Echoes of the Light - The Story of the Life of Jesus Christ as told by the Angels.

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Echoes of the Light - The Story of the Life of Jesus Christ as told by the Angels. Page 2

by Tim Green

of not giving up or surrendering . It was as if ones heart and emotions had been thrust through with a sword leaving us degraded and discouraged.

  Often the continuous verbal abuse would leave the Warriors of Light emotionally crippled and paralysed as though dead to their feelings. For the first time in my eternal life I realised how powerful negative words could be. The insults would totally remove the value of our self worth and our self esteem. It was during this time that our creator showed Himself strong as a mighty fortress during this time of war. His continual encouragement helped us to keep our self worth and self-image in tact. We continually drew our strength from the words that God Almighty had spoken to us. The battle finally came to an end when God Almighty dressed Himself for battle. Enough was enough and he was going to end it once and for all. The thousand-year battle had delayed His plans to continue with His creation of the universe. The earth was left without form and void and darkness was over the face of the deep due to the angelic rebellion.

  After the Almighty had arrayed Himself in his armour of light, He took up the sword of the Spirit which is His powerful word. He arose as a mighty warrior and boldly commanded, “I rebuke you Satan.” The Lord thundered on that day with loud heralds of thunder and lightnings. Thick clouds of darkness filled heavens sky. His powerful voice echoed throughout the eternal heavens. Immediately that great antagonistic rebellious angel was cast out from before the throne of Almighty God and his rebellious angelic followers were cast out with him.

  I heard the bold voice of Almighty God from heaven declaring, “I have won the victory.”

  I saw Lucifer, fall from grace and be expelled from heavens throne room that day. That pride infested fallen angel was badly battered and bruised. The non-stop millennial battle had taken its toll on him. Although his pride had been badly dented, he still burned with anger and fury. His pride had been paralysed but only momentarily. He was seeking for a more opportune time to get even with the God who had cast him out of heaven. He wanted to sit upon that throne and he wasn’t about to give up so easily. He was so obsessed by that majestic throne that possessing it haunted his mind continually. Call it madness, call it what you like, his obsession was the cause of his extreme rebellious behaviour. His obsession had cost him his position as the Chief Musician in heaven.

  The heavens were in total disarray. The heavens were left in total silence after Lucifer and his followers expulsion. The sound of music was heard no more before the throne of Almighty God. It was a sorrowful silence. The once God-loving worshippers were all cast out with their pride-infested leader. His pride had been infections and contagious as it had oozed out of him. The chief worshipper had deceptively contaminated all the other angelic worshippers. His tail had swept a third of the stars of heaven with him when he was cast down to the earth.

  We angels always refer to each other as stars because when we manifest ourselves in the earthly realm we always shine like stars do in the night sky. We angels are not bound by space and time like mankind upon the earth. For us to manifest ourselves upon the earth we have to slow down because in our heavenly dimension we travel at the speed of thought. This slowing down process and transition from no space and time to being trapped in space and time causes us to glow. When we return to the Throne of Glory after visiting the earth we always have to shake off the earth’s atmospheric dust particles. We angels are forbidden to have any earthly trace upon ourselves when we re-enter heaven.

  Suddenly out of the silence God Almighty spoke with authority, “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of my throne, My throne is established forever and ever. It cannot be shaken but it will endure forever. Do not tremble neither be terrified because of evil. Do not grow faint or be weary for the Lord your God is strong and mighty in battle.”

  I was overwhelmed with emotion when I heard the words of the Almighty. I was enjoying the calm after the storm. I took time out just to reflect on the casualties of that wicked war. Lucifer and his rebellious worshippers were finally banished. The heavens and the throne room were unusually silent. I often wept uncontrollably when I remembered the holy songs that were sung from the highest heavens.

  While I took time to reflect, the Lord God wasted no time at all. He had something on His creative mind. I Gabriel, unlike God’s holy prophets am weak and powerless to read the thoughts of the Lord God. However I made it my business to know and I was going to find out what was on His mind. I wanted to know the reason for His out of the ordinary and peculiar behaviour. He was once again on a mission to create and expand to universe and Michael and I were inquisitive to know His every move.

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  Creation of the Universe. #2

  The earth was without form and void. It was completely empty and exempt of divine government. So the Holy Spirit of God hovered over the deep dark blue waters that covered the earth. God commanded loudly and said, “Let there be light.” The echo of His voice commissioned that which had been spoken in heaven to be established upon the earth. Immediately there was glowing light surrounding the formless earth. God saw that the light of His glory was good and God divided the light from the darkness. From that moment on darkness and light can never coexist and occupy the same space and time. So God called the light day, and the darkness He called night. This was the evening and the morning on the first day of the creation of the earth.

  The Almighty had creation on His mind. I, Michael the Archangel and warrior of the Lord God was left astonished and puzzled by His peculiar creative behaviour. The thousand-year battle had left the earth in a depleted state and God always despises neglect. When the God of heaven starts something He always finishes it. He is always precise and accurate when He creates. He gives His undivided attention to the finest and smallest of detail. We angels know that He never neglects anyone or anything. He knows every single one of his heavenly angels by their names. We angels are more numerous than the stars in the galaxy. Our number is ten thousand times ten thousand and that was the count after a third was cast out of heaven after the rebellion. God always watches over His word to perform it. Once He has said it, He will accomplish it. He upholds all things by the word of His power.

  We, the remaining angelic hosts that did not rebel with Lucifer, all watched in amazement as the Creator went about creating once again. He spoke once again and thousands of stars exploded into fiery light to decorate the heavens. Their starry lights shouted volumes, as they were set ablaze in their places in the galaxy. The planets were set in their synchronised orbits around the sun. Each one would precisely spin according to the divine time as instructed by the Creator. After He had extravagantly spread out the heavens His focus and purpose changed as He began to establish the things upon the earth.

  “Heaven is my throne,” declared the Lord, “and the earth shall be a footstool for my feet.” Then He created the atmosphere, and divided the waters which were under the sky from the waters which were upon the earth’s surface. it all came into existence exactly according to the words that the Almighty had spoken. So God called the atmosphere sky. The evening and the morning were the second day. The Creator continued with His miraculous work. The creator of heaven and earth, refused to rest until His creation was complete. He spoke again and again. Gabriel and I learnt a powerful spiritual principle that day. We learnt that if you decree a thing from your inner spirit it shall be established upon the earth according to the exact pattern and will of the Father in heaven.

  God continued to call those things which were not, as though they were already existing.

  God said, “Let the waters under the heavens gather themselves together unto one place, and let the dry land appear.”

  And it was exactly as He instructed.
So God called the dry land Earth and the gathering together of the waters He called the Seas and God saw that it was good. Whatever God decreed, it was created exactly according to the words of His mouth. Not one of His words was futile or barren and fell to the ground without being accomplished. Every word that departed out of His mouth accomplished what He desired and achieved the purpose for which He had sent it. His perfect will was being establishing upon the earth according to the purpose and the desires of His heart.

  He continued to speak again on day three and the earth brought forth grass and herb yielding seed after its own kind. The trees of the field yielded their fruit in its season. The grass, the herbs and the trees all had seed in itself that reproduced exactly according to its own kind. We angels called this the seed principle. Everything that was created with a seed invested into it was self existent in nature and had the potential to increase itself over and over again.

  I realised on that day that seeds have great power within themselves. However a seed needed to fall to the ground and die in order for it

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