Critical Intelligence: 2016 Anniversary Edition (Immortal Ops)

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Critical Intelligence: 2016 Anniversary Edition (Immortal Ops) Page 14

by Mandy M. Roth

“Maybe,” she said, dropping to her knees before him. “Or maybe not.” Her hot mouth clamped around his cock and they moaned simultaneously. She pulled back long enough to look up at him. The sight of her long black lashes and dark brown eyes staring up at him was one of the most erotic things he’d ever seen. “You taste like us, and it tastes like heaven.”

  She swallowed him fast and he swore he hit the back of her throat. Missy showed no signs of discomfort so he didn’t object. If she wanted to deep throat him, who was he to stop her?

  Looking down at her, watching as her black hair spilled over her tiny shoulders, drawing his attention to her curved ass, he knew that he was right—she was his, his mate, his wife, and he’d never been happier.

  You’re mine—forever.

  Pinching the loose skin at the base of his penis, Missy pulled it taut as she worked her hot little mouth over it. “Ah,” he whispered, grabbing hold of her hair gently. “That’s it, doll baby, take it all, take it deeper. Yeah, oh, that feels so fucking good. Suck me, baby…uhh, just like that. You’re killing me.”

  She varied her licks and sucks, causing his legs to shake. If he passed out getting head, he’d never live it down. Reaching out, he gripped the top of the television in an attempt to steady himself. Missy flickered her tongue over the tip of his penis so fast and so skillfully that he almost lost the battle to stay vertical.

  “Ahh,” he whispered as she dug her fingernails into his upper thighs.

  Bobbing her head feverishly, she worked his cock with her hot mouth into a state beyond pleasure, one he’d never been to before. Another orgasm loomed, threatening to break free if he didn’t calm down. Missy raked her teeth down the length of his shaft gently, killing his resolve.

  Ah, hell!

  Grabbing her shoulders, he attempted to move her off him. She remained planted on her knees with his cock firmly rooted in her mouth, sucking as come shot out of him. His body shook and his eyes rolled back into his head. Feeling Missy drinking down every last drop was too much for him. He gave in to the weakness in his lower extremities and slid down to the floor.

  I’m never going to live this down.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Missy reached out and cupped Roi’s face. Never before had a man left her with the burning need to taste him again, even when she’d just had his come sliding down her throat. Roi’s taste, his manly smell, all of it drove her mad with desire, only serving to make her want him more.

  Sliding over him, she sat on his lap and cradled his head to her shoulder. “So, I take it you liked that?”

  The slight grunt, partial moan that tore free from his lips confirmed he did. As he slid his arms around her waist, Missy had the strongest urge to tell him to never let go. Unsure where it had come from and unwilling to lay her heart on the line like that, she just held him to her.

  Roi stroked the back of her hair, slowly playing with it as he went. It was such a tender thing to do that she was caught off guard. It was as though he was doing his best to dispel all preconceived notions she had of him. Sadly enough, he was fast causing her to rethink more than just what she thought about him—he was making her rethink if her heart was ready to open to another once again.

  She went to pull away but Roi tightened his hold on her. “Mmm, no, stay with me like this. At least for a bit.” He kissed her collarbone. “Or forever. I’m open to suggestions.”


  Holding Missy in his arms, Roi tried to remember a time in his life when he’d cuddled with a woman after sex. He drew a blank. She brought things out in him he never knew existed. Things that he’d have tried to drink, party, even fuck away. Now, all he wanted to do was make Missy swear to always let him hold her, know she was safe and with him.

  Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

  If the other guys had any idea that he’d not only fallen for Missy, but was dying to make sure he woke to find her in his arms daily, for the rest of his un-natural life, they’d never let him live it down, especially Wilson. He seemed to find it funny that Roi had no desire to commit and could barely, if ever, remember the name of the last woman he fucked. As he ran his fingers over Missy’s smooth back, he could think of nothing but her name and never being without her again.

  Missy moved slightly. Roi stilled, not wanting to wake her from her peaceful slumber. She purred again and the sound melted his heart. How anyone could want to harm her was a mystery to him. So full of life, so full of wonder, Missy was perfect and his.

