Echoes of the Light - The Story of the Life of Jesus Christ as told by the Angels.

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Echoes of the Light - The Story of the Life of Jesus Christ as told by the Angels. Page 36

by Tim Green

Jesus had shed His blood upon the earth according to the exact pattern, purpose and blueprint as in heaven.

  It was the eternal sacred blood of the Lamb shed before the foundation of the world. God had provided for himself a spotless lamb like he had promised he would do for Abraham. What Abraham was asked to do God the Father did by sacrificing his only begotten son. Jesus was the good shepherd and he laid down his life for his sheep. They did not take his life from him, instead he laid it down. He had power to lay his life down and he had the power to take it up again.

  It was starting to get late and the evening of the Sabbath and the celebration of the Passover feast was beginning. So the soldiers decided to speed up the process of death by breaking the legs of those being crucified. A person who was crucified would lift themselves up onto their toes with their legs opening up their lungs so that they could take a breath. When their legs were broken they were unable to lift themselves up to help themselves breath. Therefore they would die quicker as they were unable to breathe. Their heart rate would double while their respiratory rate was halved. So the Roman soldiers broke the legs of the two thieves crucified on either side of Jesus. When they came to Jesus they noticed that he was already dead.

  One of the soldiers thrust his sharp spear through the side of Jesus piercing into his heart. It pierced through his already broken heart making sure that there wasn’t a single breath of life left in him. This was so that the scriptures were fulfilled that not a single bone in his body would be broken. Blood and water gushed from his broken heart and once again flowed down the cross, soaking deep into the soil below. The blood was for man’s redemption and the water was for his cleansing. His beautiful bride was born from his side like Eve was born from the side of Adam.

  Christ’s Beautiful bride had been redeemed by his very own blood, the blood of the lamb and cleansed by the water of the word. She had already been made clean by the word that Christ Jesus had spoken unto her. She had been born from the innermost part of his heart, his deepest thoughts and desires, his perfect will. He had laid down his life to build her. Just like God the Father had done to Adam by placing him in a deep sleep, so he put his only Begotten Son into the sleep of death while he pulled his bride from his side. God the father could now once again begin to mould, build and form his bride upon his fingertips, with redeeming blood and cleansing water that had filtered its way into the ground below the cross. The bride must now yield herself to cleansing and purifying, to make herself ready as a bride to be married to the Lamb of God. So that she might become a bride without spot or wrinkle and without blemish. God was going to build his church, his beautify bride, and the gates of hell was not going to prevail against her.

  The spirit of Jesus had long left and departed to the depths of the earth, The Lord Jesus Christ’s eternal spirit entered paradise, Abraham’s bosom that was situated in the very depths of the earth a short distance from the fiery flames of hell. Only a wide deep gulf separated paradise from the flames of Hades. The people there could see each other but they couldn’t get to each other because of the gulf between them. Loud cheers broke out as Jesus entered Abraham’s bosom. He was applauded and saluted by all those who waited for God’s redemption.

  Abraham was there with Moses, Joseph, Isaac, Jacob, David, Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel. The patriarchs were all there with all the Kings of Israel and all the prophets. The founders of the human race were also there, Adam and his wife Eve with their children. So the mother and father of all mankind were there in paradise, a fraction of the paradise that they once walked in with their creator. Only Enoch and Elijah weren’t there as they had walked with God and were not for God had taken them. Enoch and Elijah were both with us before the throne of Glory. Everyone else who had died after being in covenant with the Lord was in paradise with father Abraham as their leader.

  Abraham was laughing like he did when he first received news of the promise of having a son in his old age. David was dancing like he did when he returned the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. The prophets were prophesying passionately like they always did. They were quoting the ancient passages that I had recorded in heavens eternal books. Praise and jubilation echoed from the depths of the earth and reached the highest heaven where we angels were standing. Their redeemer deliverer had finally come and was present in their midst.

