Falling for Fallon (Oak Hill Series Book 2)

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Falling for Fallon (Oak Hill Series Book 2) Page 12

by S. J. Sylvis

  “So… you’re saying the second a ring lands on my finger, you’re out. We cut ties. Not even friendship.”

  His nostrils flared. “Right.” Emmett’s mouth moved closer to mine, and suddenly, my legs were becoming shaky, a painful throb forming in between them. My nipples were tightening; everything was spiraling out of control. I wanted Emmett Lanning to take me like he had never taken anyone before.

  I wanted to have mind-blowing, never-forgotten sex with him. I wanted something with him that I had never had with anyone else. Friendship was flying out the window. See ya!

  “I get it.”

  His eyes slanted, a heated look simmering in the swirls of navy. “Then what are we waiting for?”

  A devious smile formed on his face, and then my entire world flipped upside down. Emmett’s hands gripped my face with a strong grasp. His fingers intertwined in my hair, and he pulled my mouth to his. His lips stole the breath off mine. I couldn’t breathe. His mouth captured me, his tongue roughly pushing through the barriers of my lips, causing an actual moan to escape. I gripped his large wrists, holding on for dear life.

  The throb between my legs was almost unbearable, and Emmett somehow sensed that, because his hands suddenly left my face and, instead, gripped my hips. I was suddenly thankful that my dress wasn’t tight below my waist, because Emmett lifted me up, my back slamming onto the wall, and wrapped my legs around his hips. I felt his hard length against my middle, even through the layers of fabric between us.

  He pulled back for a second and roughly asked, after nipping my ear, “What do you want, Fallon?”

  Through my breaths I said, “What do you mean?”

  He slowly inched his head forward, his jaw locked and steely. His eyes were fierce looking. He didn’t even look like the Emmett I met a week ago. In his place was someone that could take me places I didn’t even know existed.

  “What… do you want? Tell me what you want. I’m going to make our time together unforgettable, babe.”

  There was that word again. Babe.

  “I…” My legs tightened on his hips at the same time his hands tightened on my ass. “I don’t know. I’ve never been asked that before.”

  Emmett’s jaw somehow grew harder.

  His voice was rough, husky. “Well, I’m here to teach you how a man should treat a woman, Fallon. What. Do. You. Want?”

  I was completely hot all over. Every single inch of my body was boiling. “I want you.”

  A look of pure satisfaction appeared on his face. “Oh, you’ll get me, but right now…” Emmett tilted his head, gripping my ass so hard there might have been bruises afterward. “Right now… I’m going to have some fun.”

  Then he swooped in for another kiss, lowering my legs back down to the floor. One hand was on my leg, and suddenly he dropped down to the ground, out of sight.

  “What are you doing?!” I hissed, suddenly aware that we were in a hallway, only a few floors up from an entire room filled with hundreds of people—hundreds of people that included my entire family and soon-to-be fiancé.

  “Having fun,” he mumbled, lifting the bottom of my dress.

  Oh my God. I literally started to pant. This is… erotic.

  “I’m going to make you feel wanted, Fallon. I’m going to show you how you should be treated.”

  I breathed out my nose, placing my hands onto the wall behind me. The smooth, cool paint along my palm did nothing to ground me.

  I was seconds away from free falling, because Emmett was underneath my dress… again.

  His warm breath blew over my knee, and then I felt his soft lips near my groin. He kissed one spot, then moved upward another inch and kissed me there, too. His face was slightly scratchy, and it only intensified my desire. His hands snaked around and gripped my ass just as his breath fanned over my middle. He kissed the outside of my panties softly at first, then harder, to the point that I whimpered.

  “Emmett,” I managed to whine out.

  Emmett’s voice was low and muffled. “Stay patient, Fallon. I don’t want you to ever forget about this moment.”

  “I won’t,” I said, breathing hard and fast.

  He was killing me. Slowly and painfully.

  All of a sudden, one of his hands left my ass, and pleasure filtered throughout. He moved the side of my panties over, and I felt his warm tongue lick me slowly and carefully. I threw my hips up to his face involuntarily, and then he began sucking and nipping me with a careful plan.

