by Roze
Please. Nothing writing related right now/ Endless edits? Query letters to send?/ Please. I don't want to write, but can't see how/ The vacuum won't get to me. I avow/ To stick this out until the sullen end/ Please. Nothing writing related right now/ This page an attacker through which I plow/ Protecting self lucidity; I defend/ Please. I don't want to write but can't see how/ This discomfort a torture I allow/ I will tend to the ends which I intend/ Please. Nothing writing related right now/ I cannot remove my palm from my brow/ They said I would rise. I only descend..../ Please. I don't want to write but can't see how/ Looking at this pen I must disavow/ Looking at this pen I need to transcend/ Please. Nothing writing related right now/ Please. I don't want to write, but can't see how