Battle in the Stars (Marston Chronicles Book 4)

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Battle in the Stars (Marston Chronicles Book 4) Page 12

by D Patrick Wagner

  “Copy that, Captain.”

  “Sergeant Brown, all sensors active. No surprises.”

  “Aye, aye, Captain. All pings and receptors active. Going in hot.”

  “Exiting now!”

  “Thank you, Mz. Adams.”

  “Sergeant, send friend-or-foe squawk. All bands.”

  “Already done, Captain. As soon as we popped from the grey.”

  “Good job. What have we got?”

  “Just received acknowledgements. Reading ship ID’s. We’ve got just at three hundred ships, Captain. Odin’s here. So are the stingers.”

  “What are they doing here? They’re supposed to be in the asteroid belt in Arium. Please contact Odin, Sergeant. I want to speak to the Vice-Admiral.”

  During one of Jean Forsythe’s sleep periods, Amanda and Jesse had brought up her navel record. They saw that Hornet ran a no-nonsense command. They saw her flight records. They saw the list of medals and ribbons she had earned. They read the commendations she had won. The two knew that they were flying with a very hardnosed captain. Someone who did not abide any of her commands being overridden. Captain Forsythe’s crew looked forward to the coming show.

  “Odin Actual is on the com, Captain.”

  “Thank you, Sergeant. Put it on the screen.”

  Sergeant Brown worked her console. Captain Brewer’s image flashed on the screen.

  “Captain Forsythe. What can I do for you?”

  “You can get me Vice-Admiral Weiskoff, Captain.”

  “May I ask what this is concerning?”

  “My stingers, Captain. Why are they here, in Corrinar?”

  “One moment, Captain. I will see if the Vice-Admiral is available.”

  Amanda and Jesse shared a fun-filled look. Jean just sat, holding in her slow burn.

  “Captain Forsythe.”

  Gazelle’s Captain burned holes in Vice-Admiral Weiskoff’s image.

  “Why are my stingers here?”

  “I wanted them here to defend Corrinar.”

  “That wasn’t your call to make, Admiral. They are civilians. I am a civilian. They are under my command.”

  “This is war, Captain. I’m in charge. We need the defense.”

  “They’ll be slaughtered. You know that. They have no shielding. One hit, any hit and they’re gone. They’re no good in open space.”

  “The more alien ships we destroy here, the less reach Arium.”

  “They each have a single X-cannon. And two missiles. Exactly how many ships are they going to destroy?”

  “Even one is a good number.”

  “Not at the cost of the stingers. They go back to Arium. We hide in the asteroids.”

  “Look, Captain.” Weiskoff’s sarcasm at Forsythe’s title came through. “We need them to increase the chaos as we perform our strategic withdrawal.”


  Weiskoff saw that Forsythe wouldn’t sacrifice her small fleet of fast, little ships.

  Amanda touched her throat. “I need popcorn and a beer for this,” she whispered into her direct link to Jesse.

  “Get some for me. I don’t want to miss a second.”

  The two continued to watch and listen.

  “One pass. Just one. You and your ships rattle up the aliens then run.”

  Weiskoff saw a very tense woman scrunch her brow, tighten her jaw and then slowly ease up.

  “One pass. My way. At my call.”

  “Agreed. Your call.”

  “If we don’t have decent escape vectors, then I call it off.”

  “Agreed. We need to see what your stingers can do. Plan on their usage in Arium.”

  “That’s my call, Admiral.”

  “Agreed. Just get me that pass so that I can get the telemetry.”

  “One pass.”

  Jean stabbed an icon and Vice-Admiral Weiskoff’s image blinked from the screen.

  “And, you two!”

  Her targets shrank.

  “I saw your looks. Your smirks. I was fighting for my people. It was not a joke.”

  “Sorry, Captain.”

  “You should know better, Sergeant Brown. You served.”

  “My mistake, Captain. It won’t happen again.”

