Fallen Angel's MC Box Set

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Fallen Angel's MC Box Set Page 33

by Erin Trejo

  “Got it.” With another quick nod, we get into position.

  I don’t know what’s worse, the anticipation of how things could go wrong or the actual wait. Crouched down in this bush, everything goes still. The night is quiet, to quiet. I never was one for the silence and tonight it makes it an eerie silence. It’s like an inevitable doom lingers overhead. Death and destruction. It’s all there waiting to play out. Whose end is it? Whose death and just how much destruction is coming our way? That’s the real question tonight.

  The minutes tick by but I don’t miss a beat. A fucking mosquito flying around my head is just a distraction. Reaching up to smash the little bastard would pull my focus.

  Jersey’s life, for the moment at least, is my focus.

  “You ready?” Tank looks over his shoulder at me as we hear the car making its way towards us.

  “Damn right I am.” Tank nods before turning to signal Torch and Joey.

  “Hope your son-in-law can handle this shit.” Tank glares at me over his shoulder as I smile.

  “I’ll pay you back for that one later, motherfucker.” With a quick smile, he turns his attention back to the road.

  I listen to the crunch of the rocks as the car makes its way towards us. Mentally counting down to what could be the biggest mistake of my life.


  Chapter 15

  The flash blazes to life in front of our eyes as the car comes to an abrupt stop. Just like we knew they would, two guys exit either side. Tank moves up ahead of me spacing us out a few feet. I watch his moves, calculating when he’s going to make the next one.

  Funny thing is, in this moment, I feel nothing. No fear, no anxiety. No, in this moment I feel focused and reassured. Maybe it’s because if I’m going down, I’m going down for a reason. Maybe it’s because I’m a cynical son of a bitch, either way, I’m calm.

  I watch as Tank signals me to move down towards the car. I see the guys with their guns drawn as they look for the source of the flash. Just as I start to take a step, shots are fired. They came from the man in front.

  My eyes move methodically as I case where the shots went. When I see return fire from across the road, I know it’s my time to move.

  Tank bursts free from the tree line we’ve been hiding in, guns blazing as I move in on the car. I can hear Jersey’s muffled cries as I inch closer. My heart is slamming in my chest but not from fear. It’s her. This is what she makes me feel and I fucking hate every second of it.

  Grabbing the back handle I pull the door open. Shots sound off from inside and I know they’re gunning for me. Dropping back, I feel a slight sting at the side of my neck but I need to keep moving. Shots are going off all around me. My focus never falters from the girl in that car though, I can’t let it.

  Taking the chance I creep around the car and shoot out the back window. Crouching low, I make my way back to the side with the open door as shots blow out the other side. Easiest trick in the book and the motherfucker fell for it.

  I go in ready to blow someone’s fucking head off. My eyes are primed for this moment. Take out the guy, grab the girl. That mantra keeps ringing in my head as I place the barrel of my gun to the back of Mr. Rich asshole’s head.

  “Go ahead and take your hands off her.” The low snarl in my voice must strike something in him. The hair gelled wanna be pimp lets go of Jersey as she quickly jumps out of his lap.

  “Get by the door and don’t move.” Jersey nods and does as she’s told. Electricity shoots through me when I feel her little hand on my back. She’s shaking like crazy but that feeling still bolts into me.

  “You wanna tell me why you’re buyin’ girls from the Dusts’?” The man starts to turn but I press the gun harder to his head.

  No more shots can be heard from outside the car. That eerie silence is back, and not in a good way.

  “Who the hell are you?” The accent sends shivers across my body. Russian accents are never ones you want to hear.

  “I asked first. Play nice now.” Shoving the gun against his head a little harder, he laughs.

  “You know who you are messing with yeah? They will find you.” With those last words, I pull the trigger.

  He slumps over with no brains left at all as Jersey screams behind me.

  “You good, brother?” Tank’s voice calms the bundle in my stomach as I pull back and climb out of the car dragging Jersey with me. I know she needs attention but this isn’t the time or place.

