Fallen Angel's MC Box Set

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Fallen Angel's MC Box Set Page 37

by Erin Trejo

  “It’s ok Ryker. I’m ok with this.” When I don’t speak she tries to walk again but I don’t let her. My hand stays firmly planted on her stomach.

  Dropping to my knees in the hallway, I don’t care. I don’t care anymore. I can’t stop the feelings I have for her. I can’t fight it anymore. She’s doing something to me and I can’t let that go.

  Jersey looks down at me as I lift the front of her shirt exposing her stomach.

  “I made a life?” Dragging my eyes up to meet hers, she nods. Something explodes in my chest. I can’t shake the feelings that flow through me right now.

  “Don’t leave me.” The words come out as Jersey’s hands come to rest on my head. She pulls my head into her where I rest it against her stomach. I made a life. Something that I thought would never be an option for me, and here it is.

  Now I need to figure out what to do with that information.

  Chapter 29

  “This is fucked up! Who the hell do they think they’re fuckin’ with?” Running my hand through my hair I pace Creed’s office. The bomb he just dropped on me has me fired up and ready for a war.

  “I don’t get it either brother. They traded her out. The Dusts’ know she’s one of us now. We played it by the book and the Russians think it was an outside job. We covered our asses so it looks like she showed up here.” That’s right. The Shifters’ want Jersey back. They are willing to wage a fucking war to get her too. A war that I’m willing to fight for her.

  Three long fucking months have drug by and not a fucking word from anyone until now. I don’t understand what the hell they are trying to do here but I won’t let that shit slide.

  The baby cries in Creed’s arms as he walks around with her. I can’t stop the smile that comes to my face. His daughter, Heather is a beautiful cross between him and Jada. She has her daddy’s eyes but her mommy’s looks.

  “What the fuck are you smilin’ at?” Creed asks when he catches me watching him.

  “Nothin’. She’s beautiful.” Looking down at baby Heather, my heart melts.

  “She is. She looks like her mother. Hey, you ready for this?” Creed smiles over at me as I shake my head.

  “Don’t know brother. I sure as fuck hope so.” Chuckling, the door opens and Jada comes in.

  “Was she crying?” I smile as I watch her walk over and take Heather out of her daddy’s arms. Jada looks like an Angel holding her the way she does. I must say that all the women in this club have an amazing gift. They are all great people, but they are the most nurturing mothers I have ever seen. I can only hope that Jersey and I can be the same way.

  I watch as Jada leaves the room before turning my attention back to Creed.

  “What do I do brother?” His eyes jerk to mine and hold there.

  “You? Don’t you mean we?” Shaking my head, I’m not letting them go down in this shit with me. I brought this on, it’s my problem.

  “You got your kid Creed. I can handle this shit.” Grabbing my beer, I take a long pull as he watches me.

  “Oh yeah? You got one too motherfucker. Besides, we’re family. This is our fuckin’ club, our old lady’s. We go in together just like always. We hold off as long as we can yeah?” Nodding my head, there’s no reason to start the war. I know it’s coming though; I can feel it inside of me.

  “Yeah, ok. Shit comes down though, I want her dad.” I’ve thought long and hard over the last few months. I’ve watched Jersey cry in her sleep, fight her own demons to live and there is nothing more in this world that I want more than the man that caused it. The man that traded her out to be used and hurt. The asshole that should have loved and protected her.

  “You got it. No one touches that son of a bitch.” The smile on Creed’s face would scare the shit out of someone that didn’t know him. It’s menacing and downright scary. He’s been in my shoes before though. He knows what it comes down to.

  “Go be with your baby.” Slapping him in the chest he smiles at me.

  “I was thinkin’ the other night while I watched Jada feed Heather. We are all some fuckin’ messed up bastards. We all came from shit but we made it here. These women that we have in our lives are like fuckin’ glue brother. Without them we’d fall the fuck apart. I know this club runs outside the law a lot. I want to talk about gettin’ some legit shit in here too for the kids. We need to train a whole new fuckin’ breed of leaders.” With a huge fucking smile on my face, I look over at him.

