Victoria and the Alien Doctor (Intergalactic Brides 2)

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Victoria and the Alien Doctor (Intergalactic Brides 2) Page 6

by Jessica Coulter Smith

  Victoria’s mouth opened and shut a few times before she stammered out an answer. “Well, sweetheart, we thought we’d wait until you were better.”

  Evie’s little chin jutted out and she balled up her fists, planting them on her hips, before glowering first at her mother, then Xonos, then looking at her mom again. “No. I want a baby now.”

  Victoria seemed to be at a loss so Xonos crouched down next to Evie. “You know, we can’t just order one for you, Evie. Having a baby takes time, and it would take a lot of energy out of your mom. She wants to wait because she wants to be able to give you all of her attention until you’re better.”

  “The medicine you gave me is supposed to keep me from getting sick, so you don’t have a reason not to have a baby,” Evie stated, still looking mutinous.

  Xonos had to fight back a smile because he was ready to agree with Evie wholeheartedly. He wanted a baby with Victoria, and the sooner the better in his mind, but he’d honor her wishes to wait. However, if Evie wanted to get on his side and speed things along, he wasn’t going to stand in her way. He’d like to say that he wanted to wait until he was sure Victoria wanted him, but after her comments during his shower the other day, he’d paid closer attention and caught her eyeing him appreciatively several times over the past few days. He didn’t think it was a question of her wanting him, just that she wasn’t going to allow herself to have the kind of fun that resulted in a baby until their daughter was well.

  “You’re right, Evie. The medicine is supposed to make you feel better, but your mother is still going to worry about you until you’re cured.”

  Evie crossed her arms over her chest and poked her lower lip out. “I want a baby brother or sister. I don’t care which one I get as long as I get a baby to play with.”

  Victoria knelt at Evie’s side. “You really want us to have a baby?”

  “Yes, I really do.”

  Victoria gave Xonos a helpless look and he winked at her before returning his attention to their daughter.

  “I promise I will do my best to give you a brother or sister, Evie, but Mommy has to agree to it too.”

  Evie glared at Victoria, who visibly swallowed before looking at Xonos. He saw the uncertainty and helplessness there, but he wasn’t going to throw her a lifeline. She was going to sink or swim on her own. Gods, but he loved Earth sayings!

  “What’s it to be, Victoria?” he asked.

  “Can we talk about it more at home? Maybe after Evie’s gone to bed?”

  Xonos nodded and stood, noticing at once that Brielle and Syl had vanished during their discussion. He appreciated the time with his family but felt they had overstayed their welcome. Ushering Victoria and Evie out of the lab, he made their goodbyes to Syl and Brielle before climbing back into the limo and driving back to the hotel.

  “Do we have to go home right now?” Evie asked.

  She seldom asked for anything so Xonos was intrigued as to what she could want. “Did you have something else in mind?”

  “Did you see the game room we passed in that big house?”

  “Syl’s room? With the video games and large screen TV?” Xonos asked.

  Evie nodded. “I’ve always wanted to play a video game.”

  It reminded Xonos of everything she’d missed out on in her short lifetime and made him even more determined to give her everything she wanted. Victoria had already fussed at him about spoiling Evie, but as far as he was concerned, that was his job. To spoil both of his girls as much as he could. The money wasn’t doing him any good just sitting in an account, and according to Victoria, he had more than enough of the stuff to go around, so why not make Evie happy by getting something she’d always wanted?

  Xonos informed Ned to take them to the nearest store that sold video games, earning him a glare from Victoria, but he figured she could fuss at him later. When they pulled up, he had to grab Evie to stop her from launching herself out of the limo. He knew she was excited, but he worried she’d break something in her haste to get out of the vehicle.

  They entered the store and Evie’s eyes went wide in wonder. She slowly walked around, checking everything out and pointing out games she thought looked fun. Xonos had her try the display consoles to see which would be easiest for her to use. After she’d made a selection, he let her pick a handful of games to get her started, then paid for everything and ushered his family back out to the waiting limo.

