Saxon's Conquest (Hell Yeah!)

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Saxon's Conquest (Hell Yeah!) Page 25

by Sable Hunter

  “Savvy, that’s enough,” Alivia spoke from across the hall. “Leave Saxon in peace, please.”

  “Yes, Alivia.” She winked at Saxon and retraced her steps back to the front of the house.

  Saxon laughed. “You’ve got your hands full there.” He talked as he cleaned himself quickly. “She’s this intriguing mixture of innocent and genius.” Like you, he thought.

  “I’m constantly surprised by her, that’s for sure.” She waited by the bed. “What side do you prefer?”

  “As long as I’m on your good side, I don’t care.” Saxon stared at Alivia. She was wearing a red T-shirt with the Wonder Woman logo on the front. “Oh, you do wonders for that shirt, all right.”

  Alivia shook her head. “Come on, we need to sleep, or we won’t be able to save the world tomorrow.”

  Saxon slid beneath the covers and pulled her into his arms. “This is nice. Thanks for having me.”

  “You’re welcome.” She relaxed against him, resting her head on his broad chest. “I plan on having you again tomorrow, so sleep. You’re going to need your strength.”

  * * *

  When morning dawned, Saxon awoke slowly, realizing he wasn’t at home – and he wasn’t alone. When a smile on his face, he rolled over to gaze at the woman lying next to him. Alivia rested on her back, her head tilted toward him with her mouth slightly open. Her lips looked good enough to have for breakfast, and the exposed skin of her collarbone seemed to be calling his name.

  Hell! He couldn’t believe this perfect woman had come into his world. “I feel like I’ve been searching for you my whole life.” Brushing a strand of silky hair off her cheek, he gave her a quick peck on the lips. Alivia stirred, moving a fingertip over the itch he’d caused with his stubble. “What do I have to do to spend more time with you, Alivia Hart?” Leaning on his elbow, Saxon let his eyes rove over the length of her body. He knew he was already looking past this mission they were on; he didn’t want this to be over when the case was closed.

  At some point during the night, they’d kicked the blanket off, and the only thing hiding her beautiful curves from his view was a thin, silky sheet. His cock stirred at the sight. He was just about to kiss her awake when she stirred in her sleep.

  “Don’t stop, Sax,” she whispered in a breathy tone, pointing her toes out from under the sheet.

  “Why, Alivia Gertrude,” Saxon murmured softly, “are you having a naughty dream?”

  The idea excited him, especially after hearing his name spill from her succulent lips, lips that were now curling into a sinful smirk.

  A creaking sound caused Saxon to jerk around. Savvy came rolling into the room. “Is she awake? Is she okay?”

  Saxon waved a hand. “She’s fine, Savvy. Scat.” He kept his voice low, so as not to rouse his dream girl.

  “Alivia just experienced a big jump in her heart rate. I’m programmed to respond when something abnormal happens to her. There’s no sudden increase in the room temperature. She’s not having a heart attack or a reaction to medication. Why is this happening?”

  He held one finger to his lips. “She’s fine, Savvy. I can take care of her.”

  His assurance didn’t quell the robot’s concern. “A bad dream could potentially cause the episode.”

  “Or a good one.”

  “That is also a possibility.”

  “Has her heart rate decreased, yet?” Saxon’s eyes never strayed from Alivia as she lay in a sexy tumble on the bed. She twisted in the sheets, turning her head to one side, sliding her left leg up her right a few inches, releasing a sigh so seductive Saxon’s cock throbbed with need.

  “Her heart rate just surged another two point-three beats per minute.”

  “Why, you dirty little girl,” Saxon mumbled to himself.

  “On the contrary, Mr. Saxon,” Savvy murmured in all seriousness. “I am a very clean robot. Alivia sweeps my motherboard for cookies weekly, and debugs me on a routine basis.”

  “I’m sure you’re the cleanest robot on the planet, Savvy. You’re going to have to leave now. I need to be alone with Alivia.”


  “You shouldn’t ask so many questions, Savvy,” he told the android.

  “Alivia says I learn by asking question.”

  “Goodbye, Savvy.” He waved at her, and she gave him a slow wink as she rolled from the room.

