Fallen Angel's MC Box Set

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Fallen Angel's MC Box Set Page 24

by Erin Trejo

  “You give me what I want, I talk. You don’t, I walk.” She licks her lips again before I lean in closer to her.

  “I have an old lady.” Her smirk tells me all I need to know. She doesn’t care what I have.

  “She isn’t here. I saw her leave.” Going against my better judgement, I press my body into hers. Grinding my dick into her stomach, she smiles up at me.

  “What exactly do you want?” Trying to calm my nerves and play her little game seems to be working. At least for her anyways.

  “I want this.” Gripping my dick harder I want to fucking scream. Shit I am a man after all.

  “And I want $10,000 in cash. I want out of this town.” Now that was something I could do.

  “I can get you the cash.” Chyna giggles slightly as she looks up at me.

  “If I don’t get this, I don’t need that.”

  Chapter 26

  My head says to do it and get it over with. My heart says to not lose what I have with Cher over this slut. I don’t know which part to listen to anymore.

  Angel chasers are all the same but one thing they don’t typically lie about is the information they have. I have learned over the years that these bitches will fake a pregnancy, hell, they even fake a stroke, but they don’t fake the information that flows between them for fear of losing their lives or their privileges at any club around.

  “I give you this, you walk? You give me what you have and that’s it?” I try to keep calm and reason this out within myself. I need that information more than I need this air to breath.

  “That’s right. Give me what I want, I give you want you need.” Her lips come up to touch my neck as my blood runs cold. I don’t want this whore on me or near me for that matter.

  I let her lick and suck at my neck for a few minutes before I decide I can’t do this shit. I guess I thought about it a little too late.

  “What the fuck!” Cher’s screams pierce straight into me. Chyna doesn’t ease up on what she’s doing as I turn to see Cher standing in the doorway.

  “Don’t get it mixed up Cher.” I try to calm her before the rage I see in her eyes take over. Did I think about doing this? Hell yeah but in the end I decided against it. So why the hell is this whore still sucking my neck?

  I push Chyna off with one arm as I start to walk towards Cher. Cher surprises the shit out of me when she grabs the meat clever off the table next to her. Holding it out in front of her, she sees red. I know that look.

  “All I wanted was to be loved. I never asked for all this other bullshit. I never asked to be locked in a fucking room for years! You motherfuckers are all the same.” Looking me in the eye, she’s comparing me to Thomas again and that shit doesn’t work with me. I warned her about that shit.

  Shaking my head, I take another step towards her.

  “Don’t you fuckin’ dare compare me to him again. I am not him Cher!” Creed must have heard all the yelling because he moves in slowly and stealthily behind her.

  “You say you love me but then you’re in here fucking some whore in the kitchen? You are no better than he was.” Her words hurt something deep inside of me. I love this woman there is no doubt about it.

  “I do love you Cher. You don’t get it!” Taking another step closer, Creed moves. He grabs Cher around the waist making her drop the knife to the floor.

  “Don’t you fucking touch me either!” Cher screams as tears fall down her cheeks.

  Moving in I grab her away from Creed and slam her little body against mine.

  “You don’t know shit Cher. Creed, don’t let that bitch walk. She knows somethin’.” Creed nods his head and turns his attention to Chyna while I lift Cher and carry her out of the kitchen.

  Just like I thought there’s a crowd gathered outside the door.

  “She ok dad?” Bella looks so concerned and I hate that she has to see this play out.

  “She will be.” Cher fights me the whole fucking way down the hall until I go into the room kicking the door closed.

  She thinks I don’t love her? Oh I’ll show her what I feel for her.

  Throwing her on the bed roughly, I strip out of everything in record time. Cher lies on the bed on her stomach with half her ass showing in that skirt she has on.

  A low growl leaves my throat but her crying masks it.

  I grab her hips roughly, yanking her into position before I line my dick up behind her.

  “You have any objections?” Slapping her ass roughly, I wait for her to say something, anything.

