I'll Be Hot for Christmas

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I'll Be Hot for Christmas Page 3

by Evangeline Anderson

  Speaking of easier access, Valenti had spread his thighs and damned if his cock wasn’t half hard again. He could say what he wanted about it being a long time since they’d done this but O’Brian knew how much his partner needed to be fucked ‑‑ almost as much as O’Brian needed to fuck him.

  “That’s right, babe,” he murmured as he spread the cool, slick lube over the tight, tender entrance to his partner’s body. “Open up for me. I know how bad you need ta be fucked. And I know you want me to fuck you.” O’Brian pressed two fingers into Valenti’s body, scissoring them gently to spread him wide enough for his cock.

  “Yeah, I need it,” Valenti almost snarled, his brown eyes submissive and angry at the same time. “But I think you better remember that next time it might be you in these handcuffs, partner, and I’m not going to forget the way you held me down and fucked me like a helpless girl.”

  O’Brian’s heart leaped at the words “next time.” He was glad to hear that his partner wasn’t planning on leaving him for good after this was over. “Nicky,” he said sincerely, “You c’n hang me upside down and do Chinese water torture on me if you want to later. But for right now, I feel like I’m gonna explode if I don’t get inside you soon. It’s been so damn long since we touched each other I’m achin’ all over to be with you.”

  Valenti’s eyes softened and he spread his legs wider as O’Brian continued to stretch him. “You always did need it more than me,” he murmured, arching his back and gasping as O’Brian’s probing fingers hit the sweet spot just over his prostate. “Even ... even back when we were still dating women, you couldn’t go a week without getting some.”

  “Nice of you to remember that now, after a month of cuttin’ me off,” O’Brian growled. He pressed harder, deliberately rubbing over the sensitive area inside Valenti’s body until his partner’s eyes rolled up in his head and he groaned appreciatively. “But never mind about that,” he continued. “’Cause I think you’re ready now. Ready to get fucked, babe.”

  Before Valenti could reply, O’Brian spread his partner’s legs even wider and found Valenti’s tight rosebud with the blunt tip of his cock. Slowly he began to thrust, breaching the tight ring of muscle as Valenti groaned and tried to be open enough for the invasion.

  O’Brian got the head in and then he had to stop. Just that simple touch, the feel of his shaft crowning inside his partner’s body was almost too much after such a long, dry time of wanting. God, babe, love you! Love you so much! he thought, clenching his jaw and tensing his lower body to keep from coming. He didn’t want to reach the peak until he was buried to the hilt in his lover’s body, until they were completely and totally one.

  “What ... what are you waiting for?” Valenti gasped. “And engraved invitation?” The brown eyes were on fire now, blazing with a need that fully matched O’Brian’s own. “Come on, damnit,” he growled. “Fuck me!”

  Valenti didn’t have to ask twice. With one long, hard thrust O’Brian entered his partner’s body, claiming him, marking him as thoroughly and completely as he had the first time he fucked Valenti.

  “God!” Valenti’s hips shot off the mattress and for a moment it almost looked like he was fighting not to try and get away. Then he took a deep, shuddering breath and opened his eyes, which he’d squeezed close in pain and pleasure.

  “You okay? Want me to stop?” His cock still throbbing angrily, O’Brian forced himself to hold still even though every instinct he had cried out for him to thrust. He watched his partner with concern. No matter how angry and conflicted the two of them might be, Valenti was the person he loved most in the world, and he would die before hurting him.

  “Hell no, I don’t want you to stop,” Valenti blazed, surprising him. “Fuck me, babe. I want to feel you in me and when you’re done, I want to know I’ve been fucked. Fill me up, do it!”

  “Oh, you’re gonna know, all right,” O’Brian promised. Drawing back till only the head of his cock was buried in the tight confines of his partner’s body, he thrust back in again, filling his partner to the limit and beyond, watching the pain and pleasure cross the dark, mobile face he loved so much as he poured himself into Valenti’s body.

  “God, Sean!” Valenti gasped, his voice hoarse with emotion. “You’re in me so deep!”

  “I’ll show you deep,” O’Brian growled. He plunged forward again, relishing the tight, hot, velvety feel of the inside of his partner’s body clinging to every inch of his shaft, igniting every single nerve in his cock. God but Valenti was tight ‑‑ it had been so long since they’d fucked his partner was practically a virgin again.

  Valenti bucked up against him, a whole host of emotions flitting across his dark face. Love, anger, need, lust …O’Brian watched them all come and go as he lost himself in the pleasure of filling his partner, of taking another man’s body, of fucking Valenti senseless.