  Saxon rose quickly, locking the door behind her. Returning to the bed, he was amazed Alivia had slept through the whispered exchange. If he were a better man, he’d probably let her sleep, but his cock was making a very strong argument against it. As he studied her, another breathy gasp poured from her lips like honey, and Saxon felt his own heart rate rise. Standing at the side of the bed, he pulled the sheet back gently, revealing the body that had become his new obsession.

  “Fuck, you are perfect,” he groaned. Long, smooth legs and an ass that wouldn’t quit. Saxon figured his professional career would completely crumble if she said he was free to worship her body whenever he wanted. He knew he’d spend every waking minute from now until doomsday just teasing, pleasing, and taking care of her every need.

  Sliding carefully back into bed, he tried not to disturb her slumber. “What the hell did I do right in my life to find myself in bed with a woman like you?” he asked his own Sleeping Beauty. The siren call of Alivia’s beauty was great, and Saxon’s hands moved on their own. One fell gently onto her chest just above the collar of her sleep shirt. He ran a soft fingertip across the exposed skin and watched her nipples tighten in response. “Fucking hell,” Saxon whispered, dipping his head with a disbelieving chuckle. “You’re even responsive in your sleep.”

  His other hand was far less well-behaved and found its way down to Alivia’s legs. Exerting light pressure, he managed to part her thighs without waking her and slipped one finger through the side of the loose shorts she’d worn to bed. Her hips bucked when the tip of Saxon’s finger slid up and through her lips. The warm, wetness on the pad of his fingertip was undeniable. “So, fucking responsive,” he growled.

  “Saxon, oh, Saxon,” she whimpered. “Take me, please.”

  “Fuck this.” After pulling off his own shorts, he slid Alivia’s down with great care. Moving between her parted thighs, Saxon fit the pulsing head of his cock right at the opening of her sweet channel. His manhood demanded satisfaction, and the heat that engulfed it a moment later was almost enough to push him over the edge. He hadn’t realized how excited he’d become knowing she was dreaming about making love to him. “You’re amazing, sugar.”

  Saxon pushed himself in only halfway and watched as Alivia’s eyes fluttered behind her lids. “Shhhh,” he said into her ear, pushing the rest of his aching cock in with one languid thrust.

  Her teeth closed over her bottom lip as she bowed her back, moaning her satisfaction. “Saxon?”

  “It’s me, baby.” He kissed her neck, pulling his cock back until only the tip remained inside, then pushing it slowly back in.

  His breath seared the sensitive skin of her neck, and Alivia’s hands came around to grasp the muscles of his broad back. As he began to pump harder, Alivia was sure she’d died and gone to heaven.

  Pulling back but keeping his pace, Saxon looked her right in her eyes. “I think you needed this.”

  Lost in the moment, Alivia let her guard down. “I did need it. I need it from you all the time, Saxon.”

  Her words made his cock swell, and Alivia felt the pressure deep in her womb. Never in her life had she been this happy. Did he feel the same way? Alivia didn’t know, and she was hesitant to find out. She turned her head to the side, so he wouldn’t read on her face how hard she’d fallen for him. “Don’t stop, Saxon. Please don’t stop.”

  Driving down on her, the echoes of their lovemaking was music to Saxon’s ears.

  “Alivia! Alivia! Danger!” Savvy began knocking frantically at the door.

  “Go away, Savvy!” Alivia cried, clutching Saxon, not wanting to lose the magic of the m

  Saxon slowed his pace a touch but kept thrusting in and out of the woman under him. He chuckled a few times.

  Alivia slapped him on the back. “Don’t laugh.”

  “Sorry,” he apologized. “And don’t worry,” he kissed her neck, “I’m not stopping.”

  “Are you okay? Answer me, or I’ll break down the door to save you!” Savvy yelled from the other side of the door.

  “Yes!” Alivia yelled, not necessary in answer to Savvy’s question. “Just…” Saxon’s pace picked back up, and Alivia’s entire body curled with pleasure. “Go…ah…oh my god.” She locked her legs around his waist and grabbed on tight, forgetting the robot’s presence completely.

  “Are you sure?” Savvy’s robotic voice had an unmistakable ring of hysteria about it. “If you die, who’ll take care of me?”

