Victoria and the Alien Doctor (Intergalactic Brides 2)

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Victoria and the Alien Doctor (Intergalactic Brides 2) Page 3

by Jessica Coulter Smith

  Love. He nearly snorted. He’d seen the mates on Terran and knew the Terran males were capable of such an emotion, but he’d never thought he’d be one of them, not even when he’d wanted a mate before. He’d just wanted companionship and a warm body at night. No more trips to the brothel. But he had a feeling that with Victoria in his life, he was getting so much more.

  Evie finished her food and popped up from the table. “May I be excused?”

  “Of course.” Xonos fought a smile at how adorable and well-mannered she was. He hadn’t expected such a thing of someone so small. “And where are you off to?”

  “I want to get ready so we can go shopping.”

  Shopping? Victoria must have mentioned it to her while Xonos was lost in thought. Even though her skin was ashen and her bones poked through, the light in her eyes at that moment made her truly beautiful. He gave her a nod and she dashed back into her room, pushing the door shut. He could hear her opening drawers and then heard the shower start in her connected bathroom.

  He gave Victoria a surprised look. “She can bathe herself?”

  “She’s five, Xonos. Of course, she can bathe herself.”

  It seemed there was a lot he needed to learn about children, particularly small ones. He knew about the anatomy of small humans, but he’d never bothered to study their mannerisms. It seemed he’d been missing out. If he was going to be a father to Evie, there was a lot he needed to absorb from books and observation. He wanted to be a good father, someone she could look up to, someone she could one day love. Victoria had said the child had never had a father, and he wanted to make up for all that she had missed in the first five years of her life.

  Victoria pushed her still half full plate away.

  “You aren’t done, are you?” he asked.

  “I’m not used to eating a lot. Small stomach.”

  He nodded but wasn’t pleased with her answer. If he had any say in the matter, within the next few weeks, she’d be cleaning her plate. She wasn’t frail looking like her daughter, but Victoria could certainly stand to gain a little weight. At least now he understood why she was so small. It wasn’t because she was on some fad diet, but because she hadn’t been able to afford to feed her child and herself. He didn’t like the thought of the two of them starving or living in that awful place he’d found them in last night. They deserved so much better, and he intended to see that they had it.

  “I’m going to go shower,” she said, pushing back her chair. “Give me a half hour to get ready and then I’ll watch Evie while you get ready. Not that she would do anything but watch TV. We only had the basic channels, but I’m sure you have much more to offer her. She loves cartoons.”

  “Then I’ll find something for her to watch while you get ready.”

  Xonos finished his meal and turned on the TV. As he surfed through the channels, he called room service to have their leftover food taken away. When he found some cartoons that looked age appropriate, he set down the remote and went to knock on Evie’s door. But before his fist could connect with the wood, it swung open and she bounced into the living room, wearing pink from head to toe.

  “You seem to have a lot of energy this morning. Did you sleep well?” he asked, remembering how sickly she’d appeared yesterday.

  “I have good days and bad ones. I don’t feel as tired as usual, not right now.”

  This meant she could feel that way later. He’d have to ask Victoria about the medicine she said the child needed. Even if they weren’t mated yet, he could ensure she had the proper pills. Getting medication for the child was different from healing her. There was no sense in him watching her waste away if he could do something about it. He’d spoken to Syl for an hour last night and they had agreed that even before the mating papers were done, the scientist would begin researching Evie’s disease to see if they could at least slow it down while he found a cure. If anyone could cure Evie, it was Syl. The man was beyond brilliant.

  Syl… He still had Terran connections and was allowed to work for the Terran station, even though at first he’d been told he would be completely cut off. What were the chances that the same would happen for Xonos if he decided to stay on Earth and assimilate? Would the council turn their backs on him if he pulled away in order to mate with Victoria? He’d go through the proper channels first, but if things didn’t work out… it was something to think about.

  Victoria opened the bedroom door and stepped into the living room wearing another pair of jeans and a T-shirt. Did the woman not own anything else? He’d have to make sure she bought plenty of clothes today, not just for Evie but for herself as well. If they’d been shopping in secondhand stores all this time, he would imagine the local boutiques would be a treat, and Xonos could certainly afford it. Doctors were very well paid on his planet, since their skills were required to keep the warriors in top shape.

  “We need to stop by the clinic before we go shopping,” he reminded Victoria. “We can get your bloodwork and exam out of the way. My assistant can run the tests on your blood. We won’t have to wait around for the results.”

  “You don’t want to know if I’m allowed to be your mate before you spend money on us?” Victoria asked.

  Xonos shook his head. “It isn’t important. Making sure the two of you have everything you need is more pressing. And I mean everything. If you have outstanding prescriptions for Evie, give them to my assistant.”

  Color flooded her cheeks and she tightened her lips, but he knew she wouldn’t argue, not when it was for her daughter. Victoria was a good mom, doing the best she could, but the best wasn’t good enough anymore. She needed help, even if she didn’t want to admit it. She’d made the first step, agreeing to move in with him, so he had no doubt that she would accept whatever help he offered. At least, when it came to her daughter. Accepting things for herself might be another matter.