  “Russian mafia, Tank. Son of a bitch!” Screaming louder, Jersey jumps. I can feel her shaking in my grasp but shit just got crazy real fast.

  “Figured that much. Get her back to the fuckin’ clubhouse. Take Torch. Me and Joey will light this shit up.” Torch and Joey make their way towards us looking at Jersey before looking back at me.

  “You good, brother?” Joey eyes my neck that I’m sure is still bleeding but with the adrenalin that’s flowing through my body, shit I feel nothing.

  “Yeah. You?” They both nod as Tank clears his throat.

  “Torch, watch his ass on the ride back. Joey, let’s go play a little light the night.” Tank’s laugh is a menacing one. I think the motherfucker is actually having a good God damn time tonight.

  “Got it VP.” Torch turns to walk back towards the bikes when I stop Tank.

  “Hey VP. Thanks brother.” Tank shoots me a grin before pulling his hoodie off.

  “No thanks around here. We’re family. We took care of family business. Get her the fuck home.” Nodding towards Jersey, I smile as I turn around.

  I walk up the hill quickly dragging Jersey along. We don’t have time for anything else. Once that car goes up in flames there will be about twenty Dust's flying the fuck up here.

  Stopping at my bike I stuff the guns back in the saddle bag before grabbing my helmet. I turn to Jersey to stick it on her head when she looks up at me.

  “You came back.” Her words sting my heart. She didn’t think I was coming back for her. I can see it in her eyes.

  “I told you I would.” Her eyes fill with tears as I start to slide the helmet on her head. Jersey looks down before I can do it.

  “I didn’t lose it.” Holding her hand out to me, I look down and see my name patch in her palm. Reaching for her open hand I close mine around it.

  “Hold onto that a little longer, sweetheart.” Her eyes jerk to mine as a small sad smile tugs at her lips. Damn this girl is melting my cold dead heart right now.

  Chapter 16

  I drive us down the road as I watch out behind me. I heard the explosion of the limo that Tank and Joey lit up which means so did the Dusts’. I’m far enough away that they shouldn’t be a threat to me but Tank and Joey are behind us.

  Jersey’s hands tighten around my waist as my dick throbs in my jeans. If that motherfucker doesn’t calm down, I’m going to fucking blow before we ever make it back to the clubhouse.

  My body’s on high alert just like my mind. This wasn’t the way we had things planned out. We were supposed to scout the area not pull a grab and go. I guess the universe thought otherwise. I can’t say that I mind though. I did get Jersey out and I got to kill some assholes in the process.

  Pulling up to the gates I can see a few guys at the edge with their guns in hand. Creed is all about safety when it comes to this club. We may take some shitty ass runs but when it comes down to it, this has to be one of the safest clubs to be in.

  The gates open and I drive up the long driveway as Jersey tightens her grip. I’m sure this girl is scared shitless right now and there isn’t a damn thing I can do about it. This is the hell that I warned her about.

  Parking my bike, I climb off then help Jersey off. I unsnap the helmet and pull it off of her head watching that long silky hair as it cascades around her shoulders. My heart flops around in my chest and my stomach knots up. Here we go again with this shit.

  “You ok?” She nods her head as I grab my cut out of the saddlebag and slide it back on.

et’s get inside.” Jersey nods but doesn’t say anything else as we make our way towards the door. Before I can even get us over there, Creed comes flying out.

  “You good brother?” His eyes are wild with something I’m not sure about. It could be the fact that I blew the fucking plan to hell or that Tank isn’t back yet. It’s really hard to read Creed when he’s like this.

  “I’m ok. Sorry brother.” Creed shakes his head as he looks from me to Jersey.

  “And you?” Glancing down at the girl by my side, she looks up at me. It’s almost like she needs to be reassured that it’s ok to speak. I give her a nod before she turns back to Creed.

  “I’m ok, I think.” Her little body shakes as Creed nods his head.

  “We got the Doc on the way in. He’ll check you over.” Jersey wraps her arms around herself before Creed takes a step towards us.

  “You remember when Cher was in shock? She looked as white as her.” Creed leans in closely to me so that Jersey doesn’t hear him.

