High Treason (Noah Wolf Book 18)

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High Treason (Noah Wolf Book 18) Page 2

by David Archer

  “I know,” Renée said. “It was just—oh, I don’t know, maybe I’m being silly. It was just that she asked me about different styles, and whether I thought she should have her hair colored or tinted. I mean, I actually got the impression she wasn’t sure what she wanted to do. That’s about as human as you can get, in my opinion, and it’s just a little scary when you remember watching her get put together.”

  “You were on that project?” Neil asked. “I’d love to talk to you about her quantum computer system. I don’t suppose you have the specs for it anywhere, do you?”

  “Nobody does, except Wally, and it’s probably back in the vault at R&D. I don’t think it would help you much if you had it, anyway, because the materials involved are not easy to come by. Most of them had to be made right there in the labs at R&D, and then there’s the software. It’s like a whole different world compared to any programming you’ve ever done, I can promise you.”

  “Yeah, but it’s still fascinating. Maybe I can talk to Esmeralda about it.”

  “Sure you can,” Jenny said. “Just as long as you remember that she’s just a machine, and I’m the real woman in your life.”

  Everyone chuckled, and then they turned as they heard a door open and saw the subject of their conversation step into the dining hall. Esmeralda looked at them all, then focused on Noah and licked her lips.

  “Noah? Wally sent me to ask you to come out to his workshop.”

  There was something in the way she looked at him that made Noah scoot his chair back and get to his feet. Neil and Marco started to get up as well, but Esmeralda held out a hand.

  “Just Noah,” she said. “Wally said for Noah to come alone.”

  Neil and Marco looked at her for a second, then glanced at Noah. When he nodded, they sat down again, but everyone was paying attention as Noah followed Esmeralda out the door.

  “Why do I get the feeling that wasn’t something good?” Sarah asked.

  “I don’t know,” Jenny said, “but I’m getting that same feeling.”

  * * *

  Noah followed Esmeralda to the barn, where he had allowed Wally to set up a lab and workshop. The man was a tireless inventor, and had already come up with several new ideas in the short time they had been there. He was also a genius with almost any kind of tools, and after Noah gave him permission to order whatever he wanted, the workshop looked like an industrial wonderland.

  Wally looked up as Noah and Esmeralda stepped inside, and Esmeralda closed the door behind them.

  “Wally? What’s going on?”

  “Oh, she didn’t tell you? Well, of course she didn’t, I didn’t tell her to. Noah, Esmeralda has received a message through the deep web. It’s something I thought you should know about right away, and Esmeralda agreed.”

  Wally paused, and Noah looked at him expectantly. “Well? What is it?”

  “I…” Wally stammered. “I’m really not sure how to tell you this,” he said at last. “Noah, E & E is being terminated. Neverland is probably going to be turned into a military research facility, and all of us are essentially out of work.”

  Noah raised an eyebrow. “I see,” he said. “Wally, I get the impression that something about this has you worried. Are you just afraid of retirement?”

  “No,” Wally said, drawing it out into a long syllable. “No, it’s the other part of the message that worries me. I’m supposed to tell you that you are to form a new independent assassination group. Your new group can have no direct affiliation with any government, but you will have to be available for hire whenever you’re needed. You will be working with not only our own government, but also with the British government. In fact, I was told to tell you that an old friend of yours will be coming to visit you today, and should be here within a couple of hours.”

  “An old friend is coming here? All right, if that’s what we have to do. I take it this message came from a reliable source?”

  Wally nodded. “It has Allison’s signature on it,” he said. “I guess the heat over E & E got to be too much, so the State Department is considering acknowledging that it existed, but swearing that it was shut down several months ago. They are making sure your names are kept out of anything that could have leaked, but we know that someone out there had to know who you were because of what happened with Danielle. Until they know for sure who that was, they can’t take any chances on contacting you directly.”