  “It better not. And teach Pilot Adams. We’re going to war. I want, no, I demand, complete focus. We are going to need everything we’ve got if we are going to get through this.”

  “I understand, Captain.”

  “You better, Pilot. We screw up, we loosen up just a bit, we die. Our comrades die.”

  “I’m with you, Captain.”

  “Me too, Captain.”

  “Good. Now let’s go get in front of our patrol. Figure out how to kill some bugs and stay alive.”

  Aboard Odin

  Vice-Admiral Weiskoff sat alone in his ready room. He hadn’t wanted anyone to observe his conversation with Captain Forsythe. He too had read her jacket. He knew who he was dealing with. He had led people like her before. And he knew he needed her fire. Her strength.

  At least he got one pass out of her. She could have pulled the stingers and left. But, he knew, at her core, she still bled Federacy Blue. She wouldn’t abandon the fight. He would take what he could get. And hope it helped.


  Weiskoff pulled himself out of his reverie and focused on Captain Brewer’s visage currently displayed on his viewer.

  “Yes, Captain?”

  “We have incoming alien missiles.”

  “That’s new. The bugs usually send their scout ships first. Have you brought up our defenses?”

  “Yes, Sir. All platforms are currently targeting the threats. Being automated and with self-preservation logic, they are proving to be highly effective.”

  “How many missiles?”

  “Unknown, Sir. The waves keep coming. About every three minutes. We’ve confirmed over two hundred kills so far.”

  “How many platforms have we lost?”


  “Not a dent. Good. Keep me informed when the battle changes.”

  “Aye, aye, Admiral.”

  “And make a fleet-wide announcement. Let everyone know that the first dance has begun.”

  “Will do, Sir.

  Chapter 06

  Elonia Royal Court

  King Kaporine held his royal position, both paws on the arm rests of the throne, back straight, ears forward and attentive. As he held court, listening to petitions from his people, his mind wandered towards his daughter and wondered where she was and what she was doing. He tapped his right paw on the throne pad, knowing that he could flip it open and contact her at a moment’s notice. But, for now, the Elonian king resigned himself to executing his duties as king and adjudicator.

  Just as the next petitioner saluted and prepared to plead his case, the large double doors swung open and Prince Daruke marched in. Tall and aggressive, tail high, ears forward, his eyes boring into his father. Behind him strode the eleven Clan Senators, some somberly, some more determinedly.

  “A moment, please, kind being. It appears my son requires an audience.”

  The King waited as the petitioner withdrew and his son advanced. Once the twelve intruders arrived before the throne, Prince Daruke announce, “Everyone, leave us. We have matters of state to be discussed.”

  The entire room focused on King Kaporine.

  “Please leave us. We will resume tomorrow.”

  The King, his son-the Heir Prince, and the eleven Senators waited until the room cleared.

  “Johi, please leave and close the doors.”

  Once the Head Servant completed his task, King Kaporine turned his attention to his son.

  “What is this?”

  “The Senate has voted. You have been relieved of the crown.”

  “On what grounds?”

  “Willfully allowing the escape of an accused criminal. Accused of Contempt and willful disregard of the Senate and the rule of law.”

  “You mean your sister.”
/>   “And, further, she has ignored a legal, duly issued Senate order to relinquish the Human ship Griffin and its crew. All with your foreknowledge and approval.”

  “This is absurd!”

  “Nevertheless, the vote has been taken. You are relieved of the crown.”

  “And you are to assume the position of ‘King’?”

  “As the Heir-Apparent and the vote of the Senate.”

  “I demand Constitutional Recourse. A hearing before the Monarchal Legal Court.”

  “It shall be arranged.”

  With that final statement and without any royal curtesy, Prince Daruke spun on his paws, marched through the eleven senators and out of the throne room. The eleven followed, again, some determinedly and some somberly.

  King Kaporine mindspoke a command to Johi. Within moments a single massive door opened and the King’s head servant rushed in.

  “Johi. I have a task for you.”

  “Anything My King.”

  “Not for long.”

