Celestial navigation, 110
Celmins, Vija, 197
Celtic Sea, 145
Chabotto, Zuan, 283n
Challenge clipper ship, 300 f
Challenger (ship), 126n
Challenger expedition, 126, 135–40
Charts, navigation, 101–4, 110, 129 f, 142–43. See also Maps
Chemical pollution, 357–58, 390
Chestnuts, 269–70
Chichester, Francis, 203
Chilean sea bass (Patagonian toothfish), 362–63, 378, 384–86, 389
Chisholm, Penny, 430–31
Chlorophyll, 429 f, 430
Christianity, 72–73, 78n, 86, 215–20, 230–31
Churchill, Winston, 17–18, 247, 262, 264–65, 278n
Circulation, ocean, 123. See also Currents
Cities, oceanside, 171–92, 412–18, 426–27
Civil War, U. S., 247–50
Clarke, Arthur C., 33–34
Clephan, James, 246
Climate change
global warming and (see Global warming)
human impacts on, 402–7
ozone depletion and, 438–40
scandal about science of, 408n
Clipper ships, 300 f
Clouds, cargo shipping lanes and, 348–49
Cnut, King, 214
Coastlines, 124, 322–23. See also Cities, oceanside
Coca, 84n, 90
Cod. See Atlantic cod
Cogs (shifts), 278
Colam Cille, 153
Columbia (ship), 126n
Columbus, Bartholomew, 175–76
Columbus, Christopher, 75, 77, 84–91, 115, 165, 217
Columbus Day, 77, 88–89
Commerce, 273–328
as American motivation for expeditions, 123–24, 126–27
casualties and accidents at sea, 322–27
commercial air transport, 329–45
degradations of (see Degradations)
early commercial fishing and whaling, 280–90
Hanseatic League and rules of trade, 275–80
Iceland’s first true parliamentary democracy, 273–75
packet ships and cargo shipping, 290–301
passenger transport, 314–21
trade routes, 319 f
transatlantic communication, 301–14
Commerce raiders, German, 257–64
Communication, transatlantic, 131–32, 301–14
Community, Atlantic, 19–20, 301–2
Compass, 112
Congo River, 146
Conqueror (ship), 268
Conquistadors, Spanish, 218–20
Conrad, Joseph, 205
Consensus politics, 413
Constitution (ship), 243n, 246–47
Container shipping, 350–52. See also Cargo shipping
Continents, 37–42, 179–80
Convoys, 242–43, 264–66
Cook, James, 126n, 383
Cooper, Peter, 305
Coral Sea, 21
Coriolis force, 424
Corryvreckan whirlpool, 160–61
Côrte-Real, Miguel and Gaspar, 92
Cortés, Hernán, 218–20
Cotton, 293–95
Countersubmarine warfare, 264–66, 268–71
Courier (ship), 297
Cretaceous period, 46
“Crossing the pond” phrase, 15n, 332
Crow, Hugh, 233
Crowhurst, Donald, 203, 205, 327
Cullinery, John, 378
Cumbre Vieja volcano, 435–36
Cunard, Samuel, 263, 315–16
Moroccan, 51–52
Spanish, 87n
Currents, 114–15, 123, 401, 434. See also Gulf Stream
Current sailing technique, 110
Cyanide pollution, 358
Cyclical hurricane patterns, 426
Cyclogenetic regions, 424
Cyclones, 423n
Cynewulf, 158
da Cunha, Tristan, 112
Da Gama, Vasco, 112
d’Albuquerque, Alfonso, 112
Dana, Richard Henry, 201
Darling, Grace, 327
Darwin, Charles, 124–26
Davis Strait, 410
Dead zone, 344–45
Debussy, Claude, 195–96
Decker, George, 80–81
Deepwater Horizon oil drilling platform, 403
Defoe, Daniel, 225, 413
Degradations, 329–93. See also Global warming
British efforts to counter, in South Atlantic fishery, 378–89
Rachel Carson’s writing about, 353–56
chemical pollution, 357–58
from commercial air transport, 345–48
from commercial cargo shipping, 348–53
commercial air transport and, 329–45
consequences of, in Scotland, 389–92
