After Burn

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After Burn Page 3

by Autumn Jones Lake

  “How are you, sweetheart? Nervous about National?”

  “A little,” I confess. Anything else would be a lie, so why bother?

  “Don’t worry. I’ll be there to look out for you and introduce you to the other old ladies,” she assures me. In a lower voice she adds, “The national president’s wife is such a bitch.”

  That’s something coming from Tawny. “Thank you.”

  I catch Trinity rolling her eyes and wink at her. Tawny turns and wraps her other arm around Trinity’s shoulders. “You too, sweetie. Oh, this will be fun.”

  Two weeks on the road with Tawny “looking out” for me isn’t exactly my idea of fun, but I try to muster up some polite, respectful enthusiasm. Trinity seems confused to find herself in an embrace with Tawny and doesn’t say much.

  “Charlotte’s coming too, right?” Tawny asks.

  “Yup. And Heidi.”

  Tawny cocks her head. “What about the baby?”

  “She’s coming. They rented a house near—”

  Tawny nods. “Good. Good.” She glares across the room at her husband. “I’ll be happy to sit out a few events and watch the baby so Heidi can socialize.”

  I glance at Trinity, who shrugs.

  Tawny drops us to go say hello to Charlotte, something I don’t think Teller appreciates, judging by the scowl darkening his face as Tawny squeezes in between the two of them.

  “Where’s Wrath?” I ask Trinity.

  She tilts her head toward the front door. “Outside. Sway didn’t come alone.”

  “Oh joy,” I mumble.

  Sway’s gone through at least two VPs and two SAAs in the last few years, none of them impressive. Not my business until it spills over into my domain, I guess. In the back of my mind, I wonder if that’s something that will be discussed at National. So many unknowns.

  Wrath storms in, frosty gaze sweeping the room until he sees Trinity. Then he seems to relax and even flashes a quick smile my way.

  “Everything okay, angel?” he asks, twining one massive arm around her and kissing the top of her head.

  “We’re fine. Tawny assured us she’ll look out for us at National,” she answers without laughing.

  He rolls his eyes. “You’ll be too busy to worry about her. Lots of other old ladies for you to hang with.” He nods at me. “You too. All four of you are ‘new’ to the organization, so they’re gonna want to meet you and size you up. Especially the president’s wife.”

  “Oh goodie, I can’t wait.”

  The smirk on his face makes me want to smack him. “Tried to warn ya, Cinderella.”

  Yes, he has, but this is so much different than any other Lost Kings event. Rock will be under a lot of pressure. I don’t want to do anything to let him down.


  Sway showing up out of the blue last night continues to muck up my schedule the next morning. I can’t say I’m eager to have him tag along to the Devil Demons with us either.

  Nor do I want him to join us for church this morning. It’s customary to invite the president of a visiting charter to the table unless there is very specific business we need to discuss. So that’s the excuse I plan to use if he says anything. As far as anyone knows, he hasn’t emerged from his room upstairs yet. I doubt he’ll care one way or another.

  Wrath blows out an annoyed breath as he enters the war room and takes his seat.

  Z’s in a good mood for once. He grins as he rounds the table. Murphy and Teller amble in behind him with slightly less enthusiasm.

  “What’s with the faces?” I nod to each of them.

  “Nothing.” Murphy shakes his head. “Tawny stopped by to play grandma to Alexa right after you left.”

  “Great. I’m sure Hope’s thrilled,” I grumble.

  “Where we at with them, Prez?” Dex asks in a low voice after Sparky shuts the door.

  “Sway didn’t know we were making the extra stop before National. But I think he plans to tag along.”

  “Fan-fucking-tastic.” Wrath sighs. “Just what we need when we’re trying to finalize this deal with the Demons.”

  “Tell me something I don’t know.”

  “Boss! Boss! We still meetin’ up with the Iron Bulls before the rally? Rebel and I are planning to swap some seeds.”

  “Yeah, I need to call Romeo later, but that’s happening.”

  Bricks whistles, low and mocking. “Holy shit. Sparky’s actually leaving the basement?”

  “Every couple years he needs to air out,” Z jokes, receiving a middle finger in the face from Sparky.