  Johi’s look of consternation changes all of his demeanor. “What, My King?”

  “It seems that the Senate has decided that Elonia needs a new king.”

  “And that would be Daruke, no doubt.”

  “You have eyes and ears everywhere, Johi. Yes, it would be Daruke. As I said, I have a task for you. Completely secret. No one is to know.”

  “Of course, My King.”

  “This armrest.” King Kaporine patted the right one.

  “I need an exact duplicate. Scratches, wear patterns, everything must be an exact match.”

  “I will get right on it, My King.”

  Kaporine recognized how frequently Johi use the phrase, ‘My King’. He felt warmed at the loyalty of his life-long servant.

  “You have the artisans for this?”

  “I know of some. In my position many beings want me to owe them favors. I will get it done, My King.”

  “Complete secrecy.”

  “At your command, My King.”

  “Thank you. You may go and get started.”

  “I will need access to the throne room, My King. Dead of night would be best.”

  “Which two guardsmen do you trust the most?”

  “I have two in mind.”

  “Send them to me. I will have them put on the midnight shift. Will that do?”

  “Yes, My King.”

  “Good. You may go and get started. This is your first priority. Have your second take your place for all of your other tasks.”

  “As you wish, My King.”

  The King found it interesting that Johi never asked why a copy of the right armrest needed to be made. He wondered if the little being already knew about this ‘quant-com’.

  Using mindspeak, King Kaporine summoned his Queen. She hurried into the room and the two talked of their son’s actions and what would be coming. With a still empty throne room, Elonia’s King flipped open the lid of the throne’s armrest.

  Aboard Griffin

  “I must insist, My Princess.”

  The entire complement of Humans and Elonians stood in Griffin’s bay, preparing for their trip down to Elonia.

  “I am charged with your safety My Princess, and the people of Griffin Den. I and my squad must go down first. It is our duty to establish a safe zone before any others land.”

  “Tribune Ambakai is correct, Princess Analyn. He must establish that all is safe. That is why he and the rest of the Royal Guardsmen are here.”

  “I have waited my whole life for this moment!”

  “I understand, Your Highness. But it won’t be long. Two sedeca at the most.”

  “You all are so frustrating, Ambassador Suzume.”

  Krag watched the interchange, a small, humorous smile forming on his mouth.”

  “And I shall go,” Buster stated.

  “Your strength and leadership are always welcome, Legate Buster.”

  “I’m not needed here, Captain. If there are any issues planet-side, I should be able to handle them.”

  “Ok, Buster. Go for it. Establish a beachhead.”

  “Oh, good! The avatar is ready! I can finally be part of the Griffin Den!”

  “You’ve always been part of the Den, Iggy.”

  “Yes. But this will be so much better!”

  “Legate Buster, take down the troops.”

  “Princess Analyn, I have a call from your father.”

  The Elonian princess’s excitement redirected from her anticipated touchdown to her father, the King of Elonia.

  “I’ll take it in my room, Igaklay. Thank you.”

  She hurried to her room where her two maids leaped into activity as she entered.

  “Relax, it is just a communication from Father.”

  The Elonian servants returned to their previous tasks while surreptitiously eavesdropping.

  “Father?” Princess Analyn asked to the air.

  “Hi, Little Fire. Your mother is here.”


  “Hello, my child.”

  “Why have you called? Do you want an update? We are just getting ready to land on Ballison!”

  “That is very good to know. But that is not why we called. A situation has occurred, here, on Elonia.”

  “A situation? I’ll bet Daruke is mixed up in it!”


  “I’m sorry, Mother. But I’m still mad at him.”

  “This will make you madder, Little Fire.”

  “Why? What has he done now?”

  “He got a vote from the Senate. I am to be relieved of the crown.”

  “That sneaky minvern. I’ll claw his eyes out!”


  “But, Mother! Who gets the crown? I’ll bet it’s him!”

  Her father and mother couldn’t see, but Analyn’s tail began flicking high as she angrily paced, scaring her maids in the process. She didn’t notice, her entire mind being focused on the com and her brother.

