk alongside a major downtown thoroughfare, and I wished I could just start my bike and go, but the four of us had strict instructions to stay together, so I pushed it.

  We’d walked perhaps ten yards along the sidewalk when a van stopped beside us, two men jumped out, grabbed Nickie, threw her in the van, and took off — and it happened faster than fast. Gen had her gun out, but couldn’t shoot for fear of hitting Nickie. As soon as I realized I couldn’t get her from them, I threw my helmet on, took off after them, and reached up to secure my chinstrap better once I was moving. Daddy has my helmet mic set up so I can talk to Google while I ride. My phone was in my pocket, so when I told it to call Duke, it did. I’m used to managing increased adrenaline levels and making them work for me, or I’d have never been able to handle talking and maneuvering traffic to keep up with the van.

  Bud’s people tracked my phone from their control room, and I stayed on the phone with Duke. I also turned my go-pro on — there wasn’t a way for the MC to see it live, but we’d have video later. The van went fast, and the MC couldn’t get out of the parking lot quickly, so it was all on me to keep up with the van until they could catch up. We turned into a mostly-empty warehouse area of town, and someone fired at me out of a side window. It pissed me off, so while they were reloading, I pulled up beside them and shot through the driver’s side window at the driver.

  I damned near wrecked. Holding the handlebars one-handed while shooting sideways isn’t recommended. I managed to keep from wiping out, but I dropped the gun in the process. Meanwhile, I’d blown out the window, and someone else was driving the van. I didn’t know if that meant I’d killed the other driver or just wounded him, but they didn’t shoot at me again. Still, I stayed back a little farther, and didn’t drive in a straight line. Just in case.

  The gunshots brought police, but the van still wouldn’t stop. I disconnected the call to Duke and called nine-one-one. I explained my friend had been abducted, and the people inside had shot at me when I followed. They told me to stop following, but I fell in line behind the police cars. I wasn’t letting the van out of my sight.

  Eventually, the police blocked a road and the van had to stop. The police surrounded the van and I kept yelling they had my friend in there, and not to shoot because they might hit her. I pissed the cops off, but I didn’t care. The MC showed up during this time, and I thought Bud was going to lose it.

  Turns out, the men hadn’t checked Nickie for a gun. While they were worrying about the police, she got herself free and shot their asses. I’d shot one so there were only two more. Bang bang, and she used her phone to call me. “Tell them not to shoot me. I’m coming out.”

  The cops were coming up on the van with weapons drawn after the shots, and I shouted “She’s coming out! Don’t shoot!”


  * * *

  Having the cops involved complicated everything. Matty had to justify shooting into a moving vehicle on a busy city street, even though he’d had the good sense to turn his go-pro on and had proof the street wasn’t busy. Our lawyers made it go away, but not before the cops terrified Matty with threats of all kinds of charges.

  Nickie didn’t have to justify shooting the two she hit, but only because it was impossible for the cops to twist it. Thankfully, the guy Matty shot didn’t die. He was in a coma a few weeks, but he’s in jail now, so Matty didn’t have to deal with killing someone. It wasn’t just good for legal reasons, but for emotional reasons. My boy isn’t made of the kind of stuff that lets you kill someone without being changed forever.

  At first, I’d been pissed Matty had called Duke instead of me, but he explained that I’d be too emotional to think strategy, and so would Bud. I couldn’t argue with his logic.

  The biggest surprise of all, though, was Dozer offering to shake Matty’s hand when we finally made it to the Atlanta RTMC’s bar that night. The place went silent when Dozer walked to Matty. I was ready to jump in front of my boy to protect him, but Dozer stuck his hand out and said, “You were a hero today. I’ll be proud to shake your hand.”

  Matty shook his hand and said, “I just did what I had to. You’d have done the same, if you’d been there.”

  “I wasn’t there. You were. Bud has Nickie tonight because you stepped up and risked your own life to save hers. We all love Bud. He’s lost too much. Losing Nickie would’ve…” He shrugged. “Thanks for making sure she came back to Bud.”

  Matty wasn’t sure what to do, so I pulled him into a hug and offered my hand to Dozer. He accepted it, and my heart settled a little more in my chest. Dozer finally saw Matty as a man and not just a little faggot.