humankind’s disrespectful attitudes toward Atlantic Ocean and, 330–34
humankind’s evolving attitudes and, 392–93
oil spills, 403–4
overfishing, 358–78 (see also Overfishing)
radioactive pollution, 355–57
De la Cosa, Juan, 92–93
de León, Ponce, 115–16
Delius, Frederick, 195
de Magalhães, Fernão, 112–14
Demersal fish, 281
Denmark, 29–33, 419
Density, ocean, 132–33, 306
Depot of Charts and Instruments, 130
Depth charges, 264
Diaz, Bartholomew, 112
Dickens, Charles, 299, 305n
Dimethyl sulfide, 428–29
Discovery. See Explorations; Scientific investigations
Discovery (ship), 126n
Doldrums, 121
Dolphin Rise, 131
Dönitz, Karl, 264–65
Donne, John, 169
Dorada (ship), 389
Dories (boats), 365–67
Dorset culture, 83, 85
Double (term), 110
Drake Passage, 411
Dreadnoughts (ships), 253
Dredges and sledges, 136–37
Dried fish, 282–83
Dugouts, 62, 91
Duke of York slave brand, 234
Dumas, Alexandre, 281
Dummer, Edmund, 291
Dunedin Star shipwreck, 450–59
Dürer, Albrecht, 164
Dye, purple, 51–53, 66–68
Eannes, Gil, 109–14
Earth, 33–37. See also Continents; Plate tectonics
Earthquakes, 40–42, 432–34. See also Seismic activity
Eastbound air travel tracks, 342
East German factory fishing ships, 383–84
East Sea, 143n
Ecology (term), 135
Edison, Thomas, 312–14
Edward VII, King, 314
Egypt, 84n, 90
Elgar, Edward, 194–95
Elizabeth, Queen, 3 f, 12
Ellis Island, 179
Emiliana huxleyi algae, 428–29
Emma Maersk (ship), 351
Empress of Britain (ship), 1–12, 364–65
Endangered species, 359–61, 363. See also Overfishing
Endeavor (ship), 126n
Engines, aircraft, 346–47
England. See Great Britain
English Channel, 102, 145, 241–42, 335, 357
Entalik (ship), 396–98
Environmental movement, 354, 359–61, 384
Envisat satellite, 348–49
Epics, 158–59
Eriksson, Leif, 76–85, 89–90
Essaouira, Morocco, 43–44, 67–68, 239
Essays, 158–59
Etendeka Traps, 47
Ethiopian Ocean name, 96
air transport to and from, 330–32
art of, 163–67
literature of, 167–70
migration to New World from, 316–21
music of, 192–96
Europe (cont.)<
br />
New World explorations from (see Explorations)
Viking raids on, 212–15
Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs), 372n
Exeter Book, 154–58
Explorations, 51–97. See also Ships
Arab, 70
Christopher Columbus and Spanish discovery of New World, 85–90
first cultures and first boats and, 60–62
first mapping and naming of New World and Atlantic Ocean, 91–97
human settlement on African Atlantic shores, 23–24, 54–60
hypothetical, by pre-Columbian Native Americans, 90–91
Irish, 71–75
Minoan, 62–63
Phoenician, 51–53
Phoenician trade in purple murex dye, 62–69
Roman, 69–70
scientific (see Scientific investigations)
Viking and Norsemen, 70–71
Viking discovery of, and settlement in New World, 75–85
Extinctions, 40, 44. See also Endangered species
Extroversion, 443
Eyjafjoll volcano, 46, 343, 437
Eyring, Dr. Veronika, 348–49
Factory fishing ships, 368–71, 383–84
Faerie Queen, The (epic), 168
Fairtry (ship), 370
Falkland Islands, 379–81, 411
Falklands War, 207–11, 266–68, 383n
Falmouth, England, 291–92, 311–14
Faroe Islands, 29–33, 36, 73–75
Fastnet Rock, 5, 6 f
Female pirates, 225–26
Fermor, Patrick Leigh, 436
Fernández, Alejo, 164–65
Field, Cyrus W., 131–32, 303–10
First World War, 251–56
