Beautiful Burn

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Beautiful Burn Page 10

by Adriane Leigh

  My smile broadened. “That’s awesome.”

  “Yeah. It feels good. But I was thinking…I don’t want to turn it in to you, for the class, I mean.”

  “What? Why?”

  She wrung her hands together as she spoke. “The thought of anyone else reading it at this stage gives me hives.”

  “That’s not really fair.” I cut my eyes to the right to see her. She was watching me now, a look of upset on her face. “Listen, if you don’t want anyone to read it, I respect that, but you're only cheating yourself not getting eyes on it early on.”

  “I’m not turning it in.”

  I turned to look at her straight on this time and she flashed me an awkward smile as if to ease the tension. It worked. I laughed. “Fine, but I've got a condition for you. You stay this weekend, I won't punish you for refusing to turn it in...unless you want me to?” I quirked an interested eyebrow. She laughed.

  “I might be able to agree to those terms,” she twisted her lips, as if pondering my proposal. It made me laugh out loud.


  “You look like a duck.” She arched one skeptical eyebrow in reply. “The lips, when you scrunched them, it was cute.” I finally ended, realizing I’d shoved my foot in my mouth.

  “A cute duck?”

  “A sexy as fuck duck.” I grinned and pressed her close to me. Her laugh filled the space–the room, the apartment, my life. I pulled her up to straddle my waist. She looked down at me, dark hair tousled and sex-rumpled, a smile splitting her beautiful, full lips, darks eyes glistening with amusement.

  “You know, I might be able to teach you a thing or two about that story,” I teased.

  “You already have.” She placed a kiss on my nose.

  I laughed and pulled her down, chest to chest, and sucked her bottom lip between my teeth. “I can’t wait to have you to myself all weekend.” Every muscle in my body was strung tight as one hand cupped her bottom, my other at her lower back. I soaked her up because I knew our time together would fly by and I would have to let her go, but I couldn't dwell on what the future held too much, I’d find myself paralyzed with anxiety. So instead I held her.


  Auburn spent that weekend curled up in my apartment, and slowly eased her way into my life. We left once, when I took her to a five-star restaurant Saturday night in the city. I'd made late reservations, and and I was relieved when we'd walked in to find most of the dinner crowd had already cleared out. We'd dined over white wine and a dinner of oysters and crab, things Auburn had never tried before. I loved her eager gusto for life, and I loved that I could be the one to show it to her. I’d always been the guy who stands, assesses, and evaluates before dipping in a toe. Auburn was a breath of fresh air.

  After I'd settled the check, I pulled her chair out like a gentleman and my eyes drank in the curves of her calves and up the milky skin of her thighs until they landed on the tight band of her leather dress that sat mid-thigh.

  “Thanks for joining me.” I smoothed a palm up her leg and forced the tips of my fingers just under the hem that hugged her thighs. I ran slow circles before inching to the backs of her legs and pulling her against me in the near-vacant dining room. “You’ve had my dick hard all night,” I murmured. A shiver shook her muscles and goosebumps erupted on the exposed skin. “You did it on purpose, didn’t you? Any shorter and that dress would be indecent.” I grunted and itched to run my hands up the smooth flesh under her dress.

  I loved the look of lust in her eyes, the thought of getting caught turned her on. That assessment was confirmed when she snaked a hand between us and rubbed my cock through my dark dress pants right there in the middle of the restaurant. I grunted and thrust my hips against her on reflex. “Let’s go. You need out of that dress.” I rested a hand at her waist and guided her with long steps to the elevator.

  We passed an older couple as we exited, the husband running a quick up and down of Auburn, lingering on the curve of her ass and the swell of her tits. But Auburn didn’t notice, she was staring at me, smiling. “I know that look,” I growled and placed a gentle hand at her hip as we waited for the elevator.

  “What?” She turned, mouth popped open before a smile curved her lips.

  “The one that says you want me inside you.” I smiled, satisfied.

  Her eyebrows arched but before she could reply the elevator dinged and we stepped in. As the doors closed my hand slid down the curve of her ass, past the hem of her leather dress, and then back up, between her legs.