  When I’ve had enough waiting I slam my dick into her. My hands grip her hips so fucking roughly I know she will have marks. My marks.

  Thrusting into her harder and harder I take out every bit of frustration, I feel on her pussy. I don’t care that she didn’t ask for it, hell I asked her to say no.

  “Tell me again how much I don’t fuckin’ love you!” Pumping my dick so deep into her she cries out from the pain, I want her to say it again.

  “Tell me CHER!” Harder and harder. I can’t control myself. Some primal need has taken over and I want her to feel every piece of me inside of her.

  “Last chance darlin’.” Gripping her hips tighter, I feel my dick swell. It’s such an overwhelming feeling that I hate for it to end.

  With one last rough thrust, I explode inside of her. Every pent up emotion that I haven’t been able to let out, every ounce of pain that I’ve felt, it’s all inside of her now.

  I pull out of her quickly before walking into the bathroom and starting the shower. Making my way back out I find Cher curled in a ball in the middle of the bed.

  Reaching for her, I pull her up and stand her in front of me as I begin to strip her clothes off. Piece by piece I reveal that sexy body to myself. She is magnificent.

  “Don’t you ever compare me to that motherfucker again.” Her eyes come up to meet mine before I lift her and carry her to the bathroom.

  Setting her in the shower I climb in behind her. My hands roam her body freely as she stands still. Annoyed with all of this bullshit I spin her to face me.

  “You want out Cher? Say the fuckin’ words. I’m not him. I’m not holdin’ you here.” As much as I want to wipe the tears from her eyes, I don’t let myself do it. I watch her face and wait for her to answer.

  “I can’t be with a cheater. I know how the club works. My dad did it to my mom so many times Tank. She always acted like she didn’t know but she did.” Finally allowing myself, I reach up and grip her face in my hands.

  “I’m not a cheater. Did I think about it? Yeah, I did but not for the fuckin’ sex Cher. She said she has information about Candy. I wanted it. I thought about fuckin’ her until she couldn’t walk but do you know why I didn’t?” Her eyes fill with new tears as she shakes her head. Damn this woman is hard headed.

  “I didn’t fuck her because I love you. In my heart, I knew I couldn’t do that to you Cher. Don’t you fuckin’ understand that you are mine?” My lips come down to crush hers and I can only hope she understands what I’m trying to say to her.

  I don’t think I have ever wanted anyone the way I want Cher. She brings out a side of me that has been missing for so many years. I just need her to understand that she does this to me.

  Chapter 27

  I got Cher calmed down and stayed with her until she fell asleep. I hated seeing her that way; it kills a piece of me.

  Making sure she’s tucked in and warm, I head out into the main room to see what happened with Chyna. I never thought I would see the bitch sitting at the bar with a beer in her hand.

  “What the fuck is this?” Pointing at her my eyes land on Creed’s.

  “Workin’ out a little deal. Passin’ her the prospect instead of you.” He chuckles as I smile. That little shit is finally going to get off my daughter for a while.

  Thinking about it, he isn’t little at all. Joey is pretty well built for being a kid. Still in my book, he’s a little shit.

  “Now that sounds like a plan.” Joey stands there lo
oking pissed as hell when something hits me. Does he really care about Bella? Or does he really not want what Chyna has to offer?

  “What else?” Grabbing a beer I round the bar and lean against it next to Creed.

  “She wants $10,000. Told her she was fuckin’ out of her mind.” Creed glares at her over his shoulder, which makes me laugh.

  “What did you counter?” Taking a long pull from the bottle he chuckles.

  “I countered with Joey.” Creed laughs and I almost choke on my beer. Running my hand over my mouth, I wipe away what I damn near spit everywhere.

  “What about Joey?” Bella walks in from the kitchen with a cookie in her hand. I smile at the innocents that radiates off of her.

  Her eyes dart around the room as we all laugh.

  “What did I miss?” Her smile lights up the room as she looks over at a now very pissed Joey.

