The Co-Parent (The Relationship Quo Series Book 3)

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The Co-Parent (The Relationship Quo Series Book 3) Page 30

by Nicole Strycharz

  “I’m sending you a cheek kiss.” She blew me one.

  “It’s not going on my cheek, Love.”

  She covered Willow’s ears, “Gabe!”

  “It’s my long distance kiss. I can put it where I want.”

  She sighed. “Goodnight.”

  “Wait.” I wanted more of them. “Have dinner with me when I get back.”

  She looked fearful, “Didn’t we talk about this?”

  “You know…I won this argument almost three years ago. You refused to see me then too.”

  She licked her lips. “If I say yes do I have to call you Gavin the whole time?”

  I felt too proud of myself. “It’s a date then.”

  “Oh, and we had a doctor’s appointment today!” Bri changed topics yet again.

  I looked at Willow, “Was the doctor friendly?”

  Willow nodded and poked at the screen some more.

  Brianna filled me in, “She’s got dry skin but Jenzy is bringing an oatmeal bath soaking thingy and the doc said Willow’s routine blood work is due. So that means needles. This will suck.”

  I winced, “I’m not going. Soon as she cries I’ll only become violent.”

  Brianna laughed, “So that rules out both you and Moses.”

  “Did you pay for today with my card?”

  “No, it was my turn. You get next visit remember?”

  I rolled my eyes.

  She raised her brow. “I saw that,” she scolded. “I saw it with my third eye.”

  I rolled them again, “Then I’ll cover bloodwork.”


  Willow yawned. “Someone has sand in their eyes.” I ached to be there.

  Brianna held Willow closer. “Then we should go. Good luck tonight.”

  “Thank you.”


  I smiled and gripped my phone. “I miss you both.”

  “We miss you more.”

  “I love you,” I told Willow. She sent me more kisses, “Love you, Bri…”

  Her face turned pink, “Love you too. Bye…”

  “Bye.” We hung up but now I was dying to go home.

  “That was sweet.” Zivah said from behind me.

  I twisted around, “Eavesdropping?”

  She laughed, “A little yes. I needed to see this co-parent.” She came and sat beside me. She bumped my knee with her own, “You should go home.”

  I narrowed my eyes, “Why is that?”

  “Because my dear little Doron is not worth being away from your family. Because you have more money than you need and a girl who said yes to dinner.”

  I smiled and looked up at the night sky. “We are what we are and she knows I have work.”

  She leaned into me and kissed my cheek, “Go home.”


  “I’m sorry,” I said again.

  Gabe swatted my hand away from his tie. “I have several.”

  The sniffles Willow had, developed into a full blown cold and all she wanted was Gabe. So when he came down into the living room to say goodbye for work, Willow latched on and wouldn’t let go.

  This includes: screaming whenever he tried for the door, clinging to his pant leg, and stomping her foot before coughing like mad from being worked up. She doesn’t want me going in either but she knows I’ll come back. He goes on trips and she doesn’t trust we’ll be back in a couple hours.

  Now he’s sprawled on the sofa in an expensive suit with a snot oozing two-year-old on his chest. Another occasion I really wish I could see.

  “Willow,” I tried. “Daddy and Mummy needs to go to the office.”

  “No!” She yelled, but this spawned a coughing jag. I bent over them and rubbed her back as Gabe twined his hands in her curls.

  “Leave her,” he insisted.

  I straightened my skirt suit. “We have to run in to get the transfer done.”

  He took my hand and put keys in them, “Have my driver take you in. Just type up the document and come home. It’ll have to wait. Those are my drawer keys. I’ll do the small stuff on my laptop.”

  I touched Willow’s forehead. “She’s hot.”

  “We’ll lie here and watch Beauty and the Beast a few hundred times more then take a nap until Mum gets back.”

  I laughed and reluctantly left. Gabe is the best co-parent in the world. He’s better than I ever thought he was capable of. Sometimes he even makes me feel like the dumbass. I went to the office then hurried back two hours later to find them in his bedroom.