  He set up a rhythm of slow, deliberate, almost brutally deep thrusts, rubbing hard over and over Valenti’s sweet spot as his partner writhed under him, groaning and cursing with the intense, almost unbearable pleasure/pain. Valenti’s cock was full again and O’Brian reached down to palm it as he continued to pound into his partner’s open, willing body. He could feel the tidal wave of pleasure coming, building like slow electricity at the base of his spine, and he wanted Valenti to come with him, just as he had the first time they’d fucked.

  “God, Sean!” Valenti grabbed handfuls of the dark blue bedspread, his teeth clenched and his breath sobbing in his throat as O’Brian fisted his cock and pounded into him, owning him completely. “God, that’s so incredible! Don’t stop ... don’t stop! Love your cock inside me ‑‑ love to feel you fucking me!”

  “Gonna come inside you,” O’Brian promised breathlessly. His skin was slick with sweat and he was breathing like a bull and still he couldn’t stop. Couldn’t stop until he had put paid to this whole business by filling his partner’s willing, unresisting body with his cum.

  “Sean!” Valenti’s darkly tanned skin was sheened lightly with sweat as well, and the chain of the cuffs was rattling in rhythm with O’Brian’s thrusts as he pressed back against him, meeting O’Brian with everything he had. “God, do it!” he begged shamelessly. “Fuck me! Fill me up! Need you to fill me up so bad.”

  “Here it comes, babe,” O’Brian gasped, the electric tingle of orgasm rolling up his spine. The slick heat of Valenti’s inner muscles caressing his cock was too much ‑‑ too damn much to bear anymore. “Comin’ right now. Want to feel you comin’ with me.”

  OhGodohGodohGod. So good, so Goddamn good! O’Brian thought deliriously as the shattering wave overcame him. Feeling like his heart was going to explode, he pumped Valenti’s long, thick shaft with one fist as he pressed hard, trying to get his own cock as deeply into his partner’s beautiful, hot body as he could. Wanting to be one with Valenti in that special way that was only possible during this one brief instant.

  With an inarticulate cry, Valenti came. O’Brian felt a hot wetness fountaining over his hand and then he was letting go too, pumping Valenti’s body full of his cum, filling him up with an inexpressible relief, a pleasure so deep it bordered on pain.

  “God, Nick,” he groaned, holding still inside Valenti as the hot flood gushed out of him and into his partner, sealing their bond. “Love you so damn much, babe. Can’t even tell you. Just ... just love you so much.” He held steady for a long moment and then sank down, his cheek pillowed on his partner’s heaving chest.

  “Love you too, Sean.” Valenti’s voice was hoarse from shouting but he sounded at peace for the first time in over a month.

  O’Brian took a deep breath, feeling his heart rate begin to slow, and looked up. “You sure got a funny way of showin’ it,” he said mildly, giving his partner a doubtful grin.

  Valenti shook his head. “I thought you were ... that you weren’t interested in me ... in us anymore.”

  O’Brian had a feeling they were finally coming to the root of the problem that had been bothering his
partner all along. “What the hell would give you a stupid idea like that?” he demanded, withdrawing carefully from Valenti’s body and sitting back on his knees.

  Valenti winced at the sudden withdrawal, then shrugged as well as he was able with his hands still cuffed over his head. “I don’t know. The fact that I’m stuck behind that stupid desk all day long so I can’t get your back on the streets. And …” He frowned and looked away. “That new partner of yours ‑‑ that Billy Hicks. I know it sounds stupid but I kept thinking that he was younger, that maybe you found him more desirable …”

  “What?” O’Brian couldn’t keep the disbelief out of his voice. “You thought what? That I’d want to be with that idiot kid instead of you?”

  “Well, I ‑‑” Valenti began but O’Brian cut him off.

  “Listen, partner,” he said pointing a finger at Valenti’s face and narrowing his eyes. “What the hell are you tryin’ to say? That I’d leave you for somebody else? For another man? What do you think I am anyway, gay?”

  “Uh …” Valenti shook his head as though trying to clear some faulty information. “Sean, I hate to point this out but you just gave me the best blow job of my entire life and swallowed a load of my cum. Then you fucked me so hard I nearly passed out. Most people might consider that just a little bit ‘gay.’”

  “Well, I’m not most people.” O’Brian folded his arms across his furry chest, still frowning. “And I don’t consider myself gay, babe. I’m just in love with you. I don’t even look at other guys that way. That would be just ... wrong.” He shook his head.

