Falling for Fallon (Oak Hill Series Book 2)

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Falling for Fallon (Oak Hill Series Book 2) Page 16

by S. J. Sylvis

  My orgasm already started before he was even fully inside of me. His sturdy hands were all over my body, one underneath my torso, the other squeezing my nipple. I met him halfway, pushing my body down to meet his. He was fully inside of me, and my legs started to quake. His hand left my nipple, and I almost whimpered, but then he put it between my legs and traced lazy circles over my most sensitive spot.

  I gasped and threw my head back, angling my body up to his, eager to feel myself let loose.

  A throaty moan fell out of my mouth, and his forehead fell to mine. His body worked itself in and out of me, tiny sweat beads forming on his back. He pushed one of my legs down farther, his palm gripping my groin, and with the angle he was pushing inside of me, I could feel myself start to explode. A moan fell out of my mouth, and lights flickered behind my eyes. I couldn’t feel anything but the strong pleasure of him inside of me. I couldn’t focus on anything else in my life at the moment other than the way my toes were tingling and how my body was completely and utterly satiated.

  Emmett only thrusted a handful more times before he stilled and landed on top of me. His chest heaved up and down on mine, and I loved the way his bare chest felt on my exposed breasts. I loved that, in that moment, I felt perfect. I loved the way he made me feel.

  I was ready to spend every day with him, having sex or not.

  That glorified me but also scared me.

  Emmett was addicting, and the thing with addictions was they could become dangerous very, very fast.

  Emmett let out a whisper of a growl and pulled up on his hands to look down at me. “Stop wiggling like that. You’re making me want to take you all over again.”

  Heat blasted my cheeks.

  I didn’t say the words, but I would be completely fine with him taking me all over again. I could feel a slight sting when he pulled out, but I knew that the pain would soon be long gone if he did all of that again. Pleasure would override the pain, no doubt.

  I was about to tell him just that, but then my eyes found his chest, and I got too excited.

  His tattoos.

  Since the second I saw that tiny sliver of ink near the collar of his shirt a couple weeks ago, I’d been wondering what he looked like with his shirt off.

  Every image I came up with in my head did nothing to prepare me for the sight.

  There were a lot of tattoos on his chest. I couldn’t see the color of them, since we were still in the dark, but I knew there were a lot. Emmett stood up, and even though I wanted to look down to see his southern region, I couldn’t. I was too mesmerized. His tattoos covered his sternum and both pecs and then went upward to cover his shoulders. They all ended right above his ab muscles—the ones I clawed at seconds ago. Emmett turned to the side to clean himself up, and I saw a small tattoo on the side of his rib. It piqued my interest.

  I wanted to flip the lights on to just… stare.

  I wanted to gaze at him. All of him.

  Emmett came over and handed me a towel, and I finally broke my gaze away. I stood up on shaky legs, completely bare, and wiped in between them. My eyes zeroed in on my clothes, and I went to go pick them up, unsure of what to do, but he pulled my hand instead.

  I trailed after him, a shiver going through my body from the cool air of his apartment.

  My eyes instantly found a bed, covered in messy, dark covers, in the middle of a small room. Emmett guided me over to it slowly and plopped down, pulling me with him.

  I crawled over his body and nuzzled right beside him. His body felt smooth under my fingertips. He wrapped his arms around me and placed a kiss on top of my head.

  I felt a little unsure of myself. I wasn’t sure what to do. I wasn’t sure what to say, so I said the only thing that came to mind.

  “Thank you.”

  Emmett pulled back, and I could feel him looking down at me. I angled my head up to his and bit my tongue.

  Did I really just thank him?!

  “For what?”

  “For making me feel all of that. For letting me escape.”

  He shook his head softly. “You don’t need to thank me. That escape was for me, too.”

  “What are you escaping from?” I asked.

  The room was so quiet. The only thing I could hear was our soft breathing. No hum from an air conditioner. No outside sounds. Nothing. Just him and me and our breathing.

