Supers - Ex Heroes 6

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Supers - Ex Heroes 6 Page 6

by Jamie Hawke

Charm guided my cock in, gripping me with her mouth nibbling my earlobe. “Don’t you dare fucking hurt me, but I want a fuck like that in every other way.”

  With a nod, I went to town on Charm. Her tails were waving around, her kisses sweet and consuming, and soon she had cum too, and fell back.

  “I’m ready,” Aegriss said, but she pushed me to the ground before rolling me on top of her. “Calm down,” she said as I started to go at her the way I had just now with Twitch and Charm. “Slow and steady.”

  Taking a deep breath, I did, and felt the start of an orgasm hitting me. She ran her hand over me, caressing my chest, feeling me as if she couldn’t see, and then pulled me tight as the warmth spread, my muscles clenching, and I unleashed inside of her.

  It was only then that I lifted my head and looked into her eyes. She had a wide smile and glistening eyes as she pulled me in to press her lips to mine.

  We weren’t done yet, exactly, as I turned to Andromida and buried my face in her pussy until she came, and then turned to see Charm helping out Shimmer. Everyone was moving slowly now, just taking their time and enjoying each other.

  “Nothing like a good fuck to get the spirits up,” Aegriss said.

  Gale had moved over to her and had a hand between her legs, massaging her clit.

  Watching, her, Aegriss continued, “Good fuck, good kisses, good tongues,” she paused, took a deep breath, and smiled, “all of you.”

  “We’re not all here, though,” Charm said, eyes straying to the door.

  “Aren’t we?” Gale asked.

  “I meant—”

  “I know what you meant.” Gale pulled her hand away to point at the door, causing Aegriss to frown. “But your friends—where exactly do they stand in all this? Since… before, they’ve been acting distant.”

  Aegriss sighed, repositioned herself so that she was kneeling—no longer giving me a view of her beautiful pussy, unfortunately. With a hesitant flinch, she added, “They’re cold.”

  “Some of us were too, at first,” Andromida cut in. “It can take time.”

  “Right.” Shimmer, who had her breasts pressed against my back, arms around my chest to fondle my balls as we sat there, pulled back so that her hands were on my chest. This whole conversation was making sitting around less fun. With a kiss on my neck, she turned to the group. “What do we expect? Them to suddenly strip and start sucking Breaker’s cock? Is that—I mean, I know we all do it, but it’s not a requirement to be on the team, is it?”

  I laughed, thinking that sounded ridiculous.

  The ladies, however, were all looking around at each other with uncertainty.

  “Of course, it’s not!” I exclaimed. “Nobody here has to do a damn thing with my cock if they don’t want to. You all know that.”

  “We do,” Twitch said. “But the whole experience, all of this, it does make us closer. More focused on each other.”

  “Better connected,” Charm agreed. “More willing to put our necks on the line for each other. Not a requirement, no, but… nice.”

  “I can’t argue the nice part,” I said with a chuckle.

  Charm reached over and grabbed my dick, playfully. “See, don’t you feel closer?”

  “I can’t argue with that, either. But they’re part of the team, regardless of their involvement with my cock, or not.”

  “That would be my opinion, too,” she said, pushing in to kiss me, passionately, starting to stroke my limp dick.

  “Charm—Charm!” Twitch was eyeing her. “Is now the best time?”

  Charm glanced down and saw that my dick was spent, exhausted, and not showing any signs of coming back up for more. With a sigh, she said, “Apparently not.”

  “It’s just that we’re having a conversation here.” Twitch stood, grabbing her clothes. My eyes lingered on her smooth ass, then went back to Charm and her perky breasts. My cock twitched, but still… it’d had enough. Her eyes moved to me, a smile on her lips, and she said, “Not saying that I’d turn you down if you wanted round two, but this is a topic we’ve put off long enough.”

  “Round two?” Gale laughed. “He still has a red mark on his face from where you slapped him.” She stood, leaned into me, and said, “Let me see if I can heal that with my magical healing powers.” She pulled me into her large breasts, rubbing my face in them, and then pushed back. “Huh, didn’t work.”

