Battle in the Stars (Marston Chronicles Book 4)

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Battle in the Stars (Marston Chronicles Book 4) Page 34

by D Patrick Wagner

  “You said that once already, Waahai.”

  “Ok. Incredible!”

  “That it is.”

  “Igaklay. My guess is that those were some sort of micro-construction robots.”

  “Nanites, Your Lordship. The Ballisonian civilization is based primarily on nanite technology.”

  By this time, Analyn’s maid, Bariva arrived with a cart filled with plates of food and drink.

  “Dining tables, My Lord?”

  “Of course, Bariva. I want to see Igaklay’s nanites at work again.”

  “If you would take your seats, I will have them constructed where you sit.”

  The Elonian royalty, including Analyn grabbing the center, took their places on the couch. Silvery nanites swirled. Individual tables formed. The nanites returned to the wall.

  “Yes, My Husband. Incredible.”

  “Please, eat, Your Lordship, Your Ladyship.”

  “I will, Igaklay. I see that all of the dishes are traditional Elonian. How did you accomplish this?”

  “Vidhee transferred her Elonian recipe and eating requirements to my mail box. After reviewing various types of dining venues, I created these dishes. Do you like them?”

  “We haven’t tried them, yet, Igaklay.”

  Turning in his place, Lord Kaporine scanned the room for Vidhee. Seeing her still with Buster, he sent a Mindspeak request that the two join him.

  Upon arrival, the Lord asked, “Vidhee, is this food digestible for we Elonians?”

  “Yes, My Lord. Actually, with more nutrients. Igaklay has been constantly improving the nutritional value and the taste of all of our foodstuffs.”

  “Thank you, Vidhee. Buster, are my guards being taken care of?”

  “Yes, Your Lordship. Folita and Gopai are seeing to them.”

  “Well, then. I have nothing more to complain about. Let’s try this Ballisonian food.”

  “Actually, Your Lordship, it is Elonian. I just used Ballisonian ingredients.”

  “I know, Igaklay. Just teasing.”

  After a slight commotion at the entrance, Johi, along with the rest of Lord and Lady Kaporine’s personal staff, rushed into the room and stopped. They looked around in amazement, eyebrows high, ears rotating in many directions and tails flicking.

  Pushing her table out of the way, Lady Analyn mentally called Johi. As he hurried over, she rose and intercepted him as he approached the couch.

  “Hello, Johi.”

  “Hello, My Lady.” Johi bowed during his salute.

  “Oh, stop that. You cleaned my fur when I made a mess of myself.”

  “And I will do so, still. If needed.”

  “You and I, with the help of your staff have a job to do. We must prepare living quarters for Father and Mother.”

  “Of course. Do you have supplies? Or should we bring them from Wisdom Seeker?”

  “We have all of the supplies we need,” Analyn laughed. “Come. This will be fun.”

  Everyone watched the Kaporine house staff trail after Lady Analyn as she headed for the lift.

  Turning back, Lady Kaporine plucked an Elonian morsel and plopped it in her mouth. After a few chews and a swallow, she turned to Igaklay.

  “This is wonderful! As good as my kitchen can prepare.”

  “You like it? You really like it?”

  “Yes, Igaklay. I really like it,” she laughingly said.

  “Lord Kaporine?”

  “Yes, Igaklay. Most excellent. Now, to work. Before I try to run things, please Ambassador Suzume, tell me what my plans should be.”

  Keiko recognized his humorous request for guidance and took over the conversation as the others listened.

  “After many discussions, we, the Griffin Den, including Igaklay, formally invite the beings of Wisdom Seeker to seek home and hearth on Ballison. We invite you to establish a Kaporine colony here and, at your pleasure, make it your home for time ad infinitum.”

  Lord Kaporine looked at Buster.

  “Ad infinitum?”

  “Legalese for ‘eternity’.”

  “On behalf of the Kaporine Clan, I accept. However, there are some issues. The first, and most pressing, is, that this planet is too warm for us.”

  “No, no, Your Lordship! Only the sea-level and equatorial areas!”

  “Really, Igaklay?”

  “Yes, really!”

  “What Igaklay is trying to say, Your Lordship, is that we, Igaklay included, have found a solution.”

  “Yes! Mount Rhetho!”

  “Calm, little one. What is Mount Rhetho?”

  “It is where the primary science center is located. And my control center. A very high mountain. Fourteen thousand human feet.”

  “And it has a climate like Elonia?”

  “Yes, Your Lordship. And a landing port.”

  “And enough living space for seventeen hundred of my people?’

  “Not yet. But it would not take long to construct enough.”

  “With nanites?’

  “Exactly! I can have everything built within the week!”

  “Ambassador Suzume?”

  “That is our recommendation, Lord Kaporine. This will give you an immediate base of operations so that you can deal with your Elonia issues. And, if you desire, it can become a permanent colony of the Kaporine Clan.”

  “I notice that you said ‘Kaporine Clan’, not ‘Elonia’.”

  “We believe that this will eliminate any possibility of competition for Ballison. One ruling family. One set of laws.”

  “Vidhee? Your thoughts?”

