Three Bears

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Three Bears Page 8

by A. Nybo

  “What the hell happened?” he asked. He reached up to release the bungee cords.

  “Why are you asking me? You were a witness to the incident. You’ve got as good an idea as I have,” I said.

  “I wasn’t the one that threw the wax in the back and impersonated an anchor by hurling myself from the car.” He shook his head in disbelief as he pulled the surfboard from the roof racks. “I have no idea what happened.”

  I brushed myself off and got back into the car. “Me either.”

  Unsure what I was likely to do next, I just wanted to get home and hide away for a while. Josh would already have gone to work, so I would have the house to myself.

  “Okay, well I’ll catchya later,” I said.

  “If conditions are right in the morning, do you want to surf?”

  “Nah. Might have a sleep in tomorrow. Haven’t had one of those for a while.”

  “No probs,” said Luke. “Let me know if you change your mind. Talk to you tomorrow.”

  I nodded and shut the door. I couldn’t go on like this. Soon I wouldn’t be able to leave the house for fear of making more of an idiot of myself than I already was.

  Chapter 8


  IT WAS ten at night when the phone rang. Dan’s name flashed on the screen, and my heart picked up a ragged beat, a mixture of fear and anticipation.

  “Hey, Dan,” I said as casually as I could manage.

  “I can’t do this anymore.” His stricken voice made me sit up on the edge of the couch.

  The fear I’d experienced was taking hold but for a completely different reason. “What, Dan? What can’t you do?”

  “I have to know.”

  “Okay. How can I help? What do you want me to do?”

  “I don’t know. What should I do?”

  “I can’t answer that for you, man. The decision has to be yours.” Realizing I was holding my breath, I released it as quietly as possible.

  “I want to be with him. I want to be with you. But I promised him. Fuck! I’m so confused.”

  “Okay, so I take it from that that you’re not interested in being with both of us.”

  “What? Isn’t that what I just said?”

  Dan was sucking me into his brain, and I was becoming as confused as he was. I cleared my throat. “At the same time I mean.”

  “Do you…?” he murmured. “Do you think that can happen?”

  “Do you want it to happen?” I held my breath waiting for an answer. If I didn’t breathe soon, I was going to pass out.


  I took the phone away from my mouth as I gasped for air and took a few steadying breaths. “Do you want to have a few days to think about it before I approach Josh? You can let it sit….”

  “No! I’ve been sitting with this whole thing for too long. I need to know!”

  “How about we try to organize something for this weekend?”

  “Yes. He doesn’t have to know does he?”

  “Huh?” What the hell? “Of course he has to know. He’s going to be there… isn’t he?”

  “I meant before the weekend. It’s just, it could be really uncomfortable.”

  “Don’t you think we should give him time to consider it?”

  “Oh God. What if he says no?”

  Fuckssake. Another tailspin. “If it’s any help, from what he’s said, I don’t think he’s opposed to threesomes.” Especially not this particular formation.

  “He’s had one before?”

  “Look, one of the most central things to any relationship is talking to each other.” I felt like a fucking marriage counselor. “Before we do anything, the three of us are gonna chat. You can ask any questions you need answered then. Okay?”


  “So how about we organize a chat on Friday night after Josh comes home, and we can go from there?”


  “Good. Are you gonna be okay until then?”

  “Of course.” His indignant tone was funny as it was only minutes since I’d answered the phone to someone so stricken, he sounded almost suicidal. No way I’d have it any other way, though. It was that intensity of emotion that made me want to just wallow in him. His experiences were so different from mine. I wanted to know them, touch them. God, the thought of running my fingers down his torso and just watching him react sent warmth flooding through me and made my balls tighten. The next three days were going to be hell.

  In my role as Pama Bear, I decided not to let on to Josh that any decision had been made until Friday. I waited until I was sure he’d gone to work, checked to make sure Dan was still on board, and then texted Josh. Got a minute? I guess he wasn’t interested in the preamble, because my phone rang.

  “Yup. What’s up?”