  “This tells me I’m right,” I hummed in her ear as I slid long fingers through slick folds. She moaned and her head fell back, hair cascading down my chest. “I’m not sure if I should spank you or fuck you for not wearing panties with this dress,” I grit as I massaged quick circles around her clitoris. Her fingertips clutched my forearm as she rolled her hips back and forth, riding my hand.

  “Both?” She breathed.

  “Jesus. You were made for me. Think that old fucker knows you’re getting thumb-fucked in the elevator right now?” I growled and thrust my thumb into her pussy, hot and wet and smooth. My dick pounded against my zipper as I massaged the raw bundle of nerves buried deep inside her, swirling my fingers quicker over her clit until she convulsed and her body went rigid as she came. Soft whimpers and moans sang from her lips as I licked at the damp sheen that'd collected at the crook of her neck. She was honest and feral and so fucking beautiful when she came.

  “That’s been my favorite noise this weekend,” I teased and thrust my thumb in my mouth. My tongue relished her honey taste and I gave her a wink when she righted herself as wide open eyes took me in. “Your pussy tastes fantastic.” I smiled when I’d finished.

  “I don’t even have words.” Her chest heaved with small pants as she came down from her orgasm.

  “Good. I like leaving you speechless.” I guided her out of the elevator when it stopped on the ground floor. We locked hands as we walked across the dark parking lot to my truck. “This is going to be the longest twenty minute drive of my life,” I grumbled as I adjusted the erection tenting my pants.

  I drove the entire way back to my apartment with one hand on the wheel and the other flirting with the hem of Auburn's dress while she worked my pulsing cock in her hand, bringing me to the edge of release before backing off, teasing and tantalizing in the best possible way.

  We rushed up the steps to my front door after eleven and while I shoved the key in the lock, Auburn's hand dusted along the rough fabric of my pants, making my cock twitch and ache. I flicked on the lights as she tossed her bag on the floor and bent to take off a heel.

  “Leave the heels. Everything else goes.” I shrugged out of my coat as I watched her with eagle eyes. “Strip for me,” I instructed.

  Auburn’s eyes widened and her chest moved with accelerated breaths. “I need music.” She snatched her phone and scrolled before a slow half smile curved her lips. I poured a glass of whisky and settled on the couch as she dimmed the lights. Perfect. I took a sip of my drink.

  Low base tones rung out in the space before higher notes were added and a rhythm came out that Auburn began to rock her hips to. She sauntered to me, fingertips dancing inside the hem of her neckline. She leaned, inched the fabric down, showing me her cleavage, and then backed away again. Her hips worked a slow rhythm as her eyelids fell and her muscles relaxed as she settled into the song.

  When the chorus hit I understood her smile. She’d chosen a heavily remixed version of Britney’s Spears’ I’m a Slave 4 U. Jesus, she knew how to tango with innuendo. I should have known by the opening lines of the song, I know I may be young... My cock pounded with the promise of delayed gratification.

  Auburn turned on one heel and reached to the floor, the leather of her hemline riding up so high on her thighs my cock nearly exploded for anticipation. I palmed my aching erection when her hips twisted with the beat of the music and she righted herself. She was slowly pushing the stiff fabric down her torso, the soft
folds shining in the dim light of the large room. She nearly took my breath away when the fabric worked it’s way down her hips and revealed not only her elegant back, but the dip of her waist and the gentle slope of her hips that melted into the rounded curves of her ass. She unzipped the side zip enough to let the leather hang loose around her waist. She turned, her dark hair curtaining around her shoulders in soft waves, palms barely covering her breasts. Her eyes sparkled and gleamed as she took me in, pupils flashing from my eyes to my cock and back up again.

  “Let me see it,” she whispered when she came close and leaned into my ear. Without touching me she slid her body in front of my chair and then turned and bent at the waist, hands around her ankles, working their way up her calves. When my gaze hit her thighs I chastised myself for not going straight for the money shot to begin with. Fuck her ankles.

