by Tim Green
breath of Almighty God in the secret garden.
We saw the church explode in the early years under Christ’s Apostles and then go into decline and almost cease to exist during the Dark Ages. We watched as His church slowly moved forward as Christ Jesus slowly started to bring restoration back to her. Today the modern church is a far cry away from what it once was during the days of the early Apostles. Yet it is growing and becoming more and more powerful each day as it goes from strength to strength. Christ Jesus is still building his bride that was birthed from his side and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. We angels watch over His precious church, that He has purchased with His own precious blood. We are His echoing angels since the dawn of time.
The End.
This Book is Dedicated to.
To my father E.D. Green.
Thank you for driving me to Sunday School every weekend when I was only a small boy.
My Personal Invitation to you.
If you want to know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour then please pray this simple prayer.
I believe that Jesus Christ died upon the Cross for my sins. That He was punished and put to death in my place. I believe that Jesus Christ was buried and laid in a tomb. I believe that Jesus Christ rose again from the dead according to the Scriptures and just as He said He would.
Father God forgive me of all my sins and for my disobedience. Almighty God come into my life and make all the old things become new. I put my faith and my hope and my trust in you today.
Thank you God for your loving kindness and for your everlasting mercy. Thank you for sending your only Son to earth just for me. Thank you for stretching out your hand towards me today and embracing me as your child today. Thank you for now saving me.
I ask this in the name that is above every other name, in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Please connect with me:
I trust that my book inspired you and touched you in a meaningful way. If it did then please connect with me and send me your thoughts. I will be delighted to hear from you.
God's richest blessings.
Tim Green.
Christian Author and Speaker.
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Email: [email protected]
I make no personal claim to the Word of God, However, I Read it, I Study it, I Meditate upon it, I Believe it, I Speak it and I always WRITE about it. Please respect the fact that I spent almost Thirteen years, and thousands of hours, from 2002 to 2015 to write, research, type, cut, paste, edit, revise, cry, weep, cry some more, laugh, smile, howl at the moon, rewrite, praise, give thanks and sweat blood to get this book to you. Therefore please write to me for my permission before you copy or distribute my book as I poured my heart out onto these pages.