  Evie begged and pleaded to go home so she could play her new games, and Xonos didn’t have the heart to deny her. At the hotel, he hooked everything up in her bedroom and handed the controller to Evie. Victoria seemed reluctant to leave her, but he drew her away and into the living room where he put on a movie for them to watch. Sitting on the sofa, he pulled her down beside him and wrapped an arm around her. It was the closest they’d gotten to cuddling since she’d moved in.

  Victoria stiffened for a moment before relaxing against him. Xonos drew lazy circles on her arm and hid a smile when she shivered in response. He’d brought home several devices from work to make sure he could keep an eye on Evie without taking her into the clinic and one went off on the table beside him. With a frown, he lifted it and read the display, his frown quickly turning into a smile. A smile he had better control before Victoria saw it.

  “Why is it going off?” she asked.

  Lie or tell the truth?

  “It was telling me the pheromones in the room just increased.” He didn’t want to tell her that her scent had changed with her arousal. He could smell things a little better than most humans, but she didn’t need to know that.

  A blush suffused her cheeks and she tried to draw away from him, but he held tight, refusing to let her go. It was cute that her arousal embarrassed her. She’d already told him about her lack of experience, and he found it refreshing since the only females he’d been with were whores. He’d come clean about his past and assured her he’d only gone when it had become absolutely necessary, maybe twice a year, if that much. He wasn’t the most experienced male, but in studying the human anatomy, he’d stumbled across sex videos and had watched one after another, confused by the sexual experiences women seemed to crave on this primitive planet.

  Would Victoria expect him to spank her? Or tie her up? None of that appealed to him, but if that’s what she desired, he would strive to give it to her. They hadn’t really discussed what they expected of one another in the bedroom, and he supposed they should have that talk soon, especially if they were going to fulfill Evie’s request for a baby.

  “You have nothing to be embarrassed about,” he assured her. “I want you just as much as you want me. And we’re mates. We’re supposed to desire one another. What would be awkward would be no sexual attraction between us.”

  “I suppose you’re right. I’m just not used to someone knowing I’m turned on unless I tell them or give them some indication.”

  “I’ll make sure all of my work tools are put away before we spend time together from now on. I don’t want to embarrass you. That was never my intention.”

  She smiled and settled against him once more, and Xonos felt the tension ease from his shoulders. He wasn’t sure how she would react at first, and he was thankful that she’d chosen to overlook her embarrassment and cuddle with him some more, even if it was agony. The scent of her teased his nose; the plush suppleness of her body made him achingly hard. Thank the gods for leather pants! They mostly concealed his aroused state, and if she noticed, she didn’t comment on it.

  Xonos hoped like hell she’d be ready to take their relationship to the next level soon. He wasn’t sure how many more nights he could sleep by her side, hold her in his arms, and not strip them both bare and have his wicked way with her. He nearly chuckled at the thought. Wicked way. Earth sayings were so much fun!

  Chapter Seven

  Victoria woke in the middle of the night, still in the grips of her nightmare. It took her a moment to orient herself and realize that the arm holding her down wasn’t from an attacker
but was her mate holding onto her. Sweat slicked her skin and her hair was plastered to her neck as she blew out a breath and tried to calm her racing heart. She knew that Xonos didn’t intend to release her from their bond, but she’d dreamt that he’d given her away, and some non-Terran alien had claimed her and tried to force himself on her.

  She shivered in revulsion just thinking about it. There was no reason for her to have had such a dream. Xonos had been attentive and caring. She hadn’t missed the bulge in his pants earlier so she knew he desired her, but he hadn’t acted on it yet. Did his chivalry run so deep that once he’d given his word, to give her whatever time she needed, he was just going to ignore his body’s urges?

