Resisting Them: A Stepbrother Reverse Harem Romance

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Resisting Them: A Stepbrother Reverse Harem Romance Page 3

by G. Bailey

“It would have to be that time with those four girls–” Max starts saying, and Flynn leans his arm around me and whacks him on the arm to stop that sentence.

  “You’ve been with more than one girl at a time?” I ask, guessing the rest of Max’s sentence.

  “We all have shared more than one girl at a time, darling,” Ezra says, my eyes drifting to him as my mouth suddenly feels dry. I look away and take the bottle off Flynn, downing a few mouthfuls of vodka and feeling them burning my throat. None of them comment on my drinking as Max takes the bottle off me and drinks some, too. Ezra presses the button and it lands on me and the other one is blank.

  “It crashes sometimes,” Ezra explains.

  “Maybe it just means that I have to come up with a truth or dare for all of you?” I remark.

  “Go on then,” Ezra says, leaning back.

  “I want you to show me your cocks, like in a circle at the same time,” I say, mentally laughing as I know they won’t do that.

  “Okay,” Ezra says shocking me into silence and all three of them move so they are stood around me, before undoing their trousers.

  “This isn’t exactly a circle, but I don’t think there is enough of us to do that,” Flynn laughs as he pulls his huge cock out his boxers. Max and Ezra do the same, so I’m stood looking at three perfect cocks for a moment before they put them away and we carry on with the game like nothing happened.

  “Who’s next?” I ask, and Ezra presses the button. It lands on Ezra and me, with him choosing.

  “I have a dare, but I bet you won’t do it. I have a feeling you’re too innocent for it,” he says, with a small smirk.

  “What is it?” I ask, and he stands up, walking to me and offering me a hand. I slide my hand into his, and he helps me up, tugging me close to him. I place my hands on his chest to stop myself from falling, and he only smiles down at me like he planned that. He is really bloody handsome up close, with his dark eyes watching me for any sign of pulling away from him. When I don’t move, his lips turn up with a naughty grin before he slides his hand up my back, and moves his head next to mine.

  “I want you to kiss me and then my brothers,” he says as his lips brush against my ear. I tilt my head, looking up at him and move my lips seconds away from his, barely brushing my lips against his and then move away. I’m going to give them all ghosts of kisses and still do that dare. Ezra laughs, letting me go when he realises what I’m going to do.

  I look over to see Flynn and Max watching us from the sofa, both of them look a little shocked, but there’s something more in their gazes. I decide its best to kiss Max first, so I lean over the sofa and gently brush my lips against his, hearing his breath hitch, and then move away.

  “I hope you’re not forgetting me,” Flynn says, his voice sending shivers through me as I stand up and walk over to him. Flynn surprises me when I go to lean over him, by grabbing my hips and pulling me onto his lap, placing his head near mine. I don’t pause as I kiss him, the kiss going from the gentle brush of my lips against his to him taking over, sliding his hand into my hair and kissing me in a way I know I’ll never forget. When he pulls me that little bit closer, I can feel how turned on he is as he presses against me.

  “Elsie,” my mum’s voice shouts through the house, and I jump off Flynn’s lap, just as my mum gets to the bottom of the stairs and smiles as she walks over to me.

  “I thought we should catch up as John is sleeping,” she says, and I see her eyes wander around the group of us, the vodka, and most likely my flushed cheeks before blanking her expression.

  “Sure, mum,” I say walking over to her and trying to erase the fact I just kissed three guys, let alone the fact that they are my stepbrothers.



  “So, how have you been?” my mum asks as she sits down next to me at the kitchen’s small table. She is still dressed casually and looks even more relaxed than the last time I saw her.

  “Fine. I’ve been busy doing my usual university work. I got a part time job at a bar, but it closed down a month ago, and I haven’t found any work since then,” I say, and she nods, looking at me with a strange smile.

  “I can help you with money, and I’m sure your father would if you asked,” she tells me.

  “You know I like to do things my own way, and that includes working for my money.”

