When Sparks Fly

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When Sparks Fly Page 7

by Autumn Dawn

  He was nosy and inconsiderate, too. He had a nasty habit of walking into her office unannounced. She was going to have to move her desk just to get some privacy. Where, though?

  Irritated at the thought of giving up her sunny office, she frowned at him as she put away her communicator. “Taking care of personal business.”

  “You were talking to Cirrus.” Not exactly accusing, his blue stare still made her uncomfortable. Blue was carrying a box of equipment, which he set down on the now-cluttered couch.

  “When are you going to shift your stuff out of here and into the guest room? It’s distracting, sharing my business space with your surveillance equipment.” She didn’t want to talk about her personal life.

  He was undistracted. “Later. We were talking about Cirrus.”

  Gem shifted in her chair and looked for some paperwork to do. Rats, she’d cleared her desk not ten minutes ago, finished for the day. “And?”

  “You were planning to go to his party tomorrow.”

  “With a guest,” she said pleasantly. “We’ll have to buy you something suitable for the occasion.”

  He gave her a forbidding stare. “I’m going as your bodyguard. I won’t pose as your lover just to get your old boyfriend riled.”

  She blinked at him innocently, enjoying his jealousy. “Okay.”

  He drew a breath and looked aside, muttering something too soft for her to hear.

  Gem grinned and got up from her desk, feeling better after putting him in a foul mood. “I’m going to get some fresh air.”

  “Wait a minute,” he ordered. He slung a gun holster around his hips.

  It was the first time he’d been openly armed in front of her, and she frowned in question.

  He gave her a mild look. “It’s time I stopped playing the waiting game and threw out a card. By now, the assassin has been watching. If he doesn’t know who I am yet, he will.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “And who exactly are you?”

  He didn’t warn her; he just took her in his arms and kissed her for about five seconds. It was enough: whatever she’d been thinking went right out the window.

  Disconcertingly, the kiss didn’t seem to affect Blue at all. “Ready?” he asked. Taking her hand, he towed her to the door, opened it and let her go first.

  It was a wonder she could walk. She’d felt just the barest hint of tongue in that kiss, and it wasn’t cold and slimy like she’d been telling herself it would be. Nor was it merely pleasant. Warm, male, heady, the kiss had taken her softly like a butterscotch shot, sliding deliciously down her body and causing a shiver.

  She still wasn’t breathing right when they stepped out into the garden. Blue had been moving her along with a hand at her elbow, but he stopped when they were out of sight of the kitchens. Figuring the air was fresh enough where they were, Gem found a bench under an arbor and sat. She was facing a small clutch of flowers, but didn’t really see them.

  Slowly, the sound of wind in the leaves cleared her head. She looked up.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” Blue said grimly. His eyes scanned the area, restless, his hands loose and ready. Very un-loverlike.

  She looked back at the flowers. “Don’t kiss me.”

  “I only kissed you once,” he said.

  “You know what I mean,” she snapped. “You know what you’re doing. Stop it. If you want to protect me, start with protecting me from yourself.”

  Silence greeted her words. “What is it exactly you want?”

  Gem thought about it. Finally she said, “Stop flirting with me. Stop saying the things you say, doing the things you do…Keep your hands to yourself.”

  “You don’t want much,” he said with a hint of sarcasm. “If I’m to help protect you—”

  She stood up and interrupted him. “You’ve got your freedom, Blue. There are lots of women in the world. Find one that would suit you better. I’m under a lot of stress right now, and I’m going to make a bad decision if you keep this up. I’m not strong enough.” The honest words tasted bitter, and she turned back toward the inn.

  His touch on her shoulder stopped her. “What do you mean, you’re not strong enough? What else is going on besides that person trying to kill you?”

  Gem blinked in surprise, and fought annoyance that he was playing coy. “You’re going on. Brandy’s going on. Xera and Cirrus and…and a thousand other people. Life goes on, Blue. I’m a part of all that, and I can’t afford the energy I’ve been burning on you. Do your job protecting me if that’s what you’ve decided to do, but let’s leave it at that.”

  This time she made it all the way back to the inn without being stopped.