  It wasn’t fair of her to want him to make the first move, not after she’d asked him to wait until Evie was cured, but she had to admit she’d love being chased romantically. Xonos showed her he cared with everything he did for Evie and her, but she wanted more. The desire she saw in his eyes when she caught him unaware… she wanted him to unleash it, to throw her onto the bed and ravage her.

  All right. Maybe she’d been reading too many romance novels in her spare time. Men didn’t really do things like that, did they? She somehow doubted an alien would, unless he was a barbarian, and her alien doctor was definitely not that. He was refined, intelligent, and so far out of her league she kept waiting for him to realize he’d made a mistake when he’d claimed her.

  Victoria lifted his arm and slid out of bed, padding quietly out of the bedroom. She pulled a bottle of water from the mini-fridge and took a long drink. A hand slid around the back of her neck and she dropped the bottle with a squeak.

  “Easy,” Xonos crooned, placing a kiss on top of her head. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”

  “I’m sorry I woke you.”

  “I didn’t hear you get up, but I felt your absence. Odd, since I’ve slept alone for so long, but within a week of being with you, the bed suddenly feels empty without you in it.”

  Victoria turned and wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her head on his chest. His deliciously naked chest. Her body burned at the thought that he was naked everywhere… if she just had the courage to strip those pajama pants off him. From what she’d seen and heard, Terrans didn’t believe in underwear. He’d been teasing her every night since he first brought her here and probably didn’t even know it.

  “Xonos… you desire me, right?” She felt his cock pulse against her and smiled.

  “You know I do, Victoria. Why are you asking?”

  She leaned back enough to look up into his eyes. “What if I asked you to let that iron-like control snap for once?”

  “You don’t know what you’re saying. Trust me. You want me in control of myself at all times.” His eyes darkened and the bulge in his pants grew, far more than she’d thought possible.

  Oh yeah, she definitely wanted him to lose control. Maybe she’d have to take things into her own hands. She’d never seduced someone before, but something told her it wouldn’t take much to get him to break. At least, she hoped it wouldn’t. The slight touch of his hands as they rested on her shoulders was enough to make her shiver. If something so innocent was enough to weaken her knees, what would happen when he had his hands elsewhere on her?

  Victoria licked her lips, feeling a thrill run through her when he traced the movement. It made her wonder if he’d ever kissed anyone before. He’d told her that his encounters had merely been a way to expel some energy and frustration, but he’d left out all the details.

  “Have you ever kissed before?” she asked. Was that her voice? That low, throaty, sultry sound?

  “No.” His gaze was fastened on her mouth, and she went up on tiptoe to press her lips to his.

  Victoria felt him stiffen against her for a moment before wrapping his arms around her, lifting her so he could kiss her more thoroughly. For a man who’d never done it before, he sure seemed like an expert. His tongue swept into her mouth, drawing a moan from her. The kiss was deep and delicious, making her want even more. The seductive push and pull of his lips on hers made her nipples harden.

  Xonos drew back, but only long enough to sweep her into his arms and carry her back to their bedroom where he used his hip to quietly shut the door, then set her down on her feet. His dark purple gaze was intense as it bore into her. Slowly, as if waiting for her to stop him, Xonos reached for her top and drew it over her head, letting it fall to the floor. He maintained eye contact as he stripped the rest of her before letting his gaze caress every inch of her.

  Victoria shivered from both the chill and the unbanked passion blazing in his eyes. With shaking hands, she reached out tugged his pants down, letting them land around his ankles. She sucked in a breath at the impressive sight of him.

  Oh lord! That’s definitely more than a handful… or three.

  “I won’t hurt you,” he said, mistaking her silence for unease.

  “I trust you, Xonos. You’re just… so big. I have to admit, I’m not entirely convinced you’ll fit.”

  “I’ll fit.” He smiled. “All Terrans run a bit bigger than your human males. None of the other mates have had a problem, so I’m confident you won’t either.”

  “I know you’ve been with… prostitutes before, but I don’t know how much you’ve experienced in the bedroom,” she said.