  The van had been stolen so we couldn’t find out who the men were with the license tag number, and it was the next morning before Aaron Drake was able to get us the names of the three men. Nickie had just started investigating an illegal human organ ring — people who could get you a heart, kidney, liver, lungs, eyes, or other body parts. So many people die on the organ donor wait lists, and people with enough money can buy them on the black market. Nickie had made inquiries, and someone had decided to keep her from doing the story. They needed to know what she’d already learned and possibly told someone before they killed her, or they’d have just shot her on the sidewalk instead of grabbing her.

  Chapter 32


  * * *

  Fall turned into winter. Winter turned into spring, and it was finally my wedding day. When I’d said yes to Daddy, I hadn’t been one hundred percent sure we’d make it the year and still want to marry. It’d seemed too big of a risk to get my hopes up it was a sure thing, but there wasn’t a doubt in my mind now: I wanted to be with Daddy the rest of my life.

  The four-month MX-Cross schedule had been grueling, but I’d won the title and there was no arguing it — this was my year.

  Clients asked for me at work after hearing how much their friends loved my work (and me), I was on top of the world in the dirt-bike world, I’d finally found my place so I knew where I fit into the MC and the ol’ladies, and I was about to marry the man of my dreams. And to top it off? The man of my dreams had encouraged me to plan my dream wedding, even when it was a little more frou-frou than he’d have preferred. Okay, a lot more frou-frou, but while he may have good-naturedly rolled his eyes a few times, he never complained or made fun of anything.

  Bud officiated, my parents sat in the front row, and our closest friends stood with us on the podium while we promised to love and cherish each other the rest of our lives.

  Abbott arrived later in the evening and asked for a dance. I also danced with Sophia, who I’d learned happens to be The Swan Queen. I danced with all the ol’ladies, but Nickie was the only one who leaned in and asked how big my butt plug was.

  I reflected back to the assholes who’d threatened me in the RTMC bar, oh-so-long ago. They’d done me the biggest favor ever, because they put Razor and me in that room alone so he could make sure my kidney was okay.

  Thanks to them, I had the Daddy of my dreams.

  Chapter 33


  * * *

  I awoke to soft kisses on my cheek, Daddy’s heat spooned behind me, his cock at my entrance. I snuggled back into him, and groaned when he entered me. I was slick, and didn’t remember him getting me that way, but I was so tired.

  I’d been on orgasm restriction for three weeks leading up to the wedding, and Daddy had let me have a single orgasm the night before, since it was our wedding night, but today I was supposed to get one at the top of every hour.

  “It’s still dark outside, Daddy.” I didn’t mean to whine, but it came out pathetic.

  “Six in the morning. We’ll make this fast and go back to sleep. My phone will go off at the top of the hour all day. Get your hand on your cock, and give me a warning a few seconds before you blow, so I can come with you. No permission needed, just give me notice.”

  I was going to have
an orgasm every hour today, and Daddy warned my cock might get raw before the day ended, so I should get off as quickly as possible.


  * * *

  We were on Key West, where no one would give a second glance to a gay man walking his gay boy on a leash.

  We got up and put clothes on after Matty’s eight o’clock orgasm. I’d given him a blow job and told him he had three minutes, or he’d have to finish himself with his hand. I’m pretty sure the brat held off until two minutes and fifty seconds so he’d get my mouth for as long as possible.

  The next orgasm didn’t happen until nine thirty when we returned from breakfast, so I held the next off until eleven so we could get back to the top of the hour. He got a bit of a break mid-day again, and got to go at two-thirty and then four o’clock. He beat himself off for nearly all of them, though I fucked him a few times, played with his balls for a couple of them, and tortured his nipples once.

  By the time we reached six o’clock that evening, I wasn’t sure he was going to manage an erection at all, much less get off again. I’d had him using coconut oil to reduce the friction since the nine-thirty session, because his poor cock was a little red even when soft.

  “Hands and knees on the kitchen table,” I told him. “Make sure your right hand and dick are slick.”

  “Please, Daddy. Can I have another thirty minutes again?”

  I smacked his ass. “Don’t make me have to tell you again.”

  He ran his right hand into the coconut oil jar, slicked his cock, and climbed on the table.

  “Good boy. Arch your back.”

  My hand was already slick, and I reached two fingers in, found his prostate, and started working it. It took us fifteen minutes to get him hard and another ten to get him off, but we managed it. He cried through his orgasm, and I was hard as a rock, but I had a big evening planned for us and wanted to enjoy my erection.


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