Drake (The Powers That Be, Book 5)

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Drake (The Powers That Be, Book 5) Page 11

by Harper Bentley

It was a quarter to six when I pulled up seeing there were no cars sitting outside. Going into the service area, it was like the first time I’d been there—empty. I looked through the window on the door into the garage and saw Drake looking under a car hood, so opening the door I went in.

  “Hey,” I called walking to where he was working, nervously playing with the zipper on my jacket. He stood straight and I watched as his lips curled into a smirk. “Whatcha doin—”

  He grabbed me in his arms and planted a big one on me, his tongue finding mine to tangle with it. His hand dropped down and grabbed my butt as he jerked me against him hard. When he pulled back, he looked at me as if I were the only ice cube in the Sahara Desert.

  “Fucking missed you, baby.” He touched his lips to mine then said, “Be right back.”

  He left the garage and went into the service area then came back a minute later, his eyes hot on mine.

  “So what’ve you been up—”

  I didn’t get to finish my question because his mouth slammed down on mine in a bruising kiss then he picked me up to where I had to wrap my legs around his waist. Sitting me on a car hood, he pulled away and gazed at me.

  “Fucking missed you…” he repeated. “Need to be inside you, Honor. Can you handle it?”

  God, yes, I could handle it. His kisses had made my body instantly react to him, and I was pretty sure I was more than ready.

  “Yes,” I replied breathily.

  He had one of my scrubs pantlegs down and off then was unbuttoning his jeans and putting a condom on before I knew it. Moving forward, he pulled me to the edge of the hood where I wrapped my legs around his hips then he was inside.

  “Oh, my God,” I whispered at how fully he filled me.

  He captured my mouth with his again, then thrusting his hips hard, pounding them mercilessly against me, he fucked me like he had the first time. It was rough, it was hard, and I loved it.

  “You feel so goddamned good,” he groaned against my lips, his hand moving up, wrapping into my ponytail and jerking my head back. He then attacked my neck with kisses, with soft licks and hard sucks, punishing horse bites and I came. “Fuck,” he growled as I pulsed around him.

  His mouth landed and stayed on mine as he continued to pound into me before burying himself deep with a groan. Remaining inside, he resumed kissing me but this kiss was different. It was soft and sweet and left me feeling high when he pulled away.

  “Missed my girl,” he muttered putting his forehead to mine.

  “I missed you too,” I admitted. And, I was his girl? All the stupid negative thoughts I’d had about him melted away as he kissed me gently again. So this was the sweet he’d talked about. I liked it.

  “Stay here,” he said, pulling out of me. He went to a trash can and removed the condom, throwing it away then tucked himself back into his jeans. Coming back, he helped me down from the car holding my hips to keep me steady on my wobbly orgasm legs as I pulled my pants leg back on.

  “Thanks,” I whispered.

  “Thank you for showing up. So fucking glad you did.” He kissed me again before taking my hand and leading me back into the service area. “You hungry?” he asked.


  He led me to a small table in the corner and pulled out the chair having me sit. Then he went to a counter and grabbed a bag.

  “Had these delivered from Earl’s earlier hoping you’d come.” He waggled his eyebrows at his bad pun and I snorted.

  This was the side of him I liked. The easygoing, open side, not the one that was so cautious.

  He pulled out two wrapped sandwiches setting one in front of me. “Hope you like brisket?” At my nod, he next laid out two bags of chips then going to the small fridge in the corner brought back two bottles of root beer.

  “Thank you. I love their sandwiches,” I declared, taking a bite.

  “You been doing okay?” he asked, mouth full. “Heard from Jeremiah?”

  I nodded my head and after swallowing, told him, “He’s called a couple times but I haven’t called back.”

  His face got serious. “Next time, you take his call and find out what he wants. Then you let me know if you have any problems.”

  “I don’t foresee any but I’ll let you know.”

