Hard & Deep: A Football Romance

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Hard & Deep: A Football Romance Page 26

by Krista Lakes

  He was in shock. "I'll call them right now, just untie me. Please!"

  "One last thing," she said. "If you ever..." She paused again, and took a deep breath in. "EVER want some of this, you won't make me ask twice." She set the paper down on the foot of the bed, and walked back to her clothes.

  "What are you doing? Untie me! Please!" he cried out. She ignored him and got dressed. All the time, he cried out and thrashed against his bonds. "Please! I want you to take control of me! I'll give you anything you want! I'll give you the cash right now for that medical bill." That last one was tempting, but she felt like he could still fuck her, physically and financially, if she gave him what he wanted right now.

  When she was dressed, she walked back to the foot of the bed. Her eyes fixated on his dick, and she touched her pussy through her pants. "I am so wet just thinking about how our next encounter is going to go, and how you're going to please me."

  Her eyes wandered up to his chest, to his face, and their eyes locked. As had happened last week, a blinding light seemed to come from behind her eyes, and once again she was dizzy. This time, she managed to turn the wince into what looked like a pleasurable hiss. She knew she'd be sharing his dreams again tonight.

  She turned and walked away from him. "I'll let the butler know about your situation on my way out." As she left the room, she heard him yelling at her, begging her to come back. She never turned back.

  The butler was still awake, sitting at the dining room table and reading a newspaper. He was clearly used to having to drive women home after their late-night trysts with the master of the house, and she smiled and asked him for a ride. She had him drop her off at the house of a friend who didn't live anywhere near her, in case he decided to track her down.

  A couple of blocks away from the end of the trip, she started to tell the butler about how Mr. Hayes was still tied up on the bed. He laughed and thanked her for telling him, and said he'd take care of it. Tracy's friend was glad to take her in for the evening. As Tracy settled into the couch, she reflected on the evening. She was exhausted, but she knew that she was going to have at least one good dream...

  Again, her dreams were full of sex. The dreams were much more explicit this time, though far more varied. It would start with a fantasy, perhaps the two of them on the beach, or on a ship. She'd be feeling his chest, enjoying the muscles of his abs, and then another dream would snap into focus. It was always clear when her dreams ended and his began. He had several dreams about her, and they were all much more wild, more animal than they were the other night.

  She would start out in charge, keeping him on edge while he was tied up, but he would always get free. Then, he would take over completely, dominating her. She hesitated to call it her own rape, since it was clear she was enjoying it, but she resisted every time. Tracy woke up after every one of them, moaning and writhing, wet as she had ever been. She masturbated a couple times that evening, quietly to avoid waking her friend, but every time she fell back asleep, there was Mr. Hayes, fucking her brains out once again...

  Chapter 4

  She woke up around noon. She was exhausted, but she knew there were things to be done. Her friend offered to be her taxi for the day after hearing the story of her night, and she accepted.

  She went into work and apologized to her manager for walking out on work. She claimed that Mr. Hayes had insisted she leave with him, and that she had felt that it was best for the restaurant if she went with him. The manager said he understood, but that she wouldn't get credit for the time she had worked prior to that. He also said that he gave away her shift that evening. It seemed like revenge to Tracy, but he claimed he had no idea if she had quit or not. She could start up again Sunday night.

  No worries, she thought. With any luck I won't be here long enough to care. As she left the restaurant in her friend's car, she noticed a black sedan pull out behind them. She couldn't be sure, but she figured that there was no real point in trying to hide from a billionaire anyway. Even if this was an attempt to track her, there was almost zero chance he was in the car himself. After all, he had a business to run. He probably had hired goons who did all sorts of clandestine stuff for him, so tailing her would be a piece of cake. She had her friend drive her back to her place.

  About four blocks away from her apartment, the car made a turn that would bring it back to the highway. Maybe I was wrong, she thought. The thought quickly passed when she got home and saw a similar sedan parked directly across the street from her apartment complex. She sighed, knowing that it'd be a life without privacy until she gave Mr. Hayes what he wanted.

