Seducing the Heiress

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Seducing the Heiress Page 12

by Martha Kennerson

  Before Francine had an opportunity to reply to Farrah’s statement, the second door in the room opened and two stocky guards walked in, escorting a handcuffed Alexia Gray. She wore the required orange jumpsuit and her long dark hair was plaited in a single braid that hung down her back. Even in chains and enhanced by no makeup, the dark-eyed, olive-skinned woman looked beautiful. Alexia stopped the moment she saw the sisters. She turned her back on both women and demanded, “Take me back. I’ve changed my mind. I don’t want to talk to them.”

  “Not even to hear a message from Blige?” Farrah offered, shifting her weight to her left foot, placing her right hand on her hip.

  Alexia quickly turned back around. “Blige,” she whispered. “You have a message from Blige?” Her gaze narrowed to slits. “How did you even know about her, let alone find her?”

  Farrah gestured to the chair across from Francine. “Come in and I’ll fill you in. Otherwise, you can return to your cell and wait for your trial to find out everything we know.” Farrah looked at her sister. “What, that’s like a year away at least, right?”

  “At least,” Francine said, keeping her focus on Alexia.

  “I’m not talking to both of you,” Alexia said, breaking eye contact with Francine and returning her attention to Farrah.

  “That’s not your call,” Farrah shot back.

  Alexia smirked as though she knew something they didn’t. “Is that so...”

  Francine stood and held up her right hand to stop the tirade she knew her sister was gearing up to rain down on Alexia. “I understand. I imagine it’s hard to face even one person whose life you tried to destroy, let alone two,” she said to Alexia, who refused to meet her gaze.

  “We don’t have a lot of time and I don’t need to be here for this. I’m sure you have everything under control.” Francine picked up her purse and turned to her sister. “Beside, we’re hungry, so I’ll meet you back at my place later.”

  Farrah nodded. “Good thing you drove. That way, you don’t have to wait to get those tacos you and those babies love so much.”

  “Don’t get too crazy,” Francine warned as she walked out of the room.

  “I make no promises,” Farrah said, smiling at the familiar advice.

  Chapter 18

  Alexia frowned at Farrah, glaring. “What do you want? If it was your plan to humiliate me—fine. Just deliver your message from Blige and leave,” she commanded.

  “I don’t give a damn about your humiliation. That’s just an added bonus,” Farrah countered, taking the seat vacated by her sister. “No, I actually care about that poor girl you’ve pulled into your mess.”

  Alexia followed her lead, taking the chair across from her. “Blige has nothing to do with my business,” she said, placing her handcuffed hands on the table.

  “That’s not how the district attorney sees it. In fact, he’s ready to kill two birds with one stone. After all, that flash drive you left with her for safekeeping has enough evidence on it to put you both away for a very long time.”

  “Me, not Blige,” she said, leaning back in the chair.

  Farrah had to knock that relaxed look off Alexia’s face if she wanted to get the information she needed. “She had the evidence. Even after we round up all of your clients and partners in crime, that still might not be enough for him. Blige could have a lot of explaining to do,” Farrah said, finally seeing a flash of anxiety on the other woman’s face.

  “What do you want?” Alexia asked, sitting up in her chair.

  Farrah slammed her fist against the table. “You know damn well what I want,” she said through her teeth. “I want to know who hired you to destroy our business and why. I want the forger. And I especially want to know how you got past all my security.”

  Alexia leaned forward, a sly smile on her heart-shaped face. “You’re a smart girl. I thought you would’ve figured all that out by now.”

  Farrah stood, placed both palms flat on the table and stared down at Alexia. “I’m done playing games with you. You have five minutes to tell me everything I want to know, and I mean everything, or so help me, I’m going to make sure they arrest Blige as an accessory after the fact and a host of other things I’m sure I can come up with,” she said. “Then I’ll make sure they put her in a place where she can spend some quality time with women that will make sure she’s ready for prison when the time comes.”

  Even speaking such a threat caused Farrah’s anxiety to whip around in her belly like a hurricane. While it killed her to go this route, it was the only way to move Alexia. There was too much at stake for her not to use all the weapons at her disposal. Farrah could only hope that Alexia bought it because she didn’t think she could deliver anything more.

  All the color drained from Alexia’s face and her shoulders drooped in defeat. “I’ll give you what you want. Just leave Blige out of this.”

  Farrah returned to the seat. “On my word of honor, I’ll make sure no one ever finds out anything about Blige and that she spends the next few years safe, happy and enjoying the college experience.”

  Alexia settled back in her chair. “How do I know I can trust you?”

  Farrah raised her chin slightly. “I’m not the criminal in this scenario, remember?” she reminded through tight lips. “We found the forged documents. Who hired you to plant them? Are there any other attacks that I should know about? And is there someone out there picking up where you left off?” Farrah crossed her arms, a move she used to hide her trembling hands. She didn’t want Alexia to see how much that thought scared her. But Alexia’s silence worried her even more. “Start”

  Alexia looked down at her cuffed hands. “People who hire me don’t need backups. I’m usually pretty exceptional at what I do. However, I can’t speak for what they’re doing now that I’m...unavailable,” Alexia explained, lifting her gaze to meet Farrah’s, her lips spreading into a smile.