  “He is the Heir-Apparent, Little Fire. And the Senate accepted him as my replacement.”

  “What can we do?”

  “Nothing. Well, there is one thing. I’ve called for a Monarchal Court ruling.”

  “And Vidhee isn’t there.”

  “Yes, that is a problem.”

  “Then have the hearing in the throne room. Vidhee can attend remotely.”

  “That is my thought, Little Fire.”

  “Communicating over trillions of locts. That is going to fluff those Senators’ tails. Get them back in line. I’m going to put a stop to this!”

  “I have no doubt. I will contact you when the time comes.”

  “Fine. We will be ready.”

  Nyu-Nippon Weapons Cache

  Sousui Taketa and 2nd Lieutenant (Shoui) Nakano stood at the cave mouth and watched the snowflakes dancing in the air from the winds flowing down the mountains. The trees surrounding the meadow swayed and rustled, as though attempting to shake off the invading cold. The bushes scattered across the open meadow created a fine contrast of greens, browns and white. Contemplating their surroundings, the two Nightshade leaders saw the fine layer of snow already covering everything, creating a winter wonderland of white, brown and green.

  “Winter has come early, Sousui.” Lieutenant Nakano spoke as he checked the controls on his chameleon suit, insuring that the heating unit still remained green.

  “Hai, Shoui. This could be good.”

  “How so?”

  “While running from the alien kill squads, we floated a river and hid on its banks. We saw that the aliens did not like water. And, while we were being hunted, Juro and I noticed that they were the most aggressive on the open plains, where it was the warmest. I don’t think the aliens like the cold, either.”

  “This early winter may mean that we will be safe for a few months. But it also means that we have over two thousand people trapped in a cave barely large enough to hold them and the weapons cache.”

  “True, Shoui. But it does hold them. And,
from checking the inventory, we have enough supplies.”

  “Because of the snows, they will be content through the winter. But with the arrival of Spring, I think there will be unrest.”

  “You are right. We should contact Suichuu-Shigai. Ask for guidance.”

  “Hai, Sousui.”

  The two comrades stood some more, drinking in the tranquility of their surroundings and girding themselves for their trials ahead.

  “How are the skies today? Any alien drones or flyers?”

  “The skies are clear, Sousui.”

  “Then we will contact Suichuu-Shigai. The people you found. They are capable of handling our sensor equipment?”

  “Hai. Ex-military. With sensor training. Kaihei Ariyama has organized them well, developing a good shift cycle. We have been monitoring full time.”

  Taketa sub-vocalized into his throat mic. “Juro, please launch the communications drone. And set it up to communicate with Base.”

  “Hai, Sousui,” Taketa heard back through his implanted communications device.

  Sousui Oishi and Shoui Nakano headed back inside and to the communications van.

  Moving through the massive trucks, carriers, platforms and tanks, Taketa asked, “On a different subject. Have you found enough drivers? For the heavy vehicles?”

  “Yes. More than enough. Many of the civilians are truck drivers. And farmers. Many are familiar with heavy equipment. Even many of the women. We will have no issues there.”

  As Taketa reached the van, he heard through his implant, “Suichuu-Shigai is on a secure channel, Sousui. Your father.”

  Three Nightshades huddled around the viewing screen in the com van, Sousui Oishi in the middle.

  “Son,” the elder Oishi spoke.

  Understanding the mood of the moment, the younger Oishi responded, “Father.”

  “You are safe?”

  “Yes, Father. We have set up camp in the weapons cache.”

  “And you have activated the warbots?”

  “Yes, Father. We are using them for scout missions and guard duty in the cavern. We have one damaged.”

  “How, Sousui? Report.”

  Understanding the mood change, the Nightshade Commander responded, “A raid, Shuhan. We destroyed an alien convoy. The teams and warbots all had their chameleons activated. A random shot holed the warbot. It is back in camp, awaiting repairs.”


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