  “I traded Joey’s dick for some information.” Creed is nearly in tears as Bella’s eyes dart to Joey’s. I see that look; I knew there was something going on with those two.

  “I didn’t choose it, Bella.” I watch Joey’s mouth move as Creed and a few others laugh. Shit.

  Glancing back at Bella, I see the sadness creep across her face. God damn it!

  “We may need to rethink that counter offer.” Slapping Creed on the shoulder, he looks over but doesn’t stop laughing.

  Bella turns and starts to walk the other way with Joey behind her when I scream at them both.

  “PROSPECT! BELLA! Get the fuck back over here.” I have had enough of this shit. I want to know what’s going on with these two and I want to know now.

  Joey turns to look at me but won’t move until Bella does. They both make their way over to where I stand and wait.

  “Get in the kitchen.” Looking between the two of them, they do as they’re told.

  Shaking my head and scrubbing my hand across my face Creed slaps my shoulder.

  “You don’t really think those two are together do you?” He sounds like the pissed off uncle as he should.

  “I don’t fuckin’ know. Did you see that shit? He’s not much older than her. Fuck the kid just turned 18.” Creed chuckles again when I elbow him in the gut.

  “The fuck Tank. She’s gonna date brother. At least this way we can keep Prospect in check. He won’t step out of line with her.” As much as I hate to admit it, he does make a point.

  “God damn it Creed! I can’t do this fatherly shit.” Creed laughs again as we walk in and find Bella snuggled into Joey’s embrace. Jesus help me to not kill this kid.

  “Put some fuckin’ air between you two!” They both jump away from each other as they look over at us.

  “What’s with this shit?” Pointing my bottle between the two of them, no one wants to talk. How convenient.

  Creed takes a step towards Joey with his arms crossed over his chest.

  “Talk prospect.” Joey swallows hard before he looks at me.

  “I like Bella. I like hangin’ out with her.” Shaking my head, I run my hand over my head.

  “That’s it? You don’t think you are goin’ to be fuckin’ my niece right?” Before I can say anything Creed has taken his role.

  “Dad!” Bella looks at me but I just shrug. Hell, he’s on a roll.

  “No Pres. I didn’t plan on fuckin’ her. We just hang out that’s all.” Creed takes another step into Joey’s space but he doesn’t back down.

  Maybe I misjudged the kid.

  “I can tell you this for sure. Your VP right there has final say so but I will keep a watch. You mess up one fuckin’ time prospect, I will fuck you up myself.” The way Creed has taken to Bella in this short amount of time makes me proud to be his brother. This is why I’ve always connected with Creed.

  “God damn it! You don’t fuckin’ hang out alone. You fuck up prospect I promise I will fuck you in ways you never dreamed possible.” Bella jumps up and down before hugging Creed and moving to me.

  “Thank you dad.” Kissing my cheek, I pull back with a grunt.

  “Get your ass in bed. You got a long day tomorrow.” Hugging her quickly I watch her turn around and smile over at Joey.

  “She’s gonna kill me Creed. I can’t do this datin’ shit.” Chuckling again, Creed walks away shaking his head.

  Chapter 28

  Rolling over I nuzzle my face into the back of Cher’s hair. I wrap my arm around her little body pulling her closer to me.

  “You awake?” Her soft morning voice makes my dick stir.

  “Always awake.” I kiss the back of her head as she relaxes into me.

  “I’m sorry about yesterday. I should have never acted like that.”

  “Cher, you had every reason to act like that. I shouldn’t have given you a reason to. I just wanted to know what the hell was goin’ on. You mean more to me than that.” I can feel her sigh as I push my hips into her. I want her to feel what she does to me.

  “There is no way your dick is hard when you just woke up.” Her giggles soothe me. I could listen to her giggle and laugh forever.

  “Only when I wake up to you.” My hand slides down her side over the soft curve of her hip when I remember she is only wearing one of my shirts.

  Gliding my fingertips over her thigh, I slide it around to what I really want to touch.

  “We need to get ready.” The slight moan that escapes her says otherwise.