  As I ate, I built the courage to ask him the questions that’d been occupying the better part of my head for a while. I was afraid he’d get mad saying it was none of my business, but then again, he’d just had his dick inside me, so, yeah, I felt maybe it was my business.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  He chewed as he looked at me. “Sure.”

  I set my sandwich down and licked my lips. “I was wondering where you were last weekend and also why I can’t come to your house?”

  There. Two birds, one stone and all.

  I picked my sandwich back up and took a bite waiting for him to answer.

  He cleared his throat then took a drink. “Last weekend was…personal.”

  “Are you dating other women?” His narrowed eyes had me hurrying to say, “Because that’s fine but I’m looking for more so…” I trailed off when his eyes went hard.

  “Told you I don’t fuck around, Honor.”

  “Well, who’s Will?” I blurted.

  He blew out a breath just as his phone rang. Glancing at the screen, he apologized saying it was his dad and he needed to take it. Getting up from the table and going behind the counter, I heard him talking about a part that was supposed to have shipped as he clicked on the keyboard.

  “I’ll call them as soon as I get off here. Okay. Yeah. I’ll let you know,” he said before hanging up.

  I’d finished eating and stood to throw my wrappers away.

  “Gotta make another call,” he said, still typing on the computer.

  “I need to go anyway,” I said.

  He looked up at me and something flashed in his eyes. Anger? Hurt? “Look. We’ve known each other, what, about a month,” he stated.

  “I know. It’s none of my business.”

  He ran a hand over his face. “It can be your business, Honor. I just have to be sure.”

  “Meaning?” I pried.

  “Meaning I have to be fucking sure.” We had a stare-off and he looked away first. “Sorry. I need to make this call before they close.”

  “’Bye, Drake,” I said walking toward the door.

  “I’ll call you later,” he promised just before the door closed behind me.


  “I think I’m permanently PMSing,” I told Krystal.

  I’d gone by her place after leaving Drake’s on the off chance that she’d be there. I’d just caught her as she was leaving for her parents’.

  “You’ve had a lot going on, honey. Mr. Avery passing, school, work, Drake, Jeremiah. But you’re strong and will be fine,” she claimed.

  “I do have a lot.” I sighed. I then told her what Drake had said when I’d asked my questions.

  “Well, you really haven’t known each other for very long,” she declared. “I think he wants to tell you, but like he said, he has to be sure.”

  “Yeah, but his secrets must be something big since he’s been pretty open about everything else.”

  “They must be,” she stated.

  I looked at her and shrugged. “I think I just need to relax, you know? Just enjoy what we have. When he’s ready, he’ll tell me.”

  “Thatta girl,” she replied with a snicker.


  “You just said everything to yourself that I would’ve said to you.” She nodded. “But I’m sure he’ll open up the longer you’re together,” she assured.

  “I just wanna know stuff,” I whined. Then it hit me. “Maybe I’m too nosy.”

  She laughed. “Nah. I think you’ve just had so many crap people in your life you want everything up front, that’s all. Trust him, On. He’ll open up soon, I bet.”

  “I hope so. It just makes me feel bad that he thinks he can’t tell me stuff.” I
looked at her. “I mean, I’m thinking Will might be his son or maybe his grandpa he’s taking care of…or his gay lover.” She snorted. “I’m rushing things with him, aren’t I?”


  “I just don’t wanna be blindsided, you know? I hate that shit.”

  She nodded then said, “Hey, that new Greek restaurant opened up last weekend. Wanna go tomorrow night? I heard their pastitsio is amazing!”

  “Sure. Sounds good,” I replied. I looked at her for a moment, feeling bad for complaining about Drake having secrets when I had one of my own. “I need to tell you something.”

  She raised her eyebrows as she waited.

  Proceeding with caution, I revealed, “It’s about Vic.” I wasn’t sure how she’d take his asking about her, and I got ready for her to tell me to stop, that she didn’t want to know anything about him.

  “Don’t tell me he’s met someone!”

  I jerked my head back surprised by her statement. “God, no!” Totally not the response from her that I expected. I knew her well enough to know she’d fight this. That she’d blow it off, but I was now pleasantly surprised. Maybe there was hope of their reuniting after all.