  “Enough.” I slice my hand through the air to call their attention to the head of the table. “Road report.” I nod to Murphy.

  “All clear to Kodiak. No issues there. We’ll be riding with the Demons through Pennsylvania, so that’s good.” Preferring to plan his trips the low-tech way, Murphy shakes out the map in his hand and flips through the notebook in front of him. “You’re gonna have to call the MC outside Nashville and speak to their prez to get the okay to ride through their territory. If they’re dicks about it, we’ll reroute through North Carolina. Only adds about four hours.”

  “Have you reached out to them?” I ask.

  “Not yet.”

  “Stick around afterward.”

  “You got it.”

  I glance at the schedule in front of me. “After the Demons, we have some leeway as long as our asses are in High Noon by Thursday night.”

  “I’m thinking a stopover in Huntington.” Murphy taps his map. “It’s a good halfway point.”

  “That’s fine.”

  Dex raises his hand. “We going to the rally right after National?”

  “That’s the plan. Meet up with the Iron Bulls and ride with them.”

  Z signals me and I nod. “They’re probably bringing another club along.”

  “Friendly to us?”

  “Don’t see why not.”

  “I’ll talk to Romeo about it.” I glance around the table. “Anyone else?”

  “We staying for the whole rally, boss?” Sparky asks. The reality of being away from his plants for two whole weeks seems to be settling in for him.

  “We’ll stay as long as Priest and the rest of the national officers stay.”

  “Solidarity, fuckface,” Ravage says to Sparky.

  “Priest gonna be okay with us meetin’ up with another club?” Dex asks.

  I shrug. “Don’t see why not. Better to roll in with a large crew. Several clubs friendly to each other should put residents at ease.”

  “And put law enforcement on notice not to fuck with us,” Wrath adds.

  “That too.”

  Ravage throws his arms in the air and head back. “I can’t fucking wait! Free, hot, random pussy wearing nothing but strings and body paint as far as the eye can see.”

  Everyone cracks up at his degenerate enthusiasm for the weeklong annual biker rally.

  Z leers at me. “Think you’ll talk Hope into a painted-on bikini?”

  “Not unless I’m doing the painting and we’re staying in our room.”

  Wrath lifts his chin in Murphy’s direction. “Your situation worked out?”

  “Yeah, we’re gonna rent a house right outside Sunnyshore.” Murphy glances at me. “Hope said she’d watch Alexa one or two nights, so we could go to some events.”

  “That’s fine.”

  Teller raises his hand. “Charlotte and I are staying with them.”

  Murphy nods as if they already discussed it ahead of time.

  “Good.” I glance at every one of my brothers. “I don’t want anyone on their own in Florida.”

  “Buddy system.” Sparky bounces in his seat. “Just like in school.”

  “Funny how that works out.” I roll my eyes and turn back to Teller. “Carter still okay driving the truck?”

  “Yeah, says he’s looking forward to it.” Teller lifts his chin at Stash. “You gonna remember to go check on my place?”

  “Fuck yeah.” He reaches ove
r and slaps Hoot on the back. “Me and Hootie got things covered here.”

  “Both you fuckwits better remember to feed the dogs,” Z reminds them.

  “Thank fuck,” Birch, who’s usually pretty quiet during church, says. “I thought I was gonna get stuck driving the cage.”

  “You’re driving the van,” Wrath says with barely concealed glee. Birch may have finally earned his full patch, but he’s still one of the lowest ranking members and gets plenty of shit work thrown on him.

  “You’re gonna make me trailer my bike all over like a fucking punk?”

  “Yup.” Wrath grins.

  “We need new prospects,” Birch grumbles. That wipes the smirk off Wrath’s face, which Birch doesn’t miss. “Sorry.”

  Wrath holds up a hand. “You’re right. We need to think about new blood.”

  “Fuck knows I’m gonna get grilled about it at National,” I grumble.

  “Malik’s been coming around Crystal Ball more, but I don’t think he’s ready for a trip like this,” Z says. “Too unpredictable.”

  “Agreed.” I glance around the table again. “I’m sure I’ll get chewed out at National about growing our numbers. Anything else?”