  “Actually…” I glanced around, giving a bit of healing to the group. “Might as well.”

  “Let me get something cleared up,” Charm said, frowning, “are you all saying you don’t want them on the team, or you’re okay with it? Or… what, exactly?”

  Gale and Shimmer shared a look first, then turned to Twitch and Andromida. Charm looked pointedly at Aegriss, ears twitching.

  “You, most of all, must have an opinion.”

  “Me?” Aegriss pushed herself up, arm going across her body as if about to cross her arms, before remembering she only had one. “Why would that be—because I’m different?”

  “Because you’re the most recent to join us,” Charm replied. “And you have to admit, joining hasn’t been as simple as, ‘I’m ready to fight and fuck’ for you, right?”

  Aegriss ran her hand through her hair, nodding slowly. “When you put it like that. But the difference is, the moment I learned how this team worked, I wanted in. Not only because Breaker’s hot—as are you all—but because of what you all stand for. The bond, the connection—that’s unlike anything I’ve seen before. I mean, how often do you get jealous? Any of you?”

  “Jealous…” Charm said the word as if letting a chocolate melt in her mouth, tasting it. “I don’t understand.”

  “Like, when you see one of the other ladies with their mouths around Breaker’s cock, or hell, even just kissing him…” She pulled me up, into a kiss, then looked around, “This is your man, right? And I just kissed your man. Who here was jealous?”

  Nobody said a thing.

  “Exactly.” She knelt now, swatting my hand away as I tried to stop her, to tell her this wasn’t necessary. But she was there holding up my limp dick, rubbing it over her chin, her cheek, then into her mouth. To my surprise, it started to harden. She flicked her tongue along the tip, then pulled it out, continuing to stroke it, eyeing me with surprise. She hadn’t expected it to get hard, but stuck to her point. “Right now, who watched me do that and got mad? Angry?”

  “If anything, it made me want to go again,” Shimmer admitted.

  “Exactly!” Aegriss said, and stepped back, motioning for her to take over. To my surprise, Shimmer did, grinning up at me, then cradling my balls with one hand, ass with the other, as she took me in her mouth.

  As she did so, Aegriss stood, turning to the others. “This is my point. Most women would be jealous. There’d be bickering, backstabbing—who knows! But not here, not among you all, and that’s something. That’s a cohesive unit, like you’re all just one person, instead of a bunch of different people trying to work toward a shared objective.”

  “Is that objective getting him off over and over?” Charm asked, teasingly.

  “No. Well, sometimes,” Aegriss laughed. “But my point is that we do it together, for fun. Not against each other, or instead of each other. And that is in everything you do—”

  “We,” Charm corrected, serious this time.


  “Everything we do,” Charm insisted. “Don’t you dare try to exclude yourself from the group. Ever.”

  Aegriss smiled, eyes actually appearing moist, and nodded. “Yes. We.”

  “So, you’re saying…” Charm’s eyes roamed over to me, standing there, hands in Shimmer’s white hair, trying to pay attention but so loving the moment.

  “I’m saying.” Aegriss moved over to me, running a hand down my chest, watching Shimmer work my cock. “It would be great to have them on the team, but in my mind, you’re either fully on the team, or you’re not. There’s no in between.”

  With that, she knelt behind Shimme
r and moved her hair out of the way to kiss her back while running her hand down her ass crack and into her pussy from behind.

  “This is the team,” Aegriss said, as the sound of her hand going in and out of Shimmer along with that of Shimmer slurping on my cock while starting to moan, filled the room. “This isn’t what we’re all about, but it helps.”

  “Let me see if I understand correctly,” Andromida said, and then walked over, pressed her body against me from behind, grabbed Shimmer’s head and started to guide it, pulling a bit more violently than I would’ve thought okay, but Shimmer seemed to enjoy it.

  Twitch eyed us, laughed, and said, “You all are nuts. This is fun, but it’s not what makes the team.”

  “Shut up and get the fuck over here,” Gale said, getting involved now, and to my surprise, we were going at it again. I had no idea how the topic of Charm’s friends led to this, but I was all in.

