Fallen Angel's MC Box Set

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Fallen Angel's MC Box Set Page 49

by Erin Trejo

  “I didn’t figure she’d still be alive.” It’s like she stole the words right out of my mouth. How can she know that?

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know what the hell to say here.” Anna smiles before she places her hand on my arm.

  “It’s ok. I’ve been looking for years for Bella. I wanted to see if she was ok. There was never much about her in any records, other than a few old doctor visits. That was many years ago though. The trail just kind of went cold after that.” I can see it in her eyes. She’s telling me the truth.

  “Bella showed up a while ago. A friend from another club helped her find me. She’s been with me the rest of this time.” Her smile widens as she gazes up at me.

  “Oh. I can’t believe it! She’s ok? She was ok?” The concern etched across her wrinkled face says it all. She loved that girl.

  “She’s good. She had a rough life.” A tear slides down her cheek before I look away. I know that feeling all too well.

  “I didn’t know what Candy had planned. I should have never helped her. I’m so sorry, to both of you.” Anna turns to walk away when something tugs at me.

  “Do you want to see her?”

  Chapter 25


  Tank walks in with the little old lady wrapped around his arm. It’s a little funny that he’s so damn huge, and she isn’t.

  “Guys. This is Anna. She’s Bella’s great grandma.” Tank announces as we all look at each other. I walk over first, extending my hand to her.

  “Nice to meet you, ma’am.” She smiles up at me with a slight shocked look. Yeah, we have manners sometimes.

  Cher stands there in shock herself before Tank waves her over.

  “Anna, this is my wife. Cher.” Her smile widens before she pulls Cher into a hug. Cher’s eyes widen as she looks at me over Anna’s shoulder. It’s the funniest sight that I’ve ever seen before.

  “It’s so nice to meet you.” I nudge Tank’s arm before I almost lose it. His smile is pure amusement.

  “I’ll go find Bella.” Offering to go before I laugh seemed like the best option I have. I head down the hallway, stopping at her door before knocking.

  “Come in!” She hollers as I shove the door open.

  “What are you doin’ in here?” Smiling at my beautiful niece, I wonder how she’s going to take all of this.

  “Nothing. I was thinking of watching a movie with Griff.” Griff smiles happily in his sister’s arms. I don’t know that I could be any prouder of my niece and nephew. These kids are wonderful.

  “Someone’s here to see you. I was goin’ to let your dad tell you, but I think you should be prepared before you go out there.” Taking on a now serious tone, I look at the confused look in her eyes.

  “Who is it?” Hiking Griff further up her hip, she looks nervous.

  “Your great grandma, Anna.” Shaking her head, she takes a step back.

  “I thought she was dead. My mom, Candy, always told me she was dead. I remember gram. I talked to her on the phone when I was little. One day, it all stopped. Candy never called her anymore.” My heart slams in my chest. Tears fill her eyes. This is killing me.

  I walk toward her before I reach for Griff, but she shakes her head.

  “Bella, let me take Griff.” Shaking her head, she takes a deep breath before looking up at me.

  “I got him. I just can’t believe that she’s alive. How did she find me?” Swiping at her eyes, I put my arm around her shoulder.

  “I don’t know sweetheart, but she seems happy to be here. Are you ok with this?” Bella leans her head against me before sighing.

  “I never thought I’d see her again Creed. I don’t really remember what she looked like, but I remember that sweet voice of hers. She would always tell me she loved me when I’d talk to her on the phone.” Holding Bella tighter, I hope this works out for her.

  “She has your eyes. Those beautiful blue eyes.” Bella giggles before she pulls back and smiles up at me.

  “Thanks Creed.” Kissing her forehead, I lead her out into the hallway.

  “Come on, give me little man.” She smiles up at me before she passes Griff off. I love how protective she is over her brother. She’s an amazing sister.

  “It’ll be ok Bella.” I feel like I need to remind her when she dead stopped in the hallway in front of me.