  When she got home, she carefully inspected the door. It looked like it hadn't been tampered with, but she decided that she would be careful in this place for the foreseeable future. She felt as if on one hand, it was impossible for him to try anything, considering how much he was in the public eye. On the other hand, with as much money as he had, anything was possible.

  She looked at her computer. Who knew what he was capable of? Her passwords were all pretty good, but what if he had a virus on her computer? What if he had a keylogger attached somewhere where she couldn't find it.

  Stop it, you're being paranoid, she chided herself. She decided she didn't really want to stick around here all that much anyway, so she went down to the local library. The black sedan didn't follow, but she had no idea what she'd be looking for if she were being followed on foot.

  When Tracy got to the library, she quickly checked her email. Nothing suspicious, no "your password has been reset" emails from the various websites she was a part of, no emails that were marked "read" that should have been marked "unread". She breathed a sigh of relief. She may have had to call this whole thing off if he had proved too stalkerish.

  While she was at the library, she figured she ought to read up on exactly what she was doing. As she started to read into domination and submission culture, she realized something. In almost all cases throughout history, the rich man was dominated by a woman who he was paying and could cut off at any time, truly giving him all the power, even though the illusion was that the dominatrix was in charge. Tracy was in unexplored territory, a stranger in a strange land. The more she read, the more she thought she was stumbling around in the dark, and that her success up to this point had been a fluke, even with her new power to enter Mr. Hayes' dreams.

  She stayed late at the library, reading one book after another and trying to figure out what her next move would be. If someone is following me, she thought, they'd be bored out of their mind by now. Suddenly, a thought flashed through her head. They'd also know that she was doing research on how to sexually dominate their boss, and she didn't want that information to get back to him. She took a quick look around, and then quickly put the book back on the shelf.

  She knew she couldn't check out any book on the subject, but maybe she'd come back again tomorrow. The walk home in the dark was a little stressful, and she felt her most vulnerable, but she made it home just fine. She checked her apartment one last time for tampering, found none, and drifted off to sleep.

  The dreams that evening were much gentler, much more filled with a desire to please. In each of them, Tracy saw herself on a different type of date. In every one of them, he did things for her that you’d never get on a regular date. While on a picnic, a helicopter dropped off her favorite flowers from a distant country. Chocolate made in Bavaria. A ride on the Autobahn.

  In another dream, Mr. Hayes rented out a theater to show her favorite movie for just the two of them. In each of the dreams, ‘Tracy’ went from being ice cold to being very warm, smiling, and open to his advances. It was clear that she was always pleased by whatever he had done, but whatever he did was always possible because of his money. Tracy knew exactly what to do to keep this game going a little longer.

  Chapter 5

  When she woke up the next morning, Tracy immediately took out her vibrator. She would need her mind clear during this evening’s events, so she needed to get all of h
er sexual tension out right away. As she switched it on, she thought of Mr. Hayes’ bulging biceps wrapped around her, his massive cock filling her completely. Orgasms came quickly and easily for her today, and afterward, she found herself completely energized and ready to tackle the day.

  She called the number on her hospital bill to check on the total. It came as no surprise when she was told that her remaining balance was zero, and that the hospital appreciated her business. Her mind turned to this evening. If she played her cards right, she’d be one step closer to not having to worry about any of her bills.

  She arrived right on time for her shift, and began to seat customers. It was a Sunday night, so she’d expect it to be pretty slow usually, but today it seemed a little busier than usual. She got into the swing of things, but she kept looking toward the door for Mr. Hayes. Sure enough, about eight, he arrived. There was no girl on his arm tonight. Tracy smiled as he caught her eye, and greeted him warmly. "Hello, Mr. Hayes! May I interest you in your usual seat?"