  He drove me so crazy I started to break out in a sweat.

  “Tell me, Fallon. Tell me what you want, baby.”

  That sentence set an entirely new fire throughout my body.

  “I need—” I sighed from pleasure, lost in a world that felt too good to be true. “I need you to hit….”

  I felt him smile along my middle, and then the sliding of his finger inside of me had my legs buckling. His mouth and finger moving together in a synchronized motion was enough to push me over the edge. I quivered and moaned, feeling my nipples harden beneath my dress. All of a sudden, he reached the spot I needed, and I was met with sparks flying behind my eyes.

  Emmett licked me up slowly and hard, taking in every bit of my orgasm.

  As soon as I came off my high, my breathing evening out slightly, Emmett pushed my panties back to their rightful spot and crawled out from beneath my dress. He smoothed out the silky fabric as I stood back with an open mouth, gaping blissfully at him.

  He wiped his mouth on his sleeve and threw a charming smile at me.

  I was left speechless.

  I’d never done something so sensual in my entire life.

  I’d never even imagined doing something like that.

  Emmett leaned forward, peering down at me.

  “Call me later?”

  My facial expression made him chuckle. He leaned down and kissed my cheek, and then turned on his heel and walked down the hallway and disappeared.

  What in the actual fuck just happened?

  More importantly… when can it happen again?

  Chapter Ten


  I’m just going to throw it out in the open: I was a naughty man. I took a sweet, innocent girl like Fallon and licked her pussy after stealing her away from some fancy, over-the-top event that she was attending with her soon-to-be fiancé. And if I’m not mistaken, her entire family was there, too.

  I licked her until she couldn’t even stand up afterward. That wasn’t my plan in the beginning. No. I actually wasn’t even planning on texting her the day of her little outing with Derek the Hotshot as she wore that sexy-as-hell dress, because I was annoyed by it. I was jealous, and I was beyond pissed that I was feeling that way. I barely knew her, and I didn’t get my fucking panties in a wad over a woman. Not anymore.

  I had before, in the past, but not now. I was a changed man after all the shit with Carrie went down. Once I finally broke ties with her, I promised myself I wouldn’t get so engrossed in another woman until I knew it would lead somewhere.

  Carrie fucked with my head. I drank myself stupid to get rid of the jealousy and pain that was somehow always attached to her, and that wasn’t who I wanted to be anymore. So, I simply changed.

  Yet, there I was, sitting at the shop on that Friday afternoon, my leg tapping up and down continuously, Axe and Kip side-eyeing me every few seconds. I couldn’t stop thinking about Fallon and that motherfucking red dress.

  The jealousy was eating me alive.

  And I just had to do something about it.

  Typical Emmett would have gone to Ships and had a drink—or ten—to cleanse the bitter taste of jealousy on his tongue, but then I had another idea.

  A brilliant one.

  I left the shop early, leaving Axe and Kip to take over for the night (to which they mumbled under their breath, “Thank God. Go get your rocks off or something.”). I dragged Ivy and Dawson with me to the taco shop that Fallon had mentioned, filling them in on my plan. Ivy rolled with laughter, demanding
that I record Fallon’s face when I handed her the taco, but that would have been too suspicious.

  Her face was hilarious, though.

  She was struck with confusion.

  It made her that much more adorable.

  Fallon was sexy in the simplest way. It was almost as if she didn’t realize how sexy she was.

  She was kind of a conundrum: sexy but sweet, timid but had a fire in her eye that could burn up an entire forest. She was completely stricken when I’d appeared out from behind her, wearing that annoyingly stiff servant’s uniform, but I was completely stricken with her.

  Then I saw Derek, and I wanted to crash the platter into his face, causing him to bleed all over his expensive suit.

  I hated him because I was jealous of him, and that made my skin crawl.

  Rage took over when I’d realized that he was going to have Fallon all to himself at some point.

  I shouldn’t have cared. I should have been looking at Fallon as if she was just a fun challenge to pass the time, but I couldn’t.

  Not after getting to know her the past week. Not after talking to her every day like I was some pussy-whipped teenager.

  If we were to just fuck and get it over with, I’d probably be fine.