  Xonos ushered them out of the room and down to the waiting limo. When they arrived at the station, Evie clung to her mother’s hand, eyeing the surrounding aliens with wide eyes. Thanks to Brielle, negotiations were being made with other races to take part in the bride program, and several dignitaries were at the station, checking things out. Gray aliens, blue aliens, aliens with tattoos, some with fangs. There were a wide variety residing on the station.

  They entered the lab, and Xonos led them back to his office. Pulling up some cartoons on his large Vid-Comm, he settled Evie in the chair behind his desk. She looked at everything in curiosity but didn’t reach for the items on his desk. He gave her a few instructions, mostly not to mess with his papers, and then led Victoria to an exam room. He pulled out a hospital gown and gave her orders to strip and put it on.

  While she was changing, he stepped out of the room to find his assistant and let him know what was going on. The male was in training to be a doctor, but hadn’t finished his studies yet. He had several years left but knew enough to handle the blood samples that came through the lab, and could even give basic exams now. Xonos had to admit the male was brilliant, if a bit young still.

  Zaylon gave him a knowing smirk and Xonos scowled back. “What?”

  “You’re acting out of character. I think you have feelings for this woman.”

  Xonos shook his head. “It isn’t like that. She needs my help.”

  Zaylon kept smiling, but wisely kept his mouth shut. Thinking Victoria had had plenty of time to change he went to check on her, stopping long enough to pick up the tools he’d need to do a scan and draw her blood. He knocked before entering and found her sitting on the edge of the exam table.

  Was that disappointment that he felt? He had to admit he wouldn’t have been disappointed if she hadn’t put on the gown yet. After feeling her curves against him last night, he was more than ready to get a look at her without her clothes, and maybe do a little exploring of the non-medical kind.

  “You’ll need to lie back.”

  While she complied, he washed his hands with a special cleanser that would kill any bacteria on his
hands, far stronger than Earth’s version of anti-bacterial soap. He moved to stand beside her once more and held up the Terran version of a syringe.

  “I need to get the blood samples first. This needle is similar to the ones you use on Earth, but it will compartmentalize the samples inside the barrel, based on the programming I entered. It saves me from filling many vials, as they’re all part of the needle.”

  She frowned at the gadget. “It doesn’t look like it holds very much.”

  “More than you think.” He smiled. “Now take a deep breath and relax.”

  After she complied, he stuck the needle in her arm and withdrew the amount of blood needed, then put a small bandage over the pinprick. Next, he picked up his scanner, explained how it worked, and did a scan of her from head to toe, paying special attention to her reproductive organs. Everything looked to be in good shape.

  Xonos set the machine aside and proceeded with the physical part of the exam. His pulse raced at the thought of touching his potential mate. He gave her a brief exam, checking her lymph nodes, her throat, and her eyes. Then he stepped back to give her some space.

  “All done?” she asked. “I have to admit, when you told me to put on a gown, I thought your exam would be a bit more invasive.”

  He smiled. “Nothing like the yearly exams human women go through. My scan and the blood work will tell me most of what I need to know. I’ll go type up my notes while you change back into your clothes and then we can head out for a day of shopping.”

  She sighed. “You don’t have to spend a lot of money on us, Xonos. If the council denies our mating, I’ll just have to find a way to pay you back and I’d rather not have to go through that.”

  “You won’t owe me anything, Victoria. Let me make your life, and your daughter’s life, comfortable for a while. Like you said, she deserves a chance to get to see a different side of life. I can’t very well spend money on her and not her mother. How do you think that would make her feel?”

  Victoria chewed on her lower lip. “She’s rather observant.”

  Xonos nodded. “I’ve noticed.”

  “Very well, but keep the spending to a minimum. It won’t take much to make her happy. If it weren’t for charity, she wouldn’t have had a Christmas -- ever. And I’m a horrible mother because I didn’t think to pack the few toys she did own. They weren’t much, mostly things I’d found at the dollar store, but at least she had something to play with. Now she has nothing.”

  “Then the first place we’re stopping is a toy store.”


  He held up a hand. “It’s not negotiable, Victoria. I will treat her as if she is mine, and you’re going to let me. It’s important that Evie and I bond, and if you’re always undermining me and telling me I can’t do things for her, then Evie will think you don’t want the two of us to become close and she’ll hold back.”

  “You’re right.” Victoria sighed. “I don’t like it, though.”

  “Do you remember the way to my office?”

  She nodded.

  “Get dressed and head in that direction. I’ll be waiting with Evie.”

  He closed the door behind him and entered his office with a smile on his face. Evie was curled in his chair, her chin propped on her fist, as she watched the cartoon on the screen with rapt fascination. Xonos settled on the leather sofa, not wanting to disturb her, as he typed up his notes and created a file for Victoria. If all went according to plan, he’d know by end of the day whether or not the council would accept her as a mate. At least, as far as the physical aspect went. Convincing them to let him bond to a mate with a human child was another matter, especially one who had already been rejected for the bride program.