  Sometimes Blue hated himself.

  He cleaned his gun, ignoring Zsak, who’d come into Gem’s quiet office. Blue had been crashing on this couch at night, despite the fact that he’d been offered a guest suite, so he supposed it doubled as his bedroom. They might be flowered, as he had once bemoaned, but there was nothing wrong with the couch’s cushions. Unfortunately, he was too keyed up at the moment to appreciate their comfort.

  Zsak slanted a look at him and threw himself into a chair. “Rough day?”

  Blue grunted.

  His partner sighed. “If it helps, I don’t think she’s guilty. We’ve been all over this place, through all her files, and found nothing. The drugs might be connected to The Spark, but she’s not involved.”

  “They’ve been going out on the same shipments as the beer she exports. The inn has become extremely profitable lately. We can’t prove the how or the who yet, but it’s close to her.”

  “’Close’ is not necessarily on target. They work hard around here, and business in general is good. It’s not surprising things are looking up.”

  “With something this explosive, it might as well be,” Blue answered, ignoring the last part of Zsak’s statement. His eyes were on the weapon and rag in his hands, but in his mind he saw the slums of Polaris, his stomping grounds for the last couple of months.

  Contrary to what Gem thought about his existence, he and Zsak had spent the last half year tracking the new designer drug, Nirvana, from dealers to suppliers on-world and off. They now knew it originated on Polaris, and there was only one spaceport from which it could come. However, on every suspected shipment they’d found products from The Spark and Cirrus Exports, Ltd., beer and exotic foodstuffs, but no drugs, even when they went through the crates with tweezers and microscopes. His people, the other officers in the IC’s narcotics division, currently had an operative cozying up to Cirrus; he and Zsak had been sent after Gem.

  Blue had been unsurprised at first by the relationship of the two suspects, but then they had gained some distance, which made him wonder who was truly guilty. Unfortunately, Cirrus’s new girlfriend was losing her charm and he’d turned his sights back on Gem—whose equal desire to speak with Cirrus again was disturbing. Her effect on Blue himself was better left unspoken.

  Zsak seemed determined to drag Gem’s attraction for him into the light. “Maybe you should look up one of the ladies on base,” he suggested. “You’ve got friends there, and you could use the distraction.”

  Blue just looked at him.

  Zsak threw up his hands. “Okay! I didn’t say anything. How about a game of cards instead? You’re wound pretty tight. Can’t be good for the ulcer.”

  “Fine.” Blue snapped the pieces of his gun back together and set it on the table. The options were to either play or go crazy. “You deal.”

  Gem stepped out of the transport, keenly aware of the sultry night air. The half-sleeves of her gown were designed to start at her elbows, baring her upper arms, and a silver chain held the silk top of the outfit at her throat. Of pale orange brocade, with blue and gold dragons embroidered over her breasts and trailing down her navel, the dress had captured Blue’s attention just as she’d intended. He’d frozen when he first saw her in it, visually tracing the embroidery with his eyes in horrified fascination. He hadn’t said a word, but he’d shak
en his head like a dog shakes off water and quickly looked away.

  Gem smiled to herself. She wouldn’t have to do the work of pretending he was her boyfriend now. She wouldn’t need to say a word—not with over six feet of tense male hovering at her right shoulder, radiating lethal menace at any man who looked at her too long.

  Seeing Cirrus’s hostess, who stood on the threshold to greet guests, Gem was grateful she’d arranged for Blue to accompany her. The popular rumor was that Cirrus had dumped Gem for a rich heiress, but Gem’s sources said differently. The leggy redhead in the doorway had been hired as Cirrus’s personal assistant, and she was currently providing the most personal assistance possible. Gem had learned the news from his former assistant, who’d been kicked out of Cirrus’s bed without any severance, and who’d run straight to Gem and done some clever negotiating in exchange for a ticket off-planet. Gem managed a cynical smile, realizing the woman had done her a true favor by imparting the truth.

  “Hello and welcome,” the redhead said with a professional smile. “The other guests are gathering in the solarium to enjoy the buffet. My name is Jaqui, and I’ll be happy to help with anything you need.” A faint frown marred her expression when she looked at Blue.