  “I know brother.”

  “Get her inside. Tank and Joey should be rollin’ in pretty soon.” With a nod, I wrap my arm around Jersey’s shoulder and lead her inside.

  The place is packed with people, kids running wild. Jersey tenses up when all eyes direct to her. I can see the unease as she steps closer into me.

  “No one here will hurt you darlin’. That I can promise you. Come on.” Taking a step forward, I can see all the guys with that questioning look. I spot Red before I drag Jersey towards the back, she rushes towards me.

  “Oh my God! You’re bleeding baby.” Red raises her hand to my neck before I brush her off.

  “Not now. I got shit to do.” I keep walking but I know she’s behind me.

  “Let me clean that up.” Her hand lands on the back of my shoulder before Jersey yanks out of my grasp.

  “He said no! What the fuck is wrong with you?” I didn’t even notice her spin around but there she is pinning Red to the wall by her throat. Fuck me, now that’s hot! If that doesn’t get your dick hard, nothing will.

  “Get the fuck off me!” Red whines but Jersey holds on. I wonder what the hell made her snap like that?

  “That’s enough.” Snapping louder than I meant to, Red’s eyes land on mine but Jersey’s grip doesn’t falter.

  I wrap my arm around her waist before reaching up with my free hand prying her fingers off her neck.

  “Take it easy darlin’.” Whispering near her ear, she reluctantly lets go. A surge of pride hits me in the stomach as I stand here proud as hell of my girl. But she isn’t my girl.

  “You’re just going to let her do that to me?” Red reaches up rubbing her neck as I smile and pull Jersey back against me.

  “She already done it. Walk away Red. This is club business.” Dragging Jersey down the hallway I push my door open and walk her in.

  “What the hell was that about?” Jersey spins around in my arms so quickly I didn’t see it coming. Her lips slam into mine before I can even react. I can’t let her do this though. I can’t.

  Wrapping my arms around her waist I jerk her body against mine. Both of us are heated and in the moment but in the back of my mind I know this is just the adrenalin in her taking over. I need to stop this but fuck, she feels amazing in my arms.

  “You don’t want this.” Her lips travel a hot line down my neck as my dick nearly rips through these jeans.

  “Oh I want it.” Her hands travel to the top of my jeans as she unbuttons them quickly then shoves them down. My hands find their way to her shirt ripping it over her head. Everything in my mind is telling me to walk the fuck away. That this is going to end badly but the other part of me says it feels so God damn right.

  I hate when my dick has a fucking mind of its own.

  Chapter 17

  I look down at Jersey naked on my bed. Her soft skin calling to me like a drug. I need to get my fix if I want to stay in my right mind. Who the hell am I kidding? My right mind hasn’t been right in a long ass time.

  “This is a bad idea.” I watch the look in her eyes, and she doesn’t think it is. Fuck me, I know it is though.

  Her eyes pin me in place as she slowly yet seductively spreads her legs open for me. She’s showing me every part of herself and I want nothing more than to slide in and ruin her. Ruin her for every other man that comes after me. The thought of that makes my stomach churn. I can’t keep her; she isn’t mine to keep. Or is she?

  “Fuck!” The growl that leaves my throat is one of pure lust and want. I can see that glistening wetness that she has laid bare calling me into it. Taking a step towards the bed her eyes never leave mine. She’s searching me, searching my soul. I can feel it. The soul that has long since been discarded and left for dead has a new fire burning in it. One that threatens to ruin everything it touches including her.

  Climbing on the end of the bed, I can hear Jersey suck in a breath. I know she’s still watching me but I just can’t look her in the eyes. I’m going to take something from her that she will never get back. I’m going to take away her fear of me. I don’t know how well that sits inside of me but when my dick grazes over that sweet wet pussy, I’m lost.

  Leaning over her, I kiss her neck as she tilts her head to the side giving me access. Shit her skin is as soft as a feather. I run my tongue down her neck to her shoulder before I gently bite her. Her body writhes needing to be closer to mine.

  Arching her back, her breasts graze my skin and I can feel that those little rock hard pebbles are ready to be sucked.