  “’You’re damn right we do. You got my fuckin’ vote on that one.” Creed grips my shoulder as we walk out of the office and into the main room. I look around at all the guys that are my family now. We may not look like much, but we are family like Creed said.

  “I’m goin’ to find my old lady.” Slapping Creed on the shoulder, I head down the hallway when I don’t see Jersey out there.

  Stopping outside my room I can hear little moans coming from inside. What the hell?

  I unlock the door after I try to turn the handle with no luck before shoving the door open. My eyes bug out of my fucking head when I see my woman naked on the bed.

  “God damn darlin’.” Kicking the door closed behind me, I lock it before shrugging out of my cut. I toss it onto the table before I start to strip. Jersey lies there with her favorite vibrator between her legs. Yeah, I turned that girl into a God damn freak.

  “You want some help with that?” Her eyes lock onto mine as I make my way closer to her.

  “I told you about doin’ that shit without me too.” Grabbing the vibrator out of her hand, I tease her clit with it a little. Her body arches off the bed as little moans of pleasure escape her lips.

  “You were taking forever in there.” Jersey whines when I turn the vibrator off and toss it on the bed next to her. She doesn’t need that shit when I’m right here.

  My mouth replaces the vibrator as I lick at her soaking wet pussy. I don’t know if it’s because she’s pregnant or I’m just one sick and twisted bastard but she tastes like heaven these days.

  Her hands find their way to my hair, tugging it gently. I stroke my tongue up and down before dipping inside of her. She’s already so close I can taste that orgasm on the tip of my tongue.

  “Ryker, I need this.” Grinding her pussy against my face, I don’t make her beg. I increase the pressure I put on that little clit as I slide my finger in and out of her until she locks it down around me. With my face buried between her thighs, she releases all that sweetness to me.

  Chapter 30

  I lay with my head on Jersey’s stomach feeling my baby move around inside of her. Something that I created lives in her. It amazes me to no end that I made a life. After having taken so many and having mine ripped away from me, I made one.

  “Am I hurtin’ you?” I trace my finger over the top of her belly as she runs her hand through my hair. I don’t think I’ve ever felt as relaxed as I do right now. Never in my life to be exact.

  “Nope. But if you keep making that baby wiggle, I’m gonna piss myself.” Chuckling against her belly, I turn my head and kiss it before moving to lay next to her.

  “Can you believe that we made that?” My fingers won’t stop tracing over the wiggly bump. I can’t help myself.

  “No. I never thought I’d have kids honestly. I didn’t want to screw them up the way I was.” Propping myself up on my elbow I reach over and trace her cheek with my fingers before pulling her to look at me.

  “You’re not them. You’re better than that. You can do anything you want darlin’. I’ve never met anyone as strong as you are Jersey.” A tear slides down her cheek before I wipe it away.

  “I need to say somethin’ that I never thought I’d say again in my life but I need you to understand a few things too. I never thought I would find someone else. My heart never felt like it would be whole again. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my days but the one thing I did right was comin’ back for you. There is somethin’ inside of you that amazes me every day. Somethin’ that stole a piece of me that very first
time I laid eyes on you. I know I’m not perfect sweetheart, and I never will be but I do know one thing.” Leaning in I brush my lips across hers. The spark that burns between us is always there. Always sparking and ready to catch fire.

  “What is it that you know?” Her eyes sparkle as she looks at me. God damn that woman is beautiful. If God ever cared about a son of a bitch like me, it was when he made her.

  “I know that you hold my heart. Resistance is useless when it comes to you. I love you, Jersey.” Tears spring to her eyes as the words leave my mouth. I never thought I’d say those words again but it’s true. I love this girl.

  “We’re like a ticking time bomb. We might explode but I will pull you out of the wreckage every God damn time.” Her lips crush mine as I wrap my arms around her.

  There is no better place in the world than in her arms. As much as I protect and look after Jersey, she makes me feel safe too. I could live the rest of my life wrapped up in this girl’s arms and never come out.

