Fallen Angel's MC Box Set

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Fallen Angel's MC Box Set Page 31

by Erin Trejo

  Spinning around I slam my fists into the wall outside the door when Torch comes out. The man looks like he’s going to be sick. Just the fucking way I feel.

  “I can’t do this shit brother! Those are fuckin’ kids!” Torch looks like he’s on fire right now. I know that feeling all too well. My body hums with hate. I want to walk out of here and blow the fucking Dusts’ out of this fucking world.

  “FUCK!” Growling Torch runs his hand over his face.

  “We have to get through here. Once we’re back at the clubhouse, we need to discuss shit.” Attempting to control my anger isn’t working out for me; I walk to the next room ready for anything.

  Room after room it’s all the same. Young girls held against their will and drugged. What the fuck kind of monsters have the Dusts’ turned into?

  As much as I want to beat the fuck out of someone right now I need to keep my focus on the task I was sent in to do. Finding those girls may be the key to finding out where this shit started.

  Stopping at the last room on my side, I slowly push the door open hoping to God that those girls are in here.

  Stepping inside, I see one girl. She doesn’t look like the others. She appears a little older, not drugged either. In fact, it seems that this girl is a little more taken care of than the others. That sparks my interest as I peek back out of the room. Seeing no one else is out there, I close the door behind me.

  Her big blue eyes burn into me as she watches every move I make cautiously.

  “What’s your name?” The little smirk on her face intrigues me. Surely she isn’t happy to see me in her room at this time of night.

  “Since when do you guys ask names?” I watch the girl stand before starting to pull her shirt over her head. Fuck me that little body of hers is making my dick stir. Shaking my head, there’s no way I can be looking at this girl like that.

  “Put your shirt back on. That’s not why I’m here.” Stalking around the tiny room, I take it all in. She has everything a little better than the others.

  “Why do you get special treatment?” Bringing my eyes back to hers, she shrugs.

  “I’m expensive.” Watching her back herself into the corner the closer I get, she’s nervous. The look in her eyes is setting something off inside of me.

  “I can see that. Now I want to know why?” Stepping into her space I can see her breathing pick up.

  The girl swallows hard as I come even closer to her. Reaching my hand out I slide it under her chin before gripping it roughly.

  “I don’t know what the fuck you do here or why. I want to know why you are better than the rest?” My tone is low and harsh. I can see the fear that I sparked in her eyes. This wasn’t what I was going for, but I guess whatever works.

  “I was traded, and now I’m being sold. I heard something about a highest bidders list. They keep me better than the rest. I don’t get the drugs or anything like the rest of them.” I can feel her body tremble and I don’t know if it’s because I'm in her space and she’s scared or she thinks I'm about to fuck her like crazy. I can’t lie and say that touching the soft skin of her face isn’t turning me the fuck on, because it is.

  “What do you mean traded?” Her breathing is rapid as she licks her lips. Damn her and those lips.

  “I mean my family owed the Dusts’ money. They couldn’t pay, I became the payment.” She leans in closer and I swear to fuck I want to lose my mind.

  “What kind of fucked up family did you grow up in darlin’?” Her eyes are burning into my soul. There is something about this girl that isn’t going to be easy to forget.

  Chapter 8

  “The kind that doesn’t care about their kids. The kind that would trade their kid for drugs and guns.” My heart slams in my chest as I try to think of what kind of people would do that.

  “Shifters’ MC.” The words leave her mouth as my hand falls from her face. Taking a step back, my throat tightens.

  “Don’t leave me here. Please.” The mouthy little girl that I walked in on is gone replaced by the broken and used girl that stands before me.

  “How old are you?” Watching as the tears pool in those seas of blue my chest tightens. I can’t do this shit.

  “Twenty. Please don’t leave me here. Those guys they sell to are horrible. I’ve heard the stories.” She takes a step towards me but I put my hand up to stop her.

  When I’m about to speak the door flies open and Bone comes in. Before he can say shit I grab the girl slamming my lips to hers.

  “Ten minutes out brother. Time to roll.” Throwing my hand up I hear him close the door behind us. Pulling my mouth from hers is like stealing the air from my lungs.