Fischer, Josef, 78n
Fisher, Jack, 252–55, 262
Fisheries. See also Fishing; Overfishing
certification of, as sustainable, 362
collapse of Grand Banks, 364–78
management of South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, 378–89
overfishing of, 358–63
Fishing. See also Fisheries; Overfishing
Atlantic cod and, 280–83
fish farms, 391
Hanseatic League and, 277–80
pirates of, in South Atlantic, 386–89
Fitzroy, Robert, 125
Flags, 223, 244–46, 268
Flemish Cap, 1, 9–11, 17, 283–90, 365, 371–72
Floating structures, 415
Flooding, rising sea levels and, 411–18
Florida, 116, 422
Flow cytometers, 430
Flying Dutchman (music), 194
Folin, Marquis Léopold de, 141
Food, human, 55–56, 276. See also Fishing; Seafood
Forfarshire (ship), 327
Forts, slave. See Slave castles
Fossil fuels, 406
France, 167, 196, 214–15, 242–46, 283–84
Franklin, Benjamin, 117 f, 118–20, 123–24, 292
Franklin stove, 118n
Freight railway, 295n
French, Daniel Chester, 179–80
Friends of the Earth, 347
Frobisher, Martin, 134
aviation, 346–48
cargo ship, 353
fossil, and global warming, 406
oil as, 252n
Fuerteventura Island, 106
Fur-sealing, 126–27
Gaia theory, 432
Galloi ships, 64–65
Gander, Newfoundland, 12–13, 342–43
Gander Oceanic Control Center, 343
Gases, greenhouse. See Greenhouse gases
General Belgrano (ship), 267–68
Genoese traders, 70
Geographica (book), 72
Geography, 120
Geological record, 37–38
George, David Lloyd, 269–71
factory fishing ships of East, 383–84
Hanseatic League of, 277–80
Vinland map and Nazi, 78n
World War I and, 253–56
World War II and, 257–66, 268–70
Ghana, 227–30, 232–34
Gibraltar, 173–74
Gilbert, W. S., 194
Gill nets, 368
Glaciers, 57–58, 405, 410
Global warming
air transport and, 346–48
Rachel Carson’s writing about, 354–55
changing ice patterns from, 395–402
commercial cargo shipping and, 348–50, 352–53
human impacts on, 402–7
hurricanes and changing weather patterns from, 417–27
photosynthetic bacteria and, 427–32
previous periods of, 412
rising sea levels and consequences of, 407–18
scandal about science of, 408n
Glorious First of June battle, 242–46, 251
Goethe, Johann von, 194
Gore, Al, 410n
Gough Island, 438–40
Governors Island, 179
Graf Spee (ship), 257–60
Grand Banks, 283–90, 364–78, 434
Grand Manan, New Brunswick, 43
Great Britain
art of, 167
Bermuda as colony of, 152
circumnavigation of, 69
Falklands War and, 207–11, 266–68, 383n
literature of, 24–27, 149–52, 154–58, 168–69, 200–201
management of South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands fishery of, 378–89
motivations of, for Atlantic Ocean exploration, 123–24
naval warfare of, and Trafalgar Battle, 240–46
passenger liners of, 186
pirate warfare and, 226–29
radioactive waste of, 356–57
Roman invasion of, 211–12
slave trade and, 221–22, 230–39
transatlantic cable and, 305–10
War of 1812 of, 246–47
whaling by, 286–87, 383
World War I and, 251–56
World War II and, 257–66, 268–71
Great Drowning of Men, flood of 1362, 413
Great Outer Sea name, 35
Great Storm of 1703, 413
Great War (World War I), 251–56
Great West Sea name, 20, 49, 96
Green fuels, 347
Greenhouse gases, 346–48, 406, 432
Greenland, 45n, 395–402, 405, 410
Greenland Saga, 158–59
Greenpeace, 347, 362–63
Gruinard Island, 390