  Emmett never answered me, and something inside of me told me he wasn’t going to. So instead of saying anything else, I only snuggled into him a little further, hooking my bare leg over his.

  I no longer wanted to talk.

  I just wanted to lie there with him for as long as I possibly could before reality started to creep in… again.

  Chapter Fourteen


  The sun crept through the only window in my bedroom, casting a glow over the messy floor and the covers splayed over Fallon and me. Her bare leg was hooked over mine, her soft skin causing my morning wood to become even harder.

  I turned my head and stared at her delicate face, her caramel hair covering her high cheekbone. She looked so innocent and sweet, even more so when she was sleeping. She had the tiniest freckles that dotted the bridge of her nose and over the apples of her cheeks. They were the cutest things I’d ever seen.

  She was worth every bit of shame I would feel after she was gone for good.

  I knew she wasn’t mine to keep, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t going to savor every last second with her. I was 100% into her. I’d never been this into someone this quickly, but there was a first time for everything.

  I kept telling myself it was the whole “I can’t have you, not really” type of thing, but whatever it was that was drawing me to her, causing my thoughts to revolve around her and only her, I didn’t care. I was going to enjoy myself.

  Just like I did last night.

  Having her underneath me, moaning and arching her back while she dug her nails into my skin, was like sealing the deal. I knew sex with her would be damn good; we had explosive sexual chemistry. Just our bodies touching could make entire buildings fall to the ground.

  I was hoping that, after I’d had my fill of her, things would calm down a bit. I wouldn’t want her as badly.

  I had hoped it would’ve been like the other women I’d had in my bed from time to time, before and after Carrie. I’d lay the charm on, enjoy the chase, and then fuck them and the thrill would lessen. I’d get bored and move on.

  That was not how it went with Fallon.

  If anything, having sex intensified my feelings.

  I held back a groan as my dick grew even harder. I was certain it was so hard that it could’ve plowed through a brick wall and not even hurt a little bit.

  I looked down at it, a little taken aback at how stiff it was, and decided to crawl out of bed.

  For one, I needed to piss.

  And two, looking at Fallon’s naked body, all out in the open in the sunlight, was going to cause my erection to last for days.

  Literal days.

  And did you know how difficult it was to take a leak with a boner? It was nearly impossible.

  After spending a decent amount of time in the bathroom, thinking of everything unrelated to Fallon—or any woman for that matter—I was able to pee with a semi-hard dick. I locked the door behind me, because I could only imagine what Fallon would do if she were to wake up, come in here, and see me bending over awkwardly to get my piss in the toilet.

  I opened the door slowly, still ass naked, preparing to get back in bed with her sleeping body, but my eyes locked onto hers.

  They were wide and she looked… vulnerable. Almost fearful. Her knees were pulled up to her chin with her back resting along the wall behind her head. The blanket was wrapped snug around her legs, covering most of her body except for her petite shoulders. Her bottom lip was tugged between her teeth, and her eyes only gawked at me.

  I was seconds away from saying something—anything—to lighten the mood, because it was obvious that she w
asn’t used to the whole “it’s the morning after sex… now what?” ordeal, but then her eyes trailed down my body.

  And motherfucker, my dick was standing upright again. It almost surprised me at how fast it grew.

  How was that possible? Seconds. It took seconds.

  “Wow,” Fallon said quietly.

  My head snapped up from looking at my hard-as-hell steel rod and noticed Fallon was looking at my chest. Not my dick.

  “Your tattoos are… wow. You have a lot.”

  I looked down at the familiar ink on my chest and shrugged. “You like ‘em?”

  Fallon’s head moved up and down vigorously, and I chuckled. I made my way back over to her and flopped down onto the bed. I stole some of the covers and covered up my lower half out of respect, because Fallon’s gaze seemed to shy away from it.