  “Fine, fine but you know I’m there for you,” she says, still smiling.

  “Right, cut the crap, what’s with the ‘happy wife’ routine you’re doing?” I ask, and she frowns.

  “It’s not a routine, I really like John. I love him, and he makes me happy,” she says.

  “Sure, so you’re finally settling down?” I ask her, not believing one bit of it.

  “Yes, and I want you to accept that. I’m not as young as I used to be, and I feel like I need more now. I want a husband who is my friend also, and that’s what John is.”

  “Right,” I reply dryly, but she doesn’t notice as she leans over and holds my hand.

  “Are you dating anyone?” she asks.

  “No, but thanks for the fake concern,” I say and pull my hand away.

  “Elsie, I know I’ve been a terrible mother to you. I was stupid to have never realised how difficult it must be when your mother is partying all the time and calling her daughter to save her,” she says, shocking me a little.

  “Not terrible but selfish,” I tell her, and she nods.

  “I’m trying to change. Can you give me this Christmas break to change?” she asks me, and I lean back in my chair sighing.

  “I guess,” I reply, and she smiles.

  “Be careful around your stepbrothers. I can see how handsome they are and how they look at you,” she warns me.

  “I don’t need a lesson in men from you, Mum,” I say and she nods.

  “Right, I’m going to sleep for a bit, but perhaps you should get to know your new stepbrothers a little better,” she says, and I mentally groan as I nod. I know them well enough, I know how they taste, and I want to be as close as physically possible to them, but I doubt that’s what she means.

  I watch her walk out of the kitchen before placing my head in my hands, and then hearing the door open again. I look over as Flynn locks the kitchen door and walks over to me. He stops next to me, pulling a seat out and looking over at me.

  “What did she want to talk about?” he asks me, his voice drawing me in once again.

  “Why did you lock the door?” I ask, avoiding his question all together. He smirks, leaning back in his chair and watching me.

  “I want to kiss you again and not be interrupted,” he tells me, not sugar-coating what he wants, and some dark part of me likes it. I know this is a once in a lifetime chance, a chance to have some pleasure. I’ve been wanting a distraction for a while, a quick release without the stress of a relationship and that’s exactly what he could be. We could never be something serious, just some fun. Why the hell shouldn’t I enjoy myself?

  “What are you waiting for then?” I ask him, making his smile widen as he stands up off his chair, and I do the same. Flynn pulls me into his arms, kissing me like a starving man, and I run my fingers into his hair as he lifts me up. I hook my legs around his waist, letting him slide me onto the table before moving his hands down to the bottom of my jumper and starts pulling it up. I break away from the kiss to let him take it off me, and he throws it on the floor as he kisses me again. I moan as he pulls my bra down, unclipping it with his other hand and rubbing a finger over my hard nipples the moment they are free.

  “Lie back for me,” he whispers as he slowly kisses down my neck, and I lean back on my hands as he slowly licks a circle around one of my nipples. Flynn teases me slowly as he uses his hands to pull my leggings and underwear down my legs as I lift a little to help him.

  “Flynn,” I moan when he runs a finger across me and then slowly rubs circles around my clit.

  “Are you on protection, Elsie?” he asks me, pulling me up to look at him and
kissing me gently as I nod. “Do you trust me?” he asks, pulling his finger away, and I answer by moving my hands and undoing his trousers, letting them fall to the ground and happily seeing that he has no underwear on. I take his thick length into my hand, slowly rubbing up and down him, enjoying his muttered curses before he kisses me. Flynn moves my hand away, grabbing my hips to move me closer to the edge of the table. He doesn’t wait as he thrusts into me and at the same time I swing my head back and moan as he pulls me closer, moving harder and faster inside me.

  “Fuck, you feel amazing,” he groans, holding my hips and looking down at me, before he reaches down and runs his tongue around my nipple and making me orgasm.

  “Flynn,” I moan and he picks up the pace, pounding into me before he bites gently down on my shoulder as I feel him finish inside of me. We don’t move for a long time, both of us breathing heavily, and he gently kisses me.