  We adjourn the meeting and I stand to talk to some of the brothers on their way out. Teller, Murphy, and Wrath remain at the table.

  When everyone else has left, I cock an eyebrow at Teller. His gaze darts to Murphy and Wrath before speaking. “I got the money squared away from the IPO.”

  “Yeah?” I pull out my chair and sit back down.

  “Are we reporting it to National?” Teller asks.

  I glance at Wrath and Murphy. “Why didn’t you bring it up at the table?”

  “I wanted to talk to you about it first.” He shrugs. “Figure you tell Wrath everything anyway.” He glances at Murphy again.

  “Probably shoulda kept Z here too,” I mutter.

  “No one’s gonna breathe a word of it at National, Rock,” Wrath says. “No reason to.”

  He’s right. Our charter might be part of a larger organization, but we’re still tight-lipped with anyone outside Upstate. “How much did it end up being?”

  Teller passes over a piece of paper that raises my eyebrows. “Jesus.”

  “Yeah,” Teller agrees.

  “National’s gonna want a piece,” Wrath says after checking out the figure.

  “Fuck that. That was all Teller’s doing,” Murphy says. “We already kick up enough from Sparky’s operation and Crystal Ball. We got overhead here that needs to be addressed. Members who need to help out their families. National doesn’t give a shit about any of that.”

  “He’s right,” Wrath says.

  I tap the paper in front of me. “Can this be traced back?”

  “Not easily.”

  I don’t like doing things behind my brothers’ backs, but since this is for them, I figure they’ll forgive me. Plus, the fewer who know, the better.

  “Take three-quarters and place it in another untraceable account. Anyone asks, we’ll kick up our percentage of what’s left. Say it wasn’t finalized yet. We’ll portion out shares to everyone else over the next few months.”

  The corners of Teller’s eyes crinkle from a sly grin. “Works for me.”

  I glance at Wrath and Murphy, who both nod.

  “I’ll talk to Z about it later,” Wrath assures me.


  Wrath holds up a hand, stopping Teller. “Before you leave, Teller.”


  “I can’t ride out tomorrow,” Wrath says, turning my way.

  “You fuckin’ serious?” I sit back, pinning him with a hard stare.

  “Contractors called early this morning and cancelled on me. Rescheduled for tomorrow. Got a couple other things I need to wrap up before I can take off.”

  The rebuild of Furious has been moving quicker than we anticipated, but that doesn’t replace the money Wrath’s losing while it’s shut down. Under the circumstances, I’d be a real dick to pull rank and force him to ride out tomorrow.

  “All right.”

  “I need Murphy too.” Wrath shoves a finger in Teller’s direction. “You get to play bodyguard at the Demons’.”

  Teller rears back. “What? Why me?”

  “Murphy’s staying behind with us,” Wrath answers slowly as if he’s explaining it to a two-year old.

  I raise an eyebrow and glance Murphy’s way. He throws a scowl at Wrath. “First I’m hearing about it, Prez. But that’s cool.”

  “Carter can ride with you two, then,” Teller says. “That’s better than taking him to the Demons.”

  Wrath slaps his hand on the table. “I’ll let you two make your phone calls.”

  I groan at the reminder. It’s basic biker etiquette to call ahead if you’re planning a large run through another club’s territory and want to fly colors. Still fucking annoying.

  Teller stands. “I’m gonna head home. Unless you still need me…”

  “Nah, go on.” I give his cut a once-over. “Better put some dirt on that Brother’s Keeper patch before we get to National.” I slide my gaze Murphy’s way. “You too.”

  They both snort. Teller rubs his knuckles over the couple-month-old patch that still looks freshly stitched-on, then glances at my cut. “When do I earn one of those Respect Few, Fear None patches?”

  “Hopefully never.” That one’s only earned by doing time for the club.

  His expression sobers and he squeezes my shoulder briefly. “Thanks for looking out for me all these years.” He glances at Murphy. “Both of us. Probably woulda ended up in prison if it wasn’t for you settin’ us straight.”

  Wrath jerks his thumb toward the door. “Should I leave? You two need some alone time?”