  He looked confused for a moment, but then Tracy guessed that he decided to play along. "Yes, of course. I’ll take a wine menu as well." She grabbed a food and wine menu and led him to his table.

  After he sat down at his usual booth, he smiled at Tracy. "I don’t know if you’ve checked with the hospital yet, but I’ve taken care of everything." He was obviously quite pleased with himself.

  Tracy smiled back. "I did, actually. It pleases me deeply to be taken care of like that." Her extra emphasis on the word 'pleases' got an obvious rise out of Mr. Hayes. He began to look her up and down, probably imagining what she’d look like with that set of lingerie on again. She hadn't worn it again today, and was glad, because she had a long shift left ahead of her. She recomposed herself as a waitress.

  "Our soup of the day is lobster bisque, and if you’d like I can have the sommelier bring you out your usual bottle of wine," she said, as if today were just another day and he were just another customer.

  He looked a little crestfallen, and she didn’t want him leaving, so she quickly sat down next to him. He instantly slid a hand into her lap underneath the table, and she leaned into him. "You’ve pleased me greatly, but much like you, I have to put business before pleasure…" Before he could respond, she stood back up. "So do you have a soup order?"

  He smiled. "You know, lobster bisque sounds great. Tell Jim I won’t be needing the wine tonight, because I won’t be drinking. After all, I have to drive back to my place tonight..." He let the sentence hang, but she knew that he intended for her to be riding back with him.

  The night went as usual, with customers coming and going, and Tracy serving each of them the best she could. Every time she passed Mr. Hayes, though, she gave him a touch on the shoulder, or a wink as she asked, "Is there anything else I can get you tonight?" He continued to act like his normal flirtatious self, pushing the boundaries, but never quite crossing the line.

  As the number of patrons in the restaurant started to dwindle, he began to look more and more impatient, like he wished he had ordered that bottle of wine. He attended to some business on his cell phone, but was constantly looking around for Tracy, and never missed when she walked by.

  At closing time, he settled his bill. Tracy smiled, and when she returned with his card, she brought two washcloths. He looked up at her quizzically. "The sooner you and I clean all these tables, the sooner you and I can get out of here."

  He sat there with his mouth slightly agape. When was the last time he had cleaned a table? she thought to herself.

  "I could get a dozen men to clean this place from top to bottom, and you and I could take off right now." He pulled out his cell phone and began to thumb through his contacts.

  Tracy took his cell phone from him gently. "A dozen men cleaning this place wouldn’t please me, and I know you want to please me…"

  Mr. Hayes looked at her, then said very coldly, "I don’t have time for this. I should have left two hours ago." He began to put on his coat.

  Tracy might have panicked a little bit, but she knew she could reel him back in. "You’re so close, too. But, if you walk out that door, you’ll never get the chance to please me again." She sashayed away from him, and bent over to wipe down one of the tables. Her ass stuck out at him, swaying a little as she hummed. He reluctantly picked up the washcloth and began to wipe down his own table.

  Soon, he seemed to get into it, and the other waiters and waitresses enjoyed the help. The question was obviously on all their minds. Why is this billionaire helping us clean? But obviously, no one stopped him. Mr. Hayes stared at Tracy almost the whole time, clearly doing this just to win her favor.

  When all the tables were washed down, he eagerly grabbed a mop and mopped up the floor, splashing the dirty water on his shoes that probably cost more than she made in a week. It was something of a spectacle, but she was convinced she had him where she wanted him.

  When they finished, he made like he was going to leave, and that he expected Tracy to come too. Tracy yelled at her manager, "I’ll lock up tonight, leave the keys on the bar!"

  "Alright Tracy, see you tomorrow!"

  When the manager was gone, it was the just the two of them, the billionaire bus boy and the blue collar waitress, left in the restaurant together. She smiled at him. "Take off your coat. I don’t think that we’re done cleaning yet."

