The Embers of Phoenix (The Inferno Pack Book 1)

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The Embers of Phoenix (The Inferno Pack Book 1) Page 10

by AJ Blackburn

  “What?” I shoot at him, folding my arms protectively around myself.

  He shakes his head. “Nothing at all. I was just watching your inner struggle written all over your face. Trying to talk mind-to-mind with your pack or mate won’t work.” He shrugs, like I should have already known this information.

  “I…I don’t have a mate.” My voice is quiet and tinged in sadness admitting that. I look to the floor, shuffling my feet a little, composing myself again.

  “No, not a mate.” Ryder had said the same. I know I’d seen four paw prints on my side, but seriously come on, I could not have more than one mate, though how much fun would that be? I know it did happen, but it’s so rare, there’s no way I would be so lucky. However, the only one that had found me, was now gone. I give myself a shake and take a deep steadying breath, I do not want to go there! Fuck it, I swallow my pride, I need to know things.

  “Well, are you going to tell me the answers?” I demand.

  “Answers to what, sweetheart?” His smug face looks back at me, mock questioning.

  “OH. MY. GOD. You annoying idiot, you said we don’t have long to talk, how about starting there?” If he’s going to be an arse, I’ll be one right back. Now he’s smiling, and I hate that there‘s bars between us right now. I also hate that I think that. Not a single male has had such an effect on me in all my life and now two seriously hot males have reduced me to puddles of need. What is wrong with me?

  “The vents you see on the walls around us filter in a concoction that stops us shifting back to our human skin, they lower the dose for a few hours each day. The walls of this room are made with wolfsbane in the mixture, stopping us from using our telepathy to the outside world. As for what they want with us, it’s to sell us to the highest bidder, but their alchemist friends haven’t perfected an elixir to sell with us yet, so we are kind of their guinea pigs for now. Used to test their elixirs on until they have perfected them. You see they want us to obey their every command; shift when told, come, stay, sit, run, attack, you get the picture. They want to sell us as obedient dogs, but even a domesticated dog has free will, they don’t want us to have that, they want us more like living breathing robots, to use us as guards. I wasn’t captured alone.” His eyes shift to the floor and he takes a deep breath. Oh God, he’s going to tell me his mate was here with him, and no matter how much of an arse he has been, it doesn’t stop my heart breaking for him. He looks back up at me seemingly composed.

  “Mia, my sister, once stood where you do now.” Sorrow fills his voice, and it bleeds into my heart. His eyes shift to outside our cages. I follow his gaze to the chains hanging from the walls, silver manacles with spikes on the inside hang from the chains and a set for ankles lie strewn on the floor below. The silver metal is stained with dried brown blood, Mia’s blood. My stomach twists and bile burns my throat with the realisation.

  Panic, hatred, anger, and a need for vengeance pumps and ripples through my body and blood. It’s obvious what happened, Mia had been chained there and she had died. No, she had been murdered, right in front of his eyes. There’s no way he could have gotten to her. My heart didn’t just break for him now, it shattered. What if I’d had to watch Ember being tortured and then killed, and I’d been powerless to do a single thing. No wonder he is the way he is, this is obviously the only way he has been able to cope, closing himself off.

  When I look back to Elliot the first bit of real emotion I have seen on him is evident, it leaks down one cheek. One single tear. I start to say how sorry I am, but I felt the change shudder through me. I close my eyes trying to fight it, desperate to keep talking to this male.

  Opening my eyes again, I see the broken, lonely wolf opposite me through new eyes. He’s looking back, the single tear making its track down his fur before dripping off his jaw, splashing on the floor, the sound too loud in this room of desolation.

  Sneaking out of our territory is going well, right until I hear a voice. “And where are you going?” The voice belongs to Jordan. Damn. “And who is he?” He points a finger at Ryder, while stalking out of the forest towards us. Ryder’s nostrils flare. Double damn. I hadn’t even thought about the fact that Jordan will possibly smell of Phoenix considering how long they have been sleeping together. Heck, this is not good.