  “Good.” She looked relieved. “Okay, what is it?”

  “Wait a minute. You’re okay with him sleeping around but you’d be upset if he met someone he liked?”

  “I’m not okay with it, but as long as that’s what he’s doing, I know he’s not gonna fall for anyone.”

  “You still love him,” I whispered. Holy crap!

  “I don’t know. I mean, no!” she stated, her face twisting into a frown, which made me sad because she so totally still loved him.

  “He, uh, asked about you.”

  She then looked at me in confusion. “He did?”

  “Yeah, after he saw you the other day. He wanted to know if you’d talk to him.” I saw her brow go up. “He hasn’t been bringing anyone home either,” I rushed to say.

  “Really,” she murmured skeptically, tossing her hair behind her shoulder in annoyance. Ah. There was the reaction I’d expected to get.

  “He hasn’t. And he’s been taking online classes so he can get his business degree to become a manager at the bar, maybe even an owner someday, he said.”

  “Well, look at him go. Maybe he’s finally growing up,” she answered flippantly as if she couldn’t have cared less. And I saw she’d shut down.

  “Maybe.” I let it go because I’d only wanted to plant the idea of talking to him in her head, not argue with her about it. “Okay, well, I’ll let you get to your parents’ house. Tell them I said hi. Text me later.”

  Even though she tried acting as if that last bit of our conversation about Vic hadn’t happened, I could see the thoughts racing in her head. I wanted to squeal in glee, but I kept my cool because that would just piss her off.

  We walked out together and said our goodbyes then drove off in different directions.

  Chapter 14

  Walking into my house, I felt that something was off.

  I’d used the back door coming into the kitchen, and upon entering after turning on the light, I was suddenly paralyzed with fear thinking I heard someone moving around inside the house. Before I could leave from the way I’d come, Jeremiah walked around the corner looking just as shocked at seeing me as I know I did when I saw him.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” I hissed, scared shitless.

  “Came to get my stuff,” he said now all casual. I noticed he had a hoodie and a couple shirts over his arm.

  “So you just broke in?” I yelled.

  “If you’d take my fucking calls, I wouldn’t have had to!”

  “I’m calling the police!” I said, reaching inside my purse for my phone.

  “Don’t, Honor. I’m leaving. I just wanted to get my things.”

  I held my phone ready to dial 911 watching as he walked farther into the kitchen coming right toward me. I hate to admit it, but I flinched when he grabbed a brownie off the plate on the counter next to me and took a bite.

  “Think I’ll miss your cooking the most,” he said, mouth full and shaking the brownie at me as he spoke. I could tell he was pleased he’d scared me as he gave me a smirk before leaving.

  Holy shit.

  My heart was in my throat as I rushed to the back door locking it then I called Victor.

  “Yeah? I don’t have a lot of time,” he answered.

  “Jeremiah broke into the house!”


  “I just got home and he was in here getting some things of his I had!” I slid down the door landing with my butt on the floor and started crying. God. That had been some scary shit.

  “That little fucker!”

  I sniffed. “N-no. It’s my fault. I haven’t been taking his calls and I should have.”

  “Doesn’t give him the right to break the fuck in!”

  “I-I don’t even know h-how he got inside,” I stammered. “Sh-should I call the police?”

  “No. I’ll get someone to cover. I’m coming home to check around. Go to Krystal’s.”

  “Do we need to get an alarm?” I questioned as I stood, looking around to see if anything was missing. God.

  I heard him talking to someone then he came back on the line. “I’ll look into an alarm. I’m on my way out the door. Go to Krystal’s. Now.”

  “Okay. Be careful. You sure you don’t want me to call the police?”

  I could tell he was jogging to his bike when he yelled, “No! Get your ass out of there! Now!”

  “Going now. I love you. See you in the morning.”

  We hung up and I made my way outside, locking the door behind me. And now I was afraid Jeremiah had stuck around and was going to attack me. Gah! On high alert, I ran to Betsy, got in, started her and took off.