  “Of course not. I just hope they managed to create a secure channel to MI6, or we may get leaked again. Somebody knew way too much about E & E and our structure there. Anybody who was in deep enough to learn that might be in deep enough to catch a secret transmission between the US and Great Britain.”

  “I’m sure they found a secure way to get messages over here. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be sending someone out to talk to you. And incidentally, whoever that is should be arriving sometime in the next couple of hours.”

  “Very well. In that case, you need to keep working on new ideas. If I’m going to be handling missions again, I’m likely to need some of your toys.”

  “I understand,” Wally said. “And since you mentioned that, I do have a couple things I’d like to show you. You mind taking an extra few minutes with me?”

  “Not at all. What have you got?”

  “Well, first off,” Wally said, pointing at a bright red Panther Kallista, a small, open two-seater that was built in England during the eighties. Wally had bought it not long after they arrived at the Manor, and had immediately yanked out the Ford Pinto engine and transmission. “My little Lady in Red, here. I had to order in some heavy-duty parts for the rear end, but she’s ready to go. I converted her over to a Ford 302 engine with some pretty special tuning; I re-machined the heads to use rotary valves and took it from two hundred and eighty horsepower up to almost six hundred. I also reengineered the suspension system, so the car will actually stay on the ground. I don’t know if you’ll ever have a chance to drive it, but I just wanted you to know it’s there if you want to.”

  Noah walked over to the car and raised its aluminum hood. The V8 filled the engine compartment rather completely, and it sported a custom radiator that was curved around the front of the engine. A number of small electric fans blew air through the radiator to keep the engine cool.

  “Nice,” Noah said. “I’ll have to take it for a spin later.”

  Wally grinned from ear to ear. “I knew you’d like it,” he said. “Now, come over to the workbench. I had a wild idea a couple days ago, and I had enough junk around here to get started on it. Tell me what you think.” He pointed at what looked like a stuffed cat.

  The cat was a typical black and gray-striped tabby, the kind you find running loose in every community. It was the type of cat that might be a beloved pet or a nearly invisible stray.

  Noah stood beside the workbench for a moment and just looked at the cat, then reached out to touch its fur. When he did, he was almost startled when it turned its head and looked at him.

  “I didn’t think it was alive,” he said. “How did you get it to sit so still?”

  Wally giggled. “It’s all in the programming,” he said. “Noah, meet Felix. Felix is a robot, based on the same principles as Esmeralda but with a much smaller computer. I had Esmeralda study everything she could find on cats and design the programming he operates on, but I can guarantee you he will always act like an actual cat. The thing is, he will accept orders and do what he’s told, and his eyes and ears are actually video and audio receptors connected to a transmitter. I’m designing an app you can put on your phone so you can see and hear everything he does.”

  “Impressive,” Noah said. “I take it you designed him for stealth work? Spying?”

  “Yes, basically, but he’s also capable of delivering a biological or explosive weapon. I mean, you could put a canister of biological agents inside him and send him into an area to infect a specific group of people with a fart, or you could put a bomb in there and tell him when and where to detonate it.�
� He glanced at Esmeralda, and then back to Noah. “Unlike Esmeralda, though, he doesn’t have nearly enough synaptic connections for any kind of self-awareness. He’ll always do whatever he’s told to do, because that’s how he was programmed.”

  “I can see where he might be useful,” Noah said, and then he turned to look at Esmeralda. “I take it you have come to believe that Esmeralda is alive?”

  Wally snorted. “She didn’t give me any choice,” he said. “I don’t care how good the programmers are, they couldn’t program actual emotion into her. The best we could do would be to give her a series of subroutines that would look like emotions, but she has been giving me absolute fits since we got here because of her own burgeoning feelings. Why, yesterday she was almost to the point of tears over Felix, when we were talking about using him as a bomb delivery system. She knows damn well he’s just a machine, but she seems to have taken a shine to him. I had to promise to keep him as just a prototype, and she’s planning to adopt him as a pet.”