  Victoria entered the room a few minutes later, and he set aside his work and stood. When she came closer, there was a look in her eyes that he didn’t like. He wasn’t sure how he knew, but something had happened since she’d left to change clothes, and whatever it was had obviously upset her.

  “What happened?” he asked.

  She shook her head.

  “Don’t lie to me, Victoria. I know something happened.”

  “Your assistant barged in while I was changing. He caught me in my bra and panties.” Her cheeks flushed. “He… he said he didn’t understand why you would want an exam and bloodwork on me when I was obviously not woman enough for a male of your intellect.”

  Anger built slowly and steadily, traveling through his veins like hot lava, until he was certain steam was coming out of his ears. Someone had dared see his mate in a state of undress? And then made disparaging comments about her?

  With a command for Victoria and Evie to stay in his office, he charged out into the clinic to find his assistant. His soon to be ex-assistant. The male might be intelligent when it came to medical matters, but obviously he was lacking in other areas. Insults to Xonos’ mate would not be tolerated for any reason.

  “Zaylon,” he roared as he stormed down the halls.

  His assistant popped out of an exam room, a look of curiosity on his face. “Is something wrong?”

  “Did you or did you not insult my intended?”

  Zaylon couldn’t stop the sneer from spreading across his face. “Mate,” he spat. “She’s not your mate and she’s not fit to lick your boots. Do you honestly think the council will approve a match to someone like her?”

  Xonos stalked closer, wrapping his hand around Zaylon’s throat. “Let me make something perfectly clear. That woman will be my mate, whether the council approves or not, and you will treat her with respect. As of now, your position is terminated. I want you on the next shuttle back to Terran.”

  “Terran.” The male growled. “If it weren’t for these useless humans, we wouldn’t have had to change the name of our beloved Zelthrane-3. They’re inferior to us in all ways, and it’s insulting that we should breed with them.”

  His hand tightened on Zaylon’s throat. “Out. Now.”

  He dropped the male back to his feet, not even realizing he’d lifted him off the floor, then watched as Zaylon scurried out of the clinic. Heading to the nearest Vid-Comm, he called security to inform them that Zaylon was to be on the next shuttle home and then called the council to inform them of what had happened.

  “So you’re taking a mate?” Larimar asked. “I thought you’d decided against it.”

  “Victoria needs me, and I’m starting to realize that perhaps I need her as well. I’ll have the lab results and my exam notes to the council before nightfall. I had intended for someone impartial to run the results, but with Zaylon out of the picture, there’s no one left but me. I can’t wait for the labs to be sent home.”

  “If she was previously denied, why do you think we would accept her now?” Larimar asked.

  “Because you denied her on the premise that no one would want a sick child. I’m willing to claim Evie as my own, regardless of her illness. You and I both know that this is the best chance that little girl has to have a normal life, even if it’s only for a short while. But Syl and I are going to do everything in our power to ensure she lives a long time.”

  “Get me your results and I’ll speak with the council. If anyone deserves to have a mate of their choosing, it’s you. I have to tell you though, there’s been talk of bringing you back to Terran. Your replacement is not adequate as far as the council is concerned. How much longer do you intend to remain on Earth?”

  “Until Syl’s child is born. No one on Earth has more experience delivering Terran-Human babies than I do. I’m glad the council reconsidered and has allowed Syl to work for the Terrans once more. Now I need them to agree to allow me to remain until his child is born.”

  “Very well.” Larimar smiled. “I’ll see what I can do.”

  Xonos ended the call and then went back to his office where he found Victoria and Evie curled up on his sofa watching the Vid-Comm. He leaned against the doorframe, just drinking in the scene, before making his presence known. Victoria looked his way, but Evie ke
pt watching the cartoon.

  “I’m going to have to stay long enough to process your bloodwork and then put together a report to send to the council. We can go shopping once I’m done. So, maybe an hour? Do you want to hang out here in my office, or would you prefer to go back to the hotel?”

  “Here is fine. If we aren’t in your way?”

  He shook his head. “If you’re going to sit there, I can work at the desk. The cartoon won’t bother me. I’ll be in the labs for a little while. Take a right down this hall, then a left at the T and I’ll be in the second lab on the right. I’m going to lock up the front and put up a notice that we’re closed today.”

  Victoria turned away from him so he wandered off, leaving them to the show they were watching. In the labs, he ran all the necessary tests, made some notes, then gathered what he needed for his report. He cleaned up the lab and then went back to his office. Neither Victoria nor Evie looked up when he walked in. When he stepped in front of them, he realized they’d both fallen asleep. A glance at his watch showed he’d been busy a little longer than he’d anticipated.

  Sitting at his desk, he began to type up his report, giving all his findings and trying to stay clinical in his observations. It was hard since this was a personal matter for him, but he tried to keep his emotions out of the equation. When he was done, he cleaned off his desk and gently woke Victoria and Evie.

  “Are you finished?” Victoria said, blinking at him sleepily.

  “I am. Are the two of you ready for some shopping? Or would you prefer to return to the hotel for a nap?”


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