  Farrah stared at Alexia, fighting the urge to ask the guards to give her five minutes alone with her. “Who...hired you?”

  “I was hired by a middle man—or should I say, a middle woman. Her name is—”

  “Ruby Lee,” Farrah offered, shifting a little in her chair.

  “Yes but I don’t think that’s her real name. Check my files—”

  “We did that already. I need more,” Farrah demanded.

  “Look for a zip file on Lee Rugby,” she insisted. “It’s listed under my past clients. Everything you need to find her is there—bank account information, photos and multiple phone numbers.” Alexia glared at Farrah. “But be warned, she’s just the broker and she has a special kind of loyalty to her client. I don’t think she has anyone you can use against her like you’re using Blige against me,” she said sarcastically.

  “We’ll see about that.” Farrah stood to leave. “Not that you deserve this, but a deal’s a deal. Blige sends her love and she’s grateful for everything you’ve done for her. She says you’re like a sister to her. She’s really worried about you. I tried to assure her you were fine, but she’s just a kid, so...”

  Alexia turned her head away. After a few moments, she used her forearm to wipe away wayward tears. In spite of all the damage Alexia had caused, Farrah couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. The woman was losing someone she clearly cared about. “Look, it’s obvious you care about Blige.”

  Alexia leaned back in her chair and stared at Farrah through narrowed eyes. “You don’t know a damn thing about me...about us.”

  “There she is.” Farrah stood with her right hand on her hip. “That nasty woman with an evil soul that I hate with—”

  “Right back at you,” she spat back. “You just be sure to keep your end of the deal.”

  “Oh, I will. And if there’s any love left for that sweet girl in that horrible heart of yours, you would call her. Tell her t
o move on with her life and forget all about you,” she said, pointing at her. “I’m going to do everything in my power to keep her out of this mess and so should you,” Farrah said before walking out the door.

  * * *

  Francine stared at the six different shades of beige and gray paints on the wall earmarked as the accent wall and rubbed her belly. “All right, guys, what do you think? Daddy says they’re all basically the same colors but he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”

  Farrah walked into the enormous baby suite and gasped. “Are you crazy? Of course you are, you’re talking to yourself,” she taunted as she rushed to her sister’s side. “Why on earth are you standing on a stepladder holding a paintbrush? Should you even be around those fumes?”

  Francine’s forehead crumpled. She reluctantly took her sister’s hand and let her guide her down the two steps. “First of all, I wasn’t talking to myself. I was talking to my babies. Second, I was barely off the ground and the paint’s not toxic. There isn’t even a smell,” Francine said, settling into one of the four matching wingback rocking chairs.

  Farrah sat in the chair next to her sister, kicked off her shoes and took a deep breath. “You’re right, there isn’t a smell. Now why do you have four of the exact same style rocking chair?”

  Francine laughed. “You sound like Meeks. I liked both the gray and the cream, but I wasn’t sure which one I wanted to go with, so I decided what the hell, and got them both.” She leaned back and slowly started to rock. “Enough of all that, so tell me what happened? What did you find out?”

  Farrah spent the next twenty minutes rehashing her discussion with Alexia, including the threat she’d had to make against Blige. “I still feel sick about having to say those things about Blige.” Farrah rubbed her temples with both hands.

  “That kid really got to you, didn’t she?” Francine asked, her eyebrows standing at attention.

  “I guess so. I did a little research on her and even though she was an only child, she wasn’t spoiled. She seemed to have had a normal, happy life until she lost her parents in that car crash.”

  “How did she get mixed up with Alexia in the first place?”

  Farrah shrugged. “All I know is that Alexia did some type of work for her parents. So I guess she felt some kind of concern about the fact that she was orphaned and took her in. Set up a lucrative trust fund for her and sent her to school.”

  Francine’s gaze fell to the massive wedding ring resting on her left finger before scanning the different-sized family photos that covered nearly every wall and ultimately landing on the two Mommy’s & Daddy’s Angel shirts she’d recently purchased. All signs of parents who wanted to provide a happy beginning for the children they were bringing into the world. “I agree. We should keep an eye on her. Make sure she stays out of trouble and doesn’t let what Alexia did become her path in life.” Francine released a deep sigh. “Now, what are we doing to find Lee Rugby?”

  “Robert’s going back over the files now.”

  “Robert...” Francine sang.

  “Yes. Robert...and why are you singing his name and looking at me like that?”

  “Oh, I don’t know, maybe because your face seems to light up whenever you’re around him these days. Has anything changed on that front?”

  Farrah exhaled noisily, realizing that her sister wouldn’t let it go until she got answered. “We had dinner and watched the game at his place last night, and it was fun.”

  “That’s good.”

  “I guess,” she replied, looking down at her hands.

  “What is it?”

  “’s just...” Farrah closed her eyes briefly. “Nothing’s happening. I mean, he kissed me a few times, but then he walked me to my car and sent me home.”


  “I just thought...” She paused as several wicked scenarios whipped through her mind. “Never mind what I thought.”