  “I’m fine,” Alivia squeaked out as the beginning of an orgasm rose within her.

  “Oh, hell yeah, you are,” Saxon commented from above her.

  The robot said no more, and Alivia was glad. She couldn’t think coherently. Digging her nails into his back, she gave herself over to the unbelievable pleasure only Saxon could give her.

  “That’s my girl,” Saxon growled in her ear. “Cum for me, Alivia. Let me hear it.”

  Martians on Venus could’ve heard it when Alivia surrendered to the tidal wave of ecstasy that swamped her very being.

  “I’m sorry about that,” Alivia apologized when she’d recovered enough from the orgasm to remember what year it was.

  Saxon hadn’t stopped, he’d fucked her through her release, and now he looked down on her with hooded eyes. “Apologize to me with another one.”

  Alivia’s face was a mix of confusion and pleasure.

  “I know you can do it, Alivia. You are the most responsive woman in the world. I need you to cum for me again. I’m addicted to it.” His eyes were filled with anything but shame. She’d become his weakness, and he craved her orgasm more than his next breath.

  Alivia smiled shyly as she looked into his face. “Only if you join me.”

  “Not a problem, I assure you.” Saxon pounded into her so hard the headboard beat against the wall. Craving her closeness, he instructed her to, “Hold me tight.” She took his cue, and locked herself about him. When her sheath began to flutter around him, Saxon spilled his seed deep inside of her, his entire body convulsing with pleasure.

  “My god, you are incredible,” he said, rolling to one side and taking her with him. “You know, we’re practically neighbors. We can see one another anytime we like.”

  “Yea, true.” Alivia laid there trying to catch her breath. “If you can give me wake-up calls like this, I’ll just get rid of my alarm clock.”

  “Savvy might be another problem,” he joked.

  “Oh, she can be reprogrammed, I promise.” Giving him a kiss on the cheek, she slipped from his arms and slid out of bed. Picking up her shorts, she headed to the restroom to get ready for the day. “I wish we could work from home.”

  Saxon sat up and watched her through the open door of the washroom. “Are you inviting me to move in with you?”

  Alivia halted her toothbrush mid-brush and looked sideways at him. “No. You know what I mean.”

  Dang! He’d almost gotten her to admit that she liked him. Beside him on the night table, his cell rang. “It’s Micah,” he called to Alivia. “What’s up, Wolfe?”

  “Sax, where are you?”

  “Uh…I’m at home.”

  “Like hell you are. I’m standing in the middle of your living room.”

  “You are?” Saxon chuckled. “Well, shit, you caught me.”

  Alivia came out to the washroom at the curse. “What?”

  Saxon covered the phone. “It’s Micah. He suspects something is up.”

  Alivia slapped her palm to her forehead. “Well, don’t tell him.”

  Saxon couldn’t help but smile. He wanted to shout from the top of Mount Bonnell that he’d spent the night with Alivia Hart. “I spent the night at Alivia’s.”

  “Oh my god!” Alivia chunked her hairbrush at the naked hunk in her bed and slammed the washroom door.

  “I knew it!” Micah exalted from the other end of the line. “You dog, Abbott. Good for you.”

  “So, you’re back in town. How’s Sami?”

  “Jet is doing better. They’re planning on removing the tumor as soon as this storm passes. The doctor doesn’t want to risk anything, in case they lose power. Depending on generators at a time like that is an iffy prospect.”

  “Damn, a storm on top of everything else. No one needed this hassle.”

  Alivia listened intently with an ear to the door. She couldn’t hear exactly what was being said, but judging by Saxon’s tone, Micah was giving him heck about their hooking up. She knew Micah could be an ass at times, but she hoped this wouldn’t affect how they all worked together.

  Achoo! Achoo! Achoo!

  “Oh, my God!” Hearing Saxon sneeze loudly three times in a row, she sprang into action. The windows in her room were programmed to open at seven each morning during the fall months to let in fresh air, and the pollen from the Ashe Junipers just outside her window were causing an immediate reaction in Saxon. Immediately she was drawn back to the scary episode in East Texas, and a tear formed in the corner of her eye as she raced over to the windows to close them.