  “First, by establishing a Kaporine Colony, this homestead is governed by the Elonian constitution. Then the subsidiary laws established by the Kaporine Clan. This immediately puts in place an established legal system.”

  “But then, this puts us under the rule of the Monarchal Legal Counsel, which isn’t bad. But it also puts us under the control of Elonia’s throne and Senate. That is bad.”

  “That would be true, My Lord.”

  “Not acceptable.”

  “We thought you might have that reaction, Your Lordship. Our next proposal is that you, and all of the beings on Wisdom Seeker, sue for Ballisonian citizenship, under the argument of seeking political asylum.”

  “Then we disown our Elonian and Kaporine heritage?”

  “Only legally. I am sure that, with Vidhee’s help, an agreement can be drawn up, continuing your ties with the Kaporine Clan and, through that, Elonia.”

  “You’ve thought this through, Vidhee?”

  “Yes, My Lord. With Buster’s and Ambassador Suzume’s help, we have created a document of application for citizenship and a document of treaty with the Kaporine Clan.”

  “This will take time to work through.”

  “I am at your call, My Lord.”

  “As are Buster and I, Your Lordship,” Keiko added.

  Just then, Analyn exited the lift and hurried over to her family and friends.

  “Your quarters are being created as we speak, Father, Mother. Johi knows what to do. Ambassador Suzume, have you presented the offers?”

  “Yes, Lady Analyn.”

  “He rejected the first one, right?”

  “Yes, he did.”

  “And he has to think on the second.”

  “Right again.”

  Analyn’s Father laughed.

  “You have grown so much, Little Fire.”

  “Did Igaklay tell you about Mount Rhetho?”

  “Yes, he did.”

  “Good. When do we get started?”

  “Not so fast, Anyl. We haven’t settled on staying here.”

  “Mother. You have quarters here. The mount is perfectly acceptable for all of our people. Where else would you stay?”

  “Anyl is right, Naliana. We have nowhere else to go. For now, this becomes our home.”

  “It just seems so permanent. Leaving Elonia. Our Clan. Everything.”

  “As I said, ‘for now’. We shall plan and see what tomorrow bring

  “This is very sad.”

  ‘Mother. Think of this as a vacation. Or an adventure. No. Think of this as your winter home. Everything will work out. I have great faith in everyone. We will fix the damage that that brother of mine has done.”

  “Speaking on behalf of the beings of Wisdom Seeker, we accept your proposal, contingent on my approval of the legal documents.”

  “Thank you, Your Lordship. Vidhee, Buster, will you please begin your discussions at His Lordship’s convenience?”

  “Yes, Ambassador Suzume.”

  ‘My turn.”

  “Yes, Captain Marston?”

  “The trip to Sasania.”

  “Ah. Our trade agreement concerning Griffin.”

  “Yes. That.”

  “That is not an issue. The purpose of our gaining possession of Griffin was to gain ownership of its jump drive. You have more than satisfied that purpose. I declare the intent of the contract fulfilled. Griffin is still yours.”

  “Thank you, Your Lordship,” an excited Krag responded.

  “Vidhee, please prepare the proper documents for this modification to the trade agreement.”

  “Certainly, My Lord.”

  “Um, there is another issue to discuss.”


  “This is for all of you.”


  “Well, from what we have learned from First Sergeant Boulos, we are going into a war zone. And, because of that, all non-military personnel need to remain on Ballison.”

  “Not gonna happen, Cap. Griffin is my baby. She goes nowhere without me on it. Who’s gonna fix her if she gets broken? Answer me that, Cap.”

  “Good point, Mack. You go.”

  “And software. Wrenchy hasn’t a hope in a sun of working on software. I’m going. I didn’t get my nanites for nothing.”

  “What’s this a revolt?”

  “Damn right, Mister Captain. I’m your pilot. I’m going.”

  “You’re needed here, Keiko. You’re Humanity’s representation.”

  “Well, seeing as there’s no Humanity on Ballison when you leave, then it doesn’t need my voice.”

  “Cap. You never win an argument with a woman. I learned that the hard way.” Mack smiled at Sue. “Especially with the Wee-One.”

  “Where’s Gopai? Is he going to revolt too?”

  “Already has, Cap. I commed him as soon as this discussion started.”

  “You too, Buster? You knew you were going.”

  “True. I didn’t want to break up the band.”

  “This was supposed to be a two person trip. Me and Buster. In, grab Kokali and out.”

  “And your plans always work. Right, Cap?”

  “Captain Marston?”

  “Yes, Tribune Ambakai?”

  “Princess Analyn has tasked me and my squad to insure your safety. We also have the nanite injections. Therefore, it is our purview that we accompany you on this journey.”

  “That’s it. No more. Buster’s band and Tribune Ambakai’s squad. No more!”

  “Captain Marston. You promised.”

  “Damn! And Igaklay. You’re coming. No more!”

  “Captain Marston?”

  “No, Lady Analyn. No. You have no experience in war. You cannot go.”

  “But, I must be there to retrieve Kokali’s remains!”

  “No, Little Fire. Captain Marston is correct. You have no experience in what Griffin is flying into. You are to remain here.”

