The Embers of Phoenix (The Inferno Pack Book 1)

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The Embers of Phoenix (The Inferno Pack Book 1) Page 14

by AJ Blackburn

  I’m shoved to the side as Elliott storms past me. His emotions locked tight.

  “She isn’t dead! But she will be soon if you do not move.” His bellowed words fall on deaf ears. He makes a move to try and get Ember off Phoenix, but Hunter grabs his arm before he can touch her. Hunter’s voice is a snarl filled with pain.

  “Don’t. You. Touch. Her.”

  “She. Isn’t. Dead! But she needs help!” Elliott snarls back, the two males angry for their own mates. Then his eyes link with my own. A plea in them kicks me back into reality. He’s right. I can feel Phoenix if I concentrate. Not the strong, vibrant, crazy woman I’m used to, but a weak pulse of her is still there. A very weak pulse indeed, and it’s blinking in and out.

  “He’s right, Hunter. She is alive, but just, she won’t be for long.” I try to reason with him. Hunter rubs a hand over his face, removing the tears, and gently touches Ember's shoulder. She doesn’t react. Shit, we need to get her to listen, otherwise we will all lose Phoenix.


  Shit, I’d joked all my life I was going to Hell for all my naughty sins, but I at least thought it would be hotter here. I’m fucking freezing, like even my bones feel cold, and why couldn’t I see? Nothing, complete blackness seems to stretch on and on. Damn, I wish I’d brought a coat. Mother would have told me to, like she always did when I was little, but really? I’m a wolf, who needs a man-made coat when thick, warm fur covers your body. Wish I fucking had one now though, don’t I?

  I can’t even rub my arms. I feel kind of like I’m floating in this cold darkness, how very strange. Maybe I’m on that boat on the way to Hell or the Underworld, whichever it is. I try rocking from side to side. Nope nothing; no splashing of water, or tipping the boat over. What a rubbish log flume this is, I bet the picture will be rubbish at the end.

  A strange buzzing starts in my ears, urgh how annoying. Trying to get some peace here people! I try to ignore it as I carry on floating along. Maybe there will be a slide coming up, that will make this journey way more fun. The buzzing grows louder, then from buzzing it starts to sound like a whispered name on a breeze. ‘Phoenix. Phoenix. Wake up, Phoenix.’ Hmm, I’m sure that’s my name. Nah, I’ll ignore it, I want to go down the slide. The whisper turns into a demand, a deep male demand. ‘Phoenix! Open your eyes, Phoenix.’ Fuck sake, can’t they all piss off trying to enjoy the freaking ride here! A sudden jolt slams through my body. Right, that’s it now, these twats have my attention.

  A connection is forming, no not one but two connections are forming. Or more rightly they are mending. Another sharp jolt runs through me. Feeling starts to snake its way down my arms. I feel my hands floating in mid-air, hovering. This time, double jolts of life burn through my veins and my eyelids flip back, and for a blinding split second I see two sets of eyes staring down at me. One mesmerising green set is holding my right hand in his and a stunning golden set is holding my left hand. I get a flash of these beautiful eyes only for half a second, then the world is plunged back into darkness. But this time feels different, I can feel Ryder and Elliott holding me here.

  Seeing Phoenix’s eyes flutter open, even for half a second, makes my lungs fill with air once again. Tears still stream down my cheeks and my hands keep Hunter’s arms in a death grip, but my sister is alive. Not healed, not by a long shot, but she is breathing.

  Through my tears I watch the two males, who I’ll always be indebted to, feed strength into my sister. It’s fascinating, but time is running out. Dane and Josh loom in the doorway like sentries. They look desperate to help, yet knowing they shouldn’t interfere. I know their struggle. Hunter had pulled me away from Phoenix, and I’d thrashed, wiggled, screamed, kicked, and even tried to head butt him at one point. He’d held onto me like a vice and his words eventually penetrated my emotional rage.

  “Baby, baby, listen! They can save her! Save her! Can you hear me? They can pull her back! You need to stop!” Hunter practically sobbed at me.

  Feeling him now, he hadn’t just wept for Phoenix, he thought he had lost me too. It wouldn’t have killed me, but he knew losing Phoenix in such a horrific way would have broken my spirit and my fight. I relax my death grip from his arms and basically collapse into his chest. He holds me tightly to him, burying his face in my neck, not only inhaling my scent but also grounding himself back to the earth. I feel him begin to relax.

  We have her, Ember. She’s coming home. Hunter’s voice flows into my mind, I don’t respond, but he knows and feels the happiness flowing through me.

  Suddenly there is a loud popping sound outside of the house and it’s followed by shouts.

  I look up just as a male wolf I’ve never met before comes barging through the house to see Dane and Josh. Lethal sculpted muscles wrap around every inch of his tall frame and dark messy hair, shaggly frames his handsomely sculpted face. Jeez I’m mated and even I can appreciate this male is hot. I feel a slight blush colour my cheeks at that thought. I purposely keep my eyes trained above his waist line, but God, I did not miss that toned V under his solid defined abs. Stunning blue-grey eyes lock with mine for just a moment, eyes that shine with mischief and cheekiness, even through the worry. I try to look away, but wow those are pretty eyes.

  Moving his eyes from mine, he looks around the room to everyone. “Hunters and Alchemists have arrived. They are surrounding the house and trying to pick us off, we have to get out of here now!” Instinct makes me press harder into Hunter’s warm chest behind me, and his solid arms wrap around me protectively.

  “We are coming, shift and help keep them back,” Dane orders him before turning back to us. He addresses Phoenix’s mates first. “One of you needs to carry Phoenix, the rest of us need to shift and keep them covered.”

  The males holding my sister’s hands look at each other, then Elliott nods once, leans down and kisses Phoenix’s forehead; such a tender move for a male who exudes so much power, I think to myself. He then stands and shifts. Ryder stands with Phoenix in his arms, cradled protectively to his chest. I have a feeling she’s going to be cradled there for a long time to come. Ryder doesn’t look like he’s going to let her go any time soon. She’s just going to love that, not. And I'll just laugh and laugh, because for me, he can keep her there for the rest of her long life. “Ready.” He nods to Dane and we all shift, forming a circle around Ryder.

  We have her back. I’m touching her again. The fear that sank deep into my bones earlier, of never feeling her again, is starting to ebb slightly. Now we just have to get the fuck out of here, with all of us still intact. Lifting Phoenix’s pale, cold body and holding her tight against me I take a deep breath, we can do this. No one in this world is taking her from me, from us, ever again. Looking down at her, she looks so fragile compared to the strong and independent woman she usually is. She will soon be that again, I vow to myself.

  Focus, Ryder. Elliott’s voice booms in my head. Strange how we’ve only just met, and it seems like I’ve known him forever, but I suppose I have really. He has always been a part of Phoenix. I thought I’d feel jealous or bitter towards him, like my instant hatred of Jordan. I had wanted to rip him apart that first meeting and now I wish I had, maybe all of this wouldn't have happened. However, with Elliott being a mate too, this feels right somehow. I just hope when this is all over and our girl is fully fit that he learns to lighten up and play again. Our girl...hmm…yeah, it is strange.

  RYDER! I’ve been moving without being fully aware, what a stupid mistake. This time it’s Hunter’s strong voice, just before a sharp sting hits my bicep. Too close to Phoenix’s face, but it isn’t a bullet, it’s one of those green capsules that hit Hunter back in the warehouse. He’s still fine, so I just keep up my fast pace, making sure I protect Phoenix. Trusting wolves that I don’t know, after being a lone wolf for so many years, it definitely chafes at me to not be watching my own back. But these are my mate’s pack, and their allies, so I must trust them, for now.

  Grunts, snarls, shouts, howls, and yelling are
going off all around me as I keep running. I want to stop and help, but I need to keep going. By some miracle, I manage to make it to the vehicles not long later, making sure that I’m continuously pulsing strength into Phoenix the whole time. I get in the back of one of the Discovery’s, I know it’s Dane’s because his scent is all over it.

  Soon enough the rest of the wolves appear out of the tree line. Scanning across them the best I can it looks like everyone is still alive by the numbers I count quickly, though some are a little injured. Ember, Hunter, and Elliott, make their way to the car I’m in, still holding Phoenix to me like a vice as they climb in. “Did everyone make it?” I ask.

  “Yes, a good few injuries, but nothing we won’t all heal from. The alchemists and hunters retreated after they realised we were killing them quicker than they were killing us. We need to find where they’re operating from and take them down for good.” Hunter is trying to compose himself, but his anger is leaking into his voice. Ember takes hold of his hand and rubs her cheek against him. I watch as the tension leaves him, and he relaxes against his mate. Elliott has climbed into the front and is staring down at Phoenix in my arms, he’s desperate to touch her I can tell, but he also seems afraid too. She is still so cold and pale. We need to get back to her territory, fast. Ember hands sweat-pants out to us all. She pulls on her own sweats and top, she then puts a blanket over Phoenix and I tuck it in around her.

  “Hunter, ask Dane if we can take his car and he can ride with someone else.” I can see outside that he is talking to the other packs' Alphas. His Beta, Josh is bleeding badly down his arm, but the wolf doesn’t even seem to notice the wound as he stands like a guardian next to his Alpha. A few more are blooded from the other packs too. The wolf who had come in the house to warn us about the hunters, is now standing with another two males. His gaze is still locked on Ember. We had better get out of here before Hunter gets out and confronts him.

  As Elliott starts the engine and pulls away we pass by the cluster of wolves who all came to fight by our side. I can’t help but look at the grey eyed male from earlier. A shiver runs down my spine when he makes eye contact with me through the side window, and a smile touches his lips. I look away quickly, then we are bouncing down the forest road like there aren’t giant craters for potholes!

  “Jeez, Elliott! Some of us have spines in this car you know!” I can hear Hunter laughing from the front seat where he is sitting. He’s gripping onto the over-head handle. Next to me Ryder still has a vice grip on Phoenix, so at least she isn’t going anywhere. Looking at her though, my stomach lurches, she looks…well...dead. If I couldn’t hear the beat of her heart, I’d be convinced she was dead.

  “We need to get your twin back as fast as we can,” Elliott states sternly. I hope Phoenix can loosen him up with time. The tenderness he has shown my sister proves to me just what kind of male he really is; soft, sweet, and playful. I'll let Phoenix work out what he’s like in the bedroom though.

  “In one piece would be a good start you know,” I quip back at him.

  “I didn’t think anyone could be as sarcastic as Phoenix, you definitely are twins.” This time I laugh at Elliott. He’s in for a shock at how sarcastic we get when we are together.

  As we near our territory, relief starts to blanket around me, wrapping me in its warm embrace. We are nearly there. Home. This time with Phoenix. I don’t know about her mates, but I ‘m going to chain the heifer to her bed so she can never leave again. I’m sure they can find some use for her while she’s chained there.

  Cotton mouth must be the worst thing to wake up with. My mouth's as dry as one of Gandhi’s flip flops, or maybe both of them. I’ll probably cough up sand in a minute. Opening my eyes a slit, I’m met with darkness, it must be the middle of the night. I go to lift my hand to grab a drink from my side table, but it’s locked in a masculine strong hand. I snap awake, and inhale. A grin spreads across my face, Ryder one side and Elliott the other. Now this is what I call, fucking awesome. I’ll put up with cotton mouth a little longer to savour this moment. My mates must have been exhausted because they don’t so much as stir at my waking. I snuggle down deeper. I’m clean and dressed, I could so get used to this, though without feeling like utter shite would be great.

  Lying here, safe and warm, I think through all that has happened. I had died, or at least nearly died. Jordan, that scumbag, he hadn’t killed me outright, he had left me to bleed out and ran like a coward. A male I had trusted, someone I had given a part of myself to, someone I had been friends with, and grew up with. And he left me to bleed out on the floor, hoping I died, expecting to walk away and what? Start a new life? Find his mate? Have pups? I don’t know and I probably will never know. But I wonder if he will have felt any guilt, most likely not. Feeling the power I’m cocooned in chases away those horrid thoughts. But there is one person I want to talk to so much. I have missed her, more than words can say.

  Ember. I whisper to my sister.

  Phoenix, oh my God you’re awake! How are you? Are the boys awake? I can’t believe I can finally hear you. I hear sorrow slip into her sleepy voice.

  No, I’ve left them to sleep. They must be shattered. I feel like a train wreck, but I’m alive. Thanks to you! I cannot wait to see you in the morning. But please get some rest, Ember. You also sound tired. Love you.

  Love you too, Phoenix. Oh, and if you think of leaving again, I’ll kick your f’ing arse into next year. Okay? A giggle pops out of me unexpectedly at her outburst of a near swear word, and suddenly the two males next to me are moving at the same time. I find myself on my back as two exquisite males loom above me with concern tightening their handsome faces. My eyes drop lower to their chiselled torsos, heat floods down my body and flames erupt between my legs. Oh. My. Sweet. Lord. Ryder’s face goes from concern to knowing and Elliott Smirks.

  “Not a chance, pretty wolf,” Ryder says. He seems to think he has a say in this matter. He doesn’t.

  “You need more rest, sweetheart.” Elliott joins the sensible train with Ryder. Choo choo, that train can fuck off and leave my males here with me. I’ll drag their arses off it if I have to.

  “Ryder, it’s a good job you’re pretty because you aren’t very bright, so shh.” I pat his chest. “And Elliott, if you’re going to spout crap out, please make it believable to yourself if you want others to believe you too.” I wink at him. He’s totally right, I’m still sore and my body aches. I could close my eyes and go right back to sleep, but now I need connection more than anything, I need to feel alive and know I’m safe. Having my two mates take me is the best way to prove that to myself.

  I lift both hands and dance them up the ridges of their abs. It’s like electricity zaps through my fingers. I haven’t felt Ryder in so long, and there had always been bars between Elliott and me. Now all three of us are in my bed, correction, our bed, in our cabin, with not a single other person or wolf around. Maybe I have in fact died and now I’m in heaven.

  Ryder takes my hands. Pulling me on top of him, my back to his front, he wraps my arms around his neck. “Keep them there, pretty wolf.” Oh yeah, there he is, my power and authority. Then Elliott rips my top from my body and my breasts spill out. He makes little work of my panties too, then just looks at me, his eyes slowly roaming down my body. Ryder’s hands pull my legs either side of his. My knees bent, but I try to keep my thighs together. Elliott’s on his knees before me, his golden eyes smoulder with desire for what Ryder is trying to expose to him.

  “Now now, pretty wolf, play nicely. Show Elliott what he has waited so long to see.” Ryder’s chest vibrates under me as he whispers in my ear, then he nips me in warning. Nope, my legs are firmly staying right where they are. Little Miss Shy just moved in. Although given the wetness coating between my legs, my body seems to have missed that memo.

  “Seems our sweetheart doesn’t want to play nicely after all, Ryder.” Elliott’s knowing grin spreads across his face.

  “Are you two mind talking right now?” I ask in m
ock disbelief. Of course they bloody are, they are teaming up on me. Well I can play this game too. To make them hurry up and stop just staring, I squirm my arse against the rock hard cock poking into my back and let out a moan. Ryder’s hands grip my hips stilling my movement.

  “Tut-tut, sweetheart. It’s not going to work. We are going to enjoy this. We have missed you, and fuck if I don’t want to just bury myself deep in you right now, but we are going to play and tease you first.” Ryder’s voice rumbles again, then his hands move from my hips and slide up my thighs. A shudder runs through me. Keeping my eyes locked on Elliott in front of me, Ryder’s hands grasp each thigh and he slowly pulls my legs apart. Elliott growls in satisfaction and his canines elongate before he regains control of his instincts. One hand grips his pulsing shaft and pumps it slowly as he watches Ryder’s hand move to my now exposed centre. He runs his fingers through my wetness and circles my clit, the moan that comes out of me is more like a pleading cry for more.

  “So wet for us, Phoenix. Are you enjoying watching Elliott play with himself, while he watches me play with you?”


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