
Home > Romance > Unforgettable > Page 6
Unforgettable Page 6

by Lacey Wolfe

  EJ chimed in. “It’s fine, Mom. Really. Dad and I are going to get ice cream and watch a movie. We already got the movie. It’s in the car.”

  The car they got in an accident with. She sighed. Obviously if he was still able to drive it, the accident wasn’t bad. Todd had been the good father he always was and brought EJ in for precaution. She could argue until she was blue in the face, but the truth was, EJ was fine and he wanted to go with his dad.

  “Okay, but I’ll be calling you in a few hours to check on you. Understand?”

  EJ hugged her. “Love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  EJ released her and went to stand next to his dad. “I’ll keep you updated,” Todd said.

  She nodded. It was all she could really do. This was one of those times she hated being divorced. Hated that things hadn’t workout out between Todd and her. But he’d walked away from her. In the long run, she knew it had been for the better. He didn’t love her anymore and thought they both deserved happiness.

  As she watched EJ leave with Todd, she wondered when she was going to find the happiness she so desired.


  Why had he crossed her mind?

  She covered her mouth. Crap. She’d left him mid-date and spilled the beans about her son. Well, it had to end sometime. Looked like she’d been right. That had been the last date and she hadn’t gotten to ride in the car.

  * * *

  “Yes, I want a full background check. I don’t need any more surprises,” Neil demanded as he clutched his fists and rocked in his office chair.

  “All right, sir. I’ll see what I can find out.”

  “Do it quickly.” Neil ended the call and set the phone down on his desk. He raked his hands through his hair and then buried his face in his palms.

  Krista had a child. A child. Why hadn’t she said anything? Why would she keep something like that a secret? He’d been in her home and seen the pictures of the child on the wall. He’d just assumed it was a nephew. Any other evidence of a child had obviously been hidden.

  He sat down on the black leather couch. It was all beginning to make sense now. Her reluctance to be with him. Why she had been so stubborn about her life and his being so different. But why hadn’t she just told him about the kid?

  Had he come across as someone who didn’t like children? He didn’t think so. He liked them. Just didn’t have any. At this point he was too old to do the diapers thing. But he had no problem with her having a kid.

  Neil needed to take a step back from the desire to get her in bed and take the time to get to know her. As much as he hated to admit it, Krista was someone he wanted to be with. Spend time with in other ways besides between the sheets.

  She wasn’t someone to play with. He’d known that after his first date—and yet he still sought her. Which only meant one thing, he liked her—like, liked, liked her. And it had been a long time since his heart had opened up.

  He had two options. Walk away from her right now and use this kid as the perfect excuse. Or go at this with everything he had and pray he didn’t end up with a broken heart. Deep down, he already knew the answer. He already had two feet in. He was going all the way.

  Fuck! Hopefully this didn’t turn out badly.

  His cell phone rang from his desk. Taking a deep breath, he pulled himself up and went to see who it was.

  “Hey, Ian.”

  “I have a proposition for you.” His friend got straight to the point.

  “All right.” Maybe whatever it was, it would get his mind off Krista and her secret.

  “You have a hotel near the club. I’d like to sit down and discuss a partnership between the club and your hotel.”

  Neil grinned. He knew where this was going. “Sure.”

  “With this being a Saturday night, we’re packed. But if you come down I’m sure we can talk some.”

  His schedule was free, but going to The Gentlemans’ Club wasn’t the place he wanted to be tonight. “I’ll see if I can make it.”

  “Cool. By the way, what happened the other night? You were there and then gone. I have your money here from the game you won.”

  “Yeah, something came up unexpectedly. I hope Beth wasn’t too heartbroken.” Not that he really cared.

  Ian laughed. “She found her ticket for the night.”

  Neil wasn’t surprised by that either. “All right. Well, let me see what I can work out. If I can’t make it tonight, maybe we can meet during the day one day this week.”

  “Awesome. We’ll be in touch.”

  “See ya, man.”

  Business almost always came first, but at the moment he needed to know about Krista and how her son was. He couldn’t imagine what she was going through right now. If he knew what hospital the kid was at, he’d go there, but this was a big city.

  Phone in hand, he scrolled to her number, deciding a call would be the best. The phone rang and finally her voicemail came on. She was probably busy.

  “Krista, it’s Neil. I wanted to check in on your son and see if he was okay. If there is anything I can do, please let me know. You’re both in my thoughts, please call me soon.”

  He placed the phone into the holster on his hip. His evening was free and he didn’t feel much like staying in. However, going to the club wasn’t a good idea. He’d meet with Ian sometime this week so they could have a proper sit-down and get the details worked out.

  For now he was going to spend his evening alone.

  * * *

  Krista dashed out of the bathroom naked in search of the ringing phone. She’d hate to miss a call from EJ if he needed her. The ringing stopped. Damn it!

  She threw a few things around on her bed and finally found the stupid thing. After she unlocked the screen she saw it had been Neil who’d called. She stared at the notification and then the phone beeped from a new voicemail.

  She was shocked to see he’d called. Her heart raced as she debated listening to the message. Was he calling to tell her he never wanted to see her again? Surely not. Neil didn’t come across as that type of man. Then again, she’d kept quite a big secret from him when he’d made it clear he didn’t want kids.

