Saxon's Conquest (Hell Yeah!)

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Saxon's Conquest (Hell Yeah!) Page 41

by Sable Hunter

  “Over here, Alivia. Ready to go back to the hotel for a spell?”

  She gave him a smile. “I am.” She had to bite her tongue to keep from asking about Saxon, managing a more generic question. “Anything new going on?”

  Titus nodded as he led her down the hall and through a milling crowd. “Yea, they found a body.” When he saw her horrified expression, he quickly added, “It wasn’t Ms. Kraft.”

  “Well, thank goodness for that…but how horrible. Who was it?”

  Titus decided not to be graphic and tell her about the mutilations. With his military background, he knew the injuries had been inflicted to slow down identification of the victim. “There has been no announcement so far.”

  “Is that where Saxon is?” she asked before she thought, then another idea hit her forcefully. “Do they think this killing is connected to our investigation?”

  Without answering her first question, Titus shook his head. “At first consideration, there doesn’t seem to be to be a connection. The rest were strangulations, this…well…” Actually, they couldn’t determine if the victim was strangulated due to the decapitation.

  Alivia shuddered. “Don’t tell me now. I’ll want to know all the details when I’m through with this wretched performance.”

  “Oh, you’ll do great, I’m sure.” With gentlemanly aplomb, he escorted her back to her room. “Don’t worry. I’m going to be stationed right outside the door. I have strict orders not to leave you alone.”

  “Thanks.” She wondered who those orders came from.

  Once she was inside, Savvy was as happy to see her as a puppy that had been left alone all day. Full of questions, she became Alivia’s shadow.

  “Tell me all about it. Was it fun? You looked pretty, didn’t you? Did you win? Can I go with you to the next part? Did you see any celebrities?”

  Alivia stared her down. “I’d tell you to take a breath if you had lungs.”

  Savvy placed her hands on her cheeks. “Okay. Okay. I’ll calm down. Just tell me everything before I have a meltdown!”

  Over the next few moments, she tried to remember every detail to relate to Savvy and found herself laughing at the memory. “I was like a duck out of water, I assure you.”

  “Oh, I bet you were grand.” Savvy looked at her with affection. “You’re so pretty.”


  “Oh, Saxon certainly thinks so.”

  “Does he?” She picked up her phone to check for messages, and there was none. None from Saxon. None from Victoria.

  “Oh, yes.” Savvy giggled – or her version of one, causing Alivia to jerk around and look at her.


  “Nothing.” She giggled again. “It’s a secret. I can’t tell you.”

  “What secret?”

  Savvy placed a hand over her mouth and spoke from behind it – muffled. “Don’t ask me. I can’t say. You’ll find out soon enough.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You’d better rehearse if you’re going to.” Savvy deftly changed the subject.

  “Oh, God, you’re right.” She pointed to the door. “While I call and check in with Violet, you go out and ask Titus to see if the conference room at the end of the hall is vacant, I need a larger room to practice in.”

  “Yes, I certainly don’t want to be whacked with that broadsword.” Savvy left to do Alivia’s bidding.

  After checking up on her pregnant assistant, and making sure the office was still running smoothly without her, Alivia took a quick shower. Violet had been full of questions, assuring her that she would be watching the show on television. She’d also relayed a number of offers from prospective clients. Her work with Savvy and Dragnet was opening doors that she’d never expected. Oddly enough, none of what Violet told her was tempting. This realization gave Alivia pause, the way she pictured her future was changing.

  And this was all due to one thing.


  Pushing aside her quandary, Alivia got down to business. Over the next hour or so, she changed into an outfit worthy of Lara Croft – a short leather skirt, a fringed halter top, and those knee-high boots Saxon loved so much. Her only accessory was a broadsword, a real one that she was quite adept at using. To ease her nerves, she went through the routine, using a downloaded version of the background music off her phone. Knowing Titus stood outside the door comforted her as well as unnerved her. “Might as well get over that, you’re about to perform in front of…” God, she didn’t even want to say a number, there was no earthly telling. No matter, the one set of eyes that would affect her the most were nowhere to be found.