  “That one…” she whispered. I followed her line of sight and saw she was looking at the tattoo on my rib. I moved my torso over to the right, my abs flexing with the movement – now that… that was something she noticed. I smirked on the inside.

  “What about it?” I asked.

  “That’s the one… That’s the one I said I liked at the shop.”

  I thought back to when we were at the tattoo shop, when she was admiring all the sketches underneath the glass counter. “I remember.”

  “It means ‘Be You,’ right?” I nodded as I watched her fingers slowly inch their way over to my body. Her blue eyes flicked up to mine, and gave her the approval, then I felt her warm, trembling fingers on my skin. I inhaled a sharp breath and adjusted my lower half, annoyed that goosebumps were forming on my skin.

  What in the fuck has gotten into me?

  If Fallon noticed my sharp inhale of breath, she didn’t say anything. She just traced the black lines of my tattoos over and over again. It felt good. Too good.

  “How come you only have them on your chest and nowhere else?” she questioned, her fingers moving back over to the tattoo on my side.

  I lifted a shoulder. “A lot of these were the guys practicing. I didn’t want them to mess up on a part of my body that was always visible.”

  Fallon gasped. “You let the guys practice on your skin?! You didn’t care if they messed up?”

  I chuckled. “Everyone has to start somewhere, right? At least it’s not on my face or something.”

  Fallon removed her hand and laughed. “That would be bad.”

  I raised my eyebrows and looked at her. “Yeah, I don’t think I’d let either one of them come near my face with a needle. I don’t trust them enough to not tattoo a dick or something.”

  She continued to giggle, covering her mouth with her hand. It caused my cheeks to rise.

  “Did you get that one for a reason?”

  “Which one are you referring to?”

  A small pink blush appeared on her cheeks, and I just couldn’t help it; I loved watching embarrassment steal the color off her face. It was adorable.

  “The ‘Be You’ one.”

  I carefully brought my attention from the tattoo displayed on my rib up to her face. “That was one of the first ones I got.” I swallowed, pulling my body a little more upright so we were in line with one another. I felt the cool wall scrape my back but ignored the sting. “I told you I was kind of a hellion as a teenager, right?” She nodded. “Well, I kind of had a hard time expressing who I really was, what I really wanted. My parents wanted me to take over the family business, the one that Dawson ended up taking over.” She nodded again, indicating she remembered. “I basically ran away from home and didn’t come back for years.”

  She opened her mouth. “You ran away from Oak Hill?”

  I laughed and looked away. “Yeah. I kind of went on an adventure to find myself. I wanted to explore the real me.”

  “And you found out that you liked being the real you…I’m assuming?”

  I nodded. “Yep. I guess you could say that I sort of found myself.”

  A tiny smile appeared on her face. “So that whole ‘I quit giving a fuck what people thought’ thing came from all of that soul searching you did?”

  I snickered. “Yeah, I guess you could say that.” I looked away for a second before bringing my attention back to her. “So anyway, after I reconciled with my parents, and we got over the whole ordeal, I got that tattoo as a little reminder.”

  Her face suddenly turned serious as her eyes bounced back and forth between the tattoo and me. “A little reminder to be yourself…even if it doesn’t please others.”


  Silence passed between us. I sat back and stared at her wandering eyes. They roamed all around the room, and I could tell she was having some type of internal battle about the shit going on in her life.

  Fallon’s life was kind of a shitshow.

  After all the shit she’d told me last night, I knew that my words were no doubt affecting her.

  It seemed like she had a hard time thinking of herself. It made me wonder what she truly wanted out of life. What would she do with her life if she weren’t tied to marrying some hotshot CEO asshat? What would she do if she did what I did—just said “fuck it” and left? I almost wanted to sketch my tattoo, the one she was so interested in, onto a bunch of sticky notes and place them all around her house, her car, everywhere, to remind her that she could do the same.

  That she should do the same.

  And I wasn’t just saying that because I wanted her to be mine.