  As my eyes focused she stepped away, teasing me, not offering up the only place I wanted to be at this exact moment. I sucked in a long breath and worked open my pants as she turned and finally grasped that little glint of metal of her dress and pulled it down the remaining teeth.

  The leather fell in a heap at her feet, and there my beautiful girl stood in heels and nothing else. “Fuck,” I grunted as I fisted my cock in my hands and ran up the length, anxious for this fucking song to end so I could finally have her.

  “Auburn.” I muttered as she stepped to me, bent her body into elegant forms I didn’t know possible, and kept in beat with the music at every turn. She dipped and was suddenly in my space, her hair curtaining around both of us, yet our bodies not touching. I inhaled every breath with her, felt every breath wash my skin, and yet we didn’t touch. My heart stood suspended, waiting for next. I thought I might have a heart attack for desire.

  “Yes, Mr. West?”

  Oh, sweet fuck. My heart slammed to a halt.

  I pushed her out the balcony doors before I could think twice. I turned her to face the golden glow of downtown, confident that we wouldn't be seen at this time of night, hidden in shadow. All my synapses fired at a heightened level, the lust, desire, and need coursing through my body had my muscles strung tight. Auburn’s hands clenched around the wrought iron of the railing and held tightly as I positioned her before the thought crossed my mind that I wanted her face. Her eyes.

  “Turn around.” I grunted and spun her hips. Her hair brushed across my face and my cock pounded as if she’d touched me with a flame. “I want to see you.” I informed, pushing her against the wall of the building.

  “I want you, right here.” I pinned her against the wall with my hips and cupped her neck in my palm. My fingertips kneaded and pressed, made sure she couldn’t get away. There was no lovemaking here, this was raw, unbridled. Lust, passion, sex, need, and desire to the nth degree.

  “Fuck me, Reed,” she murmured against my lips with featherlight breath.

  “I love when you say that.” With a grunt I impaled her on my cock and with a hand planted on the wall above her head worked into her. I sheathed myself in her body and thrust until my thighs burned and my brain swam with pleasure. She ran light fingertips cross my skin, my shoulders, my back, tangling it in my hair and pulling when she came. I watched her beautiful face contort with passion before my own release blew through my body and left me sated and exhausted. I collapsed against her, our weight held by the flimsy wall, as we held each other.

  After a few minutes of silence, a shiver ran up her skin and I chuckled. “Time to go in?” I tucked into her neck and placed a soft kiss. She tasted like heaven and hell. Sweetness and sin. Every breath left me drunk and craving more.

  “Cuddle with me?” she asked, her voice drowsy.

  “There's nothing else I'd rather do.” I wrapped my arms around her waist and carried her in, my slowly softening cock still buried inside her. I never wanted to leave.


  Monday morning I went to class to find Auburn in the same seat as always, scrolling through her phone with a bored expression on her face. I reminded the rest of the class that their final drafts were due on Thursday, answered a few questions, and then dismissed them for the rest of the week so they could use the extra time for their writing. Even though we’d agreed that we needed to keep us on the down low, I was still a little disappointed when Auburn pranced out with the rest of the students, sparing me just a wink and a smile.

  She didn’t come over that night. Or the next one. Her grandma was having more trouble getting around and Auburn was afraid to leave her in the event she might fall. We texted back and forth often, and by the time Thursday rolled around I was desperate for her.

  Students handed in their final drafts on Thursday afternoon, some staying to linger and chat for a few brief moments, others dropping it off with a smile and nod. A small smile twitched my lips when I saw Auburn lingering. The students must've noticed that she often stayed after class, but we’d always done this. This was our thing. If it hadn’t raised any flags when she was in high school, why would it now?

  “Ms. Lawrence.” I nodded stately as she approached the desk. Her beautiful dark eyes rolled back in her head. “You know you didn't have to come considering you're not turning anything in.” I looked at her pointedly.

  “Formality.” She shrugged. “I just wanted to say hi.”

  “I’m glad you stopped to say hi,” I replied.

  “Been busy lately?” She dragged a finger along my desk and avoided my eyes.

  “You know, the usual stuff. You?” I was playing with her. I knew without her telling me what she was waiting for. I could read her eyes, see it in her body language.

