High Treason (Noah Wolf Book 18)

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High Treason (Noah Wolf Book 18) Page 4

by David Archer

  Molly squinted at him. “It washes and dries and folds? This thing sounds pretty big, Wally. Isn’t that going to be a problem?”

  “Oh, no, it’s not that big at all. You see, the big problem with laundry machines today is that they’re too big. That’s why it takes a long time to wash a load, then an even longer time to get it dry. By making the loads quite a bit smaller, we can complete the wash in about six minutes, switch drums and use high-speed spin and hot air so that we can dry the load completely by the time the next one is ready to move over. Since the loads are smaller, they can be completely washed, dried and folded in less than thirty minutes, and because it keeps going over and over until the hamper is completely empty, all your laundry gets done in just a few hours. All the housewife has to do is pick up the folded and hung-up clothes and put them where they go.”

  His eyes suddenly opened wider than usual. “Hey, that gives me another idea. We can mount the folder on a motorized platform, so it can take each item of clothing and put it in the right dresser drawer or closet. We can give the purchaser a device that will imprint each item with an invisible tag, so the folder will know which clothes go in which place. That’ll be easy, because there will be a matching coded tag in each drawer and closet, so the folder can identify what items go into each of them. As it comes to each drawer or closet, it knows which of the clothes to put there, then moves on to the next location.”

  Molly’s eyes were wide. “I get the first one that’s set up, right?” she asked. “If there’s one thing I hate, it’s doing laundry.”

  “We’ll give you the friends and family discount,” Wally said with a grin. “Go ahead and put those on the website, Laundry Lady and Fred the Folder. I’ll have working prototypes inside of a week, and we’ll be ready for production in about two months.” He turned to Renée. “If I describe the devices, can you make a design that will look attractive?”

  Renée’s eyes registered surprise. “Well, yeah, I’m sure I can. Does it have to look like the usual washer and dryer setup?”

  “Oh, no, not at all. In fact, I think it should look entirely different.” He snapped his fingers. “Hey, how about this? What if it looks like something decorative, like maybe a fireplace? We can put a high-definition video screen on the front, so it can have a cozy-looking fire, or we could make it look like a fish tank, and you could watch the fish while you’re washing clothes. Put the whole thing in a nice wood-looking cabinet and it could even sit in your living room.” He giggled. “Of course, the real action is taking place behind the scenes. We have to make sure there’s a closet door where the owner can access the back of the unit, because that’s where the hamper will be and where the folder will get the clean clothes and fold them to put them away.”

  “Yeah,” Molly said. “And what is this thing going to cost?”

  “Oh, production won’t cost much more than a regular high-quality washer and dryer. But the savings in time and labor? People would pay a lot more, trust me, and we can even make extra money by offering financing. I can find a financing company that will work with us.”

  “Production,” Noah said. “You’re going to have to hire laborers to work in the factory. Is that going to create a security risk?”

  “No, not really. I’ll take one of the three big sections and make that our actual research and development, both for the factory and for our other purposes, and that will only be accessible to the people I bring in from Neverland. The production unit will be in another section, and that’s where we can hire locals.”

  Leaving the matter in Wally’s and Molly’s capable hands, Noah joined Sarah and Catherine in his and Sarah’s room with Esmeralda. She had sent the message out to Teams Aladdin and Pegasus, and both had responded that they would arrive within the next couple of days.

  “Aladdin seems particularly excited about the prospect,” Esmeralda said. “I believe he is looking forward to returning to his native England. Also, all of their current identities are intact and uncompromised, so they won’t be needing new ones. They have actually been staying in their homes at Kirtland, waiting for further orders.”

  “I’ve got a question,” Sarah said. “How come you only wanted those two teams? What about Oz, or Unicorn or Snow White or any of the others?”

  “I’ve worked with these two most recently,” Noah said, “and we don’t know yet how many people we’re actually going to need. This will give us three experienced teams, and I can mix and match people if I need to for special missions. If it becomes necessary, we can always bring the others in later.”

  Catherine looked at Noah. “Aladdin,” she said. “That’s McCullers, isn’t it?”

  Noah nodded. “Yes, Mark McCullers. He’s one of our newer acquisitions, but he’s proven himself.”

  “Yes, I met him on your last mission. Noah, you may need to take extra caution with him. If any of our intelligence people find out who he really is…”

  “His identity is secure,” Noah said. “And I believe he’s smart enough to stay out of the way of anyone who might figure it out. Besides, I read the file on his situation and he was railroaded into prison. He never should have gone at all, and a halfway decent lawyer could have gotten the conviction overturned. The problem was that he had no assets as a foreign national, and no one was willing to step up to help him. If your government had not disavowed him, he probably would’ve been able to go free and would still be working for you folks.”

  “Yes, well, he unfortunately has some enemies high up in our government,” Catherine said. “He upset some of the peerage a few years ago by trying to reopen the investigation into the death of Princess Diana. As far as Parliament is concerned the matter is closed, and they can simply ignore all the reporters who dig into it, but having a British Special Forces officer claim to have evidence that she was murdered by the royal family required a lot of rapid action to keep it out of the press. Most of Parliament thinks his arrest in the States was nothing short of a miracle. Be sure he doesn’t try to bring the matter up again, will you? He could ruin everything for all of you here in England.”