  His smile broadened. “Not to worry, sweet mate. I’ve studied the Earth sex videos and know you may require things of me I haven’t experienced before. But if you want to be tied up and spanked, I’ll try to do it the right way.”

  Victoria choked and then burst out laughing.

  Xonos frowned. “Is that not right?”

  She wiped a tear from her eye. “You watched porn as a way to learn how to please a human woman?”

  “If that’s what it’s called.”

  “Those videos are meant to entertain, not to be used as a how-to.” She smiled and shook her head. “We don’t have to do any of the things you saw. I don’t want to dress up in outfits. I most certainly don’t want your cock shoved in my ass, and there will be no paddles or whips.”

  “Then Earth women do things the same as the prostitutes?”

  “Well, that depends… How do the prostitutes do it?”

  His frown grew. “They lie still while the male gets on top.”

  Oh dear. “That’s one way to do it, but I promise to never just lie there. You can take me on my side, on my knees, or I can ride you. We can do it standing up too, if that’s what you prefer.”

  Now he looked curious. “Standing up?” He eyed her up and down. “But you’re so much smaller than I am.”

  “You would pick me up, and I’d wrap my legs around your waist.”

  “Like this?” he asked, as he lifted her into his arms. Her legs folded around him and she grabbed at his shoulders.

  “You might want to press me against the wall for extra support. Otherwise, your arms will get tired.”

  He snorted. “Not likely.”

  His cock brushed against the curls between her thighs, and she knew he could feel how wet and ready she was for him. And yet, he didn’t move. Now it was her turn to frown.

  “Are you just going to hold me?” she asked.

  “What am I supposed to do now?”

  Her cheeks burned at the thought of having to give him step by step instructions. She’d never been very vocal during sex before and all of this talking was… well, it wasn’t exactly unpleasant, but it made her uncomfortable. “Now you have to enter me, then lift me up and down on your cock until both of us come.”

  Victoria felt the head of his cock press against her slick folds and then he was easing inside of her, taking his time and giving her body the chance to adjust to his size. When he was fully seated, she groaned at the fullness, but it was also the best feeling in the world.

  She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. “Now you move.”

  With his hands wrapped around her waist, he lifted her and then let her fall back on his cock
again and again. Victoria tingled from head to toe, pleasure spiraling from her pussy throughout her body. Her nipples pebbled even more from the friction of rubbing against his chest as he slid her body up and down. The strokes became deeper and harder.

  Victoria clawed at his shoulders as her orgasm flooded her, wave after wave of ecstasy bombarding her body. She could feel her pussy spasming around his cock as he gave a shout and stilled inside of her. Her channel warmed as his seed poured out of him. Knowing that her essence mingled with his made her feel even closer to him in that moment. He’d been there for her emotionally from the very first, but now they were tied together physically as well.

  His breathing was faster than normal, but he hadn’t even broken a sweat. “Was that the right way?”

  She gave a weak laugh and leaned her head against the wall. “Xonos, if you did it any more right than that, I wouldn’t be able to stand tomorrow. I think you turned my legs into Jell-O.”

  Xonos lifted her so they could separate, then he set her down on her feet. “We should shower.”

  “Together? I could scrub your back.”

  He looked intrigued. “I’ve never showered with someone before. I think I’d like to though. If you’re sure you don’t mind sharing the shower.”

  “Of course I don’t mind. I almost joined you the other day, but I didn’t feel like we’d reached that point yet.”

  “I was thankful you didn’t look around the curtain that day. Just your presence was enough to arouse me. But then, I’m aroused every time I’m near you. Leather pants just make it a little easier to hide than not wearing pants at all.”

  Victoria laughed. “You don’t have to hide your desire for me, and I promise I won’t hide mine for you. I want us to have an open relationship, not open in the sense we see other people, but I want us to be able to talk to each other about anything. Don’t hide your feelings for me, even if you think it will embarrass me or overwhelm me. I want to know what you’re thinking and how you’re feeling.”


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