  A burning in his hands started. Roi took a deep breath in, hoping to calm the beast that was trying to rise. It wanted to lay claim to her. Make her its own. And as ready as he was for that, she wasn’t—not yet.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Missy snuggled closer to Roi’s warm body. After their marathon lovemaking session they’d showered together, had sex again, and finally crashed. Sleep had come quickly to her and when she’d woken with a start, she immediately reached for him, afraid that she’d dreamt it all.

  Damn you, Geoffroi Majors, for making me fall for you!

  The rational side of her brain told her to run, get away from Roi and the rest of his super-human crew as fast as she could. She would bring them nothing but trouble. They’d be safer without her. Unfortunately, the non-rational side was winning out. Tracing a light line down the curve of Roi’s arm, she shivered as she felt how hard his muscles were even in sleep mode. He was perfect and scary as hell.

  What a great combination. Can’t wait to take him home to meet the folks. Look, Dad, here’s a man who may be scarier than me. Bet you can’t wait for grandkids. Who knows what they’ll turn into?

  As her mind waged a sarcastic war with itself, Missy soaked in Roi’s strong features. His chiseled jaw, dimpled chin and flawless skin seemed too perfect, too beautiful to be real. Yet there he was, sleeping softly next to her, living, breathing, hers.


  The idea that she’d tied Roi to her when she’d returned his claim scared her. She’d more than fallen for him; she was head over heels in love with the man. That terrified her more than she wanted to admit. She prayed that he was right, that he was her mate. The doubt he’d planted by his actions earlier still plagued her.

  I can’t go through this again. I can’t have another one taken away from me.

  Missy turned and rolled out of the bed slowly, not wanting to wake Roi. She needed time to think, to sort things out, and she was hungry. Not wanting another embarrassing stomach growling incident, she decided to go poke around his kitchen to see what he had to eat. Images of typical bachelor foods sprang to mind and her stomach turned just thinking about it.

  Creeping slowly around the bed, Missy reached out for the door handle. Suddenly, a large weight hit her, slamming her into the door. She cried out and the pressure eased.

  “Missy?” Roi asked, sounding surprised.

  “Uh-huh,” she murmured with her face smashed against the door at an odd angle. It wasn’t painful so much as it was uncomfortable.

  He eased up on her and she turned to look at him. “I’m sorry, doll, I didn’t realize it was you.” Cupping her face fast, Roi kissed her forehead. “Did I hurt you? I’m sorry, honey. I didn’t mean to…”

  Reaching up, she touched his cheek lightly. “No, I’m fine.”

  He kissed the palm of her hand, causing it to burn lightly as sensations of pleasure headed directly for her sex. She wanted to pull him into the bed and play with him until the sun came up, but she also needed to eat. Her body tended to burn food fast and getting run down was not a good thing for her. It left her vulnerable to attacks.

  “What are you doing up?” he asked, kissing her lips quickly.

  “I was hungry.”

  “I’m sorry, baby. I should have fed you sooner.” Grabbing hold of her hand, he pulled her out of the way as he opened the door. “Come on, I’ll take care of that.”

  “Roi, you don’t have to. I didn’t mean to wake you. I can get something for myself.”

�Nonsense, I enjoy cooking when women stay over. Always good to feed ’em after you fuck ’em.”

  What? Feed ’em after you fuck ’em?

  Heat rushed through Missy’s body as she realized she’d given her heart to a man who thought nothing of her. She truly was another notch to him. If that wasn’t bad enough, the thought of Roi and all his women made a wave of nausea run through her. How could she have laid claim to a man like him? She jerked her hand out of his and he turned.

  “Missy?” He reached for her, but she backed away, wiping her hand quickly on her leg as if it might actually help to remove any traces of Roi. It didn’t. “What’s wrong?”

  Feed ’em after you fuck ’em?

  Roi’s eyes widened, and from his appearance, she guessed that he’d taken a dip into her thoughts again. “I didn’t mean… What I was trying to say was… You are the only… Shit, I’m sorry.”