  “You thought you’d be rocking the sheets before halftime,” Francine said, bursting into laughter. “Didn’t he say he wanted more from you than just sex?”

  “Yes, but—”

  “And didn’t you say there’s more to him than you thought?” She held up her hand. “Don’t say a word because we both know the answer.”

  Farrah huffed.

  “So why are you trying to keep him in that shallow box that he clearly doesn’t belong in? Let the man show you he can offer you more than—”

  “A series of amazing orgasms,” she replied, placing a dramatic hand over her heart.

  “I’m serious,” Francine said.

  “So am I.”

  “I’m going to give you the same advice you gave me about Meeks a while ago,” Francine said, pulling down the light throw blanket from the back of her chair and adjusting it over her stomach. “It’s pretty obvious that you two have some seriously intense feelings for each other. In fact, I think you’re in love with him and that scares the hell out of you.”

  Farrah gave a noncommittal shrug.

  “I know you’re still angry about him forcing the board to bring in another attorney to handle the case, but you do see he was only trying to protect you...and your career, right?” Francine’s eyebrows furrowed. “And it’s a good thing he did, too, considering everything we’ve found.”

  “If we can’t prove that I wasn’t negligent in my initial work and security, my career will be damaged anyway,” she said, resting her head back against the chair.

  “Don’t worry, sis. Everything’s going to be fine. Of course, that will mean Robert was right about his instinct to protect you.”

  “I know,” she said in a voice barely above a whisper.

  Francine chuckled as she said, “I hate it when Meeks is right, too.” She chortled. “Sweetie, I just want you to be happy. I think you should follow your own advice and let go of your fears. Talk to Robert. You might be surprised by the results. Now, come help me out of my chair so I can go make us a snack. I’m hungry.”

  “You’re always hungry,” Farrah shot back.

  “It’s not’s them.”

  “Hmm.” Farrah smiled as she watched Francine walk out of the nursery, talking to her babies as she was left with thoughts of the last time she followed her sister’s advice and let go.


  Chapter 19

  “You want some peach tea?” Farrah heard her sister ask, breaking her connection to the past.


  Francine’s forehead creased with worry. “What in the world were you just thinking about? You’re all red...and blushing.”

  “Nothing, it’s just hot in—”

  “No, it’s not,” Francine shot back, her frown deepening.

  “I have to go,” she said, checking the wall clock, thankful that their triplet connection was off today; otherwise, Francine would have a pretty good idea as to why she was blushing. “I have to get back to the office. I have a meeting with Fletcher Scott.”

  Francine’s head whipped to Farrah. “Fletcher? Why, what’s up?”

  “I’m having him check into something for Felicia. No big deal.”

  “We sure keep Fletcher busy with all our personal stuff, don’t we? What’s going on?” Francine asked, taking her seat again.

  “Do you remember Felicia’s old medical school roommate, Valarie Washington?”

  Francine nodded. “The girl who Felicia called Mega-Brain because she never really studied. She just really seemed to know the answers to everything.”

  “That’s the one,” Farrah confirmed. “Well, she died and left our baby sister her estate...her multimillion-dollar estate,” she said, placing her hand on her hip.

  “She died?” Francine whispered. “I’m sorry to hear that. How?”


  “I remember her being really cool. Wait, did you say her estate?” Francine asked, rubbing her sides with the palms of her hands. “If I remember correctly, she was a foster kid going to school on the state’s dime and scholarships. I think she became a pediatrician. Wow, she must’ve done really well for herself.”

  “She did, but the money came from her husband. She married well and divorced even better.”

  “So what are you having Fletcher looking into?”

  “The firm that’s handling the estate,” Farrah replied, gathering her things to leave. “We just need to make sure everything’s on the up-and-up before Felicia travels across the world for the appointment.”

  “Why can’t you just handle it for her?”

  “One of the stipulations in the will is that she show up in person to collect her inheritance.”

  “I see.”

  Farrah offered her sister her hand. “Need help getting up before I go? I’d hate to think of you stuck in that chair until Meeks or Peggy gets back,” she teased.

  “I’m fine, thank you very much,” Francine said in a sour tone. “I can get myself up. It’ll just take a minute...or two...” she grimaced, adding, “...or three. You must’ve really been lost in your thoughts not to hear Peggy return several minutes ago. She’s putting away the groceries and finishing up my snack.” Francine put her feet up on the chair’s matching ottoman. “I swear she’s just as bad at hovering as Meeks.”

  “Why did he insist on hiring you a babysitter anyway? Everyone’s either a phone call or elevator ride away.”

  “The closer I get to my due date, the more worried he becomes,” she replied. “Since he can’t be with me twenty-four-seven, and with the new celebrity protection case in full swing, he can’t put an agent on me, Peggy is the next best thing. Besides, marriage is as much about compromise as it is about making each other happy,” Francine stated, rocking. “It makes him happy, knowing Peggy is here helping me out when he’s not. I compromised by allowing him to hire her for a few hours a day.” Francine picked up the teddy bear that sat on the side table and stroked the soft material. “Anyway, she’s sweet and very helpful.”


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