  “Fuck her,” Andromida whispered in my ear, tongue playing with my earlobe. “I want to watch you fuck her.”

  I nodded, pulling my cock out of Shimmer’s mouth, and she got the picture. Maneuvering to position herself on her back right there on the bridge floor, Shimmer spread her legs, giving me a tantalizing view of her landing strip of silver hair that led to her pink pussy, spread and waiting. My cock throbbing, I lowered myself on top of her and slid in.

  “Didn’t we just kinda do this?” Shimmer asked with a chuckle, but pulled me in, tongue finding mine.

  We continued to kiss and fuck, me loving the taste of Shimmer and the way she wrapped her legs around me, pulling me, guiding me, showing me how she liked it. At one point she pushed me back and we rolled over so that she could ride me, and motioned to the others to come over. Gale was there in an instant, getting fingered and sucking on her breasts, Aegriss on the other side massaging Shimmer’s clit.

  “Teamwork,” Shimmer said with a laugh, and then snapped the fingers of her free hand, pointing to my mouth. “Kiss him.” As Charm did, Shimmer added, “And, we have delegation.”

  I laughed, but the moment took away from my focus, and as hot as all this was, my erection started to wane.

  “Oh, hell no,” Shimmer said, moving off of me, and brought her tongue down to my balls, causing me to squirm—it was almost ticklish.

  “I got it,” Charm said, about to blow a pink breath my way, but Gale held up a hand and said, “No, I got it.”

  Before I realized what she was doing, she had started sending chills of cool air in specific spots that got me up faster than I could’ve thought possible. Her eyes moved to my erect cock and her fingers followed, caressing the tip in a way that fluctuated between hot and cold. Chills ran through my body, my cock throbbing and feeling like it might explode.

  “Damn,” Charm said, joining her hand to Gale’s. “You sure you aren’t illusioning it to make it look bigger?”

  “I’m not,” I said, breathing heavy, trying to control myself.

  “Well, hot damn,” Charm said, and yelped as a bit of cum shot out with a cold wave that hit me from Gale.

  “Sorry,” Gale said. “Did a bit too much, I guess.”

  “Not… done,” I said. “Someone, quick.”

  “Get yours, girl,” Gale said to Shimmer. “You were mid-fuck, after all.”

  Shimmer had still been running her tongue along my balls, but now crawled up me, her normally serious face contorted with lust. She thrust my cock into her as Gale did the cold air thing to her and rubbed her clit at the same time, so that the two of us orgasmed together, my cum filling Shimmer, the others getting into it as our bodies rocked and multiple moans, yelps, and heavy breaths filled the room.

  When it was over, I lay back, staring up at Shimmer and the rest of them… and let my eyes slowly close. Forcing them open as Shimmer kissed me and then stood, I watched the rest get dressed, and managed to partially push myself up to see that Charm was pulling on the second leg of her outfit already, headed for the door.

  “Charm?” I asked, sleepily.

  She paused, pulled her outfit over her breasts, and nodded to me. “Join me. Let’s check on them together.”

  I nodded, feeling groggy and like I’d much rather fall asleep at the moment, but I got up and grabbed my clothes on the way to follow her.


  My mind was still spinning, cock warm and throbbing, a couple of orgasm-aftershocks hitting me as I followed Charm out the door. Trying to dress as I caught up, I asked her, “What’s the plan?”

  “Check in, that’s all.” She paused, watching me dress. “Guilt hit me halfway through, sorry… otherwise I would’ve been much more involved.”

  “I…” With all the excitement, I hadn’t really noticed her being distracted, but didn’t want to say so.

  She was walking again, not even paying attention to my lack of words, and said, “I don’t understand, honestly. Harp has always been sparse with words, even with the machine that allows her to talk regularly. But more than that, she’s always been incredibly sweet, super kind…”

  “She seemed like it,” I admitted.

  “I have to ask her, you know.” Charm paused and I realized we’d reached the door to the room they were in.

  “Ask what?”

  “If this is about us, about… the sex.”

  I frowned, not liking where the conversation was headed. “And if it is?”

  “Our trip won’t be long, and I’d be surprised if you can get it up soon, anyway,” Charm admitted. “But if that weren’t the case, I’d recommend we take a break. A break from all that.”

