by A. J. Lees
I am under the influence of a strong force carrying me higher and faster through space. I begin to imagine scenes that have not yet happened and which I cannot understand. A soft whistling incantation breaks the silence. Yellow and green iridescent zigzag spectra and indigo and argent helices are under my eyes, ultramarine charges come out of my arms. Jungles glide past and I see vast rivers of land accelerating past locked shorelines. Without opening my eyes I can see a tableau of the sad history of Iquitos, and in my sunlit Cabinet of Curiosity, large numbers of morphos with seven-inch wingspans and green-blue shimmering wings arrive to mate. Their iridescence and wobbling flight is a symbol of the perfection of the forest. Their burnished, metallic gloss creates the appearance of a perfect mosaic on the back of my hand. Time and causality seem abhorrent. Yagé confirms my belief that I am just an element linked inextricably to a whole and that I can never stand apart. The flashes of beauty intensify as I stagger from the lodge. Outside on the leaden street I see gleaming fireflies among the phantom moths. Phosphenes, coiled floating chains and aerolitos flash above me. Images unwind from the windmills of my mind. The journey back to the hotel is a spellbinding trip in another dimension with throbbing stars and lime disco lights. I am seeing things from a special angle. The black trees convey a divine unspoken message from the land.
As I lurch from the bedroom to the bathroom my body seems to be creating lurid serpentine tints that zip across the wall like electric storms. I feel invisible raindrops on my arms as I am propelled on a beautiful aquamarine tide. In the gleaming of day I now know that rational consciousness is parted by the thinnest of films from illusion and dream. Seeing things that are not there can occur in the blind, the bereaved and even in waking dreams. The innate knowledge of the Amazon Indian assisted by the ritual use of sacred plants has given me second sight. I understand for the first time how during hurricanes, chairbound victims of Parkinson’s disease can magically override the poltergeist and escape to safety. The plant teachers, through their ‘doctoritos’ (little doctors) had shifted my understanding of reality. I now could see into my own mind.
– Altamirage –
Encountering William Burroughs when I was a student had been a fortunate accident that had almost culminated in me rejecting medicine for a life of vagabondage. He was the Pied Piper of Hamelin hungry for revenge against all those doctors who had reduced the sanctity of the consultation to a transaction and who had chosen to ignore the importance of silent waiting. He was the ugly, self-indulgent spirit who haunted my dreams with his lurid descriptions of hanging. His gallows humour had helped me break through my own hang-ups and recognise evil.
Goodness had finally pulled me back from a chasm of disappointment. I saw love and kindness in operation every day in the hospital. I enjoyed attending the neurologically sick and the intellectual challenge of medicine. Through stories transmitted from one generation of physicians to the next, neurology had come alive. I considered myself very fortunate to have been given the chance to be a doctor even though I continued to doubt the value and wisdom of what I did on a daily basis. The medical profession had saved me and kept the wolf from the door.
One patient with Parkinson’s disease told me that in some ways the illness had been a blessing. It had allowed him to become more contemplative, liberated him from the rat race and saved him from drink. Another told me that instead of waiting for something to strike her down, she knew exactly what she was up against.
But on those occasional days when attending the neurologically ill was not enough to fill my heart and mind, Burroughs’ non-linear presence sustained me. He was now a symbol of unlimited scientific possibility, the archangel of abundance who guided me beyond the far horizon and encouraged my wistfulness:
This is the space age and we are here to go. However, the space programme has been restricted so far to a mediocre elite who at great expense have gone to the moon in an aqualung. Now they are not really looking for space they are looking for more time like the lungfish and the walking catfish they were not really looking for new dimensions different from water they were looking for more water. But some of them found that they had taken an irretrievable forward step and for better or worse left their gills to their makers. And as we leave the aqualung of time we may step into an epic comparable to the days when the early mariners set out to explore an unknown world.
– Nova Convention, 30 November–2 December 1978, New York City
My peregrination to the Amazon had convinced me that most pharmaceutical companies were either uninterested in Parkinson’s disease or on the wrong track. Many chief executive officers in Pharma now had a background in business management or international law and had no feel for how research operated. Most proclaimed that science was primarily about creating wealth.
Increases in the cost of new drugs, aggressive advertising directly to consumers and suppression of negative trial data were cynical ploys now used by the pharmaceutical companies to maximise profit for shareholders. Sharks in suits and good ‘company players’ flourished in disjointed multinational outfits and were rewarded with promotion or pay-offs for bad decision-making and failure. The dwindling number of smaller companies who still tried to foster individual freedom and inspiration in their beleaguered medical departments were constantly strapped for cash and in danger of take-over. ‘Benchmarking’ had resulted in the Pharma giants ignoring their particular areas of expertise, and becoming more and more like each other.
The complex, lengthy and ever more expensive process of bringing a drug to market had led to a current attrition rate of more than 90%, even when a compound had entered clinical development. An institutional lack of imagination and cowardice had resulted in the premature curtailment of the development of many promising molecules.