  I let her go as she stands there breathlessly in front of me. Tears stream down her cheeks as I run my hand through my hair. What the hell am I doing? Am I really thinking about getting this girl out of here?

  Shaking my head, I turn to head for the door when she screams. I snap my head around to look at her as she slumps onto the floor in tears.

  “When does the next shipment of girls go out?” Her head snaps up to look at me before she shakes her head.

  “If you won’t help me, I won’t fucking help you.” Taking a step back towards her, I can see the fear in her eyes.

  “I’m lookin’ for two girls that were taken. I need to know when the next fuckin’ shipment goes out.” Narrowing my eyes on her, she pushes herself up. Standing a few feet from me, she wipes at her eyes.

  “Fuck you.” The words leave her mouth and so help me that’s exactly what I want to do. I want to bend that sweet little ass of hers over that bed and fuck her until she can’t walk.

  Moving in on her, I reach out grabbing her around the waist as I pin her against the wall.

  “You better answer my God damn questions sweetheart if you ever want out of this motherfucker.” With my lips mere inches from her neck, I can feel her body shiver. My breath skates a line over her neck and fuck me if I don’t want to suck that skin into my mouth.

  “In two weeks. Please don’t leave me here.” Her tears choke her as she cries. I take a step back and look into those eyes and I’m lost. I don’t know what to say to her. I don’t know how to handle this shit. I do the first thing that pops into my mind.

  Reaching up I grab my patch that has my name on it and rip it off my cut.

  With it in my hand I reach for hers and pull it open.

  “I’m comin’ back for you. I won’t leave you here.” Stuffing my name patch into the palm of her hand, she cries harder. Shit this is the craziest fucking thing I think I’ve ever done. The club is going to have my ass for this shit.

  “Hold this for me. I need that shit back so don’t lose it. It’s got my name on it.” Her teary eyes look down at the patch in her hand before looking back up at me.

  “Ryker.” Her voice is a whisper as she looks into my eyes. I can’t do this shit. Something in her eyes is breaking me down inside.

  “What’s your name darlin’.” Trying to keep my nerves and dick in check, I calm my tone.

  “Jersey.” Nodding my head, I lean in and press my lips gently to hers. I know it’s all kinds of wrong but it soothes me for some stupid reason.

  “Don’t lose that. I’m comin’ back for you.” With one last kiss on those little lips, I back up ready to leave.

  The door flies open as Bone and Torch come barreling in.

  “Need to roll, shit’s gonna get real, fast.” Bone looks between us as Jersey climbs back into her bed, pulling the covers over her.

  Something isn’t settling inside of me the way it should. Nodding my head, I turn towards the guys as they file back out of the room.

  “Meet you downstairs.” With a quick nod, they head off before I turn back to Jersey.

  “I don’t know how long this is gonna take. I need to work shit out in my club. Just know that I’m comin’ back.” Jersey climbs up on her knees as I stand there next to her bed.

  “So you will be like a knight in shining armor.” She l
eans into my chest as I chuckle.

  “Sweetheart, I’m no knight. I’m the devil himself and as soon as I can get you out of here, it won’t be a fairy tale. You’ll be steppin’ through the fiery gates of hell darlin’.”

  Chapter 9

  Walking back into the clubhouse after that little trip has my mind spinning like a fucking tornado. The condition that those girls are living in is beyond anything I’ve ever come across. I can’t believe that the Dusts’ have stooped to that.

  “Where’s your head at brother?” Tank slaps a hand on my shoulder. After we briefed Creed and Tank, Torch took off to blow off some steam but I planned to just drink this shit out of my head.

  “Those girls aren’t much older than Bella, brother. That shit isn’t right. I can’t get past it.” Tank blows out a breath before he scrubs his hand over that bald head of his.

  “I can’t fuckin’ imagine that shit happenin’ to any kid. You know we aren’t lettin’ this shit ride, yeah?” With a quick nod, I drag the beer bottle to my lips taking a long pull. There’s a knot in my chest that won’t go away no matter what I do.