  But she just had to snag me. She had to make me feel things. She just had to come back to Ships that night. And now I was hooked.

  But it had been a few days since the “Hey, let me under your dress so I can taste every last bit of you” thing, and she had been a ghost.

  It was like she had ghosted me. And it was driving me fucking crazy.

  “Ooh, I love this part!” Ivy squealed, sitting up a little higher on her end of the couch.

  “Why? Because Dean gets all high and mighty and swoops in to save the girl?” I could hear the little snip in Dawson’s voice, and I had to hold back my laughter. It seems that jealousy runs in the family.

  Ivy looked over at him and giggled. “Duh. He’s soooooo hot.”

  Dawson glared at her, but in a playful way. His lips were slowly turning upward. “Better watch yourself, there. I’ll turn this shit off in a heartbeat.”

  Ivy rolled her eyes. “You will not. You’re too into it.”

  I tuned them out, pulling out my phone. It was becoming pathetic how many times I would pull my phone out to check if I had any missed calls or texts. It was also pathetic how many times I would dial Fallon’s number, only to erase it in the end.

  We were no good for each other. I wanted the whole “light and fluffy” thing with her, the friends-with-benefits thing, because she had some strange complicated life that was somehow forcing her into a marriage she didn’t want. But I really wasn’t sure if that was possible.

  I was really good at pretending, though. A small amount of time with Fallon underneath me—or on top—was better than none. Even if I knew it was all wrong.

  My heart skipped a beat the second I’d clicked my phone off, because it vibrated in my hand. I paused, staring at Dean and Sam fighting off Lucifer on the TV, while tuning out Ivy and Dawson pretend-fighting over her obsession with Dean Winchester.

  I looked down and saw Fallon’s name on the screen. I clicked the phone open, my entire body sizzling with excitement.

  Fallon: Hi.

  Me: Long time no talk…

  Fallon: I know, I’m sorry. I just… I needed a breather.

  I stilled my fingers, wondering what I should say. I grinned as I typed.

  Me: Realized you missed me, huh?

  Fallon: No comment.

  I smiled even wider. She totally fucking missed me.

  Fallon: I need a pick-me-up. Make me laugh.

  Me: Hmm… well, let me tell you this. Today Kip was tattooing some chick. She wanted the word “Frisky” on her lower back (don’t ask…we surely didn’t) and right before he got started, she farted…in the direction of his face.

  Fallon texted back quickly.

  Fallon: HAHAHAHAHAHA. I knew I could count on you. That’s hilarious. What did she do? Was she totally embarrassed?

  I chuckled.

  Me: She acted like it was the squeak of the chair. I had to walk to the back after that because I almost combusted from holding in my laughter.

  Fallon: That’s hilarious. Poor Kip—although, he probably deserved it. How many girls did he hit on while we were at Ships that one night? 10? 15?

  I laughed again, and that had Ivy’s head turning to me.

  “What are you laughing about? Who ya texting?” She smirked, because she already knew.

  “Go back to your Dean watching,” I said, putting my attention back on my phone.

  Fallon texted back before I could answer her.

  Fallon: What are you doing?

  Me: Watching Supernatural with Dawson and Ivy. It’s our weekly thing.

  Ivy got up from her seat, announcing she wanted more popcorn. I glanced up at Dawson and silently laughed as he checked her out the entire time she walked away. I shook my head, glancing back down to my phone.

  Fallon: What’s Supernatural?

  I heard a gasp from behind me, and then all of a sudden, a blur of brown hair mixed with the scent of buttery popcorn was snatching my phone out of my very hand.

  “SHE DOESN’T KNOW WHAT SUPERNATURAL IS?!” Ivy huffed, typing something rapidly on my phone. She shook her head, looking at me. “This is… this is blasphemy. I just invited her over. We’ve gotta help this poor girl. She seems so… sheltered.”

  My mouth fell open. “You invited her over?”

  She smiled deviously. “Mmhm. You’re welcome.”

  I rolled my eyes, eyeing my phone. “She won’t come. I think I’ve scared her off.”

  Ivy and Dawson were both looking at me now, urging me for more. I sighed, flopping back onto the couch cushions.