  Chapter 6

  Mr. Hayes took off his coat and threw it on a chair, then walked toward her. "How did I do tonight?" he asked, obviously a little nervous. Tracy smiled. Even though he was a couple years older than she was, he was still a guy in his late-20s, and his lack of confidence in this situation was apparent.

  She did have him just where she wanted him. As he wrapped his hands around her, she said, "I’ll put it this way. No man has ever pleased me the way you have tonight," she said.

  She could feel him start to get hard. "Like you said the other night, once you’ve been pleased…" He smiled at her, a wolfish grin, before continuing, "...then I can be pleased."

  "Mmm, that’s not quite what I said," she objected. "I said that it was more important that I got what I wanted, and that I didn’t think that you could please me. You, Mr. Hayes, have started to please me, and I am pleasantly surprised."

  He came in, right next to her, and moved in for a kiss. She let him take it, kissing him back for a few moments, before pushing him away. "Let’s get one thing straight, Mr. Hayes. I am not one of your bimbos that you can use up and throw away. If you think you’ve got an easy lay coming your way, you are mistaken."

  Again, he looked a little crestfallen, but she could see the way it turned him on. She decided to go with it. She unbuttoned a couple buttons from her blouse, and he eagerly looked at her black bra.

  "We’re going to have some fun tonight, but on my terms. If you start to get out of line, I’m going to reel you back in. If you get way out of control, then this is over and you’ll never touch me again. If you keep going from there…"

  She gestured around. "There are several cameras in this restaurant, and I know where each of them are. In addition, I’ve installed one of my own, and it’s been running all night, streaming to a friend of mine’s computer. It has shown you watching me all night, touching me, and helping me clean up. It’ll also pick up whatever you do here tonight."

  He went pale, leaning back against the table as she continued. "It’s encrypted, so my friend won’t be able to watch it or copy it. If you do things to me that I don’t want, I’ll release the file and the password to the media. However, if you manage to continue to please me tonight, then the file and the hard drive it has been printed on will be yours."

  He still looked stunned. "Why are you doing all this?" he asked.

  She looked him dead in the eye. "You’re a very dangerous man, Mr. Hayes. Not only are you physically able to assault me, but you’re able to buy your way out of most trouble. So far, you’ve been willing to please me, but, like many men…" She paused for effect. "You could change your mi

  She walked toward him, put her hand on his chest, and kissed him. It was the first kiss that she had given him without prompting, and he seemed like he was instantly back in the mood. They kissed for a few moments more, and she pulled away and whispered in his ear. "Forget about the cameras for now. You’ve begun to please me, and I can see things going your way for the rest of the night." He began to unbutton the buttons on her blouse, and she dug her nails into his back. When her shirt opened, he ran his fingers past her sides to her back, instantly going for her bra strap. She pushed him away.

  "I would have thought you knew that this wasn’t going to go quite the normal way for you," she said as she walked away from him. He started to protest, but she just went behind the bar and grabbed a bottle. She quickly pulled her shoes and pants off, and the rest of her blouse, so she was just wearing a black bra and black thong.

  "Stealing alcohol from the restaurant, now? And with all the cameras you pointed out. Tsk tsk. I think I could get you in serious trouble."

  "Oh I wouldn’t worry about it, Mr. Hayes. You bought it when I swiped your card for dinner tonight."

  He fished in his pocket for his receipt, then smiled. "I guess I should start looking at these more closely. Who knows how much you’ve stolen from me over the years."

  Tracy shrugged and smiled. "There’s a first time for everything, Mr. Hayes. Tonight, I hope we’ll both have a couple of firsts." She popped the cork of the champagne, then took a swig from the bottle, and handed it to Mr. Hayes. "To a first time for everything."

  He smiled. "To a first time for everything," he said, and took a deep drink. When he set the bottle down, Tracy was already next to him, moving in for another kiss. Their kiss, spiked by champagne, was even sweeter than the first, and soon Tracy found herself unbuttoning his dress shirt.


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