  “We have to have a chat with Dan tonight.”

  The protracted silence began making me nervous. “Why?” He was extremely leery.

  “Are you still interested?”


  “Don’t sound so enthusiastic, dude,” I said with sarcasm, “otherwise you’re going to frighten him off.”

  “Frighten him off? He said yes?” In those few words, the wariness was replaced by a kind of joyful elation.

  “Slow down, dude. He said he wants to try it, but as you can imagine, he’s a little scared. Mostly about you.”

  “Me? Why?”

  “Same reason you haven’t approached him. He doesn’t want to ruin the friendship. Look, I told him I’d ask you, and I told him that you weren’t opposed to threesomes necessarily, so be forewarned, he might ask you if you’ve had one. So if you have and it was with people you have in common, just have a think about how you want to handle that.” Shit, I was going to have to start charging for all this fabulous advice I was offering. Didn’t someone once say advice was always best given away because it was never useful to yourself? Well, if they didn’t, they should have, ’cause I couldn’t have agreed more.

  “Yep, no worries.”

  “So what time are you due to be home this afternoon? I’ll make sure I get there beforehand so Baby Bear doesn’t lose his shit.”

  I ARRIVED a little after four and found Dan sitting out on the edge of the deck. I went and sat in one of the sun lounges. He came and sat on the other one.

  “I don’t know how to do this,” he said.

  “I think that’s what they call discovery isn’t it?”

  “He’s going to come home, and it’s going to be awkward.”

  “Probably, but we’ll get through it. It’s not life or death.” Judging by Dan’s fidgeting, I don’t think he agreed.

  It wasn’t long before Josh arrived home. He came out onto the deck with three beers and passed one off to each of us before making himself comfortable in the deck chair.

  “Someone’s been drinking my beer,” I growled.

  Josh shot me such a venomous glare that I dropped the game, quick-smart. He didn’t think my Pama Bear impersonation was funny. He glanced at Dan, who was studiously avoiding all eye contact. He reached across and put a stilling hand on Dan’s. “It’s okay,” he said. “Nothing’s going to happen you don’t want to happen.”

  Dan huffed out a breath. “I don’t know what I want to happen. No, well, I know what I want to happen, but I don’t know if it’s a good idea.”

  “What about it don’t you think is a good idea?” I asked.

  “Any of it. What if it doesn’t go well?”

  “Then we chalk it up to experience and move on. Just like anything else.” Guessing he was going to reopen the friendship box, I tried to head it off. “All your thinking about it has ended with you here. Nothing is going to change if we walk away from it now, so you’ll just keep thinking about it. The alternative is we do it, and then you’ll know for better or worse, and you can move on from there.”

  “I don’t want to lose the friendship we have,” he directed at Josh.

  “Me either,” Josh admitted. “So let’s make sure that regardless of w
hat happens here, we talk about it, eh?”

  “Okay,” agreed Dan. “This all seems weirdly formal. Is it always like this with guys?”

  I grinned, “No. It’s never like this, but this isn’t your average situation.” For one, Dan was involved. “There’s more at stake here, and it’s a lot better to know where we all stand before any postsex awkwardness sets in.”

  “I agree,” said Josh.

  “So what happens now?” Dan asked.

  “Well, I think you’ve kinda got free rein here,” I said, “At any point you can approach either one of us knowing you’re not going to get knocked back.” I grinned. “What more could a guy want?”

  “So I have to start it?” Dan looked so nervous I half expected him to bolt.

  “You don’t have to do anything, Dan,” said Josh. “Just know the option is there.”

  And then Dan did something I did not see coming.

  As if he’d done it a thousand times, he rose and, walking over to Josh, straddled him in the sun lounge. The look on Josh’s face was almost comical. It was clear he hadn’t seen it coming either. Dan leaned in and lightly pressed his lips to Josh’s, who seemed to take longer than I would have expected to warm to the kiss. My suspicion that he was feeling overly cautious was confirmed when his hands, oh so tentatively, went to rest on Dan’s thighs.