  “We have time.” Scooting back, I roll Cher onto her back so I can get better access.

  “MMmmmm. Now this is the best wake up call.” Sliding my finger through her already soaking wet lips, she squirms next to me.

  “What is it darlin’? You want me to make you cum already?” Cher’s head turns and her eyes lock with mine. So much fear of the unknown settles in her eyes. I hate that it’s there but I understand why.

  “Kiss me.” Those two little words melt everything in those eyes. Cher leans closer before pressing her lips to mine. I don’t stop my fingers as they stroke over her as she deepens the kiss.

  My tongue sneaks into her mouth tangling with hers as her hand comes around my neck holding me to her.

  Our lips are in a frenzied fight as my fingers work their magic.

  Sliding two fingers inside of her, I crook them to touch her favorite spot. With my thumb planted on her clit, I work that little pussy of hers over before she pulls back .

  “Oh god!” Her body rocks with the motion of my fingers before I dead stop.

  “Tank!” She whines before looking back over at me.

  “Bring those lips back over here. I want to taste your mouth, feel you when you cum.” Her eyes sparkle before her lips are back on mine. The taste of her sweet lips sends pleasure through me.

  Her hand slides down my side before gripping my dick. Roughly, she strokes it up and down. Fuck me! This girl has magic hands of her own.

  The harder we push each other the deeper our kiss becomes. We capture the others moans and groans as we bring each other to climax.

  Biting her bottom lip, I fucking explode all over her leg. When she feels me, she clenches and cums soaking my fingers as she does.

  I savor her lips but soften our kiss before pulling back to just little pecks.

  “I love you.” With just a slight whisper, I peck her lips one more time.

  “I love you too.” Cher moves closer to me not caring that she will soon be a sticky mess from what I just shot all over her. She snuggles into my side like she’s made to be there.

  “You fit me Cher. No one has fit the way you do.”

  Chapter 29

  Cher and I lay together just being with each other for most of the morning. When Bella couldn’t stand it any longer, she damn near broke my door down.

  I decided she could stay in her own room while we are here but I made it very clear that the cameras pick up all fucking movement just to make sure she didn’t get any ideas.

  “Dad come on! Creed is already cooking.” Bella whines making me laugh as I pull my shirt over my head.

  “I’m comin’. Calm down.” Cher walks over hugging Bella while I watch the two.

  At first there was so much tension between these two that I didn’t know how this would all play out but now they seem like best friends. I don’t know if I like that or not. Two chicks against me might prove to be trouble.

  “What are you staring at?” Bella puts her hand on her hip looking over at me.

  “The two most beautiful and important women in my life.” Cher’s eyes tear up as Bella beams. They really don’t know what they mean to me. Hell, I need to remind myself how lucky I am to have them both.

  Life can change in the blink of eye. I know this first hand with Bella. I need to cherish every day I have with those two that much I do know.

  “You’re a great father.” Cher’s arms wrap around my waist before I realize Bella already ran off.

  Holding her closer to me, I savor this moment with her. Sounds a little girly but I don’t give a shit.

  “She’s easy to love. Just like you.” Cher looks up before I lean in and kiss her.

  “You are too.” Her smile ignites a need in me. I want to own this woman.

  Before Bella can come back in screaming, I drag Cher out the side door towards the party. When I told the guys I wanted to have a small party for her they took that half assed backwards.

  The backyard of the clubhouse is full of people having a good time. Smiling I look around at the only people that have ever really been my family.

  I walk over towards the grill while Cher talks to Jada.

  “Don’t burn that shit.” Creed looks up with a smile plastered to his face.

  “Shit brother. I don’t burn food. Nice of you to get the fuck up and join us.” Casting a glare at him, he laughs.

  “Hey in fairness I had a long fuckin’ night.” Nodding he turns back to the grill before Bella bounces over handing me a beer.

  “What the hell Bella?” She smiles and shakes her head.

  “I’m not drinking it dad.” Blowing out a sigh, I watch as she rushes over to Joey.


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