  “I don’t usually fuck like this. Nothin’ about me is hearts and flowers.” I press the tip of my dick inside of her as she moans lightly.

  “I hate flowers.” Her words make me chuckle but the look in her eyes are real. I should have never looked down into them. Something about her makes me want to give in to her. The hearts, the flowers. Hell, I want to give this girl the sun if she wanted it.

  “I can’t take you like that right now. My dick wants more than that.” Jersey wiggles her body against mine trying to get me deeper.

  “Then let me give your dick what he wants.” That’s it. Her mouth makes me lose all sense of control.

  My hips piston into her like they may never have the chance again. Hell, they may not. I keep trying to make myself stop but she feels way to good.

  “God damn!” Grunting as I thrust into her slippery wetness, I want to be lost in this girl.

  “Pure fucking heat.” Her teeth graze my neck as I slam into her. She feels it too. Hell, she just said it! That heat that rises between the two of us is something I’ve never felt before.

  I wrap my arms around her waist as I sit up, dragging her body with me. Jersey groans as my dick shoves all the way inside of her.

  “You feel that sweetheart? That’s all for you.” I lean my head down sucking her nipple into my mouth as her head falls back. Her hips wiggle slightly but the harder I suck, the faster she moves. God damn she is into this.

  “Ride me. Fuck me. Take me however you want but you better make it good. You won’t have the control ever again.” I lean back in and bite down on her breast. Her body picks up speed until she’s grinding roughly against me.

  “I bet I do.” Fuck me, her pussy is clenched and pulling me in. Her words just ignite something fierce in me. She wants to play and fuck, I want to let her.

  “You think you can handle this?” Raising my hips I let her feel every piece of me. Jersey opens her mouth to speak but I thrust in deeper.

  “Oh God!” She screams when I don’t stop.

  “You think God can help you now?” Thrust after thrust I don’t give her the chance to answer. I want her at my fucking mercy like every other woman has been. I don’t give over control easily and she just made it a challenge.

  I don’t ease up on her either. I keep it coming until I feel her getting close then I ease it up. Jersey whines, which makes me smile like a fucking lunatic.

  “I told you. I’m in control darlin’. You won’t fuckin’
cum until I say you can.” Her head snaps up as her eyes lock with mine. She is silently issuing me a challenge. My dick seems to like that challenge as it jerks inside of her.

  Her breathless body clenches and squeezes around me as she painstakingly slowly raises her body up before slowly coming back down.

  Her eyes don’t leave mine but she can see straight through me. She knows exactly what she’s doing to me right now.

  The way her body hugs mine, I think I just met my fucking match.

  Chapter 18

  Lying in bed, the world spins around me. I look over at Jersey and she is crying in her sleep. My stomach bottoms out as I realize what I did. I did exactly what my dick wanted and not my head.

  Tears coat her cheeks causing her hair to stick to her face. I reach over and run my fingers across it and tuck it behind her ear. Her soft wet skin ignites a fire in me. I don’t want it to, but it does.

  “I can’t be what you need. I can’t be anything for anyone. I can make sure you’re safe though.” Whispering to her I know she can’t hear me. Her dreams have taken a hold of her and I don’t see them easing up either.

  I lie back and grab a cigarette lighting it up as I lean against the headboard. I don’t know what to do next. I know when this lock-down is over she’s going to the fucking apartment where I can’t touch her. She deserves more than what a piece of shit like me can give her.

  Blowing out a ring of smoke I look down at her. She seems to be stronger than I gave her credit for. I looked at her like a broken little girl and maybe after the shock wears off she may be. I don’t know how someone could live through what she did and come out stronger. It doesn’t make sense to me.

  Jersey stirs as I look back down at her. Those blue eyes of hers open as she gazes sleepily up at me.

  “What time is it?” Yawning, I want to shove my dick in her little mouth.

  “Five in the mornin’. Go back to sleep darlin’.” Jersey shakes her head as she pushes herself up, the sheet slipping down her naked body. God damn it! My dick stirs instantly at the sight in front of me.


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