  “Fuck off,” Teller growls. “I’m serious.”

  As obnoxious as Wrath is, I appreciate the second of snark to collect my thoughts. “Club wouldn’t be where it is without you, Teller.” I glance at Murphy and then finally Wrath. “Any of you. Make me proud in Mississippi.”

  “We will,” Teller promises.

  Once he and Wrath leave, I focus on Murphy. “All right. Let’s get this over with.”

  I thought I timed it right to be waiting in the living room when the guys were finished with church. But everyone except Rock, Wrath, and Murphy come out of the war room.

  Z grabs the dogs’ leashes and takes them outside, promising to return for lunch. Sparky and Stash run downstairs, bickering the entire time. Bricks and Dex stop by to say hello before heading outside to the garage. The rest of the guys wave on their way to the kitchen.

  Teller drops down on the couch next to me. “How you doing, First Lady?”

  “Is Murphy in trouble?”

  His mouth pulls into a slow grin. “Nah. Why would you think that?”

  Before I have a chance to answer, Charlotte pops into the living room. “Done already?”

  Teller pulls her into his lap. “There’s my girl,” he murmurs against her hair.

  “Puke!” Ravage shouts next to them. Teller throws his middle finger up without looking away from Charlotte.

  “All set at the office?” Charlotte asks me.

  “Yup. You?”

  She rolls her eyes. “Judge Potter tried adjourning one of my trials until next Friday. I was like, ‘No way, motherfucker.’” She laughs and pats Teller’s chest. “Gonna be on the back of my man’s bike for the next two weeks.”

  “Yeah you are,” Teller answers in a low voice, narrowing the distance between their mouths.


  Ravage grins.

  I clear my throat before the two of them start going at it on the couch in front of us. “Charlotte, I love that lipstick. What is it?”

  Under his breath, Teller mutters, “Erection in a tube.”

  My gaze flicks his way, but his eyes are glued to Charlotte.

  She reaches down and grabs her purse, digging through it until she pulls out a dark red tube. “Matte liq
uid lipstick. The color is Blood Moon,” she reads before handing it to me.

  “I don’t think I can pull off such a dark color,” I say, pulling out the wand and checking out the deep, dark red liquid. “But it’s fabulous on you.”

  “Dick-sucking red,” Ravage adds, settling down across from us. Teller throws him a scowl and Ravage shrugs. “What? That’s what guys think of when a chick they’re into wears stuff like that,” he explains, waving his hands at both of us.

  Immune to the wild things that come out of Ravage’s mouth by now, I ignore him. “I’m always worried it will wear off and I’ll look like a half-deranged clown.” I purse my lips and widen my eyes to emphasize the deranged part, making the three of them laugh.

  Charlotte ducks her head, still laughing. “This one’s kiss-proof, but not um, everything proof.”

  “See!” Ravage shouts, standing and pointing to Teller. “Told ya.”

  “Who do you think she’s rubbing it off on, jackass?”

  Charlotte lightly slaps Teller’s cheek.

  His mouth pulls into a smirk. “Sorry, Sunshine. Was that a secret?”

  She huffs and slides out of his lap onto the couch. “Boys.” She rolls her eyes and plucks the lipstick out of my hands. “Come here, Hope.”

  “What?” My gaze shoots to her fingers unscrewing the gloss. “No way.”

  “Sit still,” she orders, grabbing a napkin from the table and dabbing my neutral pink gloss off my lips.

  “What’re you doing?” My words end up garbled as Charlotte smooshes my chin between her vise-grip fingers, tugging me closer. “Dammit, you’re strong.”

  “Shit, this is kinda hot,” Ravage mutters. “Are you gonna kiss her, Charlotte?”

  “Shut up,” Teller growls.

  “Don’t move. This is a bitch to get off if I don’t place it just right.”

  “Oh goodie, please paint my face blood-moon-red, Charlotte,” I mutter.

  “Quiet,” she orders. “Purse your lips.”

  “Can’t we do this in the bathroom?” I protest, my eyes roaming to Ravage’s too-eager expression.

  “Open your mouth. Like this.” She demonstrates the “O” she wants me to form with my lips.


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