  “Ryker, what the fuck else is goin’ on? I can see that mind of yours workin’.” Taking a joint out of my pocket I light it up as I look over at Tank.

  “There’s another girl in there. Twenty years old. Said her family traded her out with the Dusts’. I asked about her family. She’s a fuckin’ Shifter brother. They got in some shit with the Dusts’ and traded their own God damn kid. Who the hell does that shit?” Feeling my anger rise, I smoke the joint hoping that it will relieve some of the pent up anger that threatens to explode within me.

  “You shittin’ me? Son of a bitch!” Tank slams his hands down on the bar. I knew this would strike a nerve with him since Bella is his kid and close to the same age.

  “You talked to her?” Nodding my head, Tank chuckles.

  “What the fuck?” Glaring over at him, he shakes his head.

  “What did you do?” Tank looks at me like I did something. Well, I guess I kind of did.

  “I ain’t done shit brother. I wanted to know why she was treated better than the others. She said she’s bein’ sold to the highest bidder.” Shudders roll over my body as I remember that little face so full of fear. Fear for her life. I could see it.

  “FUCK! Torch said the other girls are bein’ held at a second house. Think you can get your boy to find that shit? We need to hit that one first.” Shoving back, the stool tips and falls to the floor with a thud. Tank looks at me as I scrub my hands over my face.

  “Somethin’ you wanna say Ryker?” Tank stands in front of me now. Swallowing hard, I need to spit this shit out before it turns bad.

  “I’m goin’ back for her.” Straightening my back I stand at full height as Tank does the same. This shit could go one of two ways here.

  “No. We are hittin’ the other house.” My nerves keep climbing as the anger boils within me.

  “I came here for a home, Tank. I wouldn’t leave your kid in that place and I sure as fuck won’t leave her!” Balling my hands into fists at my side, I’d hate to lose my place in this club when I just got settled in.

  “I feel you brother but we can’t just go off the fuckin’ grid here. We need to time this shit. Goin’ out to different spots ain’t happenin’.” Tank shakes his head and I swear I’m about to lose my cut. Nomad status wasn’t all that fucking bad.

  “I promised that girl I was comin’ back. I plan to make good on that, one fuckin’ way or the other.” Before Tank can say anything else to me I turn and walk away. I know I will pay for that shit later since he’s the VP but for now I need to walk away before I do something I will regret.

  Making my way out the back door, I breathe in the cool night air.

  “Shit hittin’ you too?” Torch passes me the bottle of Jack which I willingly take. With a swallow I savor the burn as it goes down my throat.

  “Bad brother. That girl in the last room. I fuckin’ promised her I was comin’ back. Tank wants to hit the other house when we find it. I can’t leave her there, Torch.” Torch nods before he speaks and the words that leave his mouth hit something deep inside of me.

  “My sister was taken when she fourteen. We never saw her again. Whatever you need to get those girls brother, I’m in. Goin’ against the club isn’t on the top of my list but fuck if I’ll leave them like that. I couldn’t do shit for my sister but I can fuck some shit up now.” Glancing over I swear I see a tear falling from Torch’s eye before he stands.

  “You know I got your back yeah?” Torch nods but doesn’t look back over at me.

  “I got you too Ryker. Set that shit up.” Torch walks away, leaving me to think. Being inside of my head isn’t a place you want to be. Hell, I don’t want to be there most times yet here I am lost inside of it.

  Chapter 10

  Lying in bed, I contemplate my next move. I know what Tank said but I know what I feel inside of me too. I can’t leave that shit the way it is. It’s not just Jersey either. It’s all of them. We need to figure out a way to shut that shit down.

  I know prostitution runs through these clubs like the blood in my veins but those are kids. That shit can’t go on.

  “We need to talk.” Creed flies through my door without another word. It’s been a few days since that fucking run and I can’t get Jersey’s face out of my mind. It fucks with my head when I’m awake and haunts my God damn dreams when I’m asleep.

  “Thanks for knockin’ motherfucker.” Pushing myself up I sit against the headboard before I grab a cigarette and light it up.