The paradox of the modern clinical trial was that even if it was the best way to assess whether a new intervention worked, it was the worst way to assess who would benefit from it. Statistically significant results sufficient to obtain a product licence frequently translated to negligible advantage for the individual. I knew instinctively that multicentre trials with so many exclusion criteria, even if considered Level 1 evidence with Grade A recommendations, would only ever form a small part of my bedside clinical decision-making. Best medical treatment depended not only on the quality of the proof but the context in which it was applied and required expert judgement rather than unemotional conformity. The patient should always come first.
Botany, Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band and the great Portuguese navigators had informed all my modest medical discoveries. Research was a series of loops that sometimes doubled back before it moved forward. My experience had taught me that the art of the soluble was constructed from a series of zigzags, joined by the most fragile of links. My best ideas had flickered in from the margins of consciousness and had taken root on the frontiers between bewilderment and understanding. I saw science as a tempest of thought threads that collided and interacted continually. The book of Nature had remained open before me revealing a chaotic resonating world where nothing was impossible.
After my trip to the Amazon I had managed to dismantle some restrictive frames of reference, and in the space that opened up I determined to re-investigate Banisteriopsis caapi (yagé) as a medicine. I had been chasing my tail, stuck in a rut and missing the way forward. I was now determined to force Nature to unveil herself in response to my questions.
With colleagues at Kings College, we began work to examine whether B.caapi could reverse the signs of Parkinson’s disease in MPTP treated marmosets. MPTP was the protoxin taken by the six Californian drug addicts in 1982 that had caused them to seize up and which now was considered to be the best, if imperfect, animal model of the shaking palsy. At the same time I also began to plan a clinical trial with neurologists at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in collaboration with a botanist at the Jardim Botanico who would provide the vine and its certificate of authenticity. We hoped to rec
ruit some patient volunteers for the trial from members of the União do Vegetal Church who already imbibed the vine as part of the holy sacrament.
Perhaps yagé would one day take its place alongside the other treatments for Parkinson’s disease, and the stunning magnificence of its phosphenes would increase inner space exploration. It might also aid the human spirit to comprehend its true transcendent nature and eliminate all fear. I felt sure, after my own experience, that there was something in it.
At the same time as I started this new research with the vine of the soul, I also started to follow up on my aporphine research that had also been driven by Burroughs’ writing. I contacted John Neumeyer, whose work I had admired ever since I started to use apomorphine but whom I had never had the chance to meet. John was a medicinal chemist working at Harvard whose family had been forced to leave Nazi Germany during World War II. He had done much of his secondary education in Manchester before his family immigrated to America. John was not a fraudster and had not been driven during his long distinguished scientific career by fame or greed. He wrote back to me immediately:
Dear Professor Lees,
Thank you for your email and for contacting me regarding Apomorphine. We too have found little interest from the pharma industry in funding any of this research but in the last 10 years a chemist friend with deep pockets and suffering from Parkinson’s disease has generously funded our research program here at McLean Hospital. I would be delighted to collaborate with you in your endeavour to develop orally active analogs of apomorphine for clinical investigation. Our problem has been to find interested pharmacologist and clinicians to further such studies.
I look forward to your further correspondence.
John L. Neumeyer
P.S. Reading Naked Lunch by William Burroughs in 1965 was the stimulus for me to focus on APO and its pharmacology.
I now had a serious partner and kindred spirit who had also responded to Burroughs lament:
Pharmaceutical researchers are told what research to pursue by vested interest, which gives orders to the American Narcotics Department. Billions for variations on the Benzedrine formula, for tranquilizers of dubious value, not ten cents for a drug that has unlimited potentials not only in treating addiction but in handling the whole problem of anxiety.
– The Job
John synthesised a batch of an aporphine called R (-) 11-Hydroxy-N-n-propylnoraporphine which he believed, based on its conformational structure, would have strong dopamine-stimulating effects. I also had a benefactor with Parkinson’s disease who was prepared to give us both a chance. With this philanthropic financial assistance we were able to join forces with colleagues at Kings College and demonstrate that John’s molecule fulfilled all Burroughs’ criteria. It was long-acting, powerful and most importantly, worked when given by mouth.
After the marmoset experiments finished and the manuscript had been sent for publication, John sent me a gift of VINE of the SOUL, Medicine Men, their Plants and Rituals in the Colombian Amazonia that his former friend and colleague Dick Schultes had signed.
Our paper was accepted for publication after I had been able to reassure the editor that a pharmaceutical company was seriously interested in gambling on our findings. Thirty million pounds would be needed to take the molecule from the monkey laboratory through to multicentre trials in patients. Those risk-taking deprenil days, where informative research could be done on a shoestring, seemed like a distant faraway world.
Burroughs in the doorway of Atticus Bookshop, Liverpool, 5 October 1982
Burroughs had become an unlikely prognosticator and a trusted oracle. He reminded me to be open minded and non-judgemental and run with what life threw my way. He emphasised I should never miss a chance. He looked at the literature in a slanted and unusual way. He showed me that dead ends were part of scientific research and that I should never rule anything out. He had taught me that I had the capacity to work miracles but at the same time I needed to be sceptical. He taught me that egotism and single-mindedness were prerequisites for research and that science had always followed Jesus not Marx. He encouraged me to get away from concrete thinking, float in outer space and to run alongside a beam of light. He also reminded me that clinical investigation should not be limited to institutions and that scientists must find new ways to regain the power to explore. He studied things that mattered to all mankind and had tried to work out why most human beings behaved like idiots. He dissected intelligence with a naturalist’s stance and carried out a meticulous examination of everything he turned his attention to. He added a strange grace to my research that helped me to fly crookedly in my curiosity for cures.
He was not interested in relieving human suffering, but the fusion of his ideas with my own scientific meanderings had allowed me to see things in a completely different light. He realised that science was blinding medicine and healthcare was ripping off its customers. I shared his view that the blunt rationalism of society’s control mechanisms was arresting human development and had started to cause self-harm and destruction of the environment. As the world’s rainforests came down and human greed made more and more animals extinct, the ability to imagine and mythologise was in danger of disappearing and dying too. Burroughs feared our dreams were being cut off at source.
John and I were swimming against the tide of scientific fashion and following Burroughs’ apomorphine mantra. We were being blown by a strong wind through a crimson sky, upwards to the star cities in the Milky Way. Immersed in cloud we saw new symmetries amid the changing shapes of molecules. We were prepared to leave behind everything we had ever known. Time was our resource but it was running short. We still had hopes of blazing a trail among the Pleiades.
– Acknowledgements –
I never met William Burroughs but he helped me realise I was not unreal or alone in this vast immensity of space and time. Several members of the ‘Burroughs Establishment’, an oxymoron if ever there was one, gave my literary experiment the nudge it needed to reach completion. Their munificence and openness stemmed from their viewpoint rather than any surprise and pleasure that a neurologist might be interested in their specialist subject.
James Grauerholz has become my ‘epistolary audience’ and sage. We have exchanged reams of light hearted but informative correspondence about ‘the madman’. He has shared with me some of his own unpublished writing and an annotated copy of an article by Peter Swales entitled Burroughs in the Bewilderness, The Haunted Mind and Psychoanalyses of William S. Burroughs that has never been published. He has also played a crucial role in helping me break through my hang-ups. Oliver Harris encouraged me to look at Burroughs’ work from a scientific viewpoint and invited me to join a group of deadbeats (The European Beat Studies Network) whose imagination has no limits. Isabelle Aubert-Baudron, curator of Interzone, a liberated network of collective intelligence for Burroughs readers, advised me to confront the unknown.
Bill Morgan helped me particularly with the links between Burroughs and the Baker Street sleuth and Mike Jay, that rare animal, the independent scholar, gave me shrewd advice based on his encyclopaedic knowledge of the cultural history of medicine and science. Jim Pennington, Editor and Investigator at Aloes Books, provided invaluable arcane snippets from the sixties that inform some of the key illustrations.
Juana Luisa Pulin, my wife, who has had more than her fill of listening to Burroughs’ instantly recognisable drawl, is my eternal muse. Maurice Earls, editor of the Dublin Review of Books, who published my essay ‘Hanging around with the Molecules’ in 2014 and Robert McCrum, who took up the story in the Observer, both merit my gratitude. I also wish to thank Tom Kremer, the founder of Notting Hill Editions, for taking a risk on a most implausible association.
Warwick Sweeney provided personal details about his grandfather Dr John Dent and encouraged me with his spirited epistles. He also allowed me to publish correspondence between Dent and Burroughs. Mark Seaward, lichenologist and botanical historian, trac
ked down the recherché texts that conclusively linked Burroughs to the unravelling of the mysteries of yagé. Geoff Ward, Jill McArdle and Tom Flemons supplied essential detail of the one and only visit William Burroughs made to Liverpool.
Most editors of medical scientific books do little more than badger and harry the authors to deliver their chapters by deadline day. They rarely make suggestions as to how the content can be improved. In striking contrast and to my great relief, Kim Kremer, my editor, went through my manuscript rigorously and sensitively on three separate occasions and after each round of suggestions my readers were benefited.
My teachers and all the inspiring people with Parkinson’s disease I have had the honour to treat may be surprised by this story but I hope they will not feel betrayed. Without them there is no mystery.
Much of Mentored by a Madman: The William Burroughs Experiment was written in the contrasting but equally stimulating surroundings of the Caffé Paradiso on Store Street and the London Library in St James’s Square but the tale was conceived in Liverpool at Kerouacs on Smithdown Road.