  “Hey,” I whispered.

  He sounded like he was sitting up in bed typing and Willow’s soft snores told me she was out cold beside him with Cinderella on Gabe’s big TV.

  “She’s down to a low grade,” he whispered back.

  I went around to where she was and took off my heels, then I slid in under the covers. Gabe’s sheets smell masculine and safe. I cuddled close to her and listened to the movie and Gabe’s typing.

  “She feels cool,” I told him. “Do you still want to go out tonight if she lets us?”

  Suddenly the typing stopped and his hand was reached over our daughter to glide down my cheek. “Wouldn’t miss it. Danny already said she’d watch her.”

  I smiled then debated not going but the fever broke and I think I’m a little curious to see if this could work for us. I got up and left to get dressed. I have an airy mint colored dress that Chloe and I bought just for tonight. She said it was my color. Best part was the matching mint wedges that tie with ribbon up my ankles.

  I took an extra hour to do makeup. Steady strokes, easy movements and a hell of a lot of deep breathing, since the eye shadow was mint colored too. My hand was steady on creating the dark wing of liner but my nerves were shot afterward.

  I came to Gabe’s door and knocked when I was done, touching up a final time. When he opened the door he swore. “Christ Bri…if you wanted another baby all you had to do was ask.”

  We laughed and I hugged him because I’m nervous and he’s who I go to when I’m nervous. Just so happen he’s the one making me this way.

  He hugged me back. “You’re dressed for trouble, you know,” he went on and I soaked up the compliments. “Man bait. That’s what this is.”

  I laughed then pulled back to feel down his chest, “A suit I’m guessing?”

  “Yes, and now I shall add a mint tie to match my date.”

  I narrowed one eye, “That’s corny.”

  “So is giving you this,” he put a stem in my hand.

  I blushed. A rose. “White like before?”


  I set it under my nose and we stood there a minute. It wasn’t awkward just different. “Are you alright?” He asked like he too was nervous.

  “No,” I said honestly, “And yes. No, because it’s us. Yes, because I haven’t been on a date since you took me to that orchestra. I’m all for feminism but, getting dressed up for a guy is still a pretty giddy feeling.”

  He came closer and my body throbbed. He danced his fingertips up my arm, “I’ll make it good, I promise. Tonight should be as special as you.” His words made me tremble inside. Then he left, “Just getting my tie.” He said over his shoulder.

  I grinned but then hid it because what if he’s looking? I went to where Willow was still asleep in his enormous bed and she grabbed my hand, “Mum…” she whispered.

  “Hello, Blueberry,” I bent and stroked back her hair. She sounded clogged. “Mummy loves you,” I said into her ear. She got the word ‘mum’ from her Dad and it stuck. I felt her cheeks and found her nose. “Smell,” I danced the rose over her upper lip. She tried, with a loud snort but she’s too snotted up and we giggled together. Our laughs caused a problem; coughing jag. I sat on the bed and she pulled herself up to put her head in my lap. Soon the coughing sounded more like gagging and then she threw up.

  Willow takes after me with a sensitive gag reflex. So even a simple cold with sinus issues can cause an accidental upchuck. I felt it pool in m
y lap then run down my legs and she freaked herself out and began to cry.

  “No, no, it’s okay.” I stood up and held her against my chest. Her sobs broke me apart and Gabe came rushing from his walk-in closet.

  “What happened?” he asked.

  “Plot twist.” I swayed as I soothed her, “Um…little accident.”

  He came to touch her head and she wanted him instantly. This means whatever throw up was on her front ended up on his when he took her.

  “So…” he drew out the word. “Dine in, then? Or is toddler body fluid a new look?”

  “I’m sorry…”

  “For what?”

  He laughed as he went to run the bath. He took off his suit jacket and rolled up his sleeves before putting her in. We both sat with her while I scrubbed her down and thankfully the steam opened up her sinus’ along with eucalyptus from Moses. I got her dried and dressed when I heard the shower in the corner of the room come on.


  “I’m running the water for you,” he called.