  Unsurprised by the reaction, considering Blue hadn’t been extended an invitation, Gem said blithely, “He’s with me.”

  “Ah. Welcome, then, Mr.…?”

  “Blue,” Hyna said shortly, then ignored her as his eyes drifted to the hall beyond.

  They walked inside. The foyer had been done in brown-veined, creamy marble. Arched niches were carved into the walls, displaying Cirrus’s extensive collection of artwork, or at least part of it. Twin, curving staircases rose to the upper story, and an elegant balustrade of dark, polished wood matched the stair rail and complemented the cream and tan décor. Original oil paintings graced the walls, muted light gleaming off their gold frames.

  Blue caught Gem’s gaze with mocking eyes. “Looks like Mr. Money himself lives here. Nice pad, eh?”

  She gave him a look of weary distaste. “He doesn’t live here, Blue. He lives in his office. He’s working all the time—when he’s not fraternizing with his assistants. One or two rooms in this house he occasionally visits. Mostly it’s a showcase.”

  “It could have been yours,” Blue remarked. Gem didn’t deign to reply.

  They continued walking. Gem lowered her voice as they approached the solarium. “It might not be as expensively decorated, but The Spark could swallow this place whole, at least in terms of square footage. Plus, The Spark’s not mortgaged to the hilt. We’re expanding, while Cirrus has had to quietly sell off pieces of his beloved artwork to fund his flamboyant lifestyle. Business has not been good for him lately.”

  “Really?” Blue clearly was interested, but they were approaching the crowd and it was too late to ask more.

  Cirrus noticed them almost immediately and oozed on over. Ignoring Blue’s presence, he greeted Gem with warm appreciation. “As always, you look beautiful, my dear. What a wonderful gown!” He bowed over her hand and then gracefully released it. Looking at Blue, he said, “I don’t think I’m familiar with your guest.”

  “My bodyguard,” Gem said dismissively, quietly smiling to herself. “There have been some disturbing events lately and I felt the need for more protection.”

  Cirrus frowned, seemingly concerned. “Really? What sort of trouble? Perhaps I can help.”

  Gem smiled. “Don’t concern yourself, Cir. I’ve taken care of it. Now, I assume you have some wine around here? I’m very thirsty.”

  “Of course.” He summoned a waiter, who fetched a glass. “May I escort you to the buffet?” He looked distantly at Blue and suggested, “I’m sure you can amuse yourself. Feel free to sample the buffet, as well. I recommend the canapés.”

  Gem couldn’t help giving a wicked little smile at Blue’s expression. He wore a dark look, but it vanished when he saw her amusement. “I will,” he replied.

  Cirrus waited until he and Gem were alone at the quietest corner of the buffet table to murmur, “Your man is quite protective—for an employee.”

  “That’s what bodyguards do,” she replied, willing herself not to laugh.

  She selected three small items for her plate and then moved away from the buffet table to take a glass of wine from a waiter. “Thank you, I’m not very hungry tonight,” she remarked as Cirrus raised an eyebrow. Then she strolled to the other side of the room and a private little alcove where Cirrus held out a chair at a table for two.

  “I was delighted to see you here tonight,” he said as they sat down. “I was afraid you’d be unwilling to forgive me.”

  She smiled ironically and admitted, “I was curious at your sudden change of heart. You’re not the sort to revisit past mistakes.”

  “You were never a mistake,” he replied, looking at her from under his lashes. He leaned a fraction closer. “Allow me to convince you.”

  She smiled and raised her wineglass to her lips, effectively blocking his move. “Use words, Cirrus. I’m not in the mood to pretend anything foolish.”

  He sighed and sat back. “How dull.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Sorry. But I can only assume some business concern has sent you in my direction.”

  He was silent for a moment, then seemed to throw in his cards. “Actually, you’re right. I hoped you would introduce me to your brewmaster. He’s proved, um, immune to my charms.”

  Gem sat back and savored the feeling of triumph. She’d been right! Not that this was very flattering, but she was glad she’d read him correctly. It gave her a bit more confidence regarding the world and her comprehension of it.