  “Same time tomorrow, Elsie, there is no way we aren’t doing that again,” he says and pulls out of me, pulling his trousers up. I chuckle a little as I step off the table. I pull my underwear and leggings on, and walk across the room to grab my jumper.

  “No offence, but as much as that was a good fuck, it was just a onetime thing, Flynn. To get rid of some of the tension,” I tell him and pull my jumper on as he gives me a surprised look.

  “I don’t think any woman has ever turned me down for seconds before.”

  “First time for everything, then,” I laugh as I walk to the door, unlocking it and walking out. Once is perfectly acceptable to get rid of the tension, but if I let myself keep sleeping with him, I don’t think I’m going to want to stop.



  “Can I join?” I hear as I raise my head above the water and rub the water out my eyes as I look over at Max standing near the edge of the pool in only his swimming trunks. Max has his glasses off, and I try to keep my attention on his eyes and not the v dip on his stomach and the rest of the amazing body I can see he has.

  “Sure,” I say, my voice squeaking, and I mentally cringe when he smiles and lifts his arms, before diving in the pool. I hold my hands up to protect my eyes as the water splashes me, and Max comes up from the water a few inches away from me.

  “I thought swimming in the middle of the night was my thing,” he says with a small laugh, wiping his face.

  “I wanted to come when I was sure no one was around.”

  “Or you’re avoiding us, which I get it if you are.”

  “Not avoiding but–”

  “I know,” he chuckles.

  “Why don’t we race?” he asks me, nodding to the end of the pool.

  “I’m fast,” I warn as we swim to the edge, and I place my feet against the wall, just as Max leans closer.

  “And, I like to play dirty,” he says and shoots off into the water, splashing me, so I can’t see.

  “Cheat,” I shout and then start swimming after him and to the other side, I quickly turn at the end and swim back to where we started, but I was way behind Max who is leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and wearing an amused expression.

  “That wasn’t fair,” I say as I stop in front of him, and he tilts his head to the side.

  “I could say that it’s not fair that the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen is my stepsister and off limits. Life isn’t fair,” he tells me, the conversation switching from playful to serious as I move closer.

  “You think I’m beautiful?” I ask gently, placing my hand on his chest.

  “Very, Elsie,” he tells me, mimicking my soft tone. I move my hand a little and feel a scar raised over his chest. It’s a long line that stretches up to his neck.

  “How did you do this?” I ask him, breathing slowly as he places one of his hands on my hip.

  “It was . . . well, it happened the day my mum died. There was a car accident, I was driving and needed surgery to fix this,” he tells me.

  “I’m sorry, Max,” I tell him, thinking of the photo I saw in the hallway of the dark-haired woman.

  “A stupid man who was too drunk to drive, slammed into the back of our car, and we went off a hill. I don’t remember much, only little bits, but the doctors reckon that mum would have died instantly and not felt anything.”

  “Was he charged?” I ask.

  “No, he was released with only a warning because he had no previous incidents. So, Ezra found him and beat the crap out of him for it. Then he was arrested and charged to a year in prison.”

  “That’s not right. They shouldn’t have let the drunk man go and done that to Ezra,”

  “Ezra nearly killed him, and would have if Dad and Flynn hadn’t found him and stopped him,” he tells me.

  “Ezra seems dark and troubled. It makes sense now.”

  “You’re too good and sweet to be around us, Elsie, if you knew what we wanted with you.”

  “What do you want?” I ask him, moving my body closer so it brushes up against his, and he closes his eyes, and then moving us so my back is against the wall. I wrap my legs around his hips.

  “I want take that tiny bikini off and fuck you in this pool. Then take you back to my room and fuck you again,” he tells me, pressing himself into me and moving his lips close to mine.

  “I’m not stopping you,” I whisper against his lips, and then he kisses me, wrapping his hands around my back and pulling me closer. I almost whimper when he pulls away and lets me go. He places a finger against my lips, and I hear the door to the room being opened.