  “Got word the girls got moved. No fuckin’ idea where either.” My heart starts to slam in my chest as I listen to him talk.

  “The fuck you mean; you have no idea? Call Flick.” Sitting up straighter now, I look at Creed.

  “Called Bone. Flick took the fuckin’ wrath of Stone when he found out Angel's were in there with the prized one. I looked into that shit you told me. Seems her mother wants her back but they owed too much to the Dusts’. Traded her out for what they owed in guns and drugs. Last Shifters’ heard she was bein’ sold to the highest bidder, like she told you. Talked to Griff’s boys too. She’s high priority brother.” He’s telling me shit that I already knew. Shit that has me awake at night. The same shit that sets my blood on fire, and sends rage throughout my body.

  “I’m not leavin’ her, Creed. I promised that girl. She deserves that much.” Creed drops his head scrubbing his hands through his hair before he looks back up at me.

  “I talked with Jada. Shit would be risky. Lives are gonna be lost brother. We need to hash this out with the club. We take a vote. If the vote’s a no go we’re out.” Shaking my head, I climb off the bed.

  “Not happenin’ Creed. I respect you, you know that but I’m not backin’ down on this one brother. When Jada popped back up you didn’t leave her ass blowin’ in the wind.” Creed blows out a breath before he steps back. I can tell by his whole demeanor that he’s pissed. Guess what, I don’t give a fuck.

  “What the fuck is it with her?” Turning my attention to him I shake my head again.

  “I don’t know brother. She’s fuckin’ twenty years old. She’s a kid.” Scrubbing my hand over my face, I look back over at him.

  “Twenty years old and she’s doin’ somethin’ to you. I don’t need an explanation I just need to know that when shit comes down, you got your head right. She’s young, yeah, but that doesn’t mean shit. She’s broken brother. Been through hell. You ready to handle that shit?” His questions are from his heart, I know it, but that wasn’t part of my plans.

  “Didn’t plan on keepin’ her brother. I just can’t leave her in there.” Creed chuckles, which pisses me off a little. I just felt a connection to her is all. I didn’t plan on marrying the chick. I need to get her out of there and safe. She’s young and deserves more than that.

  “You can say that now brother. I just need to know that shit’s handled. I can’t have that shit blowin’ back
on us.” I get what he’s saying and I know I need to come up with a plan.

  “I got the apartment. I can keep her there.” Creed nods before he lights up a cigarette.

  “We vote on it tomorrow. I don’t know what the fuck I’m even tellin’ you for. You got that shit in your head, it won’t change.” Creed heads towards the door as I chuckle. He knows me all too well.

  “Hey Creed.” He stops and turns to face me.

  “I don’t know why I feel like that brother. I can’t explain this shit. Haven’t felt a connection like this since Beth.” Creed nods before he blows out a ring of smoke.

  “I get that. I felt that shit with Jada. There’s no closin’ that shit off brother. You’re older. You’re wiser. If this is the only hell she’s been livin’ in for a while I don’t know how she’s gonna take continuing to live in this lifestyle. Not your choice either but you need to make sure you can handle that shit. I got my own shit to work out, brother.” I watch Creed leave the room before I head into the bathroom.

  Turning the shower on, I need to wash this shit away. I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing here. I’m risking my boys, my brother’s lives for one girl.

  Snuffing out my cigarette I undress and climb in to the steaming water. How can I risk their lives? How can I put my brothers in danger for my own selfishness? How could I have gotten Jersey’s hopes up without thinking it over first?

  My whole life has been one complete fuck up after another. In this moment I make the decision to fix that.

  “I’m comin’ back to get you.” Talking to myself I lean into the water letting it roll over me. I’ll get her out of that shit and make sure she’s safe if it’s the last fucking thing I do in my fucked up life.

  Chapter 11

  I wake my ass up earlier than usual with my mind a fucking mess. I feel like I’m trapped inside a damn hurricane and the water never stops falling. My head’s been fucked up for days. I’ve tried hard as hell to get the visions of Jersey to stay the hell away but there is something about that poor girl that haunts me.


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