  “But, Father!”

  “Besides, we need you to help us get our people down and settled in. You are now, here, the ruler of Ballison. You need to remain here and rule.”

  “No. You are the Clan Leader.”

  “That is true. But here, we are under the rule of Ballison. Since Ambassador Suzume and Captain Marston are leaving, that leaves you.”

  “Anyl, your father is right. You must stay behind. Vidhee will stay, also. You will need her council.”

  “This makes me so angry!”

  “That is why you are called ‘Little Fire’.”

  “Oh, Father.”

  “Well, that’s settled. Buster, Igaklay. Make sure Griffin is ready. The rest of you, make sure you have all you need. Tomorrow we leave for Sasania!”

  To Be Continued

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  Read on for a snippet from Book 5, ‘Victory in the Stars’.

  Aboard Griffin

  “Sue, one-tenth of a light-year out from Nye Nippon.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  With new people on board, all casual banter ceased, everyone again assuming airs of professionalism.

  “Igaklay, Buster, cross-check the coordinates before activation.”

  “Aye, aye, Captain.”

  “Got them, Captain.”

  “Thank you, Ambassador.”

  “They are good, Captain Marston.”

  “Thank you, Igaklay. Mack, ready?”

  “Ya, Cap. The girl is hot to trot.”

  “Gopai, I want all guns unlocked and activated. Eyes and ears forward. If anything so much as twitches, I want your guns on it.”

  “Yes, My Captain.”

  Over the intercom, “Sergeant, your men squared away?”

  “All squared away, Captain. This feels strange, Captain. Not being in gravity bags.”

  “You’ll get used to it. Tribune Ambakai?”

  “We are prepared, Captain.”

  “Ok. Keiko, punch it.”

  She punched it.”

  “Sue, where are we?”

  “Right on, Captain. You should be able to just make out Nye Nippon in the center of the main viewer.”

  “I see it. Well done, all. Sue, get going on the sensors. See what we have.”

  “Ships, Captain. A lot of them.”


  “No, Sir. Alien.”

  “That tears it. Buster. Get a count. Find out what we’re looking at.”

  “Comparing tonnage to our ships of the line, another carrier is over Nye Nippon. One super dreadnaught. 4 cruisers, 13 destroyers, 60 frigates.”

  “A whole fleet.”

  “Krag. My Family.”

  “I know.”

  Krag went quiet. Everyone waited.

  Igaklay, Buster. Find me a dead spot near Nye Nippon. Someplace we can jump to and go dark.”

  “I found one, Captain.”

  “Iggy beat you, again, Tinman.”

  “Shut it Mack. We’re in the danger zone.”

  “Aye, aye, Captain.”

  “Sue, get the read from Igaklay. I want coordinates down to a gnat’s eyelash.”

  “A gnat?” Mack mouthed at Keiko who shook her head.

  Everyone watched Sue do her routine as she worked out the solution.

  “Got them, Captain.”

  Igaklay, Buster. Double check.”

  “Sue is right on, Cap.”


  “Yes, Captain. Sue’s coordinates are correct.”

  “Gopai. Be ready. Don’t get twitchy.”

  “I understand, Captain.”

  “Here’s the plan. Keiko, you jump in. Sue, you send a world-wide, band-wide blast message. Say, ‘Federacy ship Griffin Contacting Ambassador Suzume’. That’s all. Then go dark.”

  “I got it, Captain,” a very nervous Sue responded.

  “Mack, I want everything shut down that can be shut down.”

  “Already done, Cap.”

  Tribune Ambakai, Sergeant Boulos, we’re jumping.”

  Krag took in a huge breath and let it out slowly. “Keiko, jump.

  Sue kept her eyes on the navigation screen. The moment she saw the change in the star configuration, she pushed the ‘send’ icon.

  “Sent, Captain,” she whispered.

  A tense minute passed.

  “Hello the ship. Emperor and your family safe. Run!”

  Keiko sighed the sigh of great relief.

  An alien frigate broke Nye Nippon’s horizon and fired. At the same time, a blue, energized field enveloped Griffin. At the speed of light, the energy beam struck the dark matter shield. A spectacular flash of blue light forced all of the view screens to go dark, almost black. For that split second, all anyone could see was a ghostly image of the charging alien ship of war.

  Keiko punched the jump icon again. Griffin ended up where she began.

  “Mack? Damage report!”

  “None that I can see, Cap.”

  Igaklay? Buster?”

  “Just finished checking, Captain. No damage to report.”

  “Thank you, Igaklay. What just happened?”

  “I am a super A.I.,” Igaklay said, with a gleam and a little smugness. “I think at the speed of light. Before the alien ship could fire, I brought up the dark matter shield.”

  “And, obviously, the shield works.”

  “I told you it would, Captain.”

  “Yes you did, Igaklay. Thank you.”

  “Just doing my job. Protecting my Den.”

  “Ya, Iggy. You did that, big time.”

  “I’m happy about your family, Keiko.”

  “I just hope that they really are alright.”

  “I’m sure they are. Well, everyone. Now we know. It’s a full on invasion. Let’s get to Ballison. Plan on what to do next.”




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