  The one spoken about in the Law, the Psalms and the prophets was in their midst. Moses clapped and praised the arrival of the greater and mightier deliverer that he had prophesied about. He had finally seen the Prophet that was to be greater and mightier than himself. He had finally come to see the Passover Lamb who had applied his own blood to the horizontal and vertical posts of the cross and saved those from certain death who by faith apply the blood to the door of their hearts. He had finally come to see the real tabernacle of God come down from heaven. It was the reality itself and not a mere earthly copy that he had built in the wilderness as a replica.

  David spun around in circles as he danced about the arrival of a greater king than he was. He had finally come to see the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords that was greater than he would ever be. Abraham laughed in faith as he finally saw the end result of his seed in the earth, Christ Jesus the seed of Abraham. Joseph, ruler in Egypt, had finally come to see the Saviour from spiritual famine and from certain death that was greater than he was. Jesus Christ the King of the Jews had died in their place for all their sins. He had died instead of them all. I looked at Michael and smiled and he smiled back at me. So I whispered to him quietly, “The King of Kings is greater than I thought he would ever be.” The lifeless body of Jesus was taken down from the cross of death, wrapped in linen cloth and placed in a tomb cut in the rock, one in which no one had been laid. Joseph of Arimathea had provided the tomb and had requested that Pilate give him permission to take the body of Jesus and bury him.

  The Resurrection. #27

  The angelic hosts returned to their traditional positions before the Throne of Glory. They lay prostrate before the Lord God with one set of their wings covering their faces and their other sets covering their entire bodies. I Gabriel, the archangel of the Lord lay quietly next to Michael, the archangel of war. We both lay close together in our semi sleep mode, our glistening golden wings gently touching as usual. We were running the events that we had seen upon the earth though our minds again and again like reviewing a video tape over and over again.

  I pictured the writings in the eternal books in my minds eye. I made every effort to try and remember every line and paragraph exactly word for word as spoken by the prophets. I visualised every type and shadow along with each prophesy ever spoken by those flamboyant prophets. It was all coming together slowly in my mind like a big jigsaw puzzle slowly begins to look like a picture. I memorised and replayed every event that occurred upon the earth that I had faithfully recorded in heavens eternal books. My mind was continually being flooded with understanding and revelation. I was just about to piece together what was about to take place next when I heard my name been called by the Almighty.

  Suddenly on the third day after the death of the Lord Jesus, the Father thunder out my name along with Michael’s name. We simultaneously jumped to attention and answered harmoniously, “Yes God Almighty, we are at your service.” Michael and I were ready for action. We had been off duty for almost four earthly days now and we were sharper than ever, eager for another supernatural encounter and a military mission. “Go and roll away the stone,” commanded God Almighty. Michael and I wasted no time at all as we spun around upon our toes and set our faces like flint towards Jerusalem, the holy city.

  The seven angelic trumpeters placed their brazen trumpets upon their lips and began to blast with all their might. Heaven and earth were once again on a collision course. In a micron of a moment, faster than a lightning flash we both stood outside the tomb where the lifeless body of Jesus lay. God the Holy Spirit followed only seconds behind us but He went directly into the to
mb directly through its walls like he had done when he had raised Lazarus from the dead. Dawn was breaking the night’s shadows away as we rolled away the stone. Before the sun could strike the face of the earth’s surface, the Holy Spirit struck the broken lifeless body of Jesus as it lay clothed in the tomb. The earth shook and the ground thundered as the Lord Jesus Christ stepped out of paradise and back into his broken earthly body. His lifeless body awoke and came alive again at it inhaled the breath of the Holy Spirit of God. The Son of God had been raised from the dead by being brought back to life by the breath of the Holy Spirit of God, just like the unformed clay statue of Adam became a living being as the breath of Almighty God entered him.

  Michael and I could not help, but look into the bright tomb without blinking an eye lid after we effortlessly removed the stone from the entrance. We both understood that the stone represented the Law of Moses that had now been eternally removed. We knew that the only remaining purpose for the Law was to

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