  “Our brewmaster’s rather reclusive,” she admitted. “Very possessive of his knowledge. I don’t think even Brandy knows his master recipe. I certainly don’t, and I’m the most discreet person in my family.”

  “I believe that,” Cirrus said, with an admiration that surprised her. “I only regret I was so late in discovering your business acumen. But…truly, I would appreciate an introduction.”

  Gem thought hard, but she couldn’t fathom any motives other than the obvious. Unfortunately for Cirrus, she had no desire to further his interests, no matter how mundane they were. She smiled at the tabletop and then leaned forward.

  “Cirrus?” she said.

  He moved closer, his eyes shining with anticipation. “Yes?”

  “Absolutely not.” Then she stood up, forcing him to rise also.

  He was slow to do so. “How cruel, my dear, to deny me such a simple request. But I suppose I deserve it.”

  “I suppose you do,” she replied, maintaining a façade of calm, though her insides were sparking with nerves. “Now, if you’ll excuse me? I’m afraid I have another engagement.” Walking tall, she sauntered off without another word.

  Blue joined her as she left the solarium, and he said, “Cirrus looks like a man who just caught his left nut in a jock strap. What’d you do to him?”

  “Nothing,” she said blithely.

  “Okay, then what did you say?”

  She smirked. “This and that.” Busy savoring her revenge, tiny though it was, she didn’t want to pause to answer questions.

  Reading easily her desire to leave, Blue hustled her into a waiting transport and held his peace until they made it safely back into The Spark. But when she started to climb the stairs to her suite, he took her arm and steered her toward her office instead.

  “Hey!” She frowned at him and rubbed her arm in protest, though his grip hadn’t hurt.

  “This might be important,” he insisted. “Tell me what you talked about.”

  She rolled her eyes and flopped down on the couch. He’d installed new shutters that worked like blast shields, so she wasn’t worried about being shot from behind anymore, but she missed the cool night air. “It wasn’t anything profound, Blue!”

  He sat down next to her. “So, tell me. No need to hide.”

  Feeling both relaxed and dru
nk with success, she eyed him playfully. “Or what? You’ll kiss me again?”

  “No. I’ll arrest you,” he said sternly. Then his expression relaxed and he put a hand on her knee. “Or maybe I will kiss you. And I might be diseased, you know. Better talk quick before I convince you not to care.”

  Gem remembered Brandy’s words and laughed. “Fine. He simply wanted to be introduced to my brewmaster, so you can stop acting jealous. Apparently he’s heard that our export business is doing well and wants in on it. Too bad for him Jean Luc doesn’t like charm.”

  Blue’s hand tightened on her knee. When she glanced at it, startled, he let go, stood up and paced a restless circuit of the room. “Maybe that has something to do with this whole mess. I’ve seen the brewery, but I’d like to take another look with you.”

  Gem frowned, confused. “Why? Cirrus is a worm, I’ve learned, but he wouldn’t try to kill me over beer, for pity’s sake.”

  “I still want to see it,” Blue pressed.

  Gem shrugged. “Fine. Go see.”

  “With you.”


  “I just do.”

  “Whatever.” Suddenly peeved and not sure why, Gem brushed past him on her way to the door. There, she paused dramatically. “We’ll look at it tomorrow. Will there be anything else tonight, or is that it?”

  Blue stared at her. “That’s it.”

  Shaking her head, she left him to his intrigue.

  As Gem exited the room, tension churned in Blue’s stomach. He was getting closer to the truth; he sensed it. Unfortunately, the evidence around Gem had just taken another damning turn.

  He paced the office, feeling the pressure in his head mount. He’d gotten emotionally involved, and he knew better than to do that. He was dangerously close to screwing up his own investigation because he hadn’t kept the distance he should have. It was unprofessional and unlike him. Of course, the bright spot was that he hadn’t had sex with her. Contrary to Zsak’s teasing, he was discriminating in his lovers. Gem had tested his resolve, but as of this evening he was back on track.

  If Gem was guilty, she was going to pay.


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