  “Hey, Jordan. This is one of Hunter’s friends, he is helping us… He’s doing some computer things…” Gosh I’m no good at this thinking on the spot. Jordan comes closer and I can feel the ripples of tension coming from both males as they size each other up, they all but flop their cocks out in a dick measuring competition. Jordan has no chance if he thinks he can take on Ryder, but I also don’t want anything to kick off, we don’t need the attention of anyone else in the pack. Widening my eyes at Hunter I then glare at him because he clearly thinks this is all very amusing, freaking childish boy. What is it with males of any species thinking that fighting is great?

  “Yes, come on Ryder, we will get you back to your car. See you, Jordan,” Hunter says around a smirk that I want to wipe off his face. He’s going to give us away.

  “Ryder? That’s not a name I’ve heard from the Galaxy pack before.” Jordan’s accusing tone is laced with suspicion. I try to carry on walking away pulling Ryder with me, but the male is like a train, I’m not moving him anywhere. He stares down Jordan, anger rolling off him.

  “Who are you to Phoenix?” Ryder asks. Oh, and I’m the one who blurts shit out? Jordan’s mouth curves up at that, knowing he has Ryder riled up. This is a sly side I haven’t seen on Jordan before. He’s always been cocky, but he looks different here, almost calculated.

  “Hmm, well, I fuck her if that’s what you are asking.” The glint in his eyes is egging Ryder to challenge him. It works, Ryder’s hand shoots out and grips Jordan around the throat.

  “I take it you don’t want her fucked by other people?” Jordan wheezes out, still trying to mock Ryder. Rage is pulsing around Ryder and clogging the air with powerful vibes. His hand squeezes tighter, but Jordan is still smiling at him, what is his problem? Hunter is at Ryder’s side in mere moments.

  “Ryder, you need to calm down, he’s baiting you. You are a wolf on his territory that he doesn’t know. You need to let him go if we are to get out of here. Quickly. Because we have things to do.” Hunter’s last sentence breaks through Ryder’s rage haze. He blinks and then releases Jordan, who staggers back and takes a few deep breaths as he rubs his throat.

  “You won’t touch her again. Do you hear me?”

  Jordan just laughs and swaggers away as he calls out over his shoulder. “That’s her decision, wolf, but she normally begs me. Just remember that the next time you're deep inside that tight hot pussy of hers.” Ryder launches after him but Hunter and I both grab an arm each, digging our heels into the earth to stop him.

  “I don’t like him.” Ryder’s tone is filled with anger, and his body shakes with the rage that craves to go after Jordan.

  “Not many people do, I wouldn’t worry. But you can choose to go after him and challenge him, or we can go find my sister, your mate.” I leave the words hanging in the air for him to decide what to do. I just hope he chooses to save Phoenix and not pointlessly fight over her.

  “No, it’s not just that he slept with Phoenix. I feel he’s hiding something.” That’s a strange thing for him to say, I think to myself. Jordan is a total shit and a player, but I’ve never seen him as anything but a pack mate. He’d arrived just after the time of something terrible that had happened to Phoenix and me, well more me, but Phoenix had been my saviour that horrid day. Jordan had been a scared, orphaned little boy. Phoenix and I had grown up with him. He had always wanted Phoenix. Dane had often thought they might have been mates but nothing had come of it. Jordan had left for college and returned a total player, but didn’t most lads do that? Phoenix had grabbed onto those reins quickly; he was easy for her. She didn’t need to feel guilty for not returning any affection because neither of them wanted that. I don’t know what’s gone on
between Ryder and Phoenix while they have been together, but it’s obvious he has managed to weave his way into her solid walls, maybe not all the way in yet, but he’s on his way.

  Driving in the car a while later I was just thinking how Ryder’s statement about our territory is true, other than meeting Jordan, we didn’t see another soul while leaving. Our territory isn’t well guarded, that fact had never bothered me before now. When we get back, we have to make our father put in more security measures. Maybe Ryder could be part of it. Oops, is that me giving my sister’s mate a new job, instead of his lone wolf lifestyle. Whoops a daisy, naughty me.