  Esmeralda gave Noah a sheepish grin. “You don’t mind, do you? I mean, he doesn’t even need a litterbox.”

  “I don’t see a problem with it,” Noah said. “But what’s going to happen if he sees a mouse?”

  “He’ll chase it, and probably catch it,” Wally said. “The only thing he won’t do is eat it, but it will definitely no longer be among the living.”

  “Then I think he might be welcome in the house. Thomas has mentioned that we seem to have a few mice running around lately.”

  Wally cocked his head to one side. “Mice? You know, I could probably build a robotic mouse. They could go into places that even the cat couldn’t. I’ll have to think about that.”

  “I think two robots is probably enough for now,” Noah said. “Maybe you should start thinking about weapons again. If I’m going to be working assassinations, some of your toys could be pretty useful.”

  Wally waved a hand in dismissal. “I got lots of that stuff,” he said. “I made you some guns that look like and actually function as cell phones, and a few other goodies like that. Don’t worry, I’ve got your back, Noah.”

  “Good. Now, why don’t you both come in and have breakfast? I know Esmeralda doesn’t actually have to eat, but I don’t want any of the staff to notice anything strange about her.”

  “Oh, she can eat just fine,” Wally said. “Just don’t let anybody look in the toilet after she gets rid of it, because it isn’t going to look like…”

  “I get the point,” Noah said. “Come on, let’s go eat. I’ll let everybody know what’s going on after breakfast.”

  “Good idea,” Wally said. “You know, now that you mention it, I’m actually kind of hungry.”


  Breakfast was over, and Noah had requested that everyone meet in his and Sarah’s room. It took a few moments for everyone to find a place to sit, and then Noah turned to Esmeralda.

  “Esmeralda, would you deliver the complete message, please?”

  “Yes, Noah,” Esmeralda said. “From Allison Peterson and Nathan Parker: by order of the president, after consultation with the State Department, E & E is being terminated effective immediately. No direct contact is possible at this time, which is why this message is being sent through Esmeralda. Team Camelot should prepare to organize an independent effort to continue its mission, and may recruit any former E & E personnel. General liaison will be through MI6, as all current E & E liaison officers are now disavowed into their cover identities. No contact is recommended with any former liaison officers. Camelot alone shall determine the validity of any elimination requests. MI6 liaison Catherine Potts will visit today at ten a.m. Message authorized by Allison Peterson, signature code six one five alpha george one seven. Do not reply. End of message.”

  There were a few muttered comments around the room, as everyone looked to Noah to explain what they’d just heard.

  “What this means is that we are on our own, but we are apparently expected to continue the work we’ve been doing. We will be working in the private sector, now, without any government backing us. Catherine Potts will be coming to explain more, and I would guess that she may be bringing a mission with her.”

  “I’ve got a question,” Neil said. “How are we supposed to contact other former personnel? Everybody went to ground, we have no contact with anyone.”

  Esmeralda held up one finger. “If I may?” she asked, and Noah nodded. “I received an encrypted file that has the Protocol 3 contact information for each team. I can access the contact information for any team if ordered by Noah.”

  “Okay,” Neil said. “So, how do we get them to go along with this? Apparently we’re the only ones who got the message, right?”

  “As far as I know right now, that’s correct,” Noah said. “If we need to recruit any of the others, I’ll have to explain the situation. Fortunately, we have sufficient assets to be able to offer the kind of compensation our people would find interesting.”

  Wally waved a hand in the air and Noah nodded toward him.

  “Does this mean I can bring some of my people back in?” he asked. “Most of them have probably already found jobs in the private industry fields, but there are a few I would like to bring on.”

  “I think that might be a good idea,” Noah said. “How many people are you talking about, Wally?”

  “Well, I’m thinking of maybe a couple dozen of them. Of course, we’ll need a better place to work. The workshop you gave me is fine for one man, but not for the team I’m thinking of putting together.”

  “Then we’ll see what we can do about finding you a building of your own. Maybe Catherine will have some ideas on that line.”