  Taking a seat on the bed, she decided to go ahead and get it over with.

  Krista, it’s Neil. I wanted to check in on your son and see if he was okay. If there is anything I can do, please let me know. You’re both in my thoughts, please call me soon.

  After listening to the message, she played it again. She hadn’t been expecting him to show concern, but this man continued to surprise her. That seemed to be Neil. She just couldn’t quite figure him out.

  Now she had to decide if she wanted to call him or not. She really did. Neil had been incredibly sweet on their date. He’d shown her a whole other side of himself. Not the flashy I’m rich side, but the down to earth side.

  Anytime she was with him, her heart melted. He made her smile and gave her the butterfly feeling. If she continued to spend time with him, she knew where it was going to lead. To a broken heart. But maybe that wasn’t so bad. Perhaps it was time to stop being in control all the time and live.

  Krista laughed. Jamie would be thrilled that she was even having such a thought.

  Without second guessing herself, she called him back and was surprised he answered so quickly.

  “Good evening, Krista.”

  Her heart fluttered from the sound her name. “Hi. How are you?”

  “The question isn’t about how I am. How is your son?”

  It was so strange to actually talk about EJ to him. Then again, it felt so right. “He’s fine. Thank you. It was just a small fender-bender and his father took him to the hospital for precautions.”

  “I’m glad he’s okay and his father too.”

  “We’re divorc-ced,” she stuttered. “I don’t want you to think I was keeping that from you too.”

  Neil chuckled, putting her at ease. “I hate that you didn’t feel comfortable telling me about your son, but then again I
understand as well.” He paused. “And I’m very happy to learn that you’re not married to him anymore.”

  Her face practically hurt from the grin that had spread across it.

  “Is your son home now resting?”

  “No. EJ’s at his dad’s. I wanted him to come home after, but he’s seven and wasn’t having it. He wanted to go back to his dad’s.”

  “EJ, is that short for anything?”

  This was so strange talking about it, but it felt wonderful to finally have it truth out. “Elijah Jonathan.”

  “I like Elijah. It’s a nice name.”

  “Thanks.” She took a breath before speaking again. “This is weird.”


  She pulled a towel around her still naked body. “Up until a few hours ago you didn’t know about him and now you do and you’re not upset with me for not telling you. I kinda figured me having a kid was a deal-breaker. And now that the cat’s out of the bag, it isn’t feeling that way.”

  Neil laughed. “Knowing about EJ actually explains a lot about your reluctance. So, if you’re alone and I am too, would you like to continue our date?”

  Yes! Yes! Yes! “Uh, I—”

  “No pressure.”

  “I’d love to.” Krista cleared her throat. “I’d love it if you picked me up in your car and brought me back to your place.”

  It was forward and she didn’t care.

  “Sounds perfect. Given the hour, go ahead and pack an overnight bag just in case you might want to stay the night.”

  She nodded. Why was she nodding? He couldn’t see her. “Okay.”

  “I’ll see you soon.”

  Oh God, what had she gotten herself into?

  Neil parked the car in his driveway by a lavish fountain. Krista stared out at the gorgeous colonial-style house. This was one of those homes you saw in a magazine or on TV. Not the kind that she ever thought she’d be visiting.

  It was tall, white, and professionally landscaped. Spotlights were nestled on the side of the home, making sure this house was noticed at all hours. I can’t wait to see the inside.

  Neil reached over and squeezed her knee. “I’m happy to have you here. I don’t have guests often.”

  Did that mean he didn’t usually bring women to his house? “Thanks for having me over.”


  He removed his hand and exited the vehicle. She followed suit. After closing the door to the car that had driven so smooth and quiet, she made her way along the stone path to the double front doors. Neil typed a code into the lock and opened the door. He pushed it open, stepped back, and let her enter first. She walked in, her heels echoing on the marble floor.

  “Oh my gosh,” she said, unable to believe how magnificent it looked. The foyer was two stories high, filled with paintings. He’d obviously hired a designer to tie it all together. The walls were a crème color, and funky art pieces were placed throughout. Yes, this was definitely like a page out of a magazine. “It’s beautiful in here. You live alone?”

  “Yup.” A slight sadness in his eyes when he said it.

  “It’s so big.” She was certain her place would fit in the foyer alone.

  He grinned and placed a hand on her back, leading her toward a doorway. “Have a seat. Want anything to drink? Wine?”

  Alcohol for sure. She needed to get her nerves down a notch. “Wine would be great.”

  “Preference on color?”

  Hopefully he didn’t ask her what kind next. Typically she grabbed whatever was cheapest. “White, please.”

  He left the room. She glanced around a moment and slowly strolled around the large room. This was a sitting room, she presumed. It was arranged with an assortment of chairs and small side tables. Gorgeous wall art and very light décor was tastefully situated throughout. There was no theme—unless fancy counted. This was definitely a room she’d never leave a child in alone.

  She took a seat on one of the loveseats, wondering if she’d made the right choice. But before she could think about it anymore, Neil returned with two glasses of wine. He handed her one and took a seat next to her.