  “Do you know where we’re going?” I ask from the back seat.

  “We are going back to the cottage to pick up the scents of the hunters. They took her in a van, I tried following their trail to the other side of the woods, but until they attacked us, they had no scent. I’m presuming their alchemist friends have something to do with it.” His grip tightens on the wheel.

  “We will find her, don’t worry.” Hunter’s voice holds so much assurance that it’s impossible for me to not believe his words. If I’m not mistaken, by the slight relaxing of his shoulders, Ryder feels the same.

  Pulling up a while later at the cute little thatched cottage, I couldn’t help but smile. It’s so nice, like a sweet little couple would grow old together here. Walking out to the back however, that thought dies a sudden death. The smell of blood is thick in the air, torn bodies littered the floor, like a massacre had taken place. I put a hand to my stomach as it flips and I swallow the bile rising in my throat, but it still makes me gag.

  “We need to build a fire and burn the bodies,” Hunter says to Ryder as he comes over to me and pulls my hand from my face. Nope, I need it back or I’m going to gag again. I just stand there frozen before the horrific sight. “Baby, go wait in the house if you don’t want to see this.” His hand strokes down my cheek trying to pull my eyes from the blood bath before me.

  “It’s not the dead that scare me so much, Hunter. It’s the fact that this is how many they sent to capture my twin. Ryder, how did you make it to our cabin?” My question is rhetorical, I just can’t imagine the fear Phoenix must have felt trying to get to her mate in all this chaos. Thinking about it forms a lump in my throat and I try to swallow it down. I need rage, I pull on my rage. Hunter feels the change in my body and turns my face to his. His mouth locks over mine in a fierce kiss, grounding me back to the situation.

  “Go make drinks while we sort out this mess, then we can make a plan of what to do.” His kiss is lighter this time, and he taps my arse as I turn to go back into the cottage.

  I’m back to my pacing. Elliott has his head resting on his crossed paws just watching me, this seems to be our default setting. I suppose he has been here for a while, so I’m good entertainment. God my heart still bleeds for him. I keep having flashing images of Ember in those shackles. I shake them off quickly each time, this place could send you mad in no time.

  You will wear a groove in the floor you know. I stop dead and turn slowly to face Elliott.

  I didn’t think this worked? I send back, he shoots to his feet.

  It doesn’t, it never has before. I…I don’t know how it’s working. His mind’s voice is filled with bewilderment, and is that a little bit of hope? I walk over to the bars between us, sticking my muzzle as far through the bars as I can. Levelling him with a look.

  Who are you, Elliott? I need to know. I need reassurance that when I finally come up with a plan to get out that he will help me.

  Not the person I once was. It’s like trying to get blood out of a stone with him. I suppose I was no better though.

  Do you know how long you have been here? I try coaxing him to talk to me, to open up just a little.

  Around six months, I’m guessing .

  Is your pack not looking for you?

  No, I was banished before I could take over the position of Alpha. My sister left with me, my parents were killed by hunters before we moved to my old pack. The information is flowing now, I don’t want it to stop, but I don’t want to push him too far.

  I’m sorry for what happened to Mia. I will do all in my power to help you avenge her. These humans need to pay for their hideous crimes. My voice rings strong.

  So, are you already an Alpha, Phoenix? What? What is he on about, I’m no Alpha!

  My father is the Alpha of the Inferno pack. I inform him.

  Argh, I see. So, you’re Phoenix Delamore? Strange, I thought, not many packs knew our personal names, they just knew us as Inferno. This wolf knows a lot if he knows who I am. His golden eyes bore into me.

  They kept calling you the white wolf. Least I’ve finally gotten to meet you, Phoenix.

  Even in my head my name on his voice sends a shiver rippling through my body. Deep and masculine with just a hint of teasing to it.

  We need a plan Elliott, we must get out of here.