  Shrugging, she pretended as if it didn’t bother her. “Don’t worry about it. It was only sex, Roi. Nothing more. At least we didn’t make the union binding in accordance to shifter law. I know a few people who can get this thing between us taken care of. We didn’t bite each other during sex so we’re good.” With that, she strolled past him and headed for his kitchen.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  It was only sex, Roi. Nothing more. We didn’t bite each other, so we’re good.

  Missy’s words played in his head over and over again, each time stinging worse than the time before. Roi wanted to bash his head against the wall several hundred times out of frustration for opening his mouth and saying something so thoughtless. Missy was his world, and here he was throwing all his past conquests in her face. She’d feared that she’d be just another notch in his bedpost, and so far he hadn’t proven to her that she was anything but that.

  “Missy, I really am sorry about that comment. I didn’t mean it the way it came out. I…”

  She put her hand up, flashing him a less-than-friendly smile. “It’s fine, Roi, honest.”

  Every lycan sense in him went off. She was lying and he couldn’t even blame her. If positions were reversed, he’d be livid and ready to shoot someone already. Considering he was still alive and Missy wasn’t pointing a weapon at him—yet—he thought she was handling it remarkably well.

  I’m such an ass.

  “Can’t argue with that,” Missy said softly.

  She’d done it again. She’d read his thoughts without knowing it. A smile played across his face and he did his best to hide it. Missy was his mate in every sense of the word, only she didn’t understand that yet, but she would. He’d see to that.

  He went to the freezer and pulled out containers of frozen food he’d prepped at an earlier date. It was hard to keep anything at the safe house for too long without freezing it, and since he was never sure when he’d get a chance to stay at the cabin, he often prepared large amounts of food, then divided it up to freeze.

  Opening the cabinet, he grabbed a box of noodles. Missy snorted and he gave her a questioning look. “What’s funny?”

  “I never pictured you for a cook, that’s all. I guess it comes in handy though. ‘Always good to feed ’em after you fuck ’em.’ Great motto to live by. I bet it gets you out of jail free on the ‘having to talk to them again thing,’ doesn’t it? I have to admit to being one of those kind of gals who likes to be fed after she’s been fucked, so I can’t fault you for proposing it. Wish more of the men I fuck would be so considerate. Though some men in particular are prone to making breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Of course, I earned it.”

  Roi clenched his fists in rage, accidentally popping the container of sauce open. Lucky for him it was frozen or he’d have had a volcanic eruption and a heck of a mess to clean up.

  “You all right there? Need some help?” Missy asked, her voice so sugary sweet that he cringed. “Was it something I said?”

  “Let me guess, Eadan is one of the men who cooks for you.”

  Missy shrugged. “I didn’t ask you for names, darling. And you should feel honored. You are one of two men that I stuck around long enough after fucking to bother having this conversation. Men are good for so many things. Talking is not one of them. But dangle home-cooked food in front of my face and I’m all yours.”

  “Touché,” he whispered. She was definitely the feistiest woman he’d ever been with and the fact she was his one true mate seemed fitting. He deserved someone who was more than capable of keeping him on his toes. Missy was certainly qualified for the job.

  Her comment about wishing the other men she slept with would cook for her too made his teeth grate. He wanted to put his fist through the wall, right after he found Eadan and ripped his throat out. She must have felt the same way when he’d referred to loving to cook for the women who stayed over, and his insensitive slip of one of his notorious catchphrases had to have been hard on her.

  God, I’m the stupidest person I know. Could I be a bigger jackass? She’s right. I am a pig’s asshole.

  “How do I answer that and not sound nasty? I’m guessing you were hoping for a pep squad to come to your aid. You won’t find one here, but I bet you have one or two listed in a black book somewhere.”

  Roi glanced over at his mate and laughed. “I do not have a black book.”

  “Ah, then a photographic memory. Even better.” A slow smile spread over her beautiful face. “I’ll try to find a phone book and we can try to figure out if we have both sexes covered. You can memorize the numbers of the girls you haven’t been with. It will take less time.”