  Yeah, this dress was cute while it lasted. It made me feel sexy but it and the shoes are a ruin now. Oh well. Our Willow can throw up on anything she wants.

  We got her down in bed then I went back into the bathroom. Gabe came in behind me, “Let me help.”

  “Help what?” I panicked a little.

  “Zipper,” he said from behind me. He touched my back then pulled the zipper down, sending goosebumps everywhere.

  “Thanks,” I didn’t move to turn around. My breathing felt loud and his sounded restrained. We stayed like that past a normal time so it instantly became sensual.

  “You’re welcome.”

  The sound of the water and the steam in the room made me feel suddenly sexy. Suddenly bold. I slipped off the shoulder of my dress and he slipped off the other. He came closer until I felt him at my back and his breath beside my temple. Both his hands cupped my shoulders and I reached up to cover them.

  “I’ll make up for tonight,” he said.

  I went to the shower carefully. Holding my dress against my chest. I felt the glass of the door and pulled it open before letting the dress down off my body and I stood there in my underwear shivering a little. He came up and bent to untie each of my shoes and I set my back into the glass.

  Then I felt his lips against my stomach and again on my throat as he came to stand. I stepped backward into the shower, holding the guard rail and still in my underwear. The hot water rained over my skin and soaked my bra. I’m not sure where all the lady balls came from but then I felt his lips on mine. It was warm and wet and my hands sought his neck and caressed his jaws. I can hear the water tapping against his face and all I want to do is completely surrender.

  His hands slipped around my waist and pulled me into his body. It’s solid and strong and making me dizzy. He delivered his tongue between my lips and I slanted my head.

  His big hands followed the trail of the water by moving down to pull my ass into his groin. I pulled my knee up to wrap myself around him.

  “Daddy?” Willow’s call snapped us both out of it. We pulled apart and I pressed his shoulder out of the shower.

  “Mummy!” She called again.

  “Go,” I told him.

  He left without a word.

  When I was done and my hair was dry, I came into his bedroom in PJ’s. I found where Willow was and got in. We always do this; share a bed when she’s sick. She wants both of us so we stay together and his bed is king size.

  “I want a do-over,” he said in a whisper.

  “For what?” I asked.

  “A do-over date. You’re not getting out of this.”

  “What if this was the universe saying we shouldn’t…” I asked.

  “Then I would say the universe needs to make up its bloody mind since I got you pregnant while you were still a virgin. I’m getting mixed signals.”

  We laughed until we got tired then fell asleep but he was there in the morning like always.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  A Few Days Later

  “Don’t get bossy,” I told Chloe.

  “Just wear it and I won’t have to.” She argued.

  “Describe it again.”

  “Again?” She thought a moment, “Maroon, sweetheart neckline, and spaghetti straps. Fitted from the midsection up…flowy satin skirt. Oh! And there are tiny twinkling things in the fabric.”

  I rolled my shoulders back, “Silver necklace, heels, and bracelet? What about hair…?”

  “Up,” she came up in front of me and pulled back my hair, “Oh yeah, with wisps and strands loose down your neck. Sit. I got this.”

  I felt for my trunk situated at the foot of my bed and sat down. I can still hear Willow sitting on my bed playing with her blocks. I crossed then uncrossed my legs.

  “Don’t be nervous…” said Chloe. “You know you kinda already had sex with him once.”

  I sat up straighter when I felt her starting to work on my hair. “I’ll settle for deeper friendship.”

  “So in other words… cuddling after sex.” I slapped her but got her boob by mistake. “Owe you twat! That was my tit!”

  “Sorry. I was aiming for your arm.”

  “When Moses and I were dancing around being together you told me I had nothing to lose. That if it worked I’d have something great and if it didn’t we should be adult enough to still be tight. What happened to the all wisdom?”

  I shrugged, “It was different for you and Moses, you guys didn’t have a kid.”

  She got out the curling iron and touched up a fallen strand. “Do me a favor tonight…” she said. “Try to remember the man you were so sure was going to run, has been staying put for two years.”