  The white wolf who stands before me is everything I’ve ever dreamt of and so much more. She is power, lethal muscle, precision, and seduction all packed into one perfect little body. The moment those fuckers dragged her limp body in and dumped her next to me, I felt the solid walls I’d built crumble away. A strange connection blasted through me, restoring the hope I’d lost. But I don't want to let on to Phoenix that we might have a chance of getting out of here. Being stoic and void of emotion will be the best way forward for me. I just hope that I can keep my emotions towards her locked tightly away so she doesn’t pick up on them. I cannot let on who she is to me. She’s already lost one mate, I cannot have her find another, only to lose me too. I know she is mine, the need to have her and protect her, it feels like electricity clashing together inside of me, trying it's hardest to break free.

  I also don’t want to daunt her with any declarations of how I feel about her. Scaring an already frightened wolf would not be a good move. Phoenix might be acting tough right now, and from what I’ve heard she certainly has fight, but I don’t think she realises the terrible things that come with locking up a wild wolf and what it can do to them. I'm not sure she realises just how brutal hunters are.

  Fear is the path to darkness, I’ve walked it alone, I do not wish for Phoenix to walk it at all.

  For now, I’ll tell her all she needs to know.

  I’m losing track of time and I need to see the daylight, to feel the earth beneath my feet and my paws, and I so yearn for a lung full of clean fresh air. The dank, putrid air in this room makes me want to retch constantly.

  Each morning and evening, I presume, while Elliott and I are trapped in our wolf skins, some gnarly old man comes in and blasts our cages out with a power hose. It hurts like fuck as he thinks it funny to chase us around with it too, then he throws in a chunk of meat each and leaves again. Well some fucking hospitality that is, though I suppose at least it is food and a clean slab of concrete to lie on. Thank God there’s automatic water drinkers in the corners, no matter what the water is laced with, it can’t be any worse than the air we are breathing. I’m no closer to thinking of a way out of here, and Elliott doesn’t say much, he just watches me mostly.

  If there is a Hell on Earth, we have been dumped in it. It makes me sick to my stomach and frightens me each time I think about how many other shifters could be in the same situation or worse than we are. My hatred for these monsters grows with each hour that passes.

  The door bangs open and we both shoot to our paws. Gnarly had already been in a short while ago, so who is this? My answer comes as Belmont, Gus, dip shit, and dumb fuck, enter the room followed by a new face, this one a woman. She is tall, thin and walks like she has a stick up her arse. It’s clear that she is all business. Her fiery red hair is pulled back into a tight, low ponytail that detracts from its beautiful colour. She is wearing black rimmed glasses, perched on the end of her slightly large nose and her lips are pursed, almost like she is disgusted at us. The white coat she’s wearing gives her a doctor vibe and she wheels in a metal trolley that�
�s filled with all kinds of lotions and potions, not to mention the scary ass looking needles. That’s when it occurs to me that she isn’t a doctor, she must be one of the alchemists that the hunter’s are working with. Her eyes run over me like she can tell I have just worked out who she is, and there’s a glint in them. Whatever experiment they have planned for today, it’s clear I’m their test subject.

  Elliott pushes against me through the bars, his teeth bared like my own and we are both letting out a low growl. I try hard to stop the pounding of my heart, but it’s audible to my own ears as it pelts inside my ribs. My heart rate will never slow down if I keep imagining all the things this evil bitch wants to do to me.

  “This time, Gus, make sure this bitch is muzzled correctly. If teeth come near me again, I will not be happy, and I may just slip one of these needles into you instead.” The woman’s voice is void of emotion, she just delivers it as a monotone statement.

  “Don’t worry, Cassandra, this one has less fight in it,” Gus assures her. One of his goons lets out a chuckle and the other goon elbows the first in the ribs making him grunt. Cassandra gives Gus a look that makes even my blood run cold, let alone his.

  “Dave, Stuart, get the chains.” So, the goons do have names then I muse. Well let’s see what they make of me not fighting shall we.

  Phoenix, please don’t do anything stupid or reckless. I can’t lose you too. Elliott’s pleading tone makes me stop snarling and turn to look at him, he is still snarling at the monsters.


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