  Roi couldn’t help but love her more as she let him have it. She was so tiny, so petite next to him yet she never once backed down. They couldn’t have made a more perfect match if they tried. “I’m sorry, baby. And trust me when I say that I’m not one who’s predisposed to apologies. I’m not joking when I say that the majority of the apologies in my life have occurred because Lukian had a gun to my back.”

  Winking at him, she laughed. The sultry sound of her voice made his cock twitch to life again. “I know, that’s why I enjoy hearing you say it. Now say it again.”

  “Sorry,” he said, reaching for her.


  Roi pulled her against his chest and kissed the top of her head lightly. “Sorry.”


  “Missy,” he pleaded.

  “No, sweetie, you are not done yet. You need to wear a shirt that says just how sorry you are. You do seem to have issues putting your foot in your mouth. Now, apologize again.” The second she narrowed her brown eyes on him, his heart fluttered.

  She ran her fingernails down his lower back and cupped his ass cheeks. His cock responded fiercely and damn near ripped through his pajama bottoms. “Ahh, I’m sorry.”

  “How sorry?” she asked, sliding her hands around his hips and running them over the length of his swollen clothed shaft.

  His knees buckled and he had to grab the countertop for support. “Ahh, really, really…oh…sorry.”

  “Feed me and I’ll let you make it up to me later.”

  “I’ll feed you but I’m afraid I’ve got a problem that needs to be taken care of first.”

  Missy quirked an eyebrow and ran her hand along the edge of his jaw. Her touch felt so good, so right. “Aw, do you have a little problem that needs my attention?”

  “Little?” He chuckled hard. “Missy doll, there is nothing little about me and I think you know that.”

  Her gaze slid down his body, scorching him as it went, until it settled on his groin. Glancing down, he noticed that he now sported a rather interesting “tent” in the front of his flannel bottoms.

  “See what you do to me, woman?”

  Grabbing the waist of his bottoms, Missy yanked them down, freeing his ruddy cock. It bobbed obscenely and she wrapped her fingers around as much as she could. Roi jerked, the sensation of her tiny fingers clasping him almost too much, yet not nearly enough.

  With a growl, he picked her up and tossed her onto the counter
top. Ripping the T-shirt she wore down the center, he cupped her smooth mound and clamped his mouth down onto hers. The taste of her mouth made him moan and want to drive himself into her, but he’d already taken her enough. She needed attention and he’d be damned if she got it anywhere else.

  He broke their kiss long enough to whisper to her, “How’s about a little bud rubbin’?”

  Missy looked perplexed. “Bud rubbin’? Dare I ask?”

  Roi licked the edge of her ear and laughed softly as she shivered. “How’s about I just show you?”

  Gently, he inserted his index finger into her hot pussy and began rubbing her swollen clit with his thumb. Missy wiggled under the weight of his touch and fought to get down. “Mmm, bud rubbin.’ What do you think?”

  “Ahh, Roi, please…more,” she panted, clutching the backs of his arms. At first she kept trying to get down, before finally settling in and moving her hips against his hand.

  “That’s it, Missy. Come on my fingers. Soak my hand, baby, soak it.”

  She tossed her head back and Roi took that opportunity to go for her neck. First, he simply planted chaste kisses on her smooth skin, but the wolf within wanted more and it was tired of taking a backseat to the man. His mouth burned and the change was on him before he could control it. As his incisors lengthened, he waged an inner war, wanting to break away from Missy to avoid hurting her, but being powerless to the beast within. The wolf was strong.

  “Roi, yes…yes,” Missy cried out, squirming on the counter enough to drive his finger all the way into her pussy.

  “So fucking hot, Miss, so fucking tight.” He ground each word out, doing his best to enunciate through his now shifted mouth.

  She grabbed hold of him, lifting herself off the counter and clinging to him as he continued to tweak her swollen bud. “I’m coming, Roi, I’m coming!”

  Claim her!

  “Yes, yes, claim me…claim me, fuck me, make me yours,” Missy said, her head still thrown back and her body permeating a cream that smelled better than anything he’d ever known in his life.


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