  I truly felt like she needed to do what made her happy, not what made her parents happy.

  I hated everything she’d told me last night, and I had to hold back all the shit I wanted to say, because what I really wanted to say was probably too harsh for her to hear. I wanted to grab her by her slender shoulders and tell her it was crazy as hell to be giving up her happiness—her entire life—all because she was terrified of what would happen if she were to turn her back.

  But I couldn’t do that.

  It was her life.

  Her decision.

  I tried to imagine what I’d do in her situation, but it was so farfetched that I couldn’t imagine what I would do. An arranged marriage… I didn’t even think those were a thing anymore. The entire thing was ridiculous.

  The thing with Fallon, though, was that she was too damn sweet to wipe her hands of her family. I could tell that by the look on her face last night. It was almost as if she was enshrouded from the real world by her parents’ views and beliefs.

  I sighed and changed the subject after my thoughts started to weigh on me. Things were getting too serious, too fast. “Okay, I think we should talk about this bucket list.”

  Fallon blinked a few times before settling on my face. Her expression was completely unreadable. “You’re really still gonna help me?”

  I raised an eyebrow and put my hand on my bare chest dramatically. “You must not think much of me, Fallon.” I shook my head, removing my hand. “Did you really think I’d bring you here last night to fuck you, after everything you told me, and then just dip out?”

  She pulled into herself and placed her head down on her knees. “I wouldn’t blame you if you did. I mean…” Fallon’s voice was muffled. “I am marrying someone else.”

  I ground my teeth before I reached over and put my hand under her chin, pulling those baby-blues back up to mine. “I’m not going anywhere until I have to. We’re finishing this bucket list, and we’re gonna have some fucking fun. You got it?”

  A barely there smile appeared out of thin air, and the gratification it sent to my heart was hard to ignore. “I got it.”

  I smiled. “Okay then. Give me a second. I’m gonna go grab my phone from my pants… that are still in the living room from when you stripped me naked and had your way with me.”

  Fallon gasped, her small mouth opening wide. “I... I did not!”

  I threw my head back and laughed, climbing out of the bed.

  Once I got to the door, still butt-ass naked, I turned my head around quickly because I k
new that she would be watching me strut across the floor. I raised an eyebrow and cleared my throat. Fallon’s eyes flew up from my ass to my eyes, and then she buried her head into her knees to hide her reddening face.

  I shouted as I continued walking through my apartment. “Don’t worry, Fallon. You’ll get to feel my ass soon enough.”

  She didn’t say anything, and I chuckled to myself as I grabbed my jeans and fetched my phone.

  When I got back to the bedroom, I laughed out loud. Fallon was still sitting up in my bed, but instead of her head being buried into her knees, she had taken the gray sheet and pulled it up over her head.

  She looked like a poor rendition of a ghost on Halloween. All she needed was a black Sharpie to draw eyes and a mouth.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, climbing back into bed.

  “Hiding. I’m so embarrassing and flustered around you, like, 99% of the time.”

  I laughed and pulled the covers off her head. Her hair was a wispy mess, but her cheeks were resuming to normal. She peeked over at me, and I grinned. “I love that you’re flustered around me.”

  “Why?” she asked, running her fingers through her hair.

  “Because it means I have some type of affect on you.” Then I winked, and she rolled her eyes. It means that she feels what I feel.

  “You’re ridiculous, Emmett Lanning.”

  “And yet you just keep coming back for more, Fallon Addington.”

  She couldn’t hold back her smile and neither could I.

  “Okay,” I said, focusing on my phone. I opened up my Notes app and pulled up the last note I’d made. “Let’s take a look at this list.”

  Fallon scooted over a little, and I definitely tried to look to see if the blanket she had basically glued to her skin had fallen any, but unfortunately, it hadn’t.

  “You wrote my list down in your phone?!”

  I looked over at her. “Well, yeah. I’ve been planning how we’re gonna tackle this thing. No time to waste.”


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