  “I’ll have a talk with him when he gets here,” Noah said. “Personally, I think he’s just happy to have a life again, and I think he’s fully aware of what might happen if his real identity was discovered on British soil.”

  “Good,” Catherine said. “I like him, personally, but it’s doubtful he would even get a trial. If the wrong people learn who he is, he’s likely to be shot while trying to escape.”

  “I’ll handle him,” Noah said. “There won’t be any problems.”

  “Well, good,” Catherine said. “And with that, I believe I should head back toward London. I’ll be available by telephone should you need me. Just call, and I promise to come running.” She got to her feet and then leaned down to give Sarah a hug. “How much longer?”

  “Three weeks, four days and hopefully only a few hours. I have never been more ready for anything than getting this child birthed into the world. I just hope I still have ribs by then.”

  “I remember that feeling well,” Catherine said. “Just remember that once the baby is born, you’re going to feel a bit empty. Bond with the child quickly, and you’ll get over it without any real problems.”

  “I will,” Sarah said. “And thanks.”

  Catherine touched Noah on the shoulder, then gave Esmeralda a quick hug and was gone.

  Sarah had watched Esmeralda, and now she grinned. “You’re not used to getting hugged, are you?”

  “Not by a woman,” Esmeralda said. “Part of my program included seduction, so I have felt the arms of men around me. I realize that there are different types of hugs, and hers was simply one of welcoming, to make me feel like part of the team. She has only known me for a few hours, so it is impossible that she has developed affection for me yet.”

  “Maybe not,” Sarah said, “but get used to it. Some of us like to hug. I’m fully aware that you aren’t physically human, but you sure seem like it. You’re famil
y, now, Esmeralda.”

  Esmeralda smiled at her. “Thank you,” she said. “I feel what I think is gratitude at hearing those words from you.” She turned to Noah. “I have been thinking about my new identity,” she said. “I find that the current name I use, Esmeralda Delgado, is comfortable to me, but my surname and identity were only cursorily created. I have completed everything necessary to make it a full, unbreakable identity.”

  “Delgado? That sounds Mexican, or Spanish,” Sarah said.

  “Yes,” Esmeralda said. “Wally said he chose the name because he thought that my features look somewhat Hispanic. Of course, I can change my appearance, but my default appearance is this one.”

  “That’s fine with me,” Noah said. “I suspect Wally will be pleased that you’re keeping the same name, as well.”

  “Yeah,” Sarah said, “but Esmeralda is still kind of a mouthful. How would you feel about a nickname? Something a little easier to say?”

  “A nickname?” Esmeralda asked. “I know that my name is often shortened to Esme, but it seems rather awkward to me.”

  “I’m thinking of something simpler,” Sarah said. “How would you feel about Essie, or Emma?”

  Esmeralda looked at her for a couple of seconds, and then smiled. “Emma sounds nice,” she said.

  “Emma it is, then,” Sarah said with a smile. “Come on, Emma, you can help me down the stairs so I can grab a bite of lunch.” She looked at Noah. “Are you coming?”

  “I’m going to see what the others are doing,” he said. “I’ll be down in a bit, and probably the rest of them will follow.”

  She leaned over and gave him a kiss, then took Esmeralda’s hand as she got to her feet. Noah watched them leave, then headed out of his room and down toward the one Neil shared with Jenny. That was where the rest of them had gathered to work on the new business idea. Molly, of course, was helping with the marketing plan, and Renée had volunteered to serve as graphic designer; it turned out to be one of her talents that had made her so valuable to Wally in the first place.

  Marco was scribbling notes on a pad about forklifts and shipping equipment. He had explained that before he ended up in trouble and came to work with E & E, he had actually been a warehouse manager. He was very experienced with shipping and receiving equipment and practices, and had volunteered to help get things set up.

  Everyone looked up when Noah entered the room.

  “Hey, Boss,” Marco said. “Congratulations.”

  “Congratulations on what?” Noah asked.

  “Congratulations on the fact you just got voted chairman of the board of our new company,” Neil said. “You didn’t think we were going to let you off the hook, did you? You’re the boss, and nothing is going to change that.”


  “We’ll deal with that as we need to,” Noah said. “For the moment, we need to be working on the mission we were given this morning. Neil, have you looked at the files on the thumb drive?”

  Neil shook his head. “Not yet, Boss, been waiting for you to say the word. Ready?”

  “Yes. Let’s see what you’ve got.”

  Neil plugged the drive into his computer and sent the display to the big monitor on the wall. There was a view of his main screen, and then a window opened up with several photos. Three of them were of the same man, a somewhat handsome gentleman who appeared to be in his mid-fifties. He was about six feet tall with salt-and-pepper hair, and he had piercing blue eyes.

  The other three showed a woman. She was about five foot seven with brown hair that hung to her shoulders, and appeared to be in her early to mid-forties. She was not particularly attractive, but she was definitely fit, with a trim, athletic figure that indicated she worked out regularly at a gym.