  “Max, are you in here?” I hear John shout, and I duck under the water a little as Max swims around me and pulls himself out of the pool.

  “Yeah what’s up?” he asks.

  “The wi-fi isn’t working, and the electric is playing up. I think it’s the storm. Can you come and have a look?”

  “Yeah sure, I’ll be right up,” he says.

  “I can wait, here’s your towel” I hear John reply, and I wait until I hear them both leave the room before resting my head back against the wall of the pool and look out the window at the falling snow, with thoughts of Max and his kisses keeping me warm.



  “What are you doing in here?” my dad asks as I stand in my mother’s and his old bedroom. The room hasn’t changed much in the five years she has been gone. It’s on the second level, and I’m more than thankful that Dad chose to have him and his new wife move into the rooms upstairs. I run my hand over one of her scarves that’s hung on a chair next to the dressing table.

  “I don’t know,” I tell him honestly. I think seeing my dad move on is making me miss her more than I usually do.

  “I miss her every day, too,” he says, coming into the room and walking over to a shelf near the bed. I watch as he pulls the jewellery box off the shelf and sits on the bed.

  “Come here,” he tells me, and I walk over and sit next to him. He opens the jewellery box and pulls out a red, crystal necklace that I saw my mum wear sometimes.

  “Why don’t you and your brothers give this to Elsie?” he says and places the necklace in my hand.

  “If you want us to.”

  “Yes, son,” he says as he stands up and puts the jewellery box away. I wonder if he has noticed how much we like Elsie and not as a sister. My dad isn’t stupid. He never has been, so it wouldn’t surprise me if he knew. I was surprised that Elsie was so okay with being shared between us. We’ve shared women for a night, or sometimes a little longer, but usually they take a little persuading to be okay with more than one of us. Most woman like to have one of us to themselves, or at least that’s how it’s been.

  “Elsie was looking for you,” he tells me, and I nod, slipping the necklace into my pocket and walking out of the room, leaving my dad standing looking around. I rub my hands down my face when I get outside the room and pull the door shut behind me. It takes me a second to walk away, like I know I need to as my mum wouldn’t want me being sad over her not being here. I glance at the photo on the wall o
f her, with her big, kind smile and the loving glance she gave my dad. She was so in love with him and he with her. I never knew what it was like to feel something more for a woman, not just sex. That’s how it’s been with every woman I can remember being with and none of them lasted more than a week. Then there’s Elsie, and I don’t want her to walk out of my life like the others I pushed away. I want her to stay, and it’s messing with my head because I don’t think she has any plans to stay. She has to go back to her life at some point.

  “Hey Elsie, is making gingerbread, and then we are attempting to make a house with it. Want to help?” Max asks as he walks towards the stairs and spots me. I nod and follow him down to the kitchen, where Elsie is fanning two trays full of gingerbread.

  “Why?” I ask, and she laughs. I watch as she tucks a little piece of her soft-brown hair behind her ear, and her blue eyes look over the counter at me.

  “Tradition. Or at least it was for me. I’ve never been any good at getting the gingerbread to stick together,” she says.

  “I’ll make the icing,” Max says, and Flynn helps him find the icing sugar as I walk over to Elsie. I love how her breath hitches when I place a hand on her lower back and lean over the gingerbread.

  “Smells amazing,” I say, and she nods, looking flustered and cute. I chuckle as I lean over and kiss her cheek.

  “Can I try some?” I whisper to her, watching as she nods and parts her lips ever so slightly. I wonder if she is thinking about more than just food like I am. I chuckle a little as I look down at the gingerbread and break a tiny bit off the end. I try it, and it’s delicious.

  “What do you think?” she asks, breaking a little bit off for herself and eating it.

  “I’m really impressed. I didn’t know you could cook,” I comment, and she nods.

  “I like cooking, and my ex used to say I made lovely food,” she says. I try to ignore the sharp pang of jealousy I feel when she mentions her ex-boyfriend. I know she has dated before, but it doesn’t change the feeling of wanting to hunt them all down and kick their asses for touching her.


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