Guinea Current, 109
Gulf of Guinea, 145
Gulf of Mexico, 145–47, 403
Gulf Stream (painting), 198
Gulf Stream
Agulhas Leakage and, 439
Prince Albert’s map of, 141–42
collision of Labrador Current and, 9, 283
discovery and mapping of, 114–20
Benjamin Franklin’s map of, 117 f, 292n
hurricanes and, 425
hypothetical Native American voyage to Ireland on, 91
investigation of, 123
Gunnery, naval, 240–41, 251–52
Gyres, Atlantic Ocean, 49, 142, 438–39
Halifax, Nova Scotia, 265n, 292
Hamilton, Bermuda, 150–52
Hand-lining, 368
Hanseatic League, 277–80
Harmattan winds, 111, 121
Harold, King, 214–15
Harpooning, 286
Hawker, Harry, 337
Heathrow Airport, 12, 14, 329, 340
Henry the Navigator, 111–12
Herodotus, 67n, 96
Heroism, 327, 449–56
Himilco the Carthaginian, 69
Hippoi boats, 67
Hirondelle (ship), 141
Hispaniola, 87n, 175–77, 217–18
Histories, The (book), 96
HMS Pinafore (opera), 194
Holland. See Netherlands
Homer, 35
Homer, Wi
nslow, 24, 197–99
Homeward Bound (painting), 198
Honduras, 88
Hooke, Robert, 121–22
Horsford, Eben, 80
Howe (ship), 247
Howe, Richard, 242–43
Hughes, Richard, 205
disrespect of Atlantic Ocean by, 330–34, 345, 353, 389–92, 403–4 (see also Degradations)
evolution of attitudes of, toward Atlantic Ocean, 13–15, 18–21
first cultures and first boats of, 60–62 (see also Explorations)
human genome and genetic record of, 61
limited knowledge of, about Atlantic Ocean, 427–28
management of Atlantic Ocean by, 378–89, 392–93
relationship of, to Atlantic Ocean, 447–49
settlements of, on African Atlantic shores, 23–24, 54–60
seven stages of life of, and this book about Atlantic Ocean and, 25–27
Humpback whales, 383
HURDAT project, 426
Hurd Deep, 357
Hurricanes, 151–52, 403–4, 417–27
Huxley, T. H., 135
Hydrography, 99–104, 120
Iapetus Ocean, 39, 42
Icebergs, 409–10
Iceland, 46, 158–59, 273–75, 343, 410, 437
Icesheets and ice caps, 395–402, 405–6, 408–12
Iguazu Falls, 47
Ilhéu das Rôlas, 145
Immigrant (term), 317n
Immigration, 13, 177, 316–21
Impressionism, 196
Incas, 162
Indian Ocean, 34, 107, 146, 409, 423n, 433–34, 439–40
Indies, 86–87, 216–17
Ingstad, Helge, 80–82
In Hazard (book), 205
Inishtrahull Island, 7–8
Institute for Atmospheric Physics, 348n
Institutions, oceanographic, 140–45
Insurance, 235, 322, 436
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 404–5
Intermodal shipping, 350–52. See also Cargo shipping
International Atomic Energy Agency, 356
International Hydrographic Organization, 100–104, 142–43, 409
International laws. See Laws
International trade. See Trade
Introversion, 443
Ireland, 71–73, 90–91, 153–54, 337–38
Ireland’s teardrop, 5, 6 f
Irish Sea, 7, 357
Iron battleships, 252–55
Ironclad ships, 247–51
Iron curtain speech, 278n
Isla de Los Estados, 128, 444–47
Islam, 215–16
formation of, 46–47
phantom, 134
Islas Malvinas, 210. See also Falkland Islands
Israel, 268–71
Italy, 167, 194. See also Romans
Ittoqqortoormiit fjord, 398–402
James Monroe (ship), 296–97
Jamestown, St. Helena, 175 f, 187–92
Jamestown, Virginia, 151–52
Jan Mayen Island, 46, 47n, 286
Japan, 143n, 363, 383–84, 389
Japan Airlines, 347
Jericho, 61
Jet-A kerosene fuel, 346
Jet stream, 341
John F. Kennedy Airport, 14, 340–41
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