Spring Will Come

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Spring Will Come Page 1

by Ginny Dye




  Book # 3 in The Bregdan Chronicles

  Sequel to On to Richmond

  Ginny Dye

  A Voice In The World Publishing

  Bellingham, WA


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  Copyright 2010 by Ginny Dye

  Published by A Voice In The World Publishing

  Bellingham, WA 98229




  All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the Publisher.

  Printed in the United States of America

  For Barb – thank you for being the wind beneath my wings and my very best friend!

  A Note from the Author

  There are times in the writing of history when we must use words we personally abhor. The use of the word “nigger” in Storm Clouds Rolling In is one of those times. Though I hate the word, its use is necessary to reveal and to challenge the prejudices of the time in order to bring change and healing. Stay with me until the end – I think you will agree.

  My great hope is that Storm Clouds Rolling In will both entertain and challenge you. I hope you will learn as much as I did during the months of research it took to write this book. Though I now live in the Pacific Northwest, I grew up in the South and lived for eleven years in Richmond, VA. I spent countless hours exploring the plantations that still line the banks of the James River and became fascinated by the history.

  But you know, it’s not the events that fascinate me so much – it’s the people. That’s all history is, you know. History is the story of people’s lives. History reflects the consequences of their choice and actions – both good and bad. History is what has given you the world you live in today – both good and bad.

  This truth is why I named this series The Bregdan Chronicles. Bregdan is a Gaelic term for weaving: Braiding. Every life that has been lived until today is a part of the woven braid of life. It takes every person’s story to create history. Your life will help determine the course of history. You may think you don’t have much of an impact. You do. Every action you take will reflect in someone else’s life. Someone else’s decisions. Someone else’s future. Both good and bad. That is the Bregdan Principle…

  Every life that has been lived until today is a part of the woven braid of life. It takes every person’s story to create history. Your life will help determine the course of history. You may think you don’t have much of an impact. You do. Every action you take will reflect in someone else’s life. Someone else’s decisions. Someone else’s future. Both good and bad.

  My great hope as you read this book, and all that will follow, is that you will acknowledge the power you have, every day, to change the world around you by your decisions and actions. Then I will know the research and writing were all worthwhile.

  Oh, and I hope you enjoy every moment of it and learn to love the characters as much as I do!

  I’m already being asked how many books will be in this series. I guess that depends on how long I live! My intention is to release two books a year, each covering one year of history – continuing to weave the lives of my characters into the times they lived. I hate to end a good book as much as anyone – always feeling so sad that I have to leave the characters. You shouldn’t have to be sad for a long time!

  Four books are already written and will all be released in spring 2010. If you like what you read, you’ll want to make sure you’re on our mailing list at www.BregdanChronicles.com. I’ll let you know each time a new one comes out!


  Ginny Dye


  May 1862

  The stillness was making Carrie nervous. She had stepped outside to get some fresh air, but the heavy sultriness surrounding her, clutching at her, offered little relief. The yellowish tint of the sky, combined with the buildup of cumulus clouds on the horizon, spoke of an approaching storm, but there was more... Carrie’s heart told her the ominous day was prophetic of what soon was to be released upon her beloved city. Richmond waited with bated breath for the inevitable. The tens of thousands of Union soldiers camped at her gates would soon no longer be content to just prepare for battle. When would the fury of the Federal forces be unleashed against the capital of the Confederacy?

  Trying to control the nervousness clutching her throat, Carrie took several deep breaths as she looked down on the rapids swirling as the James River cascaded its way over rocks and boulders on its way to the Atlantic. It never ceased to amaze her that she was gazing on the same river that flowed so placidly by her family’s plantation farther south.

  She never got tired of the view from Chimborazo Hill. The elevated plateau of nearly forty acres commanded a grand view of the city. She loved to stand outside and turn slowly as the different panoramas spread before her eyes. Now as she stared down at the river, she looked farther south and watched the many ships in harbor, with the bridges spanning the river in between. She turned east and gazed out at the long stretch of country - cultivated fields, forests, and hills that spread as far as the eye could see. Once again the fields of Cromwell Plantation flooded her memory. Impatiently she pushed aside the pictures of her family’s home she had been forced to flee. Now was not the time.

  Slowly she turned west and took in the splendor of the city. She never tired of the church spires needling their way toward heaven, the Capitol reflecting the rays of the sun, the factories and the wonderful homes that gave Richmond its charm. From here she could pretend the horrible overcrowding in the wartime city had not clouded the charm with litter, filth, and crime. As she completed her revolution, she stared long and hard at Hollywood Cemetery. Richmonders called it the “city of our dead.” Carrie knew many fresh graves dotted the hillsides. How many more would lie with those gone before?

  Carrie shook her head impatiently and pushed at the strands of black wavy hair that insisted on escaping the bun she captured them with each morning. Daydreaming and imagining what was coming would do her patients no good. She took another deep breath then turned and reentered the hospital.