  I settled in to watch the show. Since they had both admitted to having a thing for the other, I figured once they became a little more comfortable, they would get hot and heavy, and it would all be over fairly quickly.

  They were very gentle with each other, and I watched as Josh slid his hands up to cup Dan’s buttcheeks. He squeezed them, and it was like the action was a green light for Dan to let go. He groaned into Josh’s mouth and ground against him in a way that gave me an instant boner, and judging by the sudden urgency that took hold of Josh, it had done the same to him. Dan’s reaction had set us both on fire.

  Gone were Josh’s hesitant actions. He was holding Dan to him like he was scared a piece of paper might slide between and separate them, and Dan looked like he loved it. When Josh gyrated his hips, my cock flexed, and I slid my hand into my boardies. If they could cause this reaction within me before they had even breached each other’s jocks, I was in trouble. I was going to end up coming apart before either of them did. This was so much hotter than anything I could have imagined.

  Then Josh stood up, lifting Dan with him like he was little more than a mannequin. Jesus, he was strong! Dan’s legs went around him, and he clung to him like a koala. Josh caught my eye and jerked his head signaling me to go with them. Delivering intermittent kisses, he carried Dan into his room and kissed him at length before depositing him on the bed. “Clothes off,” said Josh, and neither he nor I hesitated, but Dan dallied.

  When I glanced at Josh, the spark of mischief in his eye and the move to lie beside Dan encouraged me to do the same. It was obvious the idea was to make Dan sorry he hadn’t stripped when he had the opportunity. Josh began kissing him while I allowed my hands to roam down over him and along his inner thigh. He whimpered and bucked against air as I made sure he had nothing to rub against. His growing frustration was sexy as fuck to watch, but my own frustration was growing just watching him kiss and writhe.

  I rubbed his crotch, and he pressed up into my hand. I nearly laughed when Josh began to take Dan’s shirt off. His excitement had gotten the better of him too, and he’d cast aside the intention to make Dan sorry for not stripping. Dan was clearly enjoying what was going on, but I was still uncertain about making any move to take his boardies off. Obviously Josh felt the same as I heard him whisper by Dan’s ear, “Take your shorts off.” When he moved to do just that, we both gave him room. As he lay back down again, Josh and I kissed over the top of him giving him a clear view.

  We soon moved our attention back to Dan, and as I had fantasized so many times, I licked my finger and ran it down Dan’s torso. A shudder visibly ran through him as he exhaled a short moan, causing my cock to pulsate painfully. The sound was the first that would end up filling the room with emotion. God, it was everything I had imagined it would be. I couldn’t wait to try all the other things with him, with Josh.

  Despite our attempts to take everything slow, twenty minutes later the three of us were lying splayed around Josh’s king-sized bed in various stages of completed satiation. Dan lay with a leg entangled with Josh’s while he massaged my scalp. I was so relaxed I didn’t even know what body part or whose it was that I was gently kneading. Josh lay with his head on Dan’s chest, delivering the occasional kiss. The vibe was so peaceful and gratifying.

  Then Dan threw us both for six—again.

  Chapter 9


  “I THINK in the next round we should fuck,” I said. It was something I’d spent a lot of time fantasizing about, and if I was going to live out a fantasy or two, I sure wanted to include this one. I grinned at the worried expression on Josh’s face, but Luke seemed up for it, albeit a little surprised by my announcement.

  “As in penetrative?” Josh asked. “Are you sure you want to do that?”

  “Sure. Don’t you?”

  “Before we go any further with this conversation I’ll just let you know, I’m a pure top,” he said.

  “Vers,” supplied Luke.

  “Me too,” I said. Both their heads shot up to look at me. “What?”

  “How do you know if you’ve never been with a guy before?” asked Josh.

  “Haven’t you ever heard of pegging?”

  Luke burst into laughter. “You two are a riot.”

  “Why?” Josh sounded a little miffed.