  Krista took a sip of the drink then set the glass down on the table next to her.

  “I really have no idea why you’re interested in me. We are so opposite.”

  He smirked and she wished she knew what was going through his head. “It doesn’t matter to me. I don’t look at a person for what they have. And to be honest, it’s a nice change to have a woman who isn’t after me for my money. You’ve been quite the challenge.”

  She giggled. “Sorry.”

  “It’s a good thing. Men like a challenge.”

  She picked her glass back up and took a larger drink from it. This time she held it in her hand. She had a feeling she’d need another sip soon. “I must admit I do like you. I still don’t see how this is going to work though.”

  He leaned back and rubbed his chin with his index finger. “Why is that? Haven’t I shown you that I don’t need luxury all the time?”

  “Yes, but I have my son a majority of the time and you don’t want kids.”

  He took her glass from her and set it on the table beside him. He clasped her hands in his. “I don’t have a problem with your son. I fear we’ve had a misunderstanding.”

  “You said—”

  “I know what I said.” He squeezed her hands gently. “I don’t want kids of my own. I’m forty-five. I don’t want to be chasing a two-year-old around. However, I have no problem with you having one.”

  “Yes, but I want another child one day. I don’t want EJ to be an only child.”

  He was quiet. “I don’t know where things are going between us. And I don’t want this child thing to affect us. I don’t want to tell you no, but I also can’t say yes.”

  “I understand.” She rubbed a circle into his palm. “Do you think there can be something between us? Something lasting?”

  “There already is.”

  He pulled her to him and gently took her lips. It wasn’t a greedy kiss, just a sweet one to show how he felt. It lasted only a moment before he pulled away and his blue eyes stared into hers.

  “I don’t think either of us could walk away right now even if we wanted to.”

  She couldn’t agree more. She was in this deep. Deeper than she’d anticipated it going. But being around Neil did that to her. He made her feel things she never expected to feel.

  She’d been in love with Todd, but never had he made her feel so many emotions at once. She was happy, scared, and turned on all at once.

  Krista wanted to be with Neil. She had to know how magical it would be. Leaning forward, she was about to kiss him when his cell phone beeped on his waist.

  “Excuse me.” He released her hand and pulled it from his hip. “This is business. I’ll be right back, I promise”

  “It’s fine. Take your time.”

  After he left the room, she reached for her wine glass and finished what was left. She needed a few minutes to breathe anyway.

  * * *

  Neil closed his office door and went over to his computer to boot it up. His PI had come through quickly, delivering the information he’d requested on Krista. Before things went any further, he needed to make sure she didn’t have any more secrets she was hiding.

  Thankfully his top-of-the line desktop computer booted quickly. He logged into his email and opened the email.


  Not much to tell about her. She’s lived a very quiet life. Been divorced about a year. Was married young. Assuming it was because of the child she shares with a gentleman named Todd Michaels. Son’s name is Elijah Jonathan Michaels. Krista’s middle name is Anne and her maiden name is Brown.

  She works as a middle school teacher at Longview. She makes roughly 35,000 a year. She kept the house in the divorce.

  Both her parents are still alive, though they don’t live nearby.

  All this is in the document attached. Like I said, not much. She’s lived a normal, b
oring life. I dug as deep as I could for you.


  Neil opened up the document that was sent and scanned through it. Just as stated, it was all cut and dry. It seemed that the only skeleton she had in her closet was now out and he could work his magic and hopefully win her over.

  He leaned back in his chair. There was something special about Krista. He was ready to throw all plans out the door and do this whole relationship with her. He didn’t think he’d ever be going down this path again, not after Rachel. But sometimes life threw curveballs.

  Krista was nothing like Rachel. His ex had been all about the fine things in life and complained that he was never around. It took a lot of work in his younger days to get to where he was now. And she’d hopped beds to keep her days occupied.

  Krista didn’t seem like the bed-hopper type.

  Speaking of beds, he hoped like hell he was going to get lucky this evening. They’d been doing a lot of kissing and petting, but he had needs and he was ready. Of course, if she wasn’t yet, he’d wait. But fuck, he hoped she was.

  Neil shut the computer off and left his office. He made his way back through the house until he found Krista still sitting in the same spot with an empty glass of wine.

  “Sorry about that,” he said.

  “It’s no problem. You’re an important man. Duty calls.” She smiled sweetly at him, driving his libido crazy.

  “My evening with you is more important. And unless it’s your son, I don’t want to be interrupted again.” He reached out and took her hand, pulling her to a standing position. “I could sit and talk to you for hours. I want to know everything there is to know about you.” His hand lightly rubbed her upper arm. “But I also want to taste each and every inch of your body.”

  He stared into her eyes and got the confirmation he needed. She wanted it as much as he did.

  “You can say no. I won’t ever make you do anything that you don’t want to.”

  “I want to.”

  With that, he leaned forward and captured her lips. She opened to him right away. She tasted of the sweet white wine.

  Wrapping his hands around her waist, he tugged her to him, letting his erection press into her. He wanted her bad and wasn’t sure he could make their first time together gentle. He really wanted to spin her around, hike her dress up, and take her from behind.


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