  We have been spending a lot of time at the apartment lately but Creed wanted to let me know the information about the Shifters’. As happy and content as I feel right now I know I have to tell her what’s happening before someone else does.

  “We need to talk about somethin’.” Jersey snuggles closer to me and I can do nothing more but squeeze her tighter.

  “Do we have to? I’m starving.” Chuckling I kiss her on top of the head before resting my chin there. I hate to do this to her right now but if I don’t someone else will.

  “Creed has been watchin’ shit yeah? Shifters’ have been threatenin’ the club. Seems they had a change of heart. They want you back.” Jersey tenses up in my arms as she tries to pull away. That’s not going to happen. I hold her tighter as she wiggles around.

  “They can’t do that. They didn’t want me Ryker. What am I going to do?” Jersey cries into my chest as I rub her hair down her back. I knew this would upset her and that’s the last thing I wanted to do.

  “You aren’t doin’ anything sweetheart. You’re mine. I’ll do whatever it takes to make you safe. That’s what I've been doin’ since the day I met you. Nothin’ changes.” Jersey pulls back and looks up at me with tears in her eyes.

  “I love you, Ryker. I’ve never loved anyone the way I love you.” Pressing my lips to her forehead, I sigh. She means the world to me and if I have to die to keep her safe, that’s what I’ll do.

  The door pops open but I don’t let go of her. Bella’s head peeks around the corner as I laugh.

  “What the hell is it with you and stickin’ your head in like that?” Bella sticks her tongue out at me before she smiles.

  “Daddy ordered food. He said to tell you to let that girl breathe and feed that baby.” Jersey giggles into my chest before she pulls back.

  “Hey Bella. Come in here a minute.” Pushing myself up, I pull Jersey with me.

  “Yeah?” She looks at the two of us with a smile on her face.

  “I wanted to say thank you. You really are a great woman. You made me look at myself in a different way. I appreciate it.” Bella smiles before turning to Jersey.

  “He really loves you. I could always see it.” Winking at her, Bella stands and heads towards the door.

  “Thank you Bella.” Jersey says before Bella waves over her shoulder.

  “So. We need to get out there and feed my baby yeah?”

  Chapter 31

  Jersey and I walk out into the main room with my arms wrapped around her from behind. I can’t stop putting my hands on her belly as annoying as it may be for her. I don’t think I will ever get over the fact that we made this baby.

  “How nice of you to let her leave the room asshole.” Tank grins up at me as I walk with her the rest of the way to the table. I pull out her chair like a fucking gentleman. Yeah, can you believe that shit?

  “Fuck off. She loves bein’ locked in a room with me.” Pulling out the chair next to her I sit while Tank laughs.

  “No one wants to be locked in a fuckin’ room with you that long. Fuckin’ or not.” Cher reaches over and slaps him making everyone laugh.

  We all fill our plates and have one of those family dinners I’ve heard so much about but was never interested in coming to. The guys like to have them sometimes but I always knew they were for the families. I can’t believe that now I’m a part of that.

  “Shut up motherfuckers. I wanna say somethin’ here.” Piper is at the head of the table and even though he doesn’t have a wife or kids, that’s his rightful place.

  We all get quiet as we look up at him.

  “This club has been through the fiery pits of hell and has always come out stronger. I’d like to think these boys do all the work but in reality, it is your old lady’s that keep them sane. Not every brother is cut out for that life. Some of us are better left alone. These men that sit next to you ladies aren’t part of that. They need you. They thrive off the love you give them. These brothers have made so much change in this club. I couldn’t be prouder of where we are today. You people are creatin’ and raisin’ the next generation of Fallen Angels’ and I just want to say that you are doin’ us older brothers proud.” We all cheer as Piper sits back down. I reach over and rub my hand across Jersey’s belly again. I don’t give a shit that I do it all the time, hell that’s mine in there.

  “Well said Piper. We appreciate you just as much. You’re an original and that means a hell of a lot to us.” Creed raises his glass towards Piper and we all follow. Piper’s a good guy that’s been around since the beginning. I remember hearing stories about him and Sharp. That all seems like a distant memory now.

