Echoes of the Light - The Story of the Life of Jesus Christ as told by the Angels.

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Echoes of the Light - The Story of the Life of Jesus Christ as told by the Angels. Page 7

by Tim Green

woman replied, “Satan, the dragon serpent deceived me and led me astray, and I did eat the fruit of the tree.” Then God Almighty burned with fierce fiery anger. I could hear the distress in His voice as He expressed His displeasure. The woman had ignored the voice of her conscience also. She had declined its conviction while she was being tempted and denied it’s prompting by not confessing her guilt. Instead she pointed her self-righteous finger at the serpent. Satan’s very own dark deceptive nature began to ooze out of them both.

  Then the Lord God confronted the serpent and said to him, “Because you have done this, you are cursed above every beast of the field. From now on you shall crawl upon your belly because you stooped low upon your belly to enter the garden underneath the hedge. You shall eat the dust of the ground all the days of your life. I will put hatred between you and the woman. You shall be eternal enemies. Your seed and her seed will be at war continually but her seed shall crush your head while your seed shall only bruise his heel.” This was the first declaration of the Lord that I had recorded in the book of prophesy. The Holy Spirit of God inspired me to write it down with a bold heading: The Seed of the Woman. I was instructed to leave a space next to each prophesy, so that I could write down its counterpart once it had it’s fulfilment in the future.

  Then God turned and spoke unto the woman, “I will greatly multiply your sorrow. In pain you shall give birth to children. You shall desire your husband, and he shall rule over you.” Then unto Adam he said, “Because you have hearkened unto the voice of your wife, and have eaten of the tree, of which I commanded you not to eat. Cursed is the ground for your sake, in sorrow shall you eat of it all the days of your life. Thorns and thistles shall it produce as a sign of the curse and you shall eat of the herbs of the field. In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread until you return to the ground from which you were created. For you are dust and to the dust you shall return.”

  The serpent had lied to them with a subtle temptation. They were going to die a cruel duel death. Firstly they had died spiritually by being cut off from the presence of Almighty God. No longer did they have the privilege of walking together side by side in the secret garden of God as the heavenly gate between heaven and earth was sealed closed forbidding them to enter. Secondly they were going to die naturally and their bodies would return to the dust of the ground from whence they were created.

  Eternal beings were now the subjects and slaves of mortality. After God had instructed them He showed disapproval in their man made clothing. It represented self-righteousness for which the Lord God despises. Self-righteousness is as filthy rags before the God of heaven. Righteousness is the foundation of his throne and He refuses to have His throne misrepresented with another kind of righteousness. God always despises men who claim to be righteous in their own eyes and walk as if they are exempt of sin. He abhors it and detests it. He hates anything that resembles the Devils foul vile despicable nature. We angels are witnesses to the fact that God rejects the proud but gives grace to the humble. The God of heaven burns with holy anger against those who are full of pride.

  God Almighty then took a lamb without spot and blemish. It was history in the making as it was the first time a sacrifice had been made upon the earth. The Lord God then sacrificed the innocent lamb and shed its blood to clothe the man and the woman with coats from its skin. It was bloody and it was messy but it was necessary. They were clothed with garments that were still dripping with innocent blood. I learnt that without the shedding of blood there would be no remission of sins. Sin had caused the brilliant bright glory that clothed the man to depart from his innermost being. It no longer wrapped itself around his spirit like a fiery mantle. So God clothed the man with a mantle still dripping with the blood of a lamb. He was once again clothed with a fiery red substance, the blood of an innocent lamb.

  The Lord God said before all of us, his angelic hosts, “Behold, the man has become like one of us knowing good and evil. Now should he extend his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever in his fallen state.” Therefore the Lord God sent Adam and his wife Eve out of the secret Garden of Eden. He now had to till the ground from whence he was taken and toil for his bread. So God drove the man out of the secret garden and closed heavens gate behind them. God Almighty returned to his throne room and sat silently upon His throne.

  I could see the sorrow in God's eyes as He sat silently still upon his throne. His fingers were stained a dark red colour with the blood of the lamb that was slain before the foundation of the world. His son, Adam with whom He had shared His deepest thoughts and intentions was banished from His midst, like Lucifer had been banished from heaven. No longer could He walk daily upon the surface of the earth to express His love and deeply share Himself with them. They were now like strangers in a foreign land and wanderers in the earth not knowing where they were going. Their heavenly citizenship had been taken away from them and revoked.

  The connection between the heavens and the earth had been disengaged thereby altering the structure of the earthly realm. God and man could no longer walk together in the secret garden during the cool of the day. I watched the Lord God stand to His feet everyday when the time came for Him to walk with the man as He had done daily since the man was first created. He so desperately wanted to depart and travel to his secret garden, bursting the gates of heaven wide open. He would pace up and down longing to walk with his magnificent creature. I could see the intensity upon His face and the extent of the sorrow in his eyes. After many days I heard Him say to Himself in a whisper, “I must make a way for man to once again walk with his God. I think that I will provide man with a spotless lamb from heaven that will take away the sin of the world. Though his sins are as red as scarlet, they shall be whiter than the snow, thought they be red as crimson they shall be white as wool.”

  The Lord God had made up His mind. We his angels know that once He has made up His mind then He will perform what He has purposed in His heart to do. He was going to redeem the man no matter what the cost and we angels all knew it. I Gabriel knew that look on His face and that sparkle in His eyes when He purposed to make a promise and then fulfil that promise.

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  The Tree of Life. #6

  I, Michael the Archangel of war was set apart by God to protect the Tree of Life that was in the midst of the secret Garden of Eden. I had designated two of my finest warriors to guard the gate to the entrance of the secret garden. They stood with their swords drawn and ablaze with the eternal flame of God Almighty burning furiously both day and night. They were to diligently guard the entrance of the secret garden until the appointed time set by the Lord God Almighty.

  I had just finished instructing them at their posts when I saw the fallen man and the women disgracefully leave the secret Garden of Eden. They were dressed with blood stained sheep skins so that their spiritual nakedness was kept hidden. God Almighty personally escorted them out of the gate. My heart was captivated with sorrow towards them as they passed me by. They were the offspring from Gods very own loins, seed of the God kind. They were His most treasured possession. They were His children created and crafted by His own hands. I could discern the Lord God’s innermost thoughts towards them. His loving kindness and his tender mercies towards them are never-ending and everlasting. His deepest desire was to continue to walk with them in the midst of the garden during the cool of the day. I knew that God would never transgress against his own spiritual laws. He is not a man that he should lie and go back on his word. We angels know that He is always true to his laws and faithful to his own eternal word.

  He had graciously warned them about eating the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. The man and the woman knew
that they would be separated from God if they ate of the forbidden fruit. God Almighty stopped and stood at the gate and watched them as they walk together hand in hand into the distance. His heart of hearts was broken through and through. He watched them walk away until they disappeared over the horizon. He did not depart immediately and return to his throne room until long after sunset. He stood there with sorrow in his heart and tears in his eyes. The sky changed from beautiful oranges to passionate reds to pitiful purples and then too destructive darkness. The man was gone, banished from the secret garden.

  Night had fallen upon the face of the earth. The darkness of the first death began to rule and reign. The two blazing swords of my warring angels lit up the night sky. The man and his wife were in continual darkness, bound in the spirit of their minds. I could hear them crying in the distance, “My God, my Father where are you. I need you. My life is empty and desolate without you,” They cried all that night with bitter tears flowing down their faces. The Almighty called out to me in a shaky voice,

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