  “Good…” She paused when she reached the corner and looked up at me. “Are you going to make me ask?”

  A wry grin lifted a corner of my mouth. “Beg pardon?” Her only response was a narrowing of her eyes. I itched to wrap her in my arms, feel her against me, but I'd have to refrain until later. “Will you do me the greatest honor of coming over tonight, Auburn?” I asked, amused.

  “No,” She replied and turned her head.

  “What?” I stuttered, a little startled.

  “I’m kidding.” She grinned. “I'll see you after dark?” Her chestnut eyes burned into mine. Burned into my fucking soul. I couldn’t breathe. Fuck, why couldn’t I catch my breath around her?

  “Can’t wait.” My fingers itched to touch, to feel. I stood and walked her to my door, letting my wandering hands drift across the curve of her bottom.

  “Hand’s off, Mr. West.” She wiggled her ass with a sexy grin.

  “Of course.” I replied as I pinched her ass. She yelped, her hands covering her mouth, eyes wide. My grin spread. “See you later,” I whispered and opened the door to let her out. She passed me as she walked out, eyes gleaming and setting my heart on fire.

  Auburn turned up on my doorstep a few minutes after dusk settled into darkness. Yellow streetlights cast a warm glow over the downtown as I let my former student into my house, my home. Maybe my heart.

  I sensed it instantly. The melancholy. She turned and the soft glow of lamplight hit her high cheekbones and hollowed her sockets. It was the first time I'd seen her look sad. “Hi,” I breathed as I approached her.

  “Hi.” She nestled into my arms.

  “Everything okay?” I ran a palm down her dark chocolate hair as she held me tightly.

  “I missed you,” she finally said.

  “That’s all?” I held her at arm’s length and looked into her dark irises. I sensed there was something more.

  “I have to go back to school next week,” she finally admitted.

  “Oh,” I sighed. “It’s that time?” I let her go and walked into the living room furnished with just one couch. The place was still so sparse, it looked like a college dorm. I suddenly found myself wanting to make a home with Auburn. Decorate it and spend holidays burning the turkey and laughing over lumpy mashed potatoes. I wanted it all, but knowing how far out of reach it was, how impossible it was to act on my love for her, felt like
razor blades nicking my heart one slow slice at a time.

  “What happens then?” She snapped me from my thoughts.

  “I dunno.” I ran a palm through my hair and tugged on the thick threads before turning to her. “I have no idea. Let’s go to bed.” I opened my arm and she nodded, walking into it, before I escorted her down the gleaming wood planks of the hallway. I settled us in the fluffy mountains of white cotton and held her close, her leg wrapped around mine, an arm across my chest, her nose in my neck as she breathed me in.

  “I like your hair longer,” she whispered.

  “Thanks.” I settled further into her.

  “How are things with Mel?” I could tell she hated to ask. Talking about it made the divorce real. I hated real. Real punched me in the gut and made me sick with anxiety. Real left me frozen without a definitive plan for anything. Fuck real. I wanted this. I wanted her.

  “We’re…ya know.” I plucked at a frayed string on the comforter tossed haphazardly around us.

  “Is that all?” She smiled, but her tone radiated sadness.

  I couldn’t help the ironic quirk of my lips. I loved it when she made light of heavy situations, eased the tension. She had a gift. She was a gift. “It's the same as ever. She's mad. Kind of ragey whenever I try to talk to her.” I rubbed at the knot of tension forming in my neck. This summer had taken it's toll. I paused as I worked over what my life would look when Mel and I divorced. “Going through a divorce in this town where people gossip for a hobby sounds like another side of Hell. And I know Mel won't make it easy, she'll fan the flames if given the chance. I just keep waiting for her to calm down so we can have a conversation, but she's still pissed. I don't know why, it's not like she didn't see this coming, we were in therapy for over a year.” Relief flooded my muscles when I opened up to her. Auburn was my safe place, my comfort zone. Mel and I had had such a contentious relationship the last few years I'd grown accustomed to holding everything in without even realizing it.


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