  With a nod, she opened the door and poked her head in. “Ladies?”

  She entered, presumably with a nod or gesture from the other two that it was okay, and held the door open for me to follow.

  “We wanted to make sure you were okay in here,” Charm said.

  Harp was lying down, Laurel sitting next to her on the small bed, hand on her forehead. Both turned to me, eyes narrowing.

  “One of you—or probably both of you—smell like sex,” Laurel said.

  “That would make sense,” Charm said, grinning. When she saw her friends weren’t smiling, her expression went serious. “Did I miss something, here?”

  “She feels… overwhelmed,” Laurel said. “By the team, I mean.”

  Harp nodded, and closed her eyes.

  “Overwhelmed?” I asked, glancing back at the now-closed door. “Every one of them would give their lives defending you, they—”

  “Can be a bit intense,” Laurel interrupted. “Sorry, but you know it’s true.”

  “But before, both of you acted very different. Even… close, right? I’m not following how we got from there to here. I don’t know what went wrong.”

  Laurel drew a deep breath, but before she could answer, Charm sat next to her, a hand gently touching that of her old friend. Laurel actually pulled her hand away, and the pain in Charm’s eyes was crippling. It took me a moment to get over the sensation of seeing that look in her eyes before I was able to comprehend that she had asked about them, about what she had once shared with these two women, back at Supralines.

  “Back then,” Laurel said, slowly giving herself time to think her answer through carefully, “it was a different time. You were… a different person.”

  Charm put the hand she’d been reaching with to her mouth, and stood. “I don’t understand.”

  “You never will,” Laurel said. Eyes turning to me, she added, “Please, leave. We’ll be back at the Citadel soon, and then can go our separate ways.”

  I swallowed, trying to come up with something to say to make this all better, or at least a question to ask to help us understand. My rejection, I could handle. It was the pain in Charm’s eyes that was keeping me there.

  Finally, I nodded, turned for the door, and made my way out, Charm on my heels.

  “It’s all so confusing,” Charm said once the door had closed again behind us, separating us from the two ladies. She held one of her tails in her hand, finger
twirling the hairs.

  “But soon we’ll be back,” I said, hand moving along her back.

  “Back with Threed and Cheri…” Charm grinned. “Honestly, if those other guys hadn’t scooped them up for their groups, I would’ve insisted we do so.”

  I chuckled not sure how else to respond to that. After a moment, Charm turned to me, hand on my chest, finger tracing a circle.

  “Listen,” she said, “I should go back in there. Maybe talk to them, just me, after all. Get some answers. Or at least some closure.”

  “Closure?” I asked.

  “I don’t know, but what I know is they need me, and I have to find out what can be done to fix this whole situation.”

  That made sense, so I kissed her on the cheek, squeezed her hand, and watched as she slipped back in there with them. At the back of my mind I was imagining her getting naked with the two of them, kissing and much, much more as I walked back to the bridge.

  My next step ended up being the bathroom, figuring a good piss and wash were needed. Hell, I smelled of sex and cum. I quickly did my business, then did a quick cleaning of the goods at the sink, before turning to find a towel to dry off.

  There I was, dick hanging out, when I saw that energy cocoon against the wall, Muerta’s golden eyes open and glowing, staring at me. They moved! Down to my cock. I tucked it away, still wet, and ran out of there.

  Andromida was in the hallway, turning, as I ran right into her. She nearly fell back, metal warping around her slightly as she adjusted and regained her balance. Glaring.

  “What’s going on with you?” she asked, smoothing out the cloths that hung from her waist.

  “Just… did you know they put Muerta’s cocoon in the bathroom?”

  She frowned, then laughed. “Cocoon? Whatever—yeah, where else? Nobody wanted it in their rooms, so…”

  “No! The bathroom, where she’s watching you—you know!”

  “I don’t know what all the fuss is about.” Andromida walked past me, heading through the door. “It’s not like she’s conscious.

  “Except she is.”

  Andromida froze in the doorway, turned back toward me, and frowned. “That’s not possible.”


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