  “You know when I went to her little event thing the other night… to do the whole taco thing?”

  Ivy laughed, still amused by the entire thing, but nodded.

  “Well… I kind of…” I cringed, shutting my eyes.

  “Oh, Jesus, Emmett. What did you do to that poor girl?” Ivy interrupted.

  Dawson interjected. “Whatever it is, I’m almost positive we don’t want to know, Ivy.”

  She brushed him off. “Pssh, speak for yourself. This is some juicy stuff. I wanna know.”

  I flashed my eyes up to hers but then quickly down to my phone when it vibrated in her hands. She read what Fallon had texted back and then smiled up at me.

  “Well, whatever it was you did, it must not have scared her too badly. She’s on her way.”

  Ivy’s eyes twinkled in that “I’m a matchmaker” type of way, and she threw my phone back at me.

  I hurriedly read through the messages between Ivy and Fallon.

  Me: This is Ivy!! YOU HAVE TO COME OVER RIGHT NOW. Supernatural is the best show ever. It’s just me, Dawson, and Emmett at Dawson’s house, watching season six. Come over and let’s annoy Dawson and Emmett by swooning over Dean Winchester. I know you don’t know who he is… but you’ll thank me later. ; )

  Me: Oh, and there’s popcorn. Come on!

  Fallon: Well… since there’s popcorn ; ) I’m on my way!

  I breathed out of my nose, trying to get a grasp on my heart from the mere thought of Fallon coming over to hang out.

  My phone buzzed again.

  Fallon: Wait… Idk where I’m going.

  I chuckled.

  Me: It’s Emmett. I’ll send you a pin… but are you sure you wanna come? You’ve been avoiding me after our last… run-in.

  Fallon: Yes… I wasn’t avoiding you. I was trying to get myself together.

  Me: So… still friends? ; )

  Fallon: FRIENDS… yes. Only friends. Be there soon.

  I sighed, clicking my phone off. The way she capitalized friends set a whole lot of annoyance through my body.

  Fallon showed up to Dawson’s ten minutes after texting me. It took nearly an hour to get from Chestnut Springs to Oak Hill, so when I heard the gent
le knock on the front door, I was instantly confused.

  I quickly sprang to my feet and dashed to the door. I swung it open and stood back with my eyebrow raised. Fallon’s cheeks were painted with an adorable shade of red, and her lips were smashed together, holding back that beautiful smile she had.

  “How did you get here so fast? I know that baby is fast as fuck,” I pointed my head to her Maserati, “but Fallon… there’s no way you made it here from Chestnut Springs that quickly.”

  Her cheeks flushed an even darker shade of red. She dropped her head down low, the bun on the crown of her head bouncing.

  “I was in the area.”

  “Were ya, now?” I smirked. “Why’s that? Here to see anyone special?”

  She huffed, rolling her eyes. The second those crystal ones connected with mine, she smiled. “Oh, shut up!”

  Ivy yelled through the house. “COME ON, EMMETT! I’ve been pausing this episode for Fallon!”

  I swung open the door and wafted my hand out. “After you…”

  Fallon walked in after throwing a small smile my way. A fresh flowery scent floated after her, and I had to quickly turn around to shut the door before I sniffed her like a dog inhaling the aroma of raw steak.

  I was pretty sure my mouth was even salivating.

  “Hi, Fallon!” Ivy exclaimed as she lounged back on the couch with the remote in one hand and popcorn bowl in the other.

  “Hey!” Fallon said. Then she stepped back and took in the view of the living room.

  Dawson’s house was nice as hell but probably not what she was used to. From the look of Fallon’s guesthouse—even with how small it was—it was designed with an expensive taste. She was used to luxury. She wasn’t used to… normal.

  “Your house is really nice, Dawson.” Fallon walked a little farther into the room and ran her hand over the crown molding. “The craftmanship is… topnotch. Whoever built this house knew what they were doing.”

  I chuckled, and Dawson and Ivy smirked.

  I interjected before Dawson could toot his own horn. “What do you know about craftmanship?”

  Fallon’s head slowly swiveled toward me, her blue eyes squinting. “A lot. I had an entire course in college about the differences between near-perfect and poor artistry.”


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