  “See any Yankee gunboats out on the river, Miss Cromwell?”

  Carrie smiled at the young soldier lying closest to the door. “Don’t be ridiculous,” she scoffed. “You know after the beating the Union received at Drewry’s Bluff a couple of weeks ago, they aren’t going to try that avenue again!”

  “We whupped ‘em good, didn’t we?” another soldier called out.

  “We got ‘em that time,” a dark haired lad retorted, “but they ain’t gonna give up easy. There’s going to be the devil to pay around here soon!” His stark comment caused the ward to fall silent as all of them contemplated more of what had landed them there in the first place.

  Carrie looked around at the saddened faces and forced a cheerful note into her voice. “There will be no more of this kind of talk, gentlemen. Your only job right now is to get well. I think that should consume quite enough of your energies. Let the fighting be done by those who have to fight. Your turn will probably come soon enough, anyway.” Carrie paused, dismayed by her own words – praying her face didn’t reveal her true feelings. Many of the soldiers would never be able to fight again. More, however, would be called back to join their units - pushed back into the boiling cauldron they had just barely escaped. She pushed on, forcing an even more cheery emphasis. “Who is ready to write home?”

  “Right here, Miss Cromwell!” one young boy, barely sixteen, called out. “My mama is worried sick a
bout me. I’ve got to let her know I’m getting along just fine.”

  Carrie’s heart went out in a rush of sympathy. She smiled at the boy and walked over to his bed. Pulling out paper and pencil, she settled down in a chair beside him. “All right, Samuel. What would you like me to say?” She wrote as the boy talked but privately wished she could just whisk him away to his mother’s love and care. That’s what he needed more than anything.

  Carrie had lost track of what battlefield Samuel had come from. But she could never lose track of the constant reminders of what he had been through. The bandaged stump of his amputated right arm and the sling encasing his left one spoke louder than any words of the horror he had been through. Yet she had never once heard him complain. The words he was sending home to his mama were ones of strength and confidence. How many mothers, miles from their loved ones, were helpless to save their boys from the pain and suffering?

  It was the same with the rest of the men. There were hardly any murmurs or complaints. They seemed to have accepted this war as their lot in life, and if they were left less than whole, well, they weren’t alone. Once this war was over there would be lots of one-legged, one-armed men running around. They were fighting for a cause, and everyone knew great causes demanded great sacrifice. That was just the way it was. When the South had soundly whipped the North and sent them running back with their tail between their legs - and it was bound to be soon - then all of it would be worth it. They would all be heroes, and they would rebuild their new country the way they wanted it to be.

  Carrie was not going to be the one to challenge or destroy their hopes. She had hated this war from the very beginning – when it was still a murmur in the streets. Her feelings had only intensified as she witnessed the suffering and senselessness surrounding her. The only thing that helped her make any sense of it was her work at Chimborazo Hospital.

  She had only been at the hospital for a week, but already she loved her work. Every morning she would walk from her father’s house on Church Hill to the sprawling complex of buildings and tents. Chimborazo had begun receiving patients earlier that year and was constantly being expanded for the anticipated increase in casualties. Dr. McCaw, the founder of the hospital, did not share the naive beliefs of many that the war would be over soon. He was preparing for the long haul. He was also preparing for the worst.

  “Hey, Miss Cromwell!”

  Carrie looked up from the letter she was just finishing. “Yes, Walker?”

  A rough-looking boy from the mountains of Tennessee smiled brightly at her. “Tell us the story of how you got to Richmond.”

  Carrie groaned as the chorus of agreement rose from the men around her.

  One of the hospital wards, a kindly man in his mid-forties, laughed as he entered the room. “Looks like it’s going to be a while before they get tired of that story! Kind of nice to have a hero around here,” he said. He dropped a pile of fresh bandages on the table next to the door, winked at her, chuckled at her grimace, and left.

  “Come on, Miss Cromwell. Tell it to us!” Walker urged again.

  Carrie had told the story so many times that even in her dreams she narrated the events. Yet, the soldiers seemed to love it, and she could see the hope it sparked in their eyes. If a lady could outwit the Union army, then there was not so much to be afraid of after all. A quick look satisfied her there were no immediate needs in the ward. She laid aside her writing supplies and forced her thoughts back. “Just a few weeks ago I was busy growing crops on my father’s plantation.”

  “Cromwell Plantation,” Walker interrupted.

  Carrie nodded then continued, “Anyway, we were trying to grow crops to feed the hungry people in Richmond. Instead of planting tobacco, we were planting food crops. We had corn, beans, peppers, okra - oh, all kinds of things.” Carrie tried not to envision the wasted effort. “I didn’t realize how close the Union army was until I heard the sounds of the battle in Williamsburg.”

  “That’s the one where I lost my arm!” Samuel said proudly.