  “I know.” Without looking back at me, she heads into the main room. I stand off to the side and watch as she makes her way toward her grandma. It’s a beautiful sight to see.

  “This is crazy.” Jada steps up next to me. Looking down at her I nod. This really is a strange event in our world.

  “Yeah, but look at her. Look at the look on her face.” Jada smiles up at me, and I know she’s thinking something.

  “Spit it out darlin’. I can see you thinkin’.” Jada giggles before she sighs.

  “I just miss it you know. I miss having a family like that, and don’t say it Creed. I know you are all my family but you know what I mean.” Sadly, I do know what she means. I miss that aspect of life too.

  “We have all the family we need right here. He’s with us.”

  Chapter 26


  Well if this hasn’t been the strangest week in history, I don’t know what the fuck is. The lake trip was called off, Rit showed up, and now Bella’s grandma has been here. Yeah, in the fucking clubhouse for a week!

  I don’t know how to act. I do have some kind of manners and respect for the elderly, but she is there every time I turn around. I don’t think that old woman sleeps!

  Sneaking out of the room and down the hallway toward the main room, I almost shit myself when she’s standing in front of me.

  “Jesus Christ!” Stopping before I slam into her, she looks up at me.

  “You, young man, have a nasty mouth.” Shaking my head, I don’t know how to respond to that. I’m standing in a pair of sweatpants and no shirt, with an old lady in nothing but a night gown!

  “Yeah, I’ve been told that. Amongst other things.” Stepping to walk around her, her voice catches me off guard.

  “You know about Bella don’t you?” Closing my eyes, I wish I didn’t.

  “How’d you know that?” I don’t need to turn around to know she’s coming over here. I can feel her presence.

  “I see the way you look at her. Her dad doesn’t know. Just you.” Dropping my head, I hate it. I hate knowing and not Tank.

  “How do you know?” Finally turning to look at her she smiles.

  “I paid for the doctor visits. I don’t think Candy realized that all the paperwork came to me. I also knew that she was in remission. That’s changed though, I can see.” Hearing the pain in her voice hurts me. She’s her blood, and she has to live knowing that Bella is dying. I thought I had it hard, but it must be ten times harder for her.

  “How do you deal with it? Knowin’ and not sayin’ anything?” Anna’s hand comes to rest on my arm as she looks up at me.

  “It isn’t our place to say something. She’s a smart girl, always has been. Bella knows what she wants; I have no doubts about that. It’s not hard to deal with, Mr. Ryker. You know in your heart that she is hurting. You don’t want that for her. I don’t either. I’m glad that I’ve had this little time with her though. I can see how much she means to you. I’m sorry that you are going through all of this.” A tear slides down my cheek. Here I am crying like a girl when she isn’t even my blood. Blood isn’t what makes a family though. I know this. Bella is my family.

  “She’s like one of my best friends. She knows me like no one else does. She gets why I am the way I am. Not everyone can do that.” Anna raises her hand to my face before she speaks.

  “Oh that girl of yours, can do that too. I can see it in her eyes, that fire she has. Bella will be fine in her own way. That girl of yours, she needs you. She needs the safety of your arms young man. Don’t fail her.” With that Anna turns and walks away. I don’t move from this spot as I let that sink in.

  She’s rig
ht though. As much as I hate to admit it, Bella will be ok in her way just like Anna said, but Jersey is mine. She’s mine to love, protect, and take care of. She’s my everything.

  I don’t know why I came out to the main room to begin with, but it doesn’t matter. I turn and head back to the room, closing the door quietly.

  Looking into the crib next to our bed, I smile at my little girl. Sleeping so peacefully and securely. She deserves that, she deserves to be at peace, and she deserves to have a safe life.

  “What are you doing, stalking her in her sleep?” Jersey’s voice pulls my attention.

  Reaching in, I pull Ansley’s blanket up over her, making sure she’s tucked in.

  “She’s beautiful. I never knew a baby could be that beautiful. She’s perfect.” Jersey smiles as I walk over to the bed, before climbing on it. Sitting on my knees, I look at her. My wife, my world.