  Marco grinned. “Personally, I’m ready to get back to work. I’m starting to get flabby hanging around here doing nothing.”

  “You are not,” Renée said. “Don’t let him fool you, Noah, he’s been running and working out every morning before the sun comes up.”

  “I’m aware of that,” Noah said. “I think all of us need to get back to doing something.” He looked at Jenny, who was being quiet. “Jenny? What about you?”

  Jenny bit her bottom lip for a moment, then looked at Noah. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” she said. “Something happened on that last mission, Noah, and—I’m just not sure how I feel about it anymore. I can’t explain it, it’s like—it’s like I suddenly got my fill. I’ve always been looking forward to the next time I got to kill someone, but now I don’t want to. I can’t explain it, it just doesn’t feel right anymore.” She lowered her eyes. “That doesn’t mean I would not obey orders,” she said. “Just that I don’t really want to have to kill right now.”

  “I’m not going to order you into the field,” Noah said. “Our original command structure doesn’t exist anymore, so I’m going to have to say that each one of you is now a free agent. However, I have to assume that the message we received means we are still considered an asset to our government and the British, even if they can’t give us official cover. I need to know which of you are willing to continue working with me on assignments that will come our way.”

  “I’m with you,” Marco said, and Renée nodded her agreement.

  “I’m still in,” Neil said, and Jenny took hold of his hand.

  “I don’t mean to say I’m quitting, Noah,” she said. “I’m just saying that I don’t think I’m up to killing at the moment. I’m willing to be part of the team, I just don’t want to have to take a life.”

  “I’m sure there are other ways you can be useful,” Noah said. “I’ve noticed a difference in you, and you told me you weren’t sure you wanted to go back into the field after the last mission. We’ll see what happens, but I won’t ask you to do anything you don’t want to do.”

  Jenny gave him a slightly subdued grin. “Thank you,” she said.

  “What about me?” Esmeralda asked suddenly. “Will I be part of the team, now?”

  Noah turned to her. “I seem to recall that you had some issues
with killing, as well. Is that going to affect your performance?”

  “Not at all,” she said. “While I prefer not to kill, I understand the logical necessity of assassination as a political tool. I am perfectly capable of carrying out my duties, and I have reached the point of understanding that duty and personal preference are often mutually exclusive.”

  “In that case,” Noah said, “I will certainly be putting you on the team. You have a number of abilities that will be useful.” He turned back to the rest of them. “When Catherine arrives, she’ll probably want to speak to all of us. I really don’t want to crowd us all up in here again, so we’ll probably take her out on the grounds, somewhere.”

  “I believe she may be arriving,” Esmeralda said. “There is a vehicle approaching from the road right now.”

  Noah glanced at his wristwatch and nodded. “She’s a little early, but I’m sure that’s probably her. All right, let’s all go outside. We can gather around the fountain out front.”

  Noah helped Sarah get to her feet and the two of them led the way out of the room and down the stairs. Everyone else followed, and a moment later they were all standing at the base of the front steps as Catherine Potts’ new Jaguar pulled up and parked in the circular driveway.

  She got out of the car and smiled at Noah. “Travis,” she said, using his cover identity. “I’m delighted to see you all again.”

  “It’s good to see you again as well, Catherine,” Noah said. “Allow me to introduce our new friends. This is Wally and his daughter Esmeralda, and the new young man over there is Cody. I believe we’re going to be staying here for quite a while, so it’s good to know that you’re still around.”

  “Oh, you can’t get rid of me,” she said. “I’m like a bad penny, I turn up over and over.”

  “I know you have some things you want to talk with us about,” Noah said. “I thought we might go out by the fountain, so that we can have some privacy.”

  Catherine turned and looked at the fountain that sat in the middle of the grassy area inside the circular drive. It was large and surrounded by paving stones, and there were a number of chairs and benches. A circle of hedges around it provided a modicum of privacy.


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