  Valenti burst out laughing. “O’Brian, you never cease to amaze me. I guess I should have known better.” His brown eyes filled with apology. “I mean, the way Hicks follows you around all over the place, the way he looks at you like you’re some kind of rock star, I just assumed …”

  O’Brian frowned at him. “We’re gonna pass on the little talk about what happens when you assume,” he said. “Since I think your ass is already gonna be sore for the foreseeable future.” He ignored Valenti’s wince and continued. “Why didn’t you just ask?” he demanded. “Why did you just decide it was up to you to break us off? To end everything we have together? Ya know, Valenti, you’re not just my lover …” He leaned forward and stroked the lean, tan cheek gently. “You’re my partner and my best friend,” he continued. “I need you.”

  “I need you too …” Valenti smiled at him, the first genuine smile O’Brian had seen from him since the whole rotten shooting incident had almost ruined their relationship over a month ago. “To uncuff me,” his partner finished, still smiling. “Swear to God, O’Brian, my arms are about to fall off. Did you really have to resort to such extreme measures? Kidnapping me and cuffing me to the bed so you could fuck me senseless?”

  “You tell me what I was supposed to do,” O’Brian grumbled, reaching for the handcuff key, which lay on the night table beside the bed. “I tried bein’ patient, but you just got further and further away. I tried sweet-talk but you wouldn’t give me the time of day.” He shrugged and unlocked the cuffs. “Under the circumstances I thought kidnappin’ you and cuffing you to the bed was my only option. And I didn’t fuck you senseless ‑‑ the exact opposite. I’d say I fucked some sense into you just now.”

  “Regardless, it was a pretty damn fine anniversary present.” Valenti rubbed his wrists gingerly and then sank down in the bed, motioning for O’Brian to come join him.

  “Didja ever stop to think that maybe it was an early Christmas present?” O’Brian yawned hugely as he settled his head on his lover’s bicep. “And if you’re good, there’s plenty more like that comin’ down the chimney just for you, Nicky.”

  “I don’t know about that.” Valenti winced. “Damn, I’m sore! I think this is going to be one time when I’m glad that Christmas comes but once a year.”

  “Yeah, but you already came twice tonight,” O’Brian pointed out, with another yawn.

  “I did.” Valenti sounded thoughtful. “And that’s why I think the next present should be for you, partner.”

  “Whatever you say,” O’Brian mumbled, his eyelids heavy with sleep. “Lemme catch a quick catnap and we can keep givin’ each other presents all night long.”

  The last thing he heard as he drifted off was his partner’s low chuckle against the side of his face. He felt utterly spent but in a happy, warm, contented way as sleep dragged him under.

  Detective Sean O’Brian had finally had enough.

  Evangeline Anderson

  Evangeline Anderson is a registered MRI tech who would rather be writing. She is thirty-something and lives in Florida with a husband, three cats, and a college-age sister but no kids because enough is enough already. She had been writing dirty stories for her own gratification for a number of years before it occurred to her to try and get paid for it. To her delight, she found it was actually possible to get money for having a dirty mind and she has been writing steadily ever since.

  Visit Evangeline on the Web at http://www.evangelineanderson.com, or email her at [email protected].

  To read more about the characters and their world, check out The Assignment by Evangeline Anderson.

  Detective Nicholas Valenti, tall, dark and stoic, has been best friends with his partner, Sean O’Brian for six years. The two men have seen each other through divorce, disaster and danger and saved each other’s asses more times than Valenti can count. Exactly when he started seeing his blond, intense partner in another light, Valenti isn’t really sure. He only knows that he wants O’Brian in a way that had nothing to do with friendship and everything to do with possession. It is a desire he will have to hide forever because O’Brian is undeniably straight.

  Just as Valenti is coming to grips with his new, unacceptable feelings for his partner their police Captain puts them on a new case that could blow Valenti’s cover once and for all. He and O’Brian are going undercover at the country’s largest and most infamous gay resort to bust a notorious drug lord and stop the shipments of poison cocaine that are flooding the gay bars all over the city.

  Now Valenti will have to make a choice between friendship and desire. He and O’Brian will play the roles of gay men that will push the limits of their relationship to the breaking point. Will their time at the RamJack forge a new bond between them or destroy their partnership forever?

  Publisher’s note: The Assignment contains explicit sexual content, graphic language, and other situations readers may find objectionable (BDSM and homoerotic sex).

  The Assignment is now available at Loose Id®





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