  “Are you ok?” Her big blue eyes beam up at me.

  “I’m perfect.” I cup her cheeks in my hands before pulling her lips to mine. Kissing her gently, I melt into her.

  “I love you more than the air I breathe, Jersey. Without you, my life is nothin’. Before I met you I didn’t know where I belonged, or what I needed to do, but it’s all so clear now.” Her eyes boar into me as she takes in what I’m saying.

  “What’s clear?” Her lips are inches from mine, but I need to tell her this. Watching Bella deteriorate the way she is, it reminds me how precious time is.

  “My life’s clear. You and that little girl, that’s all I want. There will never be anyone else for me. You complete my puzzle. My life was in pieces before I met you. You are the last piece. You fit all the others into place, you hold them all together.” Before I can say anything else, Jersey kisses me roughly.

  She understands me now. She knows what she means to me.

  Chapter 27


  “Pass me that wrench.” Pointing to the pile of tools that now litter every surface of the garage, I can’t help but smile. Everything seems to be coming into place. The garage, the store, and even the club.

  Dusts’ have been quiet for the time being, but I know that will change. Rit knows how to push our buttons and I know he doesn’t walk away easily. He’s a hard headed son of a bitch, much like the rest of us.

  Grabbing the wrench out of Joey’s hand, I work on a bike that was brought in this morning. I must say that we have been picking up good business where we’re at.

  “What do think about Lakewood?” Joey’s question doesn’t make sense to me. What the hell is the boy talking about now?

  “What the fuck is there to think about?” Talking with my cigarette hanging out of my mouth, I keep working.

  “Houses.” Shaking my head, I hope this boy doesn’t think he’s taking my daughter along for that ride.

  “There are a bunch of those.” I try not to look at him. I don’t want to slap him today, but I can. I know what he’s getting at, he’s brought it up around a few of the other guys.

  “Yeah, I know it. I want to buy one.” I hear the chuckle and know it’s Piper, before I ever turn my head.

  “You know about this shit Piper?” Hearing him cough, I know I caught him off guard. He knew. Damn asshole!

  “I may have heard a few things.” Piper chuckles as Joey squats down next to me. Glancing over, I can see the now serious look on his face.

  “I want things to be right with me and Bella. She means the world to me.” Dropping my head, I knew this was coming. I knew it, and I don’t like it, one fucking bit.

  “She’s too young for all that shit don’t you think?” I hear him huff. I don’t need to turn to look at him either, he’s mad.

  “I don’t think so. I’m askin’ her anyway, Tank. I don’t need your damn approval; I was just hopin’ you’d understand.” Joey drops the other tools to the floor before pushing himself up and walking away.

  “Fuckin’ hell.” Mumbling to myself, Piper takes up the spot that Joey just left.

  “He’s a good kid, Tank. He’ll do right by Bella if you give him the chance.” Tilting my head to the side, I look over at Piper.

  “She’s too young for that shit Piper. She’s a kid, she doesn’t need one.” He knows what I mean. She doesn’t need to end up like I did. Too young to realize that you need to be a parent.

  “She isn’t like you and Candy, brother. Don’t take that shit wrong either, but that girl is smart. She knows her limits.” Piper stands and walks away leaving me to contemplate that. She isn’t like Candy. She knows the hell she lived through at the hands of her mother. I have no doubt in my mind that she knows her rights from wrongs.

  “You ok?” Creed strolls in looking me over before I set the tools on the floor.

  Pushing myself up, I look at him.

  “No. Joey asked me about houses for him and Bella.” Creed raises his eyebrows before taking a step back. He wants to laugh; I can see it in his eyes.

  “What did you say?” The amusement is clear on his face now. Asshole.

  “I said I didn’t think it was a good idea. Little fucker said he was askin’ her anyway. I don’t like this shit Creed.” His laughter erupts out of nowhere. I’m glad this is funny.