  Alivia couldn’t help but be disappointed. She’d so counted on his support.

  * * *

  …Saxon was counting on making it to Alivia’s side, but everything seemed to be happening to prevent him from doing so. No sooner had they returned to the convention center that one of the police guards hauled a man into Micah’s control room, a suspect.

  “We caught him masturbating in front of the posters of the dead beauty queens.”

  “Really?” Micah grimaced, circling the man. “Could this be our guy, Saxon?”

  “I don’t know.” Saxon stared at the slight individual with small eyes and a receding hairline. “Maybe. I think the suspect should be taken in for questioning.” Could this be him? Could all this be over? “He doesn’t look like any of our photographs. “What’s your name?”

  “Rich Perkins and I’m no suspect!” the man protested loudly. “I didn’t do nothing wrong.”

  “You don’t call exposing yourself in public wrong?” Destry yelled, his face red, imagining that this man might’ve harmed Victoria in some way.

  “There wasn’t no one around. I was just having a little bit of fun,” the man protested, struggling a bit against the guard’s hard grip on his arm.

  “If you killed those women, we’ll find out.” Saxon stared at the man, something telling him that this guy wasn’t smart enough to be their killer.

  “I didn’t kill anyone!” the man yelled, seemingly totally shocked by the suggestion. “You’ve got the wrong man!”

  Before the officer led him out, Micah went over to converse with him. The policeman nodded and led the protesting man out. When he returned to his friends, he shook his head. “They’ll question him, check his alibi. If there’s any correlation, they’ll let us know. Until then, we’ll continue our own investigation.”

  “Okay, I’m going to run down and check on Alivia.” Saxon was about to walk out the door when Micah’s phone rang again.

  “Hold up.” Micah held out a finger to get both Saxon and Destry’s attention.

  Saxon knew by looking at Micah’s face that something was wrong. “What’s going on?”

  “There’s another body.” Meeting Destry’s eyes, he placed a hand on his arm. “You need to stay here.”

  Destry cried out, understanding hitting him like a freight train, “Victoria? Oh, hell, no. Is it her?”

  Micah’s silence was his answer.

  Turning to hit the wall with his fist, Destry cursed. “Fuck! How do they know?”

  “She had on an engraved necklace.” Micah wouldn’t tell him the condition of the body, which was very much like the other one they’d just found. These details would just be too hard to hear. “In fact, both of you stay here. Saxon go on down and stay with Alivia. I’ll call you both once I know anything.” He delayed his departure long enough to hug his friend. “I’m so sorry, Destry. So sorry.”

  Once Micah was gone, Saxon stood by Destry, unsure of what to do or say. “I’m sorry, too. She didn’t deserve this.”

  “No, she didn’t.” Destry bowed his head. “Like I said before, I should’ve done more to protect her.”

  He didn’t say it, but Saxon heard the implication that they all should have done more. Knowing Destry might be right, he vowed they wouldn’t make the same mistake with Alivia. “Again, I’m so sorry. Know that, please.” He pointed to the d

  “Go. Go.” Destry waved him on. “Believe me, if Victoria were still alive, I wouldn’t leave her side for a moment.”

  * * *

  Saxon took off, knowing full well that as soon as his back was turned, Destry would follow Micah. He didn’t try to stop him. Saxon knew if the horrible circumstances were reversed, he’d do the same thing. Even though it would hurt like hell, he’d need to be in on the investigation to make sure the one responsible was brought to justice. He also knew that Micah would protect him, one way or the other.

  Made nervous by the recent happenings, he phoned Alivia on her cell. “She should be back at the room.” Earlier, knowing she’d be competing and dressing, he’d hesitated to call. When she didn’t answer, his blood pressure spiked, he immediately tried Landry and hardly waited for him to answer before shouting, “Where’s Alivia?”

  “Rehearsing in the conference room on her floor. I’m right outside the door. What’s up?”

  “We’ve got another dead woman, this time it’s Ms. Kraft. Don’t tell Alivia, let me be the one to break it to her. I’m on my way up.”