  Saxon saw her standing at the window with her back to him, arms crossed as if she were hugging herself. “We’ll be in a bit, Wolfe. I gotta go.” Climbing out of the bed, he went to Alivia and placed a hand on her shoulder. “What’s wrong?”

  Alivia looked out at the offending trees. If she had a chainsaw handy, she would’ve cut them down to a nub. Just the thought of Saxon having another severe reaction was enough to force three more tears down her cheek. “Nothing.” She sniffled and wiped the tears away with her palm. “I just have something in my eye.” Saxon had come to mean so much to her. Until she could figure out what this meant, she wasn’t ready for him to know. “What did Micah say?”

  Saxon kneaded her shoulders with his big, strong hands and, Alivia melted at his touch. “Micah? Oh, you know him. Always busting my balls.” He felt Alivia tense under his grip. “He wants us to come to headquarters as soon as possible.” His lips found the back of her head. “I said we’d be there in a bit. We still need to go pick up my car, if you have time to take me.”

  “Sure, I’ll be glad to,” she murmured as he slid his hands down and around her waist. “I’d like to stop by Baked and Scones on the way. I’m hungry.”

  “Are we stopping to buy cookies for Gertrude?” He laughed, mimicking one of his all-time favorite commercials.

  “Stop it!” She whacked him on the shoulder.

  “Oh, you love it.” Saxon pulled her close. “Actually, I think we should go another round before we head out.”

  Alivia felt his forceful erection pressing into her hip. “No, no.” She laughed. “I think we should go now. We don’t want to appear unprofessional by being late. Especially since Micah knows we spent the night together.” She planted a quick kiss on his gorgeous lips, then moved toward the washroom again. “You’d better hurry. Last one ready gets to explain things to Savvy.”


  When Saxon arrived at Equalizer headquarters about an hour and a half later, he wasn’t surprised to find Micah waiting for them in the parking lot with a smile on his face.

  Alivia pulled in next to him. “What’s he doing?” she asked as she stepped from her car.

  “Feeding the ducks.” Saxon nodded toward a flock of fat Mallards waddling around the water’s edge. “He has them spoiled.”

  “Glad you two finally decided to come to work. What’s with the separate cars? The cat’s already out of the bag. I know you two did the dirty last night!”

  “Oh great,” Alivia mumbled under her breath. “What is he thinking? Does he have to shout it loud enough for the whole city to hear?”

ep your shirt on, Wolfe!” Saxon called as he let out a hearty chuckle. He waited for her to come even with him, so they could walk in together. “Oh, don’t worry about him, Alivia.” He placed a guiding hand on her lower back. “Best thing to do with Micah is ignore him. He only feeds off any reaction you give him.”

  Micah approached them with arms stretched wide. Wrapping an arm around both, he pulled them in for a big hug. “You, guys.” Releasing Saxon, he patted him on the back. “Everything go all right last night? No performance anxiety?”

  Saxon ignored Micah’s attempt at being funny, but Alivia blushed. She pulled away and headed for the front door at a faster pace.

  “Geez, Sax. She’s in a bad mood. You should have let her get more sleep.”

  Saxon just glared at his friend while they walked. “She’s not upset over lack of sleep; it’s putting up with the likes of you that puts a person in a foul mood.”

  “Ha, foul mood!” He pointed to the waterfowl. “Funny one.” Micah let out a cheerful laugh. “I’m just glad to see you smile, Abbott. A girl who can put that look on your face should be congratulated.”

  As soon as they stepped through the door, Micah became serious. It was time to work. “Okay, where are we, team?” he asked as they gathered in the conference room.

  Alivia clicked some keys on her laptop. She still couldn’t bring herself to look Micah in the eyes just yet.

  “We ran down a couple leads,” Saxon started, pulling a report from a stack of papers. “The police chief in Lufkin didn’t have anything to report. Although, he might have given us a clue without realizing it.”

  “What do you mean?” Micah asked, pouring himself a cup of coffee and settling down at the table with them.

  Saxon explained about the priest seen at Mona’s apartment complex. “We also visited with Detective Arceneaux who worked Delores Fisher’s case. There are some pretty compelling similarities between the more recent murders, and the one that’s more than twenty years old.”

  “You mean they were all strangled, and all beauty queens.” Micah was listening with interest.


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