  I next called Krystal. “Jeremiah broke into my house!”


  I told her what’d happened asking if I could come back over.

  “Of course! I’m on my way back from Mom and Dad’s anyway. I’ll meet you there. Oh, my God, that’s so scary!”

  “I know.” I was definitely rattled.

  When I got to her place, she’d apparently just pulled in too, meeting me at Betsy’s door as I got out and giving me a hug.

  “That bastard!” she fumed as we walked inside her apartment. She immediately went to the fridge, got out a bottle of wine and poured us each a full glass.

  “Let me get my coat off first,” I said with an uneasy chuckle.

  “Psh. Fuck that, On.” She held out a glass as I was taking off my jacket. “You need something to relax you in your veins right about now.”

  I hung my coat on the rack then taking the wine, downed it because she was right.

  “Thatta girl,” she said, reaching for my glass and refilling it. “Here.”

  I drank down that one too.

  “Whoa, easy there, woman,” Krystal said giving me another full glass.

  This one I sipped—kind of—knowing that since I wasn’t a big drinker, the first two glasses would start taking effect soon, meaning I’d get giggly, chatty, act like an idiot, then I’d finally get tired and pass out. Yippee.

  She hung her jacket up as I sat on the couch then coming over, she sat too saying, “So you walked in and he was there?”

  I told her I’d sensed something was off, and that I’d about had a heart attack when Jeremiah had walked into the kitchen. Then I explained how he’d approached me and taken a brownie.

  “What an asshole. How’d he get in?”

  “I have no idea. Vic’s there checking things out now,” I said. “But it’s still kinda my fault. I should’ve answered his calls.” She gave me a look that made me giggle. Thanks, wine. “What?” I asked.

  “Do you hear yourself right now? No decent person would break into someone’s house. He could’ve left a voicemail or, hell, texted you, letting you know he wanted to meet you to pick his shit up! You’re not at fault at all.”r />
  She did have a point. “You’re right. I mean, what if I’d pulled out my nine and busted a cap in his ass?” I put my hand over my mouth melodramatically. “I could’ve killed him!” I burst out laughing.

  “Yeah. Because you so have a gun. Okay, lightweight. Enough wine for you,” she said with a snort getting up and taking my glass from me as she went to the kitchen.

  My phone rang. “That’s probably Vic.” I grabbed my cell out of my purse and answered it. “Hey. Did you find out how the fucker got in?”

  “What’re you talking about?” Drake asked.

  “Oh, hey, Drake,” I replied, bugging my eyes at Krystal as she came back into the living room. “I need to tell you I’m sorry,” I blurted.

  I heard his low chuckle. “About?”

  “Well, you might not have noticed, but I’ve been a jerk to you,” I admitted.

  “Nah,” he drawled. “You’re good.”

  “I just wish we were at the point where you trusted me to tell me some things.”

  “We’re getting there, babe. Give it time.”

  “Okay. I just can’t help being a little antsy-pantsed sometimes,” I informed him.

  “As long as you stay sweet, we’re good. So what did you mean when you answered?” he asked.

  “Oh! Well, after I left the garage, I went to Krystal’s. She was getting ready to go to her parents but she stayed and talked to me. Isn’t she the sweetest? And her parents! I love them so much! They treat me like I’m their daughter too! How cool is that?” I looked at Krystal and nodded because all I’d said was true.

  “Honor?” Drake called.


  “What did you mean when you answered?”


  “You asked how the fucker got in. What did you mean?” he asked again.

  “Oh! Jeremiah broke into my house! I got home and it felt weird, and then he just strolled right into the kitchen like no big freaking deal! He even ate a brownie! Can you believe that? He’s such a jerk!”

  “He broke into your house? Fuck!”

  “Yep. I don’t know how, though. Vic’s there trying to find out. And you know what else? I think he took one of Vic’s hoodies!”

  “You’ve been drinking,” he deduced.


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