  “Oh hell. She’s growin’ up Tank. She ain’t a baby.” Did he really?

  “She’s my baby. Goddamn I just got her; I don’t want to lose her again.” Creed takes a step toward me before putting his hand on my shoulder.

  “You’re not losin’ her. You’re her dad.” Shaking my head, I feel like I am. Something inside of me says I am.

  “I feel it Creed. I’m losin’ her. I don’t know how, but I am.” Creed drops his hand before running it over his face.

  “What do you think it’s about?” Shaking my head, I have no idea.

  “I don’t know brother; I feel it though.”

  Chapter 28


  The world spins us in new directions every day. We never know what way that may be but with family, it doesn’t matter. At least not to me.

  Every day is a challenge we must face. I’ve worked hard to keep this club running smoothly. To keep it legit for these kids for the future.

  “Pass me that crate.” Pointing to the crate on the floor, Jada bends over to get. Of course I sneak a peek at her ass. I’m a man.

  Jada smiles as she passes me the crate full of liquor bottles. I want nothing more than to bend her over that crate.

  “Stop looking at me like that.” Jada giggles before I set the crate down, dragging her body against me.

  “You look so damn good.” Kissing her neck, I hear the bells of the front door but I don’t look up. Not until I hear bottles crashing to the ground.

  Shoving Jada behind me, I glance around.

  “Do you know what the fuck you just started?” Growling between my teeth, I stare Rit down. He and a few of his boys stand in front of me smiling like they have lost their fucking minds.

  “I came to make another offer. I’ve decided that I want to run all of Willows. I’ve been thinking about shit, yeah? You boys don’t like to share, and well, I’m tired of askin’.” Fire rages through my veins. I want nothing more than to snap this assholes neck, but not now. It isn’t the time for that.

  “Willows is off limits. You know that.” Shaking his head, he glares at me.

  “So you said. I told you I reconsidered. I want all of Willows and I’ll leave these little stores of yours alone.” He’s pushing my buttons, and I’m letting him. My nerves are on edge and I want to lose it. I want to, but it’s only me and Jada here.

  “You don’t want this war. I promise you, we out number you RIt. Don’t make it into a war.”

  RIt grins that evil grin he has. My heart picks up as I look at him. I want to shoot the motherfucker right here in the store.

  “I’m warnin’ you. This is the last chance I’m givin’ you. Get the fuck out of my store, and stay the hell away.” Taking a step toward him, he shoves off another case of bottles. The crashing
glass just sets me off.

  I lose it. I fly toward him knocking him to the floor. Punching each other, I feel hands on me before I hear Jada scream. My heart thunders in my chest right before I hear the gun go off.

  Reaching for mine, I drag myself up only to realize I was the one that was bleeding. Jada screams something into her phone as I stumble backward. Rit and his guys quickly run out the front door before Jada’s at my side.

  “Creed! Shit! The guys are coming.” Her hands roam over my stomach and up to my chest as she looks for the cause of the bleeding. She’s frantic, and it is kind of funny.

  “I’m ok, sweetheart. It just startled me.” Her hands are yanking up my shirt but I can’t do anything but smile.

  “Shit, where is it?” Her hands dart around before I reach up and grip them in mine.

  “Jada, I’m fine.” Pulling her hands out of my shirt I pull her against me.

  “No, you’re shot!” My lips press against hers, stealing my breath away.

  “Jada, I’m ok. Let me go check outside.” I try to move her but she holds me in place. Her eyes wander over me as she tries to assess if I’m really ok.

  Sliding my hands up to her cheeks, I force her to look me in the eyes.

  “I’m ok. It’s a not as bad as it looks.”

  “Goddamn Creed! This shit scares the hell out of me.” Her tears wet my skin as I hold her face in my hands. I hate this for her, but this is why I didn’t want her working in the store to begin with. This just seals the deal.

  Chapter 29


  We pull into the liquor store parking lot and instantly spot Creed leaning against the building smoking. Figures, that dumb ass would be smoking after getting shot.


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