  Good point.

  I fidgeted.

  The three of us went downstairs to watch TV while I waited on Gabe. Chloe is taking Willow with her tonight. She and Moses have Aunt and Uncle time scheduled and Danielle has a date of her own.

  Willow got down from the couch to play but then Chloe freaked out, “Willow! No, no!” She yelled.

  “What?” I asked.

  A stuffy smell hit my nose.

  “Powder.” Chloe groaned. “I didn’t see she was playing with the baby powder and she just dumped it on your coffee table. I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t sweat it. She’s two. She touches everything. I’ll get the vacuum.”

  “But it’s on your dress,” she whined.

  Oh. “Is what it is, Chloe.” I patted at the front skirt just as Gabriel walked in.

  “Did it snow?” he asked.

  “Daddy!” Willow imploded with giggles and ran for him while Chloe brushed off my backside.

  “Willow powdered the place,” Chloe explained. “It got on your date’s dress.”

  Now I feel heat creeping up my neck because I can feel him looking at me. What do I look like? I don’t mind usually because it’s not like I can see. I feel pretty but now I’m thinking…I’m the mom body in a pretty dress trying to be pretty with baby powder on her. He comes from a world of gorgeous model women in high up clubs.

  I dusted myself off some more, “I tried,” I laughed.

  “You succeeded,” he said.

  He smothered Willow in kisses that I could hear then set her down and she went to me, hugging my legs. I lifted her up and pressed her soft body into mine. She smells so good, she feels like a Butterball. “I love you Blueberry eyes.” I kissed her cheek and her curls tickled my nose.

  “Lu you Mummy.” She said back.

  “You’ll have fun with Auntie Chloe?”

  I felt her arm go out to point in Chloe’s direction. “That’s a yes,” said Chloe. I passed her over and Chloe whispered, “He’s staring at you.”

  Just make me more nervous why don’t you. She grabbed the diaper bag and scurried out. Tramp. She knows I’m freaking inside.

  “You know what?” I told Gabe as I walked to the hall closet. “I took out the vacuum the othe
r day and Willow called it the hoover…” I took it out and wheeled it to the living room bumping the wall first a few times. “She also called the bathroom the loo. I think you’re turning her British. I can’t say much, though. I called the television, ‘the telly’ the other day.”

  He took the vacuum from me, “No work tonight, come on.”

  “We can’t leave all this powder for Danielle. That’s just rude. Just plug it in over there for me and tell me when it’s all up-.” I felt my feet go out from under me as he swooped me up bride style and just started walking. “Hey! Gabe! Stop! Put me down. Gabe.” He stopped to put my purse in my lap one handed then took us outside to the car.

  I was plopped into the passenger seat and he buckled me.

  He got in and took backroads to avoid the press. “So where are we going?”

  He sounded mysterious, “You’ll see….or you know. Not see…”

  We laughed. I sat back and felt the door and seat, “What car is this?”

  “The Rolls Royce. Yes, I love the humble living with you and Willow but tonight you have to be a rich girl. Sorry.”

  I set my head back and let his driving sooth me, “Okay Daddy Warbucks…”

  He pinched my cheek and I smiled. I’m thinking he plans to do some super fancy dinner. We drove for quite a bit but then we stopped and he came out and around to get my door. I shouldered my purse and pushed my hand through the loop in my walking stick.

  “I’ll take that,” he pulled the loop down then took the stick. “Just hold my arm.”

  I held on and he guided us. The night air feels good on my skin since being with him is making it burn. He led me up some very odd stairs. The rails were thin and cold and the steps themselves were narrow.

  “Am I dressed right?” I asked.

  He supported my lower back as we walked inside, wherever inside was. “Yes.”

  Once inside I heard the door shut but it sounded really weird. “Are there other people?”

  “Yes…but not in here. They’re somewhere else.”

  I waited for him to lead me further in. Then he told me to sit. I reached back to feel a very fine leather chair. It was big and swiveled so I had to lower myself slowly. Then I crossed my legs and felt the arms.


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