  We all eat and talk just having a good time. The shiver that rolls over my body isn’t a good one, I can feel it. I’ve always had this weird sense of dread when something was going to go wrong. It may not be today but it sure as hell is coming.

  Jersey’s hand comes to rest on my arm as I look over at her.

  “What is it?” Her face has turned serious as she looks at me. I’ve had enough of the bad shit for one night and I don’t plan on telling her what I feel in this moment. I won’t ruin this good time.

  “Nothin’. I just love you is all. You’ve made me so fuckin’ happy and proud. I don’t think anyone will make a better mother than you.” Jersey smiles that heart stopping smile before leaning in and kissing me. The warmth of her spreads through me like a wild fire.

  “You mean the world to me. Maybe fairy tales do come true.” Her lips linger near mine as I smile.

  “This ain’t no fairy tale darlin’ but I’ll be whatever the hell you want me to be.” The words were meant as a tease to get a reaction out of her but the look on her face tells me she took it to heart.

  “I want you to be you, Ryker. The man that found it in his heart to get me out of there. The man that put himself on the line to save me. The man that pisses me off a million times a day but always holds me when I need it. I just want you Ryker.” Her words hit every piece of my heart and soul. This girl holds my world in her hands and she doesn’t even realize it.

  “So does that mean I can fuck you like crazy?” Leaning in close to her ear, I whisper. I don’t miss the shiver that shakes her body either. Even pregnant I want to do things to her that she never thought possible. I want to lick every inch of her body.

  “Only if I get have my way this time.” Pulling back, I look at the smug look on her face. I’ve warned her about that shit but she still wants to test the waters. I wonder what the hell she wants to do to me? Thinking about that, it might not be so bad.

  “I think if you play nicely I just might let you try that out. I’m not sure how long you’ll last darlin’.” Running my tongue across her mouth she parts her lips. Damn it, I want to take her back in that room right now.

  “I think I can handle you. The question is can you handle what I want to do to you?” I think my dick just escaped my jeans. The way she’s talking to me right now, I don’t know if I can handle it. She is challenging me in ways I ne
ver let a woman but Jersey is different. I love her challenges.

  “I think this night is goin’ to get interstin’ yeah?” Jersey’s eyes light up as she smiles. As fast as that sexy girl caught me off guard, she turns back to eat. Lord, I need strength with this one!

  Chapter 32

  “Piper really cares about you guys.” I watch Jersey as she rubs lotion into her soft skin. My eyes travel over her body like they always do. She looks magnificent even pregnant.

  I brought her back home to the apartment after dinner. I don’t want her stuck in the club all the time. She needs space to breathe too.

  “He’s a good guy. He’s like a father to most of the guys here. Basically everyone here as had some kind of a shitty past. He helps us all through that shit for the most part.” Jersey doesn’t even have to look at me to know that my eyes are all over her.

  “Can I ask you something?” She turns those blue eyes on me and I melt. My heart skips a beat every time she looks at me.

  “You know you can ask me anything.” Her smile brightens the room as she walks towards me. Her little tank top rides up and I can see her little belly showing. I don’t know that I can smile any bigger.

  “Why did you try to push me away?” Wrapping my arms around her waist I pull her closer to me, laying my head on her belly before blowing out a breath.

  “I thought you were too young to handle this life. I saw you in that room and I wanted nothin’ more than to get you away from it. I don’t know what I saw in your eyes but I knew I wanted it. I was scared to let my guard down though. I lost a love once and I never wanted to feel that hurt again.” Jersey’s hands tangle in my hair as I place a kiss over my baby.

  “I wouldn’t hurt you, Ryker. You mean everything to me.” Looking up into those teary eyes, I want to lose it. I want nothing more than to make her smile. I never want to see anything but happy tears in her eyes.

  “I know you wouldn’t darlin’. I know that now, I didn’t know it then though.” Jersey leans down pressing her lips to mine. An unspoken promise flows between us. I promise to love and protect her and she promises to never hurt me. No words are needed in this moment.


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