  “Got it.”

  Saxon wasted no time, opting to take the stairs rather than wait for the elevator. When he found Landry standing outside the conference room, he stopped long enough to speak. “You can go back to the control room. I’ll stay with her now.”

  Landry nodded. “All right. How’s Destry.”

  “Tore up and blaming himself. He followed Micah to the crime scene.”

  “Damn, I understand. Call me if you need anything.”

  Saxon, putting differences aside, shook Titus’s hand. “Thanks, we will.” As his associate walked off, he pushed the door open to find Alivia doing a choreographed routine, part dance number, and part a weapons exercise. Seeing the beautiful woman show off her athletic ability and natural grace stopped Saxon in his tracks. She was so focused, Alivia didn’t notice him standing there, and he took full advantage, reveling in the sight of the woman he loved, doing something that showed off her amazing body and her surprising skill. Knowing how heavy the broadsword was, Saxon was impressed at how she wielded it as she spun and danced. He crossed his arms, leaned against the wall. and just drank her in.

  Fully in the moment, Alivia bowed low as the music ended. She’d done it, remembering all the steps. Now, if she could just do it front of the world.

  “Bravo.” Saxon’s voice and the clapping of his hands caused Alivia to jump.

  “Saxon! When did you get here?” She blushed, wondering how she’d appeared in his eyes.

  “Long enough to see how great you are.” He came and took her in his arms. “You’re incredible in every way.”

  She relaxed in his embrace, not so sure she believed him, but grateful for the kind words. “Thank you. I just hope I can get through the routine tonight without blowing it.”

  Saxon tightened his arms around her. “I have to tell you something.”

  “What?” She could tell by his voice that something was wrong.

  “It’s Victoria, they found her body. She’s gone.”

  His whispered words hit Alivia hard enough to knock the breath from her body. Even though the possibility had loomed dark, having their worst fears confirmed was heartbreaking. “Oh, my God! Where? How? Was it our killer?”

  “I don’t know all the details.” Thank goodness, because he didn’t relish relating them to her. “Her body wasn’t found here, but a few blocks away. Micah has gone to meet the police detectives; he’ll let us know something when he can.”

  With tears streaming down her cheeks, Alivia leaned more into Saxon’s embrace. “Poor Destry. I feel so sorry for him.”

  “Yea, me too. Come sit down, let me hold you a bit.”

  Finding a chair, he sat down in it, pulling Alivia into his lap. For long moments, he held her as she cried. “I knew something was terribly wrong. I just kept hoping she would show up.”

  “I know, we all did.” He soothed her the best he could, kissing her face, and pushing her hair from her eyes. When she calmed a bit, he helped Alivia gather her things. “Let’s get Savvy and go to the control room. We can monitor the situation from there.”

  “Oh, okay.” She followed him to their room to retrieve Savvy. Alivia found it hard to tell the robot about Victoria’s death. When she did, Savvy was very quiet and respectful, not asking many questions. She could tell Alivia was upset. The trio was solemn as they headed to the control room.

  When they arrived, the room was chaotic. Alivia escorted Savvy to a chair in the corner and asked her to power down until she needed her. This wasn’t something the robot liked to do, but she obeyed Alivia and closed her eyes.

  Saxon was surprised to find Micah and Destry already there. He didn’t have to ask why, Micah had brought their friend back from a heartbreaking situation.

  “I could’ve handled it, Micah,” Destry said. “I want to help.”

  Micah, visibly shaken, seemed to have changed his mind about a few things. “Maybe it’s time this whole thing is shut down. Things have gone too far.”

  “No.” Destry was emphatic. “This madness has got to stop, and we’re the ones that are going to do it – for Victoria.”

  As Saxon and Alivia looked on, they were both surprised when Madison stepped forward, putting an arm around both Destry and Micah. “I think he’s right, love. If you walk away now, more women will undoubtedly die.”

  “I agree too,” Alivia said, standing close to Saxon. “In fact, I think we should take this a step further. I think we should give the press a statement, saying we uncovered some type of evidence and an arrest is about to be made. In fact, let me slip something over this costume, and I’ll do it, give him a face. He’ll know I’m in the competition tonight, and maybe he’ll do something – show his face, make a mistake. We might catch him if he thinks his time is short.”

  As Micah seemed to ponder her suggestion, Saxon responded with an outburst.

  “Hell, no! You’re not putting yourself in danger! You’re not even competing tonight. You just officially dropped out!”

  Alivia was stunned. “I have not. We’ve come this far, and I’m going to see it through!”

  Saxon took her by the arm, pulling her to one side, his face grim and stern. “You’re the one who sounds insane! I’m not allowing you to take such a risk. This has nothing to do with you! You’re not a part of this! Tomorrow, you’ll go back to your own life, safe and sound. We’ll finish this with no help from you!”

  “This has nothing to do with me?” She felt hurt and angry. “I thought I was part of the team!” She’d thought his friends were her friends, that what they shared meant something. “Guess not.” She jerked away from him.

  “Wait. Hold on.” Micah came over to them. “Everyone’s rightfully upset. we’ve suffered a terrible loss. Perhaps, Destry and Alivia are right. To honor Victoria’s memory, maybe we should try a psychological move.”

  “Not if it puts Alivia in more danger,” Saxon protested.

  “I want to do this,” Alivia insisted, stepping away from him to put some distance between them. “I’m the logical one. I’ll give him an irresistible target.”

  “God, no,” Saxon groaned. “There’s got to be some other way.” He glared at Micah. “You can’t put her into even more danger.”

  “This is my choice,” Alivia declared. “I’ve come this far; I have to do this. If I don’t, and someone else dies, I’ll know I could’ve prevented it.”

  “Illogical.” Saxon stood his ground.

  Micah elected to make the tough choice. “We’ll protect her. We don’t even have to fabricate a story; we can use the arrest of the man who exposed himself at the memorial.”

  “I’ve got to get out of here. I’m going for a walk.” Saxon, clearly upset, left the room.

  Torn and confused, Alivia watched him go, then turned to Micah. “What are you talking about? What arrest?”

  “They caught some guy…self-pleasuring himself in
front of those displays you set up downstairs.”

  “Gross.” Alivia frowned. “Do you think he’s the culprit?”

  “We can’t be sure. For the time being, I think the smart thing is to assume he’s not. We’ll call a quick press conference, and you can make a statement. Let’s be upfront, say how you are part of a team in place to protect everyone. The reporters will eat it up. The story will spread like wildfire. Say we’re being cautious, but we’re hopeful. Let everyone know that we’re on the job. Don’t give any details, just say someone has been taken into custody for questioning. If the weirdo isn’t our guy, the real killer might hear and feel like the pressure is off. Like you said earlier, he might feel comfortable enough to make a bolder move.”

  “We’ll have to be careful, I don’t want anyone else to die,” Alivia worried.

  “No one does.” Micah placed a caring hand on her arm. “Just sit and relax a bit. Let me phone the police chief and Kyle, let them know what’s going on. Gathering the press won’t be a problem, they’re already on the property to cover the pageant.” He checked his watch. “We have just enough time to get this done before you have to go back to the competition.”

  “All right. Thanks,” she told him.

  Madison came to her and gave her a hug. “Come sit with me and drink some water.”

  “Okay, I need it. I feel lightheaded.” She let Madison lead her away. Alivia glanced at the door and wondered about Saxon. “Should I go look for him?”

  Madison pulled out a chair at a table in the corner. “Sit.” She walked to the small fridge and retrieved two waters. Handing one to Alivia, she sat down next to her. “No, let him cool off. He’s just worried about you.”

  “He said I wasn’t part of the team.” His words had hurt, Alivia couldn’t deny the fact.

  Madison covered Alivia’s hand with her own. “What he meant was that you mean more to him than a team member. He was just trying to protect you. He’s lashing out because he’s scared for you.”

  “I don’t know,” Alivia murmured, sipping her water, trying to keep her hands from trembling. “We’ve spent a lot of time together, I’ve never seen him act like this.”


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