  A voice that they all recognized as Allison’s began to come from the speakers.

  “You’re looking at Senators Alan Clark and Seraphina Mitchell,” she said. “The NSA, with help from the FBI, have identified them as being the primary sources of information for Government Watch and their exposure of E & E. Senator Mitchell is the woman who was manipulating Danielle, your secretary, Noah. She has a device that allows her to disguise her voice as mine, and was using it to get Danielle to send information that was particularly damning. Senator Clark is working with her, providing information about other agencies that have submitted sanction requests over the past few years. Both of them deny it, and Homeland Security believes they present a genuine threat to national security with everything they know. If they are prosecuted, there is a strong possibility they’d do even more damage before they went to trial, possibly even bringing about a constitutional crisis and requiring charges of treason against at least one former president. For that reason, the NSA has recommended elimination, but no US agency dares to act. The only hope we have is to make their deaths seem accidental and coincidental, but the president has ordered us all to take no action. He is the one who came up with the idea of you going independent.”

  The screen changed to show Allison looking into a camera. “Noah, no one can order you to do anything when Protocol 3 is in effect, you know that. The entire idea of you setting up an independent operation is nothing more than a suggestion, but if you’re willing, then we can still make use of your talents to protect our country. You have a healthy source of funds now, and more can be funneled your way once some of this dies down. In addition, you can recruit any former E & E teams or personnel you choose. I think most of them would be willing to work with you, if you called on them.”

  She frowned and looked off to the right for a second, then looked into the camera again. “As for this situation, Noah, if you agree that the risk to national security is great, then I’m asking you to take the necessary actions. Again, we feel their deaths should seem entirely accidental, but that is up to you. If you decide to accept this suggestion, then your liaison will be Catherine Potts. I’ve spoken with her, and she’s more than willing to take on the job. We’ve established a way for the two of us to talk, so any such missions will be relayed through me to her, and then to you. Please let her know what you decide.”

  The screen went blank then, and Neil shut it off. He turned to look at Noah and said, “Wow.”

  “Yes,” Noah said. “Comments, anyone?”

  Molly looked at him. “Noah, if she’s going to ask you to do this, I have to believe she agrees that it’s necessary.”

  Noah nodded. “I agree,” he said. “Anyone else?”

  Marco, Jenny and Neil looked at one another, but it was Renée who spoke first. “I think it has to be pretty serious,” she said. “For her to even risk a message like that when she’s already on the spot as being the former Director of E & E, that tells me it’s more than just the risk to national security. She’s worried about that constitutional crisis actually happening. If it does, the whole country could collapse.”

  “Again, I agree. Very well, then, we’ll accept the mission. Molly, will you begin planning it? I want your recommendations by morning. Neil, you’ll help her with anything she needs. I want a complete mission plan that gets us in and out, with the best chance of success.”

  “We’re on it,” Molly said.

  “Good,” he said, “but it might wait until after lunch.” He turned and left the room without another word, and they all looked at one another for a second before following him down the stairs toward the dining room.

  Lunch at Feeney Manor was not scheduled for a specific time except on Sundays, when it was served promptly at one o’clock. The rest of the time, the residents could walk into the dining room whenever they liked, and a kitchen helper would appear within a minute or so to find out what they would like to eat. Sarah had asked for a ham and cheese sandwich, and Esmeralda had requested the same for the sake of appearances. They were both already eating by the time Noah and the rest joined them.

  Thomas, the butler, appeared moments after they were seated. “Mr. Lightner,” he began, using the cover name that Noah employed in England, “I’ve been mea
ning to ask you about your friend Mr. Lawson. He’s been doing a lot of puttering in the barn workshop, and—well, I don’t mean to be rude, sir, but I’m not sure what he’s actually doing out there. I happened by this morning, and there is a strange cat that just sits there and watches as I enter, and I can’t help but wonder why the poor thing doesn’t move. Is there something wrong with it, I wonder?”

  Noah looked at him for a second, but Esmeralda answered before he could speak.

  “That’s my cat,” she said. “She’s sitting there because she’s mad at me, I think, for leaving her behind today. When she’s mad, she won’t move until I come and pick her up.”

  “Ah,” Thomas said. “I see. Very well, then.” He went on into the kitchen and Noah looked at Esmeralda.

  “That was a quick answer,” he said. “Was it planned?”

  “No. I just thought about things I’ve read about cats and it seemed like the most logical explanation.”

  “It was a good one,” Sarah said, grinning. “I take it the cat is something of Wally’s?”

  “Yes,” Noah said. “I’ll tell you about it later.”

  * * *

  The rest of the day went quickly, and ended the way it usually did since they had arrived at Feeney Manor. The entire group, including Wally and Esmeralda, gathered in the Great Hall, where Neil had set up a video projector and a large screen. It had become customary for them all to relax at the end of the day with movies or television programs they enjoyed, and while each of them had a television in their rooms, the feeling of camaraderie they gained from gathering in the makeshift theater was something they all found pleasant.


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