  “We have a gay guy who doesn’t sound too keen on anal, and a straight guy who loves it so much he has his girlfriend fuck him. Just sayin’. The two of you are stereotype busters.” Luke looked up at me. “If you’re into it so much, then how come it’s taken you so long to be with a guy?”

  Amongst a million others, that question had plagued me for years. “You think one orgasm with a couple of guys, and I’ll suddenly know the meaning of life?” I asked. “Aside from crushing on Josh for a year or five, I have never been into blokes per se. It was you that really threw me into a completely new confusion,” I confessed.

  “Me?” asked Luke.

  “Until that first surf lesson where you touched me to move my foot on the surfboard, it was only ever Josh I wanted, but your touch did the same thing to me as his.”

  “Jesus, Dan,” said Josh. “You refuse to speak about anything for years and all of a sudden you’re prepared to bare it all?”

  After all those times he had tried to pry my feelings from me, the discomfort my revelations caused him was surprising. “It only looks that way from where you’re standing. From where I am, this is all old news. Except the part with Luke, that is.”

  “So?” Luke directed at Josh. “You in? No pun intended, but since it’s there.” He waggled his eyebrows. “We could have a Dan sandwich.”

  His lewd grin left me in no doubt it was something he really wanted, and I had to admit, it held a lot of appeal for me too.

  Josh stretched up and led me into a languid kiss. “Is that something you want?”

  “Yes. Do you?”

  He kissed me again and taking my hand, pressed it to his erection. “Guess.” Whether it was the idea of having him in me, or his warm breath that brushed across my neck as he spoke, the shiver that ran through me went straight to my groin.

  “Where ya hiding the tools of the trade?” asked Luke.

  Josh rolled over to the bedside table and rummaged through a drawer. When he rolled back, he dropped some lube and condoms on the bed. He rubbed his erection against my thigh. “God,” he said, “I think I’m going to die a heavenly death.” His groan sent a shudder of anticipation through me. He ran a hand over my hip and kissed my cheek. The next thing I knew, Luke was palming my cock in a slow rhythm.

  In my wildest dreams, I hadn’t expected how thrilling it was having a
hard body like Josh’s pressed against me in a sexual way. Of all the things I’d considered about being with a guy, the sensation of all that muscle being wrapped around me hadn’t been one of them. But, Jesus, I loved it!

  Josh rolled me onto my side away from him so I was facing Luke, who lured me into a slow, erotic kiss. Josh shimmied in behind me, and sliding one arm beneath me, locked it from beneath my arm up across my opposing shoulder. The other he slid over my waist and ran down over my thighs. His cock was nestled along my butt crack, and he slowly thrust as he bit and licked at the crook of my neck. Fuck, I was in paradise—especially when he breathed his pleasure just behind my ear.

  Taking hold of Luke’s cock, I stroked him at the same slow rhythm he’d set with me, but the two of them had me so wired, anticipatory nerve endings were firing constantly. I grabbed for the lube, and smothering my fingers, I thoroughly coated Luke’s balls and cock before sliding my fingers over his taint and around his rim. The slight hitch I caught in Luke’s breathing told me how excited and ready for the next step he was. I slid a finger inside him.

  My hand was removed from Luke, and a surprised laugh escaped me when I was suddenly dragged away. My face was pressed to the sheets while my butt was yanked up in the air. I was about to go in search of Luke’s warmth again when Josh rubbed his jaw against my buttcheek and the sensation of stubble rasping across my skin made me moan. Josh nipped my buttcheek, and I jerked forward a little, but then he licked and kissed the area as if to soothe away the sting. “Again.” I almost didn’t recognize my own voice it was so husky. He nipped my other buttcheek at the exact same time Luke tweaked a nipple, and I nearly keeled over from the weakness of pleasure.

  I tried to concentrate on prepping Luke, but it was difficult as hell with the magic Josh was spinning within me as he prepared me. His touch was so self-assured, and he seemed to know exactly how much pressure to exert to draw out maximum pleasure. His was a harsher, wilder touch than Luke’s gentle, calming one, and together they were driving me crazy.


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