  Carrie heard the tinge of pain in his voice and smiled at him warmly. “The day after the battle, my father’s slaves had finally convinced me to leave the plantation and come to Richmond, but before I could leave, the Union soldiers came searching for food. They broke into my house.”

  “If they was looking for food, why’d they break into your house?” a new patient asked. “I heard they was clearing fields and smokehouses. I thought most everyone had already high tailed it for Richmond, anyway.”

  Carrie frowned, anger sharpening her usually pleasant voice. “There was a man who betrayed me. He told them I was still on the plantation.” Her eyes took on a remote look as the memory of that day flashed before her. She clamped her jaw shut, a muscle twitching in her cheek. Her father’s old overseer, Ike Adams, had sent the soldiers to rape her.

  “How’d you get away?” one of the men near her asked anxiously.

  Carrie knew Howard, a Georgia farm boy, had just come in that morning. This was his first time hearing the story. “I managed to hide from them until they quit searching the house. Then I snuck out to the barn and waited for it to get dark.” Once again, she wasn’t telling the whole story, but the secret of the tunnel under Cromwell Plantation was going to stay just that - a secret.

  “How in the world did you hide from them?” Howard asked. “I’ve heard about how Yankees search a house!”

  “Let’s just say I have my ways...” Walker sang out in a high falsetto.

  Carrie laughed with the rest of the men at Walker’s imitation of her standard response. Then she continued. “Anyway, I waited till about midnight and then managed to jump on my horse and race past the guards outside the barn.”

  “And get this,” Walker broke in again. “She was riding that horse bareback. A great big Thoroughbred! This pretty, little, slender thing rode that horse just like a man!” Then he sobered. “I’m sorry, Miss Cromwell. I need to let you be telling your own story.”

  Carrie told the rest quickly. People had tried to turn her into a hero for jumping Granite over a tall fence even after being shot in the shoulder in her attempt to escape. She still had occasional dreams about her ride through the dark woods alone before she had finally connected with Warren Hobbs, the soldier Robert had sent to help her. She had made it. That was what counted.

  Her story worked its usual magic on the patients listening to her. If turning her into a hero helped their own morale, she would just keep on telling it. It also helped to take her focus off Robert. Daily she battled the fear of what this war could do to the man she loved.

  “Them Yankees ain’t no big deal!”

  “Yeah, even a woman can outwit them!”

  “Yeah, it may have been a Yankee that put me in this hospital, but I bet there’s three or four I put in one of theirs!” another boasted.

  Carrie let them talk as she moved from bed to bed checking on the condition of the patients. Not that she could do anything if she found a need - other than call a doctor, or nurse, or one of the ward aides. It had been made clear to her from the beginning that her sole job was to dispense comfort to the soldiers by reading to them, listening to them, or writing letters for them. Anything medical was to be done by one of the male employees. Her eyes flashed with anger as she recalled the words of a doctor when she had tried to point out to him that one of the soldiers was developing an infection in a wound.

  “My dear Miss Cromwell,” he had drawled in a patronizing tone. “I hardly think I need your assistance in this manner. Such a thing is not really suitable for a lady. I would think you would be rather embarrassed to have an interest in such things as medicine. Surely you know that interest such as this would be nothing but injurious to the delicacy and refinement of a lady.” He had looked at her in a way that indicated there were grave reasons to have doubts about her being a lady. Then he had continued... “I realize you are probably just trying to be helpful in this most trying time, but it will not help our cause to have our ladies
’ natures become deteriorated, or to have their sensibilities blunted. You just give our soldiers a little comfort and care. Leave the medical care in our hands.”

  He had patted her hand and walked from the ward, leaving her to fume and pound pillows into shapeless submission on the beds she was straightening. All her anger had done was cause her shoulder to ache. Since that time her anger had steeled into determination. She had wanted to be a doctor since she was little girl, but she had a long, uphill battle ahead of her. There had already been plenty of warnings that she would be greeted with prejudice and ignorance at every turn. She would just have to get used to it. Someday it would be different.

  “Your green eyes are flashing up a storm, Miss Cromwell. Did one of the soldiers in here do something to make you angry?” Samuel asked. “You just give me the word. I’ll take care of it!”

  Samuel’s concerned voice broke into Carrie’s thoughts. Instantly she replaced what must surely be a frown with a smile. If she was going to bring cheer into this ward, she would have to do a better job of hiding her feelings. “Of course not, Samuel!” she said brightly. “You boys are the light of my life.” She settled down in the chair beside him. “Didn’t you tell me you have a grandmother who is very special to you? Don’t you think she would like a letter from you, too? One just for her?”

  “Granny? Why, sure. I bet she’d think that was really something - getting a letter from a real war hero!”

  He had started talking his letter even before Carrie picked up her paper and pen. Writing swiftly, she filled several pages. She had just signed his signature to it when she